Bioshock road to length gains


Feb 12, 2010
Hey All,

Good to be part of this site. I am eager to dive into penis enlargement and this seems to be a really supportive community so I hope I can get some good advice.

In preparation for my honeymoon back in July, I bought a phallosan and have been wearing it inconsistently approximately 3-4 nights per week approx 5-6 hours at night in addition to 2-3 hours in the evening. Then I started having issues with a slow seal leak - I don't know exactly where it was coming from, but my glans would slowly retract out of the bell at night causing blistering around my meatus. In a search for answers and troubleshooting I came across this great site. After some searching around and inquires I decided to purchase the silistretcher2 package.

I have been playing around with both the phallosan and SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger for about a month now (same sort of regimen as above). My spouse has noticed firmer erections and my BPEL is larger than what I remembered currently 6.4" from what I remember being 6" before starting. However, I did not take a good measurement prior. Most noticeably for me though, is an increase in both my flaccid and BPFS length (which is currently sitting at 7"!!!) - although I wish this was translating to greater erect length.

I have done some reading through the forums on here especially SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory & DLD's SiliStretcher Exclusive Length Routine - SiliStretcher Exclusive Length Routine ?? - Matters of Size | Penis Enlargement, Body Modifications & Peyronies Forums

However, given the demands of my job (I am a surgery resident working long hours) I would not be able to reliably stick to an SRT routine. That is why I purchased the phallosan followed by the silistretcher to begin with to get some stretching in while sleeping, catching up on medical charting at the end of the day, or errands etc.

I was looking for some guidance as to how to restart a good reliable regimen that I would be compatible with my lifestyle i.e. not really able to go to the bathroom once an hour at work.

Time blocks I'm working with
8PM-10PM after work and gym but before bed I could do a couple minutes of stretching then wear the stretcher
10PM-5AM night-time wearing of stretcher
5AM-5:30AM could do a couple minutes of post stretcher exercise

6AM-7PM work: could possibly wear a silisleeve to help cement gains

I was thinking of doing something like the following, wanted to know people's thoughts...

8PM - 5-10 minutes of Bundled Stretches
8PM-10PM wear silistretcher (? what direction)

10PM-5AM wear silistretcher (? should I switch up direction based on day of the week?)
5AM 5-10 minutes of Expressive Stretches

6AM-7PM wear durosleeve at work to cement gains

This has generated a couple of questions:
What do you guys think of this regimen?
Should I pick a different direction to wear my silistretcher for each day of the week seeing as I will be mostly wearing it at night?
What is the difference in lbs between active and passive stretch? Do you recommend getting a siliscale to better measure this is this something that can be inferred?
Is it okay to get purple discoloration of the glans wearing the duro sleeve during the day?

Thanks in advance.

My current measurements. Planning on keeping you updated with monthly updates!


BPEL: 6.4"
BPFS: 7"
FL: 4.75"
PEC: 5"
Hey All,

Good to be part of this site. I am eager to dive into penis enlargement and this seems to be a really supportive community so I hope I can get some good advice.

In preparation for my honeymoon back in July, I bought a phallosan and have been wearing it inconsistently approximately 3-4 nights per week approx 5-6 hours at night in addition to 2-3 hours in the evening. Then I started having issues with a slow seal leak - I don't know exactly where it was coming from, but my glans would slowly retract out of the bell at night causing blistering around my meatus. In a search for answers and troubleshooting I came across this great site. After some searching around and inquires I decided to purchase the silistretcher2 package.

I have been playing around with both the phallosan and silistretcher for about a month now (same sort of regimen as above). My spouse has noticed firmer erections and my BPEL is larger than what I remembered currently 6.4" from what I remember being 6" before starting. However, I did not take a good measurement prior. Most noticeably for me though, is an increase in both my flaccid and BPFS length (which is currently sitting at 7"!!!) - although I wish this was translating to greater erect length.

