Blisters and the frenulum bubble


Yes, you are correct. As FSL gets longer, EL will follow a little later on. You first start noticing gains in flaccid length, then flaccid stretched length, and finally, erect length.

I really dislike talking about girth in terms of diameter. Whatever your circumference is mid-shaft, you want to have expansion of at least 1/2 inch above that when you are done. If that is the case, and you are still not getting thicker, you may want to try doing a little extra girth work.

Of you can barely fill up the tube at 2.0, then either get a larger tube, or try clamping or doing Extreme Uli's. Be very careful with EU's though, they can be extremely dangerous.

Do not go beyond your limits and injure yourself. Listen to your body. When it is telling you that it is time to back off, you should back off.

You said that "eventually is not a #". Well, I cannot give you a precise number for when you will reach a certain goal. Nobody can. There are too many factors to consider, and everyone is different. How tight your ligaments are, tensile strength of collagenous tissues, consistency, technique, experience, etc.... If you want some idea, you can check scientific studies for extenders, find out what the average gain in EL was over a six month period, and that should be fairly close as to how much you can expect to gain. But to give you an EXACT number? I'm sorry, that is just not possible. Even in those studies, with everyone doing the same amount of work, their results are different. You will find out for yourself how much you will gain in 6 months time, and that should give you an idea of how long it will take to make future gains based on the evidence.

You seem to be a very impatient individual. It is okay, we have all been down that road. After a while, you realize that this takes a lot of time, dedication and consistency. If you can't put yourself in the right mindset and accept the fact that this is literally going to take many years, then you will always be impatient and upset. You cannot expect your body to change on your own terms. It will happen when it happens. It is a gradual process. So please, don't do anything crazy. Just do your routine, keep at it, create a progress thread, and try and stay motivated.

I do not know what else to tell you.

Good luck.
You can tell me what clamping is and extreme ulis and eus that you say are dangerous-It is 5”streched out around the middle-so 1/2 above that-is that all i can ever expect to get in girth is 51/2”around-it is thicker erect though. how do you not get the water you are talking about and even seems like excvess skin is getting sucked up in their.
You are not impatient, interesting. How about this I am 58-very close to the end of the road maybe that is where the difference comes from. OK-for all the science I have seen it has been 1.9”in 6 months-length-I havent seen anything on girth anywhere-only 6,000 surgeries that do not look well after the surgery and dont seem like hey will work like the ligament cutting.
Now the issue is this 1.9”-never above that is in different lenghts 1 says 4 hrs, another is 6 hrs and the other is 12 hrs a a day-all are non stop everyday without any gradual build up period and no extra using weights or lentghmasters or anything but the ads and they do not specify what the ads is. I assume it is the typical thing that looks like the stealth master but the size dr is much better than them.
But according to you, the time is your and you are talking different ligament strength, collagen… ligaments I am an expert at stretching and all my joints are way overstretched thru a scinetific method and martial arts and yoga where you are almost just forced, at least in TKD. But it cant be all ligament, or else you could just tie it to your leg and let it yank gradually further and further and stretching always involves some level of pain just like lifting weights does. You could also just sit there and do extreme strectching for a few hours a few x a month. That is what I would do that got me to further than splits.
2 factors I am concerned about is the urethra-so now problem occur fro stretching it inches longer than it was and this frenulum thing is very tight and a mass gourd of skin ballons up around it when I use the lengthmaste and it just seems to be holding it back. I found you cant just cut it but heard about tying it off which seems dangerous is there a specific frenulum stretcher
Also if you cant use your hands in the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) then what are you supposed to do
Thanks fror writing back and what happened to DLD-I am to long-winded and you hate people writing in caps?

You can tell me what clamping is and extreme ulis and eus that you say are dangerous

On the main page, scroll down and click on "device forum". There, you will find the clamping forum, and you can read all about it.
EU's are similar to clamping, except they are more intense. Long story short, it is just a one inch long flexible PVC pipe with a section of it removed (looks like a "C"). You round off the edges and put a hose clamp over it. Then, after wrapping the base, you would stimulate yourself as you're tightening down.
I suggest you read the clamping thread to learn more about it.
If I were you, I would just look into clamping. Forget EU's. Learn how to clamp first. It is safer.

It is 5”streched out around the middle-so 1/2 above that-is that all i can ever expect to get in girth is 51/2”around-it is thicker erect though.

I am talking about erect girth. You want to be around a half inch more in erect girth after your session.

how do you not get the water you are talking about and even seems like excvess skin is getting sucked up in their.

