How long should I follow this routine

I suggest that you stay on this routine for your first 2 to 4 weeks. Within a months time you should see some good newbie games. At that point you want to switch over to the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory routine. And from there you can just stick with SRT until you make your final goals.
A question to @DLD.
I'm following the routine, only stretches for the moment since 3 weeks everyday.
I noticed an increase in size, in flaccid state since week 2.
I'm doing the 3 set of each exercise once a day.
The next week I'll measure the BPEL. (1 month)
How much should I aspect to gain?
Should I increase the time of the stretch from 30s to 1m (like as doing it twice x day) or should I continue with the routine once per day to gain the best?
I'm thinking about starting working on girth with jelqs, what's the gaining rate in 6 months of training?
@criprimieri I'm sure DLD will chime in as soon as possible.

So while I'm not him, I have a suggestion: start a progress thread! :) That it's easier to stay on top of your workouts and being committed to gaining.
Hard to say what one could expect from the amount of training done. A gain is a gain.
This is more of a marathon than a sprint, so enjoy the ride!
I agree with Ark, I start a progress in the routine thread so we can get your beginning measurements, your goals, your exercises and tools, your routine and other important details. If you have been doing the newbie stretches In one month you could see a quick newbie gain of perhaps an inch if you’re lucky. I gained 2 inches in six months and that was doing the newbie routine twice a day.
I agree with Ark, I start a progress in the routine thread so we can get your beginning measurements, your goals, your exercises and tools, your routine and other important details. If you have been doing the newbie stretches In one month you could see a quick newbie gain of perhaps an inch if you’re lucky. I gained 2 inches in six months and that was doing the newbie routine twice a day.

Thanks for the reply DLD. Instead of doing it twice a day, could I increase the stretch time from 30s to 1m?
I started a diary, maybe you can check it out!
I will subscribe now?
I am already subscribed ? I will watch over you every day
Thanks for the reply DLD. Instead of doing it twice a day, could I increase the stretch time from 30s to 1m?

Guru might have missed this ... Anyhow, I feel that spacing out exercises through the day could yield better gains than just doing longer stretches once during the day.
If you're seeing Positive Indicators with the current routine, stick with it, take the gains it has to give. Less guessing games and more workouts! :)

hey DLD quick question where can I log in to the MoS membership site I had bought it a while back but hadn't logged in for a while then when I tried to find it on google it was nowhere to be found can you send me a link to it or redirect me there, please
hey DLD quick question where can I log in to the MoS membership site I had bought it a while back but hadn't logged in for a while then when I tried to find it on google it was nowhere to be found can you send me a link to it or redirect me there, please

As Ark said we have opened the floodgates and everyone now has access to the members site for free. Simply go to and you will be able to access everything that used to cost $65
Hi Brothers

It's been a over 1 month and a half since I discovered PE and I think I found a new sport in which I will love to perform :)

Just a question concerning this routine and pretty much every routine I came across :

I'm from a Physical Developement type of environnement (Powerlifting/Bodybuilding) and in the strength sport, it is well established that success comes from a slow and consistant progressive overload, which can be represent through an increase in volume or intensity over time.

The thing I observe in PE is that in Almost every program there is no "Progressive Overload" Notion.

It always seems to be a fixed routine that bring you gains consistently (which sound weird to me)

Let's get clear :

For example with this newbie routine, the jelqing volume go straight from 300 jelq to 600.

My question is : Instead of making big jumps, why not taking smaller but more consistent increments

Ex :

Why this :

Week 1:
Training 1 : 300
Training 2 : 300
Training 3 : 300

Week 3:
Training 1 : 600
Training 2 : 600

Instead of this :

Week 1:
Training 1 : 300
Training 2 : 360
Training 3 : 420

Week 2:
Training 1 : 480
Training 1 : 520
Training 2 : 560

Week 3:
Training 1 : 600
Training 1 : 630

I don't challenge the efficiency of this routine, I just want to understand the principle behind it :)

If I'm not clear enough tell me I will correct myself

have a great day !
Every routine I write takes on this theory as I believe it to be true. PE is like bodybuilding in the sense that supersets really work. A progressive increase in intensity is vital to making gains and when you put a second exercise back to back with that to complement it it makes the process go so much faster. I appreciate your theories I look forward to putting them to work.
Hi DLD and all, brand newbie here myself but looks like you guys have a great, supportive community. I'm a little worried about messing with my manhood but have decided that your newbie routine seems reasonable to the effect that damage or injury shouldnt occur (though I will be taking it very slowly :p)

Question on your newbie routine here, do you do warm-ups before every technique mentioned? For instance, should I warm my penis with a heating pad or wet towel before every stretch, jelq, and kegel routine? And same thing with the warm-down.. Do I do that after every step as well? Sorry if the answer is obvious but I just want to mae sure I'm doing it right and it isnt spelled out for the slower folk like me in your instructions :)


P.S. I see in some forums that you and others use viagra.. does heavy Penis Enlargement make it more difficult to get full, sustained erections?

Thanks to all!

Well I’m glad he came to me with your concerns and I’m also glad that you read through the newbie routine to see that it’s actually pretty gentle and easy and nothing too aggressive. It’s a good place to start as it will bring you newbie gains very quickly and at the same time it builds a foundation for more advanced work.

Warm ups can be simply light stretching, like jelqing, like pumping, deep tissue massage, or heat.You don’t need to go longer than five minutes.

Viagra can be a very good addition to a girth routine. It allows you to remain he erect without a lot of effort to get through your girth routine. And its really good for sex. ?
How do I do bundled stretches? I searched and couldn't find information anywhere on how to do them.
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