mrcc;461723 said:
my routine is i started at 5 lbs. for 3 sets per day 7 days per week. then progressed at to 5 lbs 4 sets per day 7 days a week considering thiat is the very most time i can dedicate to this.

i moved up 1 lb per week since then. and i hung the last 2 weeks at 11 lbs. becuase i feel im actually overworking my penis. my EQ has gone through the floor. no morning wood....way less random erections you name it.

and im just frustrated. im working 60 + hours a week. in the middle of trying to bulk up because ive never been happy with how skinny i am. and im either cooking working out or physically at work. and then on top of it out of the three hours i have free per night i spend two of them hanging a weight off my penis.

im not sure. im going to restart and hang at 5 lbs per day 4 sets 7 days a week. and maybe slowly progress from there making sure i still keep up good EQ. like i mentioned in previous posts i still had sore ligs from stretching the day before. like every single day. i understand im suppose to push myself. but 11 lbs was literally like satan hanging off my dong. it hurt like hell by the end of the 4th set.

i again apologize for coming off angry its just again im really trying to believe this is possible. and i dont have a small penis or anything im 6" NPenis EnlargementL and 5.125" EG.

i was just hoping for ya know.. that little extra. and its very hard to keep believing day in and day out when im already 2 months in and dont see anything at all.

and to the previous poster... i without a doubt didnt have any measuring error. and i can tell you before Penis Enlargement my erections were rock rock rock solid. and im very skinny so its not a matter of jamming it into my fat pad... there isnt one there hah

Some men just find it very hard to gain hanging and others love it. You sound like hanging is becoming more of a problem than a benefit. Why not start over with the basics and build from there? Whenever I am in a state of stagnation I go back to basics and things start working again. I found it very difficult to gain length with hanging and I opted for the PowerAssist at the time in replacement for my Bib. This definitely got me gaining again. What I did was the basic Newbie Workout and used the PowerAssist for all of my stretching. I find that I need immediate, strong intensity to gain and light stretching to cement. I follow SRT now very closely and I feel it is the best way to gain. Food for thought.
look at kingsnakes picture proof. that should be enough. and if its not.

Here is ANOTHER board with a consistent post from a member over the course of 3 years.

If your EQ is suffering then you need to do something different. My EQ was terrible to I switched to a lighter length workout and added edging for like 30 mins to and hour(super fun) EQ now is better than I can ever remember. and I have nice temp gains(not permanent) but I know whats to come. My only problem is I measure too often, it doesn't discourage me though.
Deagle;463426 said:
look at kingsnakes picture proof. that should be enough. and if its not.

That is a pretty scary thing to do, look at that massive member:)
I hate to to bump an old thread, But i feel as though you aren't wrapping correctly, Feeling as though your dick is about to tear off is a sure sign that you have some pinching going on, That could also account for your shitty EQ, Just imo, If you want to make sure you don't get pinched you need to jelq properly (light and for the full 10 minutes), Also you could buy an ace elastic bandage, You can use just about the entire thing, This should help relieve all pinching problems. And like others have stated your lot might have changed, Find the right lot for you atm and you will gain quicker.
Moto123;690501 said:
I hate to to bump an old thread, But i feel as though you aren't wrapping correctly, Feeling as though your dick is about to tear off is a sure sign that you have some pinching going on, That could also account for your shitty EQ, Just imo, If you want to make sure you don't get pinched you need to jelq properly (light and for the full 10 minutes), Also you could buy an ace elastic bandage, You can use just about the entire thing, This should help relieve all pinching problems. And like others have stated your lot might have changed, Find the right lot for you atm and you will gain quicker.

Indeed, wrapping is the single most important part of hanging. When I was hanging I remember 10 pounds was so painful and pinching, I hated it. It was then that I learned about wrapping correctly from a thread Stillwantmore had up, I think it still is, but after learning the correct wrap for me I was able to hang to 70 pounds with no pinching or pain.
Wrapping properly and getting that hanger as tight as possible with a solid anchor point. The hanger should not move AT ALL no matter how hard you pull forward on it after you are tightened and before applying your weights. A few minutes into your set, reach down and tighten more. There's no such thing as too tight.
mrcc;461299 said:
again with this magic number thing of "10 hours per week". this doesnt make any sense. why would you need such an arbitrary number to make gains. like magically AT LEAST ten hours will make good gains yet 9 hours or 8 hours will have no affect at all. again this is very very strange that there seems to be such ideas being passed around over and over and over again. thatd be like me saying if i will ONLY seee substantial gains in the gym if i workout for 1.2356789835487 hours instead of 1.25. and no more than 1.2345. i still find this incredibly hard to believe there is such specifics?