I don't know about the skin getting sucked in, but fluid retention is completely normal after girth work. You can milk it after your session without getting engorged; this will help in removing excess fluid a bit quicker. Kind of like a deep tissue massage, but without excess blood in the shaft. It will go away on its own, usually by the next day.

frenulum thing is very tight and a mass gourd of skin ballons up around it when I use the lengthmaste and it just seems to be holding it back. I found you cant just cut it but heard about tying it off which seems dangerous is there a specific frenulum stretcher

Do not cut anything. Ever. I told you before, and I'll tell you again: you are doing WAY TOO MUCH. That is why you are having problems; blisters, pain, etc. Why do you insist on torturing yourself? You will not gain more by suffering than not suffering. I told you, you need to simplify, or you will keep running into a wall. Choose between LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and extender. Do not do both.
Too many guys have illusions about "more is better," "go big or go home," and all of that nonsense. This is not the gym. You are not building muscle, you are stretching tissue. It is a completely different ball game, but most guys approach this with the same mindset as they would training. And guess what, they'll do 10 hours a day, all in, blah, blah, blah, macho bullshit, and you never hear from them again 6 weeks later. Oh, maybe they'll come back a year later, all fired up again, with high T energy, and quit again after two months because they're not getting the results they expected. I have done all of that myself, so I understand it. A word of advice: slow and steady wins the race.
You must simplify your routine.
I dont need any philosophy from you, my brother is the master of that. Go big or go home is not what I am talking about.Psychologically after 30 years of therapy, i know that what you have doesnt matter and i am sure the average woman is fine with 6”by 5”. These are not the women I get with. They have all been with much bigger guys and the requirement isnt about are you big enough as in “are you man enough”But Are you big enough to not fall out while we are going for it, thats the deal. So, I would tell a shrink-you are wrong this isnt a psych problem. I had no problem for 45 years as it is but I dont know what happened the game has changed I guess. At least for me.
The clamping sounds a bit insane. I aint cutting anything, though I would like to tie it off, and you have made it clear that it will take longer than 6 months-at least I am aware of the facts now. I will take your word, that you and all these others arent involved in some money making scam to sell all this equipment and you can actually get bigger, not to “Go big or go home”but to do the job(yes the job-this aint about love, passion romance anymore-those days are long gone).
Now why would I have the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and not use it before the ads or the weights before the ads. This is why I got all this shit. The stuff I read said do the lm and then attach, i even read Ï am working on a way to stay stretched over night. Ok this must not be DLD-I read his programs and it was way different then how you are talking. I watched those videos and from what I heard he went pretty fanatical and extreme.
I dont care about blisters and pain. As a matter of fact I am trying to figure out an acceptable amount of pain for everything I do in my life.On top of that I have constant or chronic pain anyway so fuck.
Anyways, you have been great, the only person who really answered my questions and taught me some things and gave some ok advice-I couldnt go in an easy manner, if I was already huge-that is just not me. I have already chilled a bit. I waited until this enormous blister healed befor going longer than 2 hours and I didnt use a vacuum. Hydro -colloidal bandages.
Who is gash-king and what is Hmmm about
Thank you,
I dont like this eu or clamping idea though

I am a registered member here for 6 years and have never posted anything until a few days ago. Trust me, I am not here to sell you anything, haha. Just here to help.

I am happy to hear that you've chilled a bit; however, you should care about getting blisters and having pain. If that is happening, it means that you are overdoing it, or you are not currently conditioned to whatever routine you are doing. Conditioning can take a lot of time, depending how intense your routine is.

All I am saying is to tone it down a bit, condition your tissues, and see if you can add more stress later. You have to do it gradually, not all at once, thinking that more is better.

If you insist on using all the tools you have, then fine. But if you're having problems like pain, blisters, etc... then that is not good. At that point you need to make some adjustments.

Most people here are following DLDs suggestions, such as using the LM to break down tissue, followed by wearing an ADS to heal in an extended state. I have no issue with this at all. However, please realize that it will take some time for your body to adjust, and you would be wise to listen to your body when it tells you to back off.

I personally believe in focusing on length first, and doing girth afterwards, for many reasons. But I am not here to convince you of anything. You do whatever you feel is best for you.

Anyways, it has been nice talking to you. I wish you all the best in your journey. If you have anymore questions, you can always ask.

On a side note, I always thought that the older a guy gets, the less he gives a shit about what others think. So, I am kind of surprised that you are putting yourself through all of this at 58, strictly for the size queens out there. Fuck them. If they don't like what they see, then find someone else. Have you seen some of the dildos out there that women use? You will never be able to compete with those sizes. EVER. Do it for you, for your own satisfaction. The rest is just a bonus. That is how I look at it, anyway.

Take care, brother. And good luck. Hopefully, DLD will answer you soon.


I am a registered member here for 6 years and have never posted anything until a few days ago. Trust me, I am not here to sell you anything, haha. Just here to help.

