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Mlathem;676006 said:
Hey guys,
First off, glad to be here! This will be my first post, this is how i got into pe and the reasons why i started. I just turned 23, but back in high school i have always been an athlete. I have always been cut but i had a slight problem getting undressed in front of people. In high school i had a girlfriend and had no problems we were very sexually active, we ended up breaking up when i was in college. This was when i got really down on myself, I then turned to steroids (just testosterone injections) but i had no idea anything about them. Im pretty sure i did them way too long. Anyway, I hurt my back as well which i still have pain... I have something called bi-lateral pars defect. I noticed something was wrong i had not gotten morning erections for the longest time, and my sex drive/motivation was down. I went and got checked, my free-T levels were low ( 8.1 out of 32) and my total was 405 which is awful for a guy who is 23 and should be in his prime. I also have a great diet and rarely eat any junk food. I have studied a lot on the body and how to increase testosterone so i know what to do for that. How i found penis enlargement was that while i lost my morning erections, my penis shrunk some since i was in my prime in high school.... how much i do not know. That is how i then found Penis- Enlargement and this forum. I am now a Believer 100%.... i really didn't start getting in a routine till about 2 weeks ago( its very important to track progress i understand) but i did the noobie stretches once or twice in a week... kinda just testing everything out. I then felt like i had alot more of my dick afterwards. I remember i looked down at it and I was like holy crap this is the biggest flacid size i have ever seen on myself :). Anyway i stopped due to me getting busy and of course the flaccid hang stopped. So now I'm all in this thing till the day i die, i can already tell I'm getting back to that flaccid size state yet its taking a little longer because i think my penis has toughened up a bit, i do bundled stretches every time before i stretch from what i have read from dld. I have now bought the bathmate, which i have yet to be able to get an erection to go into it. So i might just try to restore erections with a jelqing routine. Last night i had the hardest boner when i had to go pee which is awesome. I also bought the size genetics from dlds site, and will be getting the Mos membership and dvd. I also joined Pegym but i like this forum and dld :). I think dld cares a lot about his brothers which is why i came here. I did notice that Bigal offers me coach and I wanted to somehow get training from DlD himself. I always seem to overtrain when i workout and i do not want to do the same with my phallus because i think it responds to lower intensity but same volume kind of workouts and maybe a 2 day on 1 day off routine. Big Al talks about starting off low intensity and gradually upping it for a noobie. Dld i would love for to inbox me so i could talk to you. I have read tons of your forum posts and watched all of your youtube clips. Anyway, I know this post is kind of everywhere and i have a lot i could say but i didn't know where to start, so my apologies! I will get my measurements up soon going to try and fiddle with my profile and everything.

Welcome Mlathem to the Brotherhood. I love your belief, it is a huge part of gaining. The Newbie Routine is a smart place to start but since you have the equipment you may want to consider SRT. SRT, even though advanced, starts out as gentle as the Newbie Routine and becomes more intense over time. Anyway, welcome and I wish you the best on your journey!
Thank you Dld, I will be here to support MOS for a Looooooonnngg time :) Thanks for the reply. I have started into the noobie routine, and will post my progress once i figure out how to start a thread and all that.
Hey, don't think I ever did this as I went more the lurk then start posting

Read about PE years ago but didn't believe it to be possible. Gave it a try, and maybe gained a little but I wasn't consistent then life got in the way. Anyhow, a bit over a year ago I was a bit in the dumps over life, relationships, etc, and decided why not give it a real go, as if stats could be believed, I was already above average, so why not see just how big I could get it over time. Over that year I gained about 1"x0.2" and was hooked.

Things have since slowed down for me, but I'm still plugging along and trying new things here and there to see if they result in growth again. I'd really like to see 8.5"x5.5" in the not too distant future (less than a year), and although I've set an end goal for girth around 6-6.5" MEG, that is largely based on how it is received...I haven't really set an end goal on length, as I really want to go as far as PE will take me (hopefully to 9-10" and beyond, if possible...because why not).
shortdick;676180 said:
yeah i think we are greedy guys here lol id like to get 10 x6.5.time will tell:)

End of the day, I'll be happy if I get to 8.5"x5.5" (0.75"x0.25" gain), extremely happy if I get to 9"x5.75" (1.25"x0.5" gain) and laughing if I get to 10"x6" (2.25"x0.75" gain). Really hoping I'll make the first, hopeful I'll make the second, and crossing fingers I can still make the third, given enough time.
yeah time is key,dedication,disciplin,patience,hard work etc, but the rewards are fucking beautiful i believe!!
Mlathem;676152 said:
Thank you Dld, I will be here to support MOS for a Looooooonnngg time :) Thanks for the reply. I have started into the noobie routine, and will post my progress once i figure out how to start a thread and all that.