I have done some reading through the forums on here especially SRT & DLD's SiliStretcher Exclusive Length Routine - SiliStretcher Exclusive Length Routine ?? - Matters of Size | Penis Enlargement, Body Modifications & Peyronies Forums

However, given the demands of my job (I am a surgery resident working long hours) I would not be able to reliably stick to an SRT routine. That is why I purchased the phallosan followed by the silistretcher to begin with to get some stretching in while sleeping, catching up on medical charting at the end of the day, or errands etc.

I was looking for some guidance as to how to restart a good reliable regimen that I would be compatible with my lifestyle i.e. not really able to go to the bathroom once an hour at work.

Time blocks I'm working with
8PM-10PM after work and gym but before bed I could do a couple minutes of stretching then wear the stretcher
10PM-5AM night-time wearing of stretcher
5AM-5:30AM could do a couple minutes of post stretcher exercise

6AM-7PM work: could possibly wear a silisleeve to help cement gains

I was thinking of doing something like the following, wanted to know people's thoughts...

8PM - 5-10 minutes of Bundled Stretches
8PM-10PM wear silistretcher (? what direction)

10PM-5AM wear silistretcher (? should I switch up direction based on day of the week?)
5AM 5-10 minutes of Expressive Stretches

6AM-7PM wear durosleeve at work to cement gains

This has generated a couple of questions:
What do you guys think of this regimen?
Should I pick a different direction to wear my silistretcher for each day of the week seeing as I will be mostly wearing it at night?
What is the difference in lbs between active and passive stretch? Do you recommend getting a siliscale to better measure this is this something that can be inferred?
Is it okay to get purple discoloration of the glans wearing the duro sleeve during the day?

Thanks in advance.

My current measurements. Planning on keeping you updated with monthly updates!


BPEL: 6.4"
BPFS: 7"
FL: 4.75"
PEC: 5"

Morning brother! We have literally about the same size stats. If it was me I would wear the SS at night and a sleeve during the day. Keep up the work !
I’m glad that you are familiar with SRT and the routines that are there. As far as your routine goes with your regiment you want to use the sili stretcher at maximum intensity through today the day and then you want to use it at a minimal tension through the night to heal elongated. Always wear your sili stretcher down as it will not give enough intensity for upward stretching. Upward stretching is very important and should be done with the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging. Upward stretching is just not intense enough with our hands or even with ADS devices. The Lengthmaster gives incredible grip to actually do upward stretches and make gains. I would like to put a routine together for you that works around your schedule. What are your goals? Do you own a Lengthmaster? And how much time do you have? I saw your time tables above but they were confusing to me if you’re going to tell me very basically how much time you have I can work with you and make a kick ass SRT work out that will fit into your schedule.
I’m glad that you are familiar with SRT and the routines that are there. As far as your routine goes with your regiment you want to use the sili stretcher at maximum intensity through today the day and then you want to use it at a minimal tension through the night to heal elongated. Always wear your sili stretcher down as it will not give enough intensity for upward stretching. Upward stretching is very important and should be done with the Lengthmaster. Upward stretching is just not intense enough with our hands or even with ADS devices. The Lengthmaster gives incredible grip to actually do upward stretches and make gains. I would like to put a routine together for you that works around your schedule. What are your goals? Do you own a Lengthmaster? And how much time do you have? I saw your time tables above but they were confusing to me if you’re going to tell me very basically how much time you have I can work with you and make a kick ass SRT work out that will fit into your schedule.

Hi DLD, thanks so much for the reply!

This is some great advice!

I'm a little nervous to wear the silistretcher at work because I am usually in the operating room 3-4 hours at a time without a break (being a surgery resident). I am willing to slowly test it out though and see if it becomes too cumbersome. However, I am a really sound back sleeper that doesn't really move much and I have successfully worn the silistretcher through the night on several occasions, so ideally, I would love to swap things around and try active stretch in the evening/at night and passive during the day. Let me know your thoughts, willing to make adjustments though if things work/don't work.

Goals - I haven't really set any right now because I didn't want to get disappointed. I would love to get to 7.5" BPEL but I don't know if that is unrealistic. But my one serious goal is I'd like to do PE 5-6 days per week for the next two months and reassess based on my gains.

