Can (ligament) stretching effect erect angle?


Active member
Nov 9, 2018
On the Net I've noticed that the ligaments are helpful with erect angle.

To tight ligaments (it's genetic) are causing an erection like those that their glans touches the belly (they mostly have pain during sex)

A loos weak ligament (it's genetic) causes a fully erect penis that isn't errected. (It stays pointing to the ground while errect) they mostly have problems slipping out of the vagina during sex.

I have a good straight forward angle when errect and it looks good for me. And I don't want this to get lost pointing down. Despite any gains, I don't want this.

But are the (firm/hardcore) stretching exercises ( for 1 year or more) effecting this? because I think the ligs are getting weaker. Thus the angle will change downwards?

The upcoming year a want to focus on length via extender (stretching the tunica) and girth, clamp jelq, (expending the tunica). When hitting a plateau with the tunica then I'll consider to get the gains out of my ligs. Via stretching and LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging.

Because I'm careful now with especially the down the cheek stretches, and stretches where the stretchgrib is at the base and advanced hanging (hanging is mostly downward also) these 3 seem to target the ligaments directly

Any hardcore stretch veteran who've noticed an angle drop after this kind of PE?


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It’s strange I’ve always done down word heavy work but I’ve only increased my erection angle it’s never lowered. This is why I never put stock in the lot theory because in my case it made no sense. As far as lot was concerned I could not make any more gains stretching downward. After I heard that i gained two more inches stretching downward! But through all that work my erection angle never dropped it actually went up a few degrees.
It’s strange I’ve always done down word heavy work but I’ve only increased my erection angle it’s never lowered. This is why I never put stock in the lot theory because in my case it made no sense. As far as lot was concerned I could not make any more gains stretching downward. After I heard that i gained two more inches stretching downward! But through all that work my erection angle never dropped it actually went up a few degrees.
Hmm I guess I'll do the lig thing when plateau is hit for every tunica exercise, still a long way though, year plus.

Thx dld
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Hmm I guess I'll to the lig thing when plateau is hit for every tunica exercise, still a long way though, year plus.

Thx dld

Not a problem my brother. Don’t think of this as years or even months or even weeks, think of this in days. Whenever I worry too much about the future I become anxious and things don’t go as well as they should. Similarly when I think too much of the past I become depressed. But when I’m able to keep everything in the moment it’s all good. We need to learn how to relax and not think of things in such long periods, just be still and realize today is all you have. Tomorrow is not promised and you can’t change your past.
It’s strange I’ve always done down word heavy work but I’ve only increased my erection angle it’s never lowered. This is why I never put stock in the lot theory because in my case it made no sense. As far as lot was concerned I could not make any more gains stretching downward. After I heard that i gained two more inches stretching downward! But through all that work my erection angle never dropped it actually went up a few degrees.

Dld thats exactly my experience! I have gained 1.4 inch in length only from simple downward stretching and fulcrum stretching also in downward direction and my erection angle never lowered.
Dld thats exactly my experience! I have gained 1.4 inch in length only from simple downward stretching and fulcrum stretching also in downward direction and my erection angle never lowered.
Well I think you're totally not helpfull for the PE world. You did your thing and stuff but never encouraged others and never posted your progress and exercises. And now you here saying you've gained 1.5inch from stretching.

It's your choice of course, but I don't pay attention to guys like you when I look for answers
Not a problem my brother. Don’t think of this as years or even months or even weeks, think of this in days. Whenever I worry too much about the future I become anxious and things don’t go as well as they should. Similarly when I think too much of the past I become depressed. But when I’m able to keep everything in the moment it’s all good. We need to learn how to relax and not think of things in such long periods, just be still and realize today is all you have. Tomorrow is not promised and you can’t change your past.
Exactly bro. But I mean I won't do it till all the gains came frome the tunica first (stretch tunica plateau for lenght like extending etc and expand tunica plateau for girth like jelq en clamp etc)

If that plateau is over 6 months or over 6 years, I won't do ligs before that, is what I meant
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Dld thats exactly my experience! I have gained 1.4 inch in length only from simple downward stretching and fulcrum stretching also in downward direction and my erection angle never lowered.

Outstanding gains, congrats!
Thanks for the input and I am sure we all look forward to more information on your experiences.

Over half of my gains came from extenders and I still point straight up.
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Outstanding gains, congrats!
Thanks for the input and I am sure we all look forward to more information on your experiences.

Over half of my gains came from extenders and I still point straight up.

