
Nov 2, 2011
i started out hanging 5 lbs 4 sets per day the first week and i started two months ago. now im hanging 11 lbs moving up at about roughly 1 lb per week. still haning 4 sets per day just under 10 hours actual literally weight hanging off my penis per week.

yet i still took completely accurate started measurements. and have had ZERO growth. i mean i know this takes a long time. but i thought id experience some sort of measurable growth by now.

the only thing i can possibly come up with is im overtraining. me ligs are still sore day to day. but bib recommends hanging each and ever day so i do so. not like extremely painful just definately noticeable.

any ideas? starting to get demotivated again :(

or maybe ill give up on hanging and try to just stick to clamp or something. ive invested seriousss time and money and inconvenience to do this and have seen no noticeable difference in my penis by the ruler. also my eq is worse than before i ever Penis Enlargemented. im very very very confused.

i did everything by the book that bib said to and i have nothing to show. words of encouragement anyone?
I've been hanging for a few weeks and thinking about quitting and using that extra time with my LengthMaster. I've heard now from too many they have seen barely any gains after a solid amount Of time
Actually, you haven't really reached the weight that will start the growth. You're training up to it. Once you reach about 15 you'll start to see results.

The penis begins the process either by toughening or doing nothing if it can handle the lower weights. But once you reach an "over-whelming" weight it will start to stretch and then fill-in with growth. Don't rush it. You're on your way and doing fine.
id argue that thats completely relative per person. the whole concept that i havent hit 15 lbs. theres no magical number that each person feels "x" amount of fatigue. i know for a fact that even 11 lbs is stretching the living crap out of my penis. it feels good somedays but feels overwhelming others. and instead of saying ohhh weellll it must just not be enough weight! and wasting 7 days a week 2 hours a night slowly creeping up in weight i think ill change my routine up a bit. potentially move down a pound. and actually attempt rest days. maybe 2 on 1 off. 3 on 1 off actually seems a bit overdoing it. i think im not getting any rest and no serious growth is happening. but i mean come the french on. ha. im killing myself finally dedicated myself in my already extremely tight schedule and have nothing to show for it.
I stand by what I said. You certainly can cause growth at lower weights if you use enough time. The whole game is time and tension. Less of one means more of the other. It's a shame we don't know what the right combination is generally speaking, and more importantly, individually speaking, but such is Penis Enlargement.

You're only hanging 4 sets per day, therefore you'll start seeing results once the weight is higher. If you were hanging 10 sets per day you'd see results from the lower weights.

I've hung low weights at 12 to 18 sets per day. I've hung high weights at only 1 set per day. Both got results. I've also hung everything in between. After 5 years and with 6 month breaks in between I have been able to observe the effects as isolated test cases. It's totally time vs tension. I don't think rest days are beneficial when stretching. For girth I think rest days are vital.
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I think you need to change up the angle of your hanging. I've only been hanging for about 8-9 weeks myself. I began by using a hanger that I made out of a couple of weight lifting straps and I'd use it while I was sitting in my lazyboy working on my laptop. It causes the weight to pull straight out rather than down, and right out of the gates I was hanging with 10-12.5 lbs.

The results were almost immediate and I did that for 4 weeks before changing things up. I wasn't measuring yet but it was visually obvious that my penis was getting bigger. Then I made the snake hanger and that works better when I'm standing. So I lightened the weight to 5-7.5 lbs because it feels way more intense when I hang while standing and I spent 2 weeks hanging while standing. Despite the fact that I was hanging for a longer amount of time while hanging and it felt like more of a stretch, the results stopped.

So I stopped with that and went back to hanging with the weight straps while I'm in my chair. Once again the results are becoming noticeable. I really don't think it is because of the weight increase either. I feel much more of a stretch when I hang while standing and the pull is straight down compared to when I'm sitting and the pull is straight out.

I'm a personal trainer and have been involved in bodybuilding competition for about a decade now, so I treat the Penis Enlargement routine the same as I treat any workout schedule. I spent about 6 months doing Penis Enlargement exercises using my hands and following a jelqing routine, and I saw almost no results. After seeing immediate results with hanging it is now the only Penis Enlargement exercise that I do. I normally do 2-4 sets of 25 minutes on Sunday, Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I hang on those days because my weight lifting routine is on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I think the hanging sessions should be brief and very intense, much like a solid bodybuilding routine. I even have a protein shake after my hanging sessions just like I do with weight training.