I just purchased a lengthmaster yesterday. After watching videos and reading though the forums it seems like an invaluable resource - should be coming in soon. For now, I have been doing the bundled stretches manually using some MOSgrip powder and a dura-ring behind my glans.

In terms of time - I could make 15 min in the morning by waking up a little earlier and I have about a half hour at night (unfortunately I work super long days, spend an hour and a half at the gym, then have more work when I get home so time is definitely short).

Thanks again!

Morning brother! We have literally about the same size stats. If it was me I would wear the SS at night and a sleeve during the day. Keep up the work !

Thanks for the encouragement Mike!
I can't read through at the moment, but if you need specific help, feel free to send me a pm.
I’m glad that you are familiar with SRT and the routines that are there. As far as your routine goes with your regiment you want to use the sili stretcher at maximum intensity through today the day and then you want to use it at a minimal tension through the night to heal elongated. Always wear your sili stretcher down as it will not give enough intensity for upward stretching. Upward stretching is very important and should be done with the Lengthmaster. Upward stretching is just not intense enough with our hands or even with ADS devices. The Lengthmaster gives incredible grip to actually do upward stretches and make gains. I would like to put a routine together for you that works around your schedule. What are your goals? Do you own a Lengthmaster? And how much time do you have? I saw your time tables above but they were confusing to me if you’re going to tell me very basically how much time you have I can work with you and make a kick ass SRT work out that will fit into your schedule.


I have been doing 5 min of bundled stretches before bed. Wearing the silistretcher on pretty high intensity downward stretch for 4 hrs (2 hrs prior to bed and 2 hours while asleep). I have then been switching to a low intensity stretch for the rest of the night then wear. Do a couple more bundled stretches in the morning and then wear my silisleeve for about 5 hours during the morning at work to recover in an extended state. I ordered my LengthMaster - very much looking forward to that.

I had a little setback though with the silistretcher - my glans leaks ALOT of fluid which usually isn't too much of a problem. However, now that I have been trying to wear it at higher intensity in the down position, it has been leaking much more the past several sessions (like at least a table spoon and a half!) I hadn't been wearing the SS with the silipad, so I tried it the other day to see if my fluid buildup would be less. Unfortunately, it made me leak more/partially lose suction and pull back from my silicap. This resulted in some pretty nasty blisters. I kinda tried to work through them last night, this time removing the silipad and there was improvement. I have been putting vasaline on my glans all day to try to help the blisters heal, but unfortunately I think I have to take tonight off and give my glans a break. I read though that some other people have had this issue as well. Part of my issue is I think because my glans is bigger than the rest of my shaft, the whole glans doesn't fit into the cylinder of the silistretcher so I think I'm gonna have to get the 2" cylinder - which will help resolve this issue - because essentially my glans is like getting elongated b/c the whole width doesn't fit in the bell. I'm feeling a little discouraged with this setback, but trying to stay positive.

DLD - any other recommendations to my regimen? Should I be trying to wear it longer for either active or passive stretch? Should I be wearing the SS during the day in passive stretch or is the silisleeve sufficient?

Thank again everyone for your help in this process
Just me passing by to answer your last post
IMHO the silisleeve is sufficient of course, but if you could use the SS instead I think you could make more out of it simply !
Probably because it's not a "restrictive" passive stretch like silisleeves as it does not constrain the penis to keep it elongated
I don't know if I made my point clear, neither if it is correct, but it seemed logic to me

Now I let the expert on the matter share their advise

And have a wonderful journey !

I have been doing 5 min of bundled stretches before bed. Wearing the silistretcher on pretty high intensity downward stretch for 4 hrs (2 hrs prior to bed and 2 hours while asleep). I have then been switching to a low intensity stretch for the rest of the night then wear. Do a couple more bundled stretches in the morning and then wear my silisleeve for about 5 hours during the morning at work to recover in an extended state. I ordered my LengthMaster - very much looking forward to that.

