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New member here too...been lurking for over a year and determined this would be a great 'second home' based on all the experience, knowledge and positive energy. My journey probably started with a few seeds of insecurity planted in my early teens, (I was a very late bloomer and had two distinct growth periods, one when I was 17 and one in my early 20's). I happen to be a very good athlete, good hands/feet/hand-eye coordination and was introduced to sports very early, mostly basketball, baseball and football. I was only 5'10" 140# when I graduated high school, so I was too small to get any recognition, but was able to letter all 3 years of school, (I graduated after my Junior year). The only reason I bring this up was the fact that I spent many shameful hours in locker rooms trying to hide my lack of maturity. It was probably 9th grade when I knew I was a slow developer cuz a comment from someone I thought was a good friend sent me reeling...something to the effect that I must not do too much damage to my GF, (I was definitely a virgin at the time, so I didn't really pick-up on the reference but I knew it wasn't positive). Playing basketball on inner-city summer leagues didn't help either, so the shame would get reinforced time and again. Fast forward to my early 20's, I started to notice my body changing and after measuring my height, (6'1" a 3" gain in 4/5 years) and weight, (195#) I was more confident and got a steady GF. This would be my first relationship that included a 'normal' sex life and she always would marvel that I was 'big' but in my mind I was still ashamed and tried to not be fully naked because of it. I tried to find resources for sizes, but this was the early '80's and there wasn't much out there, so I took my 6.375" by 5.5" as being OK...for a while. I was still haunted by those early experiences, but didn't think there was anything that could be done that was definitive enough and provided enough proof until I stumbled across this site over a year ago.
I decided the BM X40 would be my weapon of choice and shortly after receiving, the VacuVin mod was added, (total game-changer for me). I waited 6 months before my 1st measurement and was ecstatic to see a .50" in length gain and an astounding .75" gain in girth. I am grounded enough to know that a ruler or tape measure doesn't change its values, but for some reason I still think of myself as on the small side, (even today and I am just under 8" and a solid 7" around) so a lot of this must be mental AND that's the reason I'm here.
My routine is very simple, 20-30 mins BM in the AM and the same in the evening before bed (I now use the X40 for the first 5-10 mins then switch to the Goliath for the remainder). I do some kegals and BM hardcore stretches, but nothing religiously. I'm hoping to surpass 8" in length by 1st quarter 2016 and 8.5" by my BDay in June. Here's a pic I took a few days ago: (crap! I still can't upload pic's...perhaps DLD can help me out, I emailed a few to him for a different thread)
golferjohn;679583 said:
My routine is very simple, 20-30 mins BM in the AM and the same in the evening before bed (I now use the X40 for the first 5-10 mins then switch to the Goliath for the remainder). I do some kegals and BM hardcore stretches, but nothing religiously. I'm hoping to surpass 8" in length by 1st quarter 2016 and 8.5" by my BDay in June. Here's a pic I took a few days ago: (crap! I still can't upload pic's...perhaps DLD can help me out, I emailed a few to him for a different thread)

Welcome to the Brotherhood! Your routine looks good but I would suggest you read through SRT to get some other ideas to add to your routine. If you send me the picture I can upload for you:
Blake0011;679521 said:
Hi I'm from South Africa, I'm a 30 yr old Indian, I've been smoking from the age of 13, this is quite embarassing for me to say, I have a 4.2 inch erect penis, I honestly dnt have any confidence, I'm not a good looking guy so for me it's hard to get women but that's not all I did break my virginity wen I was 28 wen I did sleep wit her it just didn't feel like it was penetrating right, I am very depressed n it's hard for me, I even thort suicide not only about this but bcos I met someone n I fell in love but am so afraid to b intimate with her cos of my previous experience, I can't talk to anyone about this cos as url know it's hard, I really need help, I can't afford pumps n pills cos I'm not well off, dld can u please help me even if I gain 2inches I wid b happy, it sucks being this way I've read alot of stuff on line to do with penis enlargement but wen I watched ur video I knew that u can help, I know everyone has their own reason on y they want to enlarge their penis, n I respect that n all I want is to satisfy a lady n just b confident with myself, thank u for giving me ur time, if anyone can help I wid much appreciate it thank u

" if i'd gain 2 inches i'd be happy " LOL , 2" is a huge gain,you say it like it's will have to work hard to gain 2".