Anyway, I think you should just try hanging from a different angle because I never saw any results until I started hanging. I'm even hanging with 15 lbs while I sit in my chair and type this.
Sometimes hanging is not for everyone. It takes a lot of time and dedication to make gains and if you do not have a lot of privacy an free time it is hard to make it effective. I hung for about six months and I gained base girth and minimal length so I retired hanging from my routine. For me it was intense manual stretching and PowerAssist/LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging use and the SizeGenetics Extender, these were extremely effective. Today, I train using the SRT Routine and I am closing on my newest goal.
i dont understand how people seem to say oh it only worked for me at this angle... or some hang 1 set per day and hang while others up to 6? people cant possibly differ that much in routines. even weight lifting is a little more constant than that per human biology and physiology. i find it hard to believe that theres some magical exact perfect routine to see any growth where as all else fails? this is like my third time attempting Penis Enlargement and im starting to hate it again. ive put in a solid few months and still nothing. like that is a longgggg time to spend on something to take a leap of faith on that every else besides these boards claims is 100% false and doesnt work.

any other advice?
Fascia is the thin sheath that surrounds a muscle group and organs to contain them. Using weights to stretch the fascia of a muscle is a proven way of increasing the size of a muscle and there are several studies that back this up. Although the anatomy of the penis is different from your biceps, this is how I view Penis Enlargement. I've read several articles claiming that surgery is the only way to actually increase the size of the penis and that Penis Enlargement is a joke, but I'm finally seeing real results now that I'm stretching.

I have no idea why you're not seeing results while using 11 lbs. Others claim that manual stretching is the best and I saw no results from doing manual stretches even though I felt at times that I was going to rip my d*ck off while doing them. Based on my belief of stretching the fascia, clamping is probably the next technique that I'll try and maybe you could give that a try. I've used pumping before but I've never used the Bathmate before. It would make sense that pumping for an extended amount of time would cause growth as long as the penis stayed engorged, but pumping didn't give me any gains either.

Just try out several techniques before you give up. I'd recommend sticking to a strict routine for a minimum of 3-4 months before you completely decide that it's useless. Your d*ck has been the size that it is for your entire life or at least since you finished puberty, so don't expect it to suddenly change within a couple of months. However, I'm am very pleasantly surprised to see such fast results with my new hanging routine. You'll find something that works as long as you stick with it.
The tunicae is smooth muscle tissue, the same as your bladder. Smooth muscle does not respond to "exercise" like skeletal muscle does. In fact it is recommended to not stretch smooth muscle...

I think the difference for most guys is the anxiety of "doing the wrong thing". This gets in the way of sticking with something long enough to make it work. If our bodies deformed quickly, we would all be a mess by age 30. Sleeping on your side would distort your face, sitting on your ass would flatten it out. Obviously these things don't happen therefore the body has ways of dealing with it. The penis is no exception. In fact it's worse, because there is no skeletal muscle other than at the base.

Most of the failures I have seen are a result of impatience and a false belief that "something should be happening by now!". Considering how many hours we perform other tasks that do not alter our bodies, to think a few hours of Penis Enlargement a week will have results in 2 or 3 months is unrealistic. My experience is that it takes years to achieve impressive results. Also it sneaks up on you. After many months of "just going through the motions" you suddenly realize it's a half an inch longer and a little thicker. In my case, I only measure to check that my tension is right and I don't concern myself with whether I've gained or not on a weekly or even monthly basis.

I know it works. I also know it takes months and even up to a year to acquire decent results. It's just the way it is. I wish I had known that in the beginning instead of believing the sellers of equipment who claim results in 3 to 6 weeks. This constant nagging in my head that I should be seeing results in 3 to 6 weeks, or at least 8, or by 12 for sure, and 16 weeks absolutely - drove me crazy. I finally realized it was bullshit. Six to nine months is much more realistic and a year is probably more typical. (I'm not talking about newbie gains.) This was the primary reason I got a static stretcher. This company wasn't making fast gain claims. Their pitch was to use time versus tension and in order to do that you needed comfort. That started to sound more and more like wisdom to me. So with that in mind I developed a 1 or 2 session hang followed by the SS heavy that works for my lifestyle.