Excellent and I am so happy to have you my Brother!
Hello everyone new here. I am looking to increase girth and length. I just ordered the Bathmate X40 and hope to have this week. I see a lot of posts in here that this should be combined with manual stretching of various kinds like Kegels and others. Dont understand yet all the technical jargon I see for size but currently am 6.4" in length hard and 5.5" in girth. Looking to go to at least 7.5" in length when hard and 6" in girth when hard. Looking to here from others who have or are using the Bathmate X40 and advice for manual stretching as well. Thanks.
Hello, I just wanted to pop in here and introduce. Long time lurker, first time poster. I wanted to start off with THANK YOU. There are many things to thanks all of you guys for, but mostly, making what I find to be very hard to talk about (penis size) easy to discuss. Always wondering if PE was possible but always being told "be happy with what ya got" just didn't seem right. So, my search began on the web. MAN there is a lot of garbage on the net about this. Everything you come across wants money to even just read a few things that might be real...FRUSTRATING. In reading about stretchers and traction, I bought in to the idea and bought one. After reading several reviews I settled on the SG. It seems after reading here I started in the right place I hope. Being a little bit freaked out about injury I started very slowly trying to get used to the thing being on, so, I would wear it at night before bed and after a shower with a little bit of jelqing. Not following any routine or anything but trying to be consistent with what I was doing. Over the last month and a half I stumbled on to this site and HOLY SHIT there is a lot of info to absorb!! As soon as I have the money again I will become a lifelong member. You guys make this so much easier to understand and have motivation to move forward. I have made a very small amount of progress, actually more than I expected with the amount of time I do my routine. I see more flaccid length and very minut amount of BPEL. This does not frustrate me as I have been moving forward slowly on purpose. Mostly to not burn out from lack of expected gains. Although I have set small goals to reach I will continue to add from what I have learned from DLD and everyone else.

I currently own a SG and I just received the vlc tugger last week. I am now adding the tugger to wear during the day with the elastic band to see what and where I gain. I must add, shipping on the tugger was very fast and very discreet. Thanks Ron Low!

Once I learn what all the abbreviations are I will work on posting my beginning, current, and goal stats for a frame of reference on my journey

Long post because I am a rambler, but mostly wanted to say thank you to DLD and the entire brotherhood and hope to learn as much as possible and I am looking forward to many years of gains!
Arayah01;676326 said:
Hello everyone new here. I am looking to increase girth and length. I just ordered the Bathmate X40 and hope to have this week. I see a lot of posts in here that this should be combined with manual stretching of various kinds like Kegels and others. Dont understand yet all the technical jargon I see for size but currently am 6.4" in length hard and 5.5" in girth. Looking to go to at least 7.5" in length when hard and 6" in girth when hard. Looking to here from others who have or are using the Bathmate X40 and advice for manual stretching as well. Thanks.

Start with the newbie routine.I think it's a bit early to use the BM,imo this pump is very powerful and your penis will need some time to get used to PE.Go with a few months of newbie routine and when your dick is ready,add the BM.Adding bathmate right from the start will put too much stress on your penis imo.

Hello, I just wanted to pop in here and introduce. Long time lurker, first time poster. I wanted to start off with THANK YOU. There are many things to thanks all of you guys for, but mostly, making what I find to be very hard to talk about (penis size) easy to discuss. Always wondering if PE was possible but always being told "be happy with what ya got" just didn't seem right. So, my search began on the web. MAN there is a lot of garbage on the net about this. Everything you come across wants money to even just read a few things that might be real...FRUSTRATING. In reading about stretchers and traction, I bought in to the idea and bought one. After reading several reviews I settled on the SG. It seems after reading here I started in the right place I hope. Being a little bit freaked out about injury I started very slowly trying to get used to the thing being on, so, I would wear it at night before bed and after a shower with a little bit of jelqing. Not following any routine or anything but trying to be consistent with what I was doing. Over the last month and a half I stumbled on to this site and HOLY SHIT there is a lot of info to absorb!! As soon as I have the money again I will become a lifelong member. You guys make this so much easier to understand and have motivation to move forward. I have made a very small amount of progress, actually more than I expected with the amount of time I do my routine. I see more flaccid length and very minut amount of BPEL. This does not frustrate me as I have been moving forward slowly on purpose. Mostly to not burn out from lack of expected gains. Although I have set small goals to reach I will continue to add from what I have learned from DLD and everyone else.

I currently own a SG and I just received the vlc tugger last week. I am now adding the tugger to wear during the day with the elastic band to see what and where I gain. I must add, shipping on the tugger was very fast and very discreet. Thanks Ron Low!