and not to be brash but ive already spent $60 to be a member here.
spent $330 on a fast size
spent $140 on a bib
spent $40 on weights and string and theraband

im up to $570 of my hard earned money and have spent the last few years researching and nothing has changed. and no my attitude isnt bad. if i hung one a week and was like OMFG GUYS THIS DOESNT WORK!!!?!?!? WTF!???!? ya i could see questioning me. im one of the most persistent people i know, i have 100% stuck to this to a T just like the gurus on these boards... over at Penis Enlargement gym..�other PE site�.... and a few others have said. but logic is starting to take over saying somethings wrong here. there should be SOME growth by now. if the idea is that tissues break down then reheal with more in place or "cell division" then it would be a slow process. its not llike im not going to make gains for 6 months then bam ill weight up and my penis is a half inch longer.

today im calling the clinic to set up an appointment with a urologist to do some scans of my penis and potential sonogram of to see if theres any scar tissue or affected muscles and or urethra problems.

if nothing happens in the next few months im getting in touch with my lawyer. i dont want anything outrageous i want my life back and the money ive spent doing this and in all honesty what i feel probably being scammed over. the only thing i cant get back is my fastsize money they went out of business a long time ago.

10 hours comes from BIB and Thundersplace and drones who repeat his shit without any experience.

Anyways, I got more gains doing 5-7 hrs. a week than doing 10-15 hrs. per week. When it comes to hanging I think everyone is different so no one number fits.
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mrcc;461578 said:
that "everyone else" was pertaining to people outside of these penis enlargement boards. as in literally every medical hospital, and oh idk lets just say the entire population.

dont believe me? walk around with a billboard that says i can make you penis bigger permanently using manual exercises and see what responses you get.

and wouldnt you think that if a site were to stand by its ideas for making the penis bigger there would be 100% irrefutable evidence at this point that thier "program" worked?

saying Penis Enlargement wont work for every single person that tries it. is like me saying that my heart doesnt beat and im alive. or that my lungs dont need oxygen to survive even though every single man and boy on earth needs those things to live. its human physiology and biology.

so saying that cells wont react to constant stretching for one man and not another. is just complete and utter insanity. i could understand if it was worded " if not performed properly you may not see results for instance someone hanging 2 ounces off thier penis expecting results. or wearing an ADS for only 50 seconds a day instead of hours on end. but to put in a good effort and follow directions exactly to a T. and not see anything whatsoever? youll need a better excuse than "this might not work for everyone"

ya...... thats true... and my hearts still not beating and my lungs still arent taking in oxygen as i type this. cuz ya know. my chemical physiological and biological makeup can defy the laws of human cell my heart and lungs can do that as well.

Dude, you are an idiot.

Me and my best friend are work out partners. I get massive eating burgers, drinking beer and half assing it at the gym. I am fucking massive and 3x stronger than he is? Why? Genetics. I happen to have naturally high Test levels and abnormally high DHT levels.

My friend lives, breaths and sleeps BB. And in clothes he looks like he doesn't even workout while I look like a monster who sleeps at the gym when in reality I w/o 3x per week. I don't even take a protein drink or ***GULP** supplements. Am I bragging? Nope. Moral of the story: Everyone is different.

I gained almost an 1" growth and I am not even fanatic about PE. I always had the attitude that if it works it works, if not fuck it. But it worked and continues to work. So either find something new or just spend your time doing something else. Lawyers??? WTF??

DLD isn't lying and he's a wealth of info. I ain't kissing his ass either because I came in thinking he was a fraud but he ain't. Just chill out and read dude. I think everybody can get at least .5-1" growth. Everyone.
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deadwood187;694588 said:
DLD isn't lying and he's a wealth of info. I ain't kissing his ass either because I came in thinking he was a fraud but he ain't. Just chill out and read dude. I think everybody can get at least .5-1" growth. Everyone.

If anyone feels that any of what we do is a lie should probably head over to �other PE site�. We are a Brotherhood of truth and REAL gains with REAL members. You can go to �other PE site� where they have 10 members who have gained nothing or you can stay in the Brotherhood where EVERY PE innovation has been created. And another thing, 90% of the exercises you see on �other PE site� I invented. I have been in this game for 14 years, if I were faking this do you really thing MOS would exist? Use your head!
A funny thing is that i had an average penis n nowadays im 7.25 BPEL and getting bigger,besides i have devices that were given by MOS,and they are almost magical id

besides if MOS and the brotherhood was a scam it wouldnt have lasted no more than a year IMO...:)
shortdick;694856 said:
A funny thing is that i had an average penis n nowadays im 7.25 BPEL and getting bigger,besides i have devices that were given by MOS,and they are almost magical id

besides if MOS and the brotherhood was a scam it wouldnt have lasted no more than a year IMO...:)

Exactly and neither would people like Stillwantmore who have been here 14 years!
Do you need to remove the wrapping & wrap again EVERY 20 minutes?!? Or do you just keep the wrap on & remove the hanger every 20 minutes then put it back on??
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