So Penis Enlargement is simply a part of my life and then I continue living without obsessing over it. The gains do come and they're always pleasantly received. I'm at the point now where I really should stop as I'm soon to be too big. What really pisses me off is that I finally know how to do this and now I should stop! Of course I'll always jelq and kegel.
idk maybe ill give it two more months. but i mean hell even 11 lbs feels likes im lieterally stretching the living hell out of my penis after the 2nd 3rd and especially 4th set. i cant imagine that i need to move up the weight at all for at least a while. so maybe ill keep sticking to 11 lbs straight down for two more months. but legit come on. i know im giving this hell i can feel how much tension is on my penis. way way way way WAYYYYY more than i ever could possibly with my old fast size. after 4 total months if i dont see something i guess ill dis merit Penis Enlargement as something that doesnt work for me. thats ridiculous at that point to not see anything with the work i KNOW im putting in. ill keep everyone updated.
is there any possibility anyone would think that going back to 5 lbs and moving up slower might help? like i said im continually sore each day from hanging even before i start the session so maybe i moved up way too fast? maybe stick to moving up 1 lb per 2 weeks or even per month the closer to 15-20 lbs i get?

any thoughts?
Interesting thread, I started hanging a few days ago doing 3 sets, 10 min., with 5 lbs. DLD is right, I'm going to quit hanging and just do a lot of stretching and SG work for length. It does seem like hanging would take way too much time. To see gains you need to hang ad least 10 hours a week. That's going to take a lot of time away from doing more productive pe like DLD said. Plus for me hanging is very boring and painful, I'm shore you would see good gains if done right but it does seem like a bit of a goose chase. SRT here I come lol, It does seem like you would have a better time and gains doing the SG and stretching. Glad I read this post, very good DLD, you have geared my mind more towards the SRT program.
again with this magic number thing of "10 hours per week". this doesnt make any sense. why would you need such an arbitrary number to make gains. like magically AT LEAST ten hours will make good gains yet 9 hours or 8 hours will have no affect at all. again this is very very strange that there seems to be such ideas being passed around over and over and over again. thatd be like me saying if i will ONLY seee substantial gains in the gym if i workout for 1.2356789835487 hours instead of 1.25. and no more than 1.2345. i still find this incredibly hard to believe there is such specifics?

and not to be brash but ive already spent $60 to be a member here.
spent $330 on a fast size
spent $140 on a bib
spent $40 on weights and string and THERABAND

im up to $570 of my hard earned money and have spent the last few years researching and nothing has changed. and no my attitude isnt bad. if i hung one a week and was like OMFG GUYS THIS DOESNT WORK!!!?!?!? WTF!???!? ya i could see questioning me. im one of the most persistent people i know, i have 100% stuck to this to a T just like the gurus on these boards... over at Penis Enlargement gym..�other PE site�.... and a few others have said. but logic is starting to take over saying somethings wrong here. there should be SOME growth by now. if the idea is that tissues break down then reheal with more in place or "cell division" then it would be a slow process. its not llike im not going to make gains for 6 months then bam ill weight up and my penis is a half inch longer.

today im calling the clinic to set up an appointment with a urologist to do some scans of my penis and potential sonogram of to see if theres any scar tissue or affected muscles and or urethra problems.

if nothing happens in the next few months im getting in touch with my lawyer. i dont want anything outrageous i want my life back and the money ive spent doing this and in all honesty what i feel probably being scammed over. the only thing i cant get back is my fastsize money they went out of business a long time ago.
mrcc;461068 said:
i dont understand how people seem to say oh it only worked for me at this angle... or some hang 1 set per day and hang while others up to 6? people cant possibly differ that much in routines. even weight lifting is a little more constant than that per human biology and physiology. i find it hard to believe that theres some magical exact perfect routine to see any growth where as all else fails? this is like my third time attempting Penis Enlargement and im starting to hate it again. ive put in a solid few months and still nothing. like that is a longgggg time to spend on something to take a leap of faith on -->"that every else besides these boards claims is 100% false and doesnt work."<--

any other advice?

All I can say is to keep trying. I was about to give up on the whole Penis Enlargement thing until I tried hanging just a couple of months ago. Now it's almost as if I can see gains on a daily basis. Also, if this is your third time trying Penis Enlargement then that shows that you give up after not seeing any gains for some amount of time. I deal with people like this all the time in fitness training. They workout hard for 3 weeks, don't see the results that would normally take 3 years to achieve, and then they quit altogether and say they were scammed. Meanwhile I myself am living proof that exercise works if you stick with it. Not trying to be an a$$hole but that's the way it is. I'm viewing Penis Enlargement the same way I view all exercise. It isn't some temporary activity that you do for awhile to get results and then you stop. You make Penis Enlargement part of your normal lifestyle in order to get the improvements that you want and you continue to do the exercises to either make more improvements or to maintain what you've gained.

