Ok, I just started yesterday. Did the newbie routine for the first time and boy is my member sore. Is this a normal thing and will He get use to it??
Thanks for the reply. What is a "lig pop" and is it a good thing? I have been constant this past month and yesterday I felt a "pop" on the left side (I have a slight bend to the left as well). I guess I would like to know if this is a good thing and if it is what I should be looking for.

I gained 0,4 inch (1 cm) nbp in 2 weeks thanks to this routine. Keep it up guys LMAO
Great Routine! Just some questions:

I am still confuzed about the order:
Would I start from the top of the list and work down to the bottom, then back up to the top again (x3). Or do I do each individual stretch 3 times consecutively (as if doing the stretch for 90 seconds with breaks, and THEN moving to the next). Or would it really even matter?

Also, about the testicle health section in the newbie routine, the part where you lightly pull the scrotum downwards while pulling the penis upwards, do I pull the whole scrotum downwards by grabbing above my testicles and pulling, or do I just pull on the loose skin underneath my testicles?

And another thing, could someone give me a gauge on the speed I should be using while cranking?... I've been doing about 1 crank per 2 seconds, I get the feeling I would get better gains by doing them slower.

Answers would be greatly appreatiated.

As for other comments, I found this to be the greatest penis enhancement site on the net, I've tried the newbie routine for 3 days in a row now and am already feeling confident that DLD knows how to make a DAMN good routine, if this works out I'll probably be looking into a membership to even further any gains I get from the newbie routine... which is strange for me because I usually never get fully caught up by these things.

Drop me a mail or post a reply! Thanks guys!


sorry if this has been aswered already (too many pages to read)

with the streches it says 3 sets for 30 seconds does this meen i stretch for 30 seconds(total time) or do i stretch and hold for 30 seconds (total time 1.30)

Hi, i was wondering if the jelqs are supposed to hurt a bit? Thanks in advance for any help!
You are strtching your penis so it grows, so yes you need to feel it... Don't overdo it though...
when you pee, this is the muscle you will use to actually stop the piss flow...
is it on the penis or underneath the testicles? sorry if im sounding stupid here but i cant figure out which one it is? is it the muscle on the underside of the penis?
batman999 said:
is it on the penis or underneath the testicles? sorry if im sounding stupid here but i cant figure out which one it is? is it the muscle on the underside of the penis?

try to pee and then stop... Feel the PC muscle contract man... it's just below your penis base...
guys can someone explain how exactly rotary stretches are done?

I'd like to second that LMAO even though I could do a forum search for it
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