Hey boss
Noticed you mentioned using bathmate for curvature correction. I’ve always had a slight left upward curve nothing bad that I actually like but when using bathmate at full erection it curves all the way so it’s touching on the left side. I’m just worried as I continue to grow that by the time I gain an inch or two it’ll have developed more worse curvature left. Any bathmate specific tips? Thanks.

Pumping erect is a great way to correct the curve but there are also other things you can do speed the process. I would say the most important thing would be to do erect jelqing against the curve. This is what I did and within 12 months I created an upward curve. So the same process I used to create a curve you use to reduce and eliminate the curve. If you have the MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System you can use a slim tube to pump erect for even greater results.
Curvature correction brings a few options but when all are employed correction is much faster.

1. Stretch against the curve
2. Jelq against the curve or use DLD Bends to target the specific area
3. Where your SizeGenetics in a Straight Out Position as much as possible
4. Be sure to use balance in all exercise, masturbation or tool use. Favoring one side to the other can further the issue.
5. Heat and deep tissue massage to the effected area to help break down the plaque causing the bend.
6. BathMate pumping will have a great eggiest on curve correction, especially when pumping erect.

I actually got my own curve from masturbation. I believe masturbation might have caused a curve for so many men out there in this world.
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