Also, as far as your lawsuit thingy goes; I quoted your earlier post showing that you've read every other forum and they all verified Penis Enlargement as being false. But you chose to persist with it anyway. Even on this forum it is said that Penis Enlargement doesn't work for everyone. So good luck with the legal stuff. You should give me your lawyer's number because I'm going to sue Folger's coffee for not being the best part of waking up. I've been drinking Folger's all morning and I'm still in a bad mood.
that "everyone else" was pertaining to people outside of these penis enlargement boards. as in literally every medical hospital, and oh idk lets just say the entire population.

dont believe me? walk around with a billboard that says i can make you penis bigger permanently using manual exercises and see what responses you get.

and wouldnt you think that if a site were to stand by its ideas for making the penis bigger there would be 100% irrefutable evidence at this point that thier "program" worked?

saying Penis Enlargement wont work for every single person that tries it. is like me saying that my heart doesnt beat and im alive. or that my lungs dont need oxygen to survive even though every single man and boy on earth needs those things to live. its human physiology and biology.

so saying that cells wont react to constant stretching for one man and not another. is just complete and utter insanity. i could understand if it was worded " if not performed properly you may not see results for instance someone hanging 2 ounces off thier penis expecting results. or wearing an ADS for only 50 seconds a day instead of hours on end. but to put in a good effort and follow directions exactly to a T. and not see anything whatsoever? youll need a better excuse than "this might not work for everyone"

ya...... thats true... and my hearts still not beating and my lungs still arent taking in oxygen as i type this. cuz ya know. my chemical physiological and biological makeup can defy the laws of human cell my heart and lungs can do that as well.
WOW, Penis Enlargement can become complicated
The 10 hour number is an estimate based on one man's belief or experience. I believe there is a number that is the difference between your penis being able to resist and it giving in to the forces. Your dividing the numbers so finely isn't valid. It's a linear course.

The entire premise of your statement "there should be growth by now" is based upon your beliefs. There's not a lot of science in that. Our bodies don't modify as quickly and easily as you're suggesting.

I have never thought there was ever any actual growth, or not any appreciable growth. I think hanging stretches the limiting fibers. As this limit is stretched and permanently deformed, the penis is free to fill with blood until it hits the new limit. Perhaps there is some growth here and there but to think it's an endless cycle of new penis I think is fantasy. I think this is also why most guys don't gain much more than an inch. They just don't stretch the limiting tissues enough: for whatever reasons (lifestyle, patience, etc.).

I think you're expecting too much out of each session. I recommend you hang for a time period that is comfortable and non-obtrusive. Then get on with your life. In time you will see results.

P.S. I also think many guys measure incorrectly and report gains that actually never happened. Penis Enlargement isn't for the interloper. It requires a lot of dedication: just like the gym.
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@ mrcc: What is your Penis Enlargement routine? How long are you doing Penis Enlargement? How much time are you spending on Penis Enlargement?
my routine is i started at 5 lbs. for 3 sets per day 7 days per week. then progressed at to 5 lbs 4 sets per day 7 days a week considering thiat is the very most time i can dedicate to this.

i moved up 1 lb per week since then. and i hung the last 2 weeks at 11 lbs. becuase i feel im actually overworking my penis. my EQ has gone through the floor. no morning wood....way less random erections you name it.

and im just frustrated. im working 60 + hours a week. in the middle of trying to bulk up because ive never been happy with how skinny i am. and im either cooking working out or physically at work. and then on top of it out of the three hours i have free per night i spend two of them hanging a weight off my penis.

im not sure. im going to restart and hang at 5 lbs per day 4 sets 7 days a week. and maybe slowly progress from there making sure i still keep up good EQ. like i mentioned in previous posts i still had sore ligs from stretching the day before. like every single day. i understand im suppose to push myself. but 11 lbs was literally like satan hanging off my dong. it hurt like hell by the end of the 4th set.

i again apologize for coming off angry its just again im really trying to believe this is possible. and i dont have a small penis or anything im 6" NPenis EnlargementL and 5.125" EG.

i was just hoping for ya know.. that little extra. and its very hard to keep believing day in and day out when im already 2 months in and dont see anything at all.

and to the previous poster... i without a doubt didnt have any measuring error. and i can tell you before Penis Enlargement my erections were rock rock rock solid. and im very skinny so its not a matter of jamming it into my fat pad... there isnt one there hah
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