Thank you Mike i appreciate your support. I have post my progress in an other forum because there i discovered about PE. But i really like the brotherhood atmosphere that Dld and other guys have established here.
I only do downward stretches and prefer the lowest erection angle possible...walking slowly toward a woman with it swinging side-to-side :)
Dld thats exactly my experience! I have gained 1.4 inch in length only from simple downward stretching and fulcrum stretching also in downward direction and my erection angle never lowered.
From my first read through lot theory I knew it was incorrect as I was complete and absolute outlier. Being off that much made lot theory simply unbelievable for me. And then to go on and prove it to myself I gained two additional inches with all downward stretching. My erection angle today is about 10° better than it was when I started. So lot theory to me is a whole lot of bullshit
These are from an medical document which does NOT contain encourage operations. They contain 2 full erected penises

It's talking about how the penis works and what is done around the world for clients.

And the surgeon's out there are always helping the clients by ligament operations only. Noting else.

In the picture who's erection is downwards they always tilting the ligs up. Because the ligs where to loose

In the picture where the glans is at the belly then they cut the lig entirely and make a fake lig in a way that holds the right angle.because the ligs where to tight

In articles like these (and no laymen articles, it's not like I heard people talk about it in forums) I find it confused if I should target the ligs with hardcore stretchin for a year.

That's why I asked if there is anybody.

Dld's reply is that it doesn't. Thank you for that

But I always make a move when let's say 5 or 10 guys say so because PE Forums has 15.000 readers. I'll just wait if they come in this thread no matter how long, (because I do tunica PE only and that's more then a year work ☺) and say how there eretion angle was before (1year) of stretching work


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These are from an medical document which does NOT contain encourage operations.

It's taking about how the penis works and what is done around the world for clients.

They are always helping the clients by ligament operations only. Noting else.

In the picture who's erecting is downwards they always tilting the ligs up.

In the picture where the glans is at the belly then they cut the lig entirely and make a fake lig in a way that holds the right angle.

In articles like these (and no laymen articles) I find it confused if I should target the ligs with hardcore stretchin for a year.

That's why I asked if there is anybody.

Dld's reply is that it doesn't. Thank you for that

But I always make a move when let's say 5 or 10 guys say so because PE Forums has 15.000 readers. I'll just wait if they come in this thread no matter how long, and say how there eretion angle was before (1year) of stretching work

Let me just make myself clear though with this new information. If you get your ligament cut by a surgeon your erection angle will be suffer. You can expect to lose up to 30 to 40° by having an your ligament cut
Let me just make myself clear though with this new information. If you get your ligament cut by a surgeon your erection angle will be suffer. You can expect to lose up to 30 to 40° by having an your ligament cut
More then that i think it will drop entirely,
With midshaft parallel with your body downwards. The blood isn't so strong to get it up to forward pointing it seems, when your genetic erection is pointing downwards.

I find it odd that the blood and the ligs contribute to the erection angle. I thought the blood does that
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You would think so but there still is connective tissue to the pelvic floor muscles that will still hold part of the angle. But you’re gonna lose most of your erection angle if you have your ligament cut. DLD blasters were created so someone did not have to get the surgery. DLD blasters circumvent the ligament allowing you to stretch as if it was never there to begin with. And to the people that do not know DLD blasters methodology can be done with every stretch.
If I can throw my 2 cent here :
I'm part of the short ligament people wich put me with a high erection angle it look a bit like that curve (do not care about what the graphic is about )
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "courbe croissante"

And I feel like it a lowered a bit... let's say maybe 3-5° from stretching and forcing the jelqs not to follows the curve but making them into a straight line I just think it's not enough to make a point

But to be really usefull to this thread I shall return later on it.
Maybe in August... And I'll let you know if I notice some changes !
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In the upward erection they've cut his ligs and replace it with a sort of fake lig, to create a lig that holds the penis horizontal.

I guess the patient always thought that the more blood the more his glans goes to his belly until full erection

But when they made the ligs not so tight, the erection filled with blood like before but just stopped horizontal? weird hahaha
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That’s the best way to do it give it some time and see if things pan out. A lot of stuff in PE is testing and waiting, takes great patience to be a creator of exercise or tools as it takes much time to see if results will happen. So will keep this alive until you come back with some good results
If I can throw my 2 cent here :
I'm part of the short ligament people wich put me with a high erection angle it look a bit like that curve (do not care about what the graphic is about )
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "courbe croissante"'images pour "courbe croissante"

And I feel like it a lowered a bit... let's say maybe 3-5° from stretching and forcing the jelqs not to follows the curve but making them into a straight line I just think it's not enough to make a point

But to be really usefull to this thread I shall return later on it.
Maybe in August... And I'll let you know if I notice some changes !
I can live with a 3-5 drop. I'm straight forward now. But pointing to the ground or a 30 degree drop. Nope.

For you its okay and I wish you target the ligs with stretching expecially the base grip stretch. That seems to be a isolated ligs only exercise. More then midshaft or a grip at the glans stretching.

Maybe your angle will drop.

Even if it drops from a upward angle we will never know if this would occur with the penisses that have a horizontal angle either

Weird stuff
Yup, weird stuff indeed
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