Start the newbie routine,train everyday,no days off,good diet ( no smoking either ) and stay consistent.In 1-2 years you can gain 2".

And BTW , this is what i did when i was not happy with myself : I just wrote down everything i found ugly about myself,and after that i tried to improve everything .For exemple :

-Small dick : I have to do PE

-Fat - I have to diet and do cardio

-Acnee : I have to visit a dermatician.


Now i can really say i'm very confident with myself.I still have a lot to improve,but now i can walk to a girl and ask her out without fear.Confident in yourself is a very mental thing,you have to realise you can never be perfect ( body wise ).Just accept yourself and don't give a shit about what anyone says.Years back i was : " does she think i'm cute or am i ugly as fuck to her?" , " what if she says no " i'm like : " I'll just ask her out,if she says no,move on,plenty of fish in the sea ".
.Confident in yourself is a very mental thing,

TRUE, if i had written a list years ago, like the one you wrote where would i be now:p ...:O
shortdick;679659 said:
.Confident in yourself is a very mental thing,

TRUE, if i had written a list years ago, like the one you wrote where would i be now:p ...:O

It is all mental game, even the physical parts of it. We perceive that there is such a massive outward energy we need to tap into but in reality it is all inside of you. Confidence is a reflection of being happy and content with yourself. It is in need of continuous reevaluation to always be improving on it. If I allow my thoughts to bring me to a dark place much confidence can be lost. Always be aware and mindful of the way you are thinking, always pulling yourself from the past or future and bringing yourself back to the moment. Remember Short, nothing bad can happen in the moment, God is with you in the moment!
Hey. Im Twizzler313. Its my screenname because i like Twizzlers and Im from detroit lol. I found out about MOS by searching about the Bathmate on Google in 2013. There were plenty of forums on this site about it and from that I learned about other forms of PE that I didnt know existed. Then I stopped looking because I felt like I couldnt be committed and I didnt believe the results (even though there were pictures lol). Earlier in 2014 on MOS I saw a user here (thependulum) and his posts about his progress and he inspired me to finally try it out now lol.

My goals are to simply be longer and have more girth. I want to do PE because I just want a bigger penis. Im really below average in size, and in reality, I had no issue with it. I never received a complaint in bed, but I dont take that to my head. Im tired of my penis being the same size and I just want a change and im willing to commit to making those changes. That's it. Im going to start becoming more active on this site when I get all of my supplies and Im glad to be a part of this brotherhood. You guys seem mature and non judgemental.
doublelongdaddy;679822 said:
It is all mental game, even the physical parts of it. We perceive that there is such a massive outward energy we need to tap into but in reality it is all inside of you. Confidence is a reflection of being happy and content with yourself. It is in need of continuous reevaluation to always be improving on it. If I allow my thoughts to bring me to a dark place much confidence can be lost. Always be aware and mindful of the way you are thinking, always pulling yourself from the past or future and bringing yourself back to the moment. Remember Short, nothing bad can happen in the moment, God is with you in the moment!

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Been a lurker off and on for a few years, here and there. Just tried to order a LM and have some questions.

So I guess I need to ask: is there a forum rules section? Kind of curious why my posts don't show up. A bit overwhelmed by the number of forums here, to be honest. So if someone can point me in the right direction, I'd be appreciative.
doublelongdaddy;679822 said:
It is all mental game, even the physical parts of it. We perceive that there is such a massive outward energy we need to tap into but in reality it is all inside of you. Confidence is a reflection of being happy and content with yourself. It is in need of continuous reevaluation to always be improving on it. If I allow my thoughts to bring me to a dark place much confidence can be lost. Always be aware and mindful of the way you are thinking, always pulling yourself from the past or future and bringing yourself back to the moment. Remember Short, nothing bad can happen in the moment, God is with you in the moment!

My favorite Yogism..."half this game is 90% mental)
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BusterHymes;679864 said:
Been a lurker off and on for a few years, here and there. Just tried to order a LM and have some questions.

So I guess I need to ask: is there a forum rules section? Kind of curious why my posts don't show up. A bit overwhelmed by the number of forums here, to be honest. So if someone can point me in the right direction, I'd be appreciative.