I had a little setback though with the silistretcher - my glans leaks ALOT of fluid which usually isn't too much of a problem. However, now that I have been trying to wear it at higher intensity in the down position, it has been leaking much more the past several sessions (like at least a table spoon and a half!) I hadn't been wearing the SS with the silipad, so I tried it the other day to see if my fluid buildup would be less. Unfortunately, it made me leak more/partially lose suction and pull back from my silicap. This resulted in some pretty nasty blisters. I kinda tried to work through them last night, this time removing the silipad and there was improvement. I have been putting vasaline on my glans all day to try to help the blisters heal, but unfortunately I think I have to take tonight off and give my glans a break. I read though that some other people have had this issue as well. Part of my issue is I think because my glans is bigger than the rest of my shaft, the whole glans doesn't fit into the cylinder of the silistretcher so I think I'm gonna have to get the 2" cylinder - which will help resolve this issue - because essentially my glans is like getting elongated b/c the whole width doesn't fit in the bell. I'm feeling a little discouraged with this setback, but trying to stay positive.

DLD - any other recommendations to my regimen? Should I be trying to wear it longer for either active or passive stretch? Should I be wearing the SS during the day in passive stretch or is the silisleeve sufficient?

Thank again everyone for your help in this process

You want to use your SiliStretcher is much as possible when you’re not training in a passive mode. During the day I would go for an active stretch and then at night I would go with the passive stretch this way you’re making the most of your tool. Keep trying your combinations with the sleeve and with the SS in different capacities define what it’s going to work best. If you feel like so much is being sucked in just cut back on the cylinder a bit.
Hi @DLD, sorry I've been radio silent for so long. I got a little discouraged after having some slow to heal injury to my penis.

I think I was wearing the stretcher on too much tension. I developed some pretty nasty blisters on my glans and around my meatus. It messed up my stream for a bit. As they were healing the spots turned dark and I would try again but they would immediately blister again. I unfortunately had to take a month off with 2x daily bacitracin to finally get them to heal.

During this time I also tried the LengthMaster, however, wearing it kinda hurt my penis and I keep seem to get slippage (not good enough grip). Even worse, it broke the healing blood vessels in those dark spots and made my glans look all kinda of nasty. I chalked it up to my flacid penis being not girthy enough (3" girth when stretched compared to 5" when erect)

I've been scared to get started again just given the injury and slow recovery.

Any good advice how to get started back into it without getting injured?

I have a pressure sensor, is there a maximum pressure setting I shouldn't exceed when I'm doing an active stretch?

Also any good advice as to how to prevent blood blisters while still having a good grip with the lengthmaster? OR should I try a different device such as a Bibhanger for getting better grip?

The Lengthmaster Biggest learning curve is in the way you wrap. Before I knew how to rap properly I could barely stretch a minimal stretch without pain. What I discovered is the pain and pinching comes from an uneven wrap that has wrinkles and creases. These wrinkles and creases under compression cause pinching and will not allow you to get much stretch at all. So I suggest you perfect your wrapping method.biggest learning curve is in the way you rap. Before I knew how to wrap properly I could barely Stretch a minimal stretch without pain. What I discovered is the pain and pension comes from an uneven rap that has wrinkles increases. These wrinkles increases under compression cost pension and will not allow you to get much stress at all. So I suggest you perfect you’re wrapping method after this you should be able to handle much more intensity. I remember specifically when I was hanging. When I started and I went with a terrible wrap I could not hang more than 5 pounds without extreme pinching. Once I mastered my wrap I was able to handle 70 pounds! That’s how big of a difference a good wrap makes.

Next your issues with blood blisters and the like, this usually happens because there’s too much blood left in the glans. He sure to squeeze every bit of blood out of your head before you strapped in.
Thanks DLD I'm gonna experiment more with this and not be so aggressive with the force I'm applying - sometimes get a little carried away. Slow and steady!
Thanks DLD I'm gonna experiment more with this and not be so aggressive with the force I'm applying - sometimes get a little carried away. Slow and steady!

That is it my brother slow and steady with lots of patience. If you’re getting frustrated put it away and come back to it later. Learning curve can be big so do not be hard on yourself, take your time and master it.
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