I am happy to hear that you've chilled a bit; however, you should care about getting blisters and having pain. If that is happening, it means that you are overdoing it, or you are not currently conditioned to whatever routine you are doing. Conditioning can take a lot of time, depending how intense your routine is.

All I am saying is to tone it down a bit, condition your tissues, and see if you can add more stress later. You have to do it gradually, not all at once, thinking that more is better.

If you insist on using all the tools you have, then fine. But if you're having problems like pain, blisters, etc... then that is not good. At that point you need to make some adjustments.

Most people here are following DLDs suggestions, such as using the LM to break down tissue, followed by wearing an ADS to heal in an extended state. I have no issue with this at all. However, please realize that it will take some time for your body to adjust, and you would be wise to listen to your body when it tells you to back off.

I personally believe in focusing on length first, and doing girth afterwards, for many reasons. But I am not here to convince you of anything. You do whatever you feel is best for you.

Anyways, it has been nice talking to you. I wish you all the best in your journey. If you have anymore questions, you can always ask.

On a side note, I always thought that the older a guy gets, the less he gives a shit about what others think. So, I am kind of surprised that you are putting yourself through all of this at 58, strictly for the size queens out there. Fuck them. If they don't like what they see, then find someone else. Have you seen some of the dildos out there that women use? You will never be able to compete with those sizes. EVER. Do it for you, for your own satisfaction. The rest is just a bonus. That is how I look at it, anyway.

Take care, brother. And good luck. Hopefully, DLD will answer you soon.


What questions need answered?

There are a couple of questions on the first page that I replied to, but I think he wants them answered by you.
You answered them DLD thanks but you just told me to chill out-like our friend above did in his last post before this very last one. Both of you clarified 1 thing for me. This aint no 6 month and I am done activity. That has to be removed from all the shit I see out there because everybody wants 6 months, because this task requires more time than just the 4-6 or 12 hours needed to stay attached or the money it takes to buy the initial product. Stuff breaks and wears out all the time which equals re-purchases. You need time to clean yourself and yiur equipment, time to apply the sleeves to the devices, the devices to you, the oils, the drops, spills. The time to stay attached or do any of the activities is not all the time required and like you said, you have to do your own personal experimentation. Ok
So, Grandmaster-it says you are new, 58 does not make any difference in what you think about people thinking about you.
However, you paid attention to my questions about this activity and answered me very clearly but you did not pay attention to what I said about why I am doing this. This is not about any size queens out there whatever the fuck that is. This about women who do this activity for a living and dont get to choose what size they will be working with. Now, if you have been screwing a 9”guy that morning and I come over with 6”and you are a pro-you dont say anything about it(although there are some comeddiene girls who can make you laugh without insulting you and they crack me up, even though they have said your “mighty penis willreally hurt me as a joke“,-only 2 of them ever did that and they made me laugh). So, none of them are Size queens but they are for lack of a better term “Queen Sized”(if any providers out there read this-I am not fucking insulting you so dont let this piss you off) and my 6”does not go in enough to stay in when it gets heavy, girth is also a problem, maybe more so-I dont know-it just pisses me off when it happens and then I am basically done.
Now you get it. If they laughed at me in a negative way, they would lose business. If they are smart-then I can laugh at myself-6”may be averagefor the American male and only 15% are 7”and 2% over 8“, but it seems small to me when I look at it. The problem is with the activity-which I consider my job. I have never run into a woman that actually said size matters and your not big enough (maybe 1 or 2). I have seen the didos and vibrators some women use but again the average vibrator is 6”and from the research women say 5.9”for husband 63/4’for 1 night stand. But like you said go to a sex shop and you will see 13”, 10”. 9”girth … Whatever -Fuck-you have me explaining myself to you.
When you get 58 I may be long dead but look for jvf1 if you are still here and then you can tell me about your life experience. Or guess what, you wont have to because you found this when you were young and I didnt even know this existed until I was this age and it actually didsnt exist in this professional way it seems until not very long ago, Grandmaster.
Whats up with the names you guys use?
Thanks you both have clarified everything and maybe I have clarified something for you. When I was younger it would have been cool to “look“ bigger, but it didnt matter for some reason back then and I would actually do nude modeling for Art schools in Phoenix and stayed at Blacks beach-nude beach in San Diego for months at a x without any thought of getting bigger. Hah! Life Changes dont it!

I am glad we clarified something for you.

I think I understand where you're coming from now.

Good luck in your journey, and if you have anymore questions, we would be happy to help you.

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I am glad we clarified something for you.

I think I understand where you're coming from now.

Good luck in your journey, and if you have anymore questions, we would be happy to help you.


Good luck 👍 is right
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