Yup. Scroll down the list to the bottom and there are the rules and acronyms on the forums page. Don't be a douche or idiot and you'll be fine. It's a grown up site but remember, boys will be boys lol, we do have dick swinging contests here and there haha. There is the Lengthmaster master forum and all the info is there. It's a lot because we continue to help each other and advance but you'll soon see, it's all great info to take in. Glad to have you here. Create your own thread with your info/stats and more brothers will be glad to help. Welcome.
Twizzler313;679846 said:
Hey. Im Twizzler313. Its my screenname because i like Twizzlers and Im from detroit lol. I found out about MOS by searching about the Bathmate on Google in 2013. There were plenty of forums on this site about it and from that I learned about other forms of PE that I didnt know existed. Then I stopped looking because I felt like I couldnt be committed and I didnt believe the results (even though there were pictures lol). Earlier in 2014 on MOS I saw a user here (thependulum) and his posts about his progress and he inspired me to finally try it out now lol.

My goals are to simply be longer and have more girth. I want to do PE because I just want a bigger penis. Im really below average in size, and in reality, I had no issue with it. I never received a complaint in bed, but I dont take that to my head. Im tired of my penis being the same size and I just want a change and im willing to commit to making those changes. That's it. Im going to start becoming more active on this site when I get all of my supplies and Im glad to be a part of this brotherhood. You guys seem mature and non judgemental.

Welcome to the Brotherhood Twizzler! I like the fact that you have no real mental issues with you size and are simply looking to improve yourself. What is your current size and where do you want to be?

BusterHymes;679864 said:
Been a lurker off and on for a few years, here and there. Just tried to order a LM and have some questions.

So I guess I need to ask: is there a forum rules section? Kind of curious why my posts don't show up. A bit overwhelmed by the number of forums here, to be honest. So if someone can point me in the right direction, I'd be appreciative.

Hey Buster! Glad to have you in the Brotherhood and I hope you make some brilliant gains. Here is a direct link to the Glossary and Rules.
lowered;438855 said:
I am new to this site,
My Penis Enlargement journey started back in 2006 when I thought I would buy the magic pill that can grow your member 3 inches. My pills arrived and a membership to mens network came with it thats when I found out about Penis Enlargement and the extra work required to get the gains the pills promised. Penis Enlargement was something I tried to do for the next couple of months, making quick gains I just stopped because my girl started commenting on how it feels bigger.
2010 came around and I thought I would get back into Penis Enlargement and back onto mens network, started by doing a basic routine of stretching, jelqs and squeezes. Following this routine for 3 months I gained over 1" in length and some girth as well, then i went overseas for a couple of weeks and never got back into Penis Enlargement until the last month or 2.
Penis Enlargement is a great thing for me as my size is less than average, this time around with a changed plan of attack i hope to get success, being completely up front with my girl about it so I have nothing to hide is a great start, she doesn't understand why I am doing this but is supportive at the same time.
I have to thank mens network for the inch and a bit (if I measured correctly) i gained but it doesn't seem to have the traffic of MOS , so I don't seem to check it out to often. MOS seems more like a community with a lot of new posts to read and some inspiring ones like the progress thread where the guy only jelqed and gained plenty.
I probably wont post to often as I don't have much to add but i will be on here most days to help with the motivation issues I have.
hi i just bought my lifetime membership but haven't received a username and password. How long does it typically take to receive them. help is much appreciated. thanks
Try to write private message to DLD. I received mine within 24hrs straight from DLD to my mailbox here in forum.
Click his name on top of this page "doublelongdaddy" and then click "Private Message"
and there ask him about it, he will respond in no time
Thanks guys, I got it all cleared up. I got my username and password.. I am following the newbie routine twice daily once in the morning then again after work. With about 3 to 5 hours of sg extending in between. Does this sound like a good routine for some results.
ka855;681283 said:
hi i just bought my lifetime membership but haven't received a username and password. How long does it typically take to receive them. help is much appreciated. thanks

You should have now, check your PM box.

Welcome to the Brotherhood and I hope your stay brings everything you hope for!
Yes i ust wanted to let everyone know everything is good now and I'm ready to start my journey lol.
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