Once I learn what all the abbreviations are I will work on posting my beginning, current, and goal stats for a frame of reference on my journey

Long post because I am a rambler, but mostly wanted to say thank you to DLD and the entire brotherhood and hope to learn as much as possible and I am looking forward to many years of gains!

Awesome man ! i would advice you to start with the newbie routine,simple and effective,and as you progress and your penis will get used to PE,you can start the SRT and use your tools at maximum efficiency.
ChilDsh;676460 said:
Start with the newbie routine.I think it's a bit early to use the BM,imo this pump is very powerful and your penis will need some time to get used to PE.Go with a few months of newbie routine and when your dick is ready,add the BM.Adding bathmate right from the start will put too much stress on your penis imo.

Awesome man ! i would advice you to start with the newbie routine,simple and effective,and as you progress and your penis will get used to PE,you can start the SRT and use your tools at maximum efficiency.

Thanks man, I plan to do that very thing.
Arayah01;676326 said:
Hello everyone new here. I am looking to increase girth and length.

Arayah01, Welcome to the Brotherhood! Don't become inundated with all the information. You can learn everything you ned to know through the Newbie Thread and the SRT Thread. Read both of those threads completely and you will have everything you need to make those gains!

Noodlenugs;676393 said:
Long post because I am a rambler, but mostly wanted to say thank you to DLD and the entire brotherhood and hope to learn as much as possible and I am looking forward to many years of gains!

Noodlenugs, Rambling is fine when the paragraphs are broken correctly. Rambling threads with no paragraphs I can't read. Anyway, Welcome to the Brotherhood. I see you have equipment so I suggest you learn the techniques offered in SRT. This will give you good direction to how to use your SizeGenetics, the difference between passive and active training. Learning the various healing techniques and to gain 13 years of knowledge in one thread :) I wish you the best on your journey.
Thanks DLD, I ordered the bathmate as well and it shows it will be here tomorrow! 3 days is fantastic delivery time. I could not help but to order it because I have read so many good things about it.
I have read the threads you spoke of a thousand times it seems and i still refer to them. But, even with the equipment I am still moving slow and building a routine slowly and I continue to add to it. I have been doing the newbie routine and wow! That has done more in the few days that i have been doing it than anything i have tried. You can really feel it once you learn it. I just plan on building up every couple days in intensity as to not burn out to quick.
I just purchased the bathmate 30Xtreme and have made all the mistakes others have made stretching too far... retaining water after stretching.. need some advice. can not find starter video...need a routine that will work to build lentgh and girth. need to get advice from someone that has been successful
I have read the Newibe Routine of stretching but wonder if there are any video for guidance? also seeking guidance on the correct amount of pressure for the X30? I am sure you have answered these same queestions many times. even though I have read a lot of posts, I do not see the guidance I am looing for.

Really need some help
Bretsweat;677246 said:
I just purchased the bathmate 30Xtreme and have made all the mistakes others have made stretching too far... retaining water after stretching.. need some advice. can not find starter video...need a routine that will work to build lentgh and girth. need to get advice from someone that has been successful

Start slowly mate.The BM pump is a device for girth.You will get very little results in length by using the BM.There is a special way of using the BM for length but i think it's too early for that,you might get injured.Your BM sets should be quick and not with a lot of pressure.And with time you can increase that.For exemple:

Week 1

1 min BM with medium intensity combined with jelqing : Something like 50 jelqs + 1 min bathmate , 3 times

Week 2

2.5 min BM with mediumish intensity combined with jelqing : SOmething like 100 jelqs + 2.5 min Bathmate , 3 times

Week 3

From know i think you can go with the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) program listed in the SRT : 5 min BM at high pressure ( but be careful ) combined with jelqing ( it was SSJ originally but i'm giving jelqing as an exemple ) . 5 min BM , 5 min jelqing.3 times.Be careful ,never over do it,if you feel any kind of pain,stop.Start slowly.I would say 90 % of the injuries happen because people are going too hard too soon.

You might get a bit of length out of BM but don't count on it.Start a stretching routine if you want lenght.

I have read the Newibe Routine of stretching but wonder if there are any video for guidance? also seeking guidance on the correct amount of pressure for the X30? I am sure you have answered these same queestions many times. even though I have read a lot of posts, I do not see the guidance I am looing for.

Really need some help

You are new so don't use a lot of pressure.Start slowly for the first few weeks.

wonder if there are any video for guidance

What kind of video are you looking for more exactly?

Hey name is becky10000 and i want to increase my penis size

Hey becky start with the NEWBIE ROUTINE.You should know in PE you need to be consistent with what you do.Follow that routine everyday,stick with it and wait.PE takes time.Months , even years to see significant gains.
Noodlenugs;677026 said:
Thanks DLD, I ordered the bathmate as well and it shows it will be here tomorrow! 3 days is fantastic delivery time. I could not help but to order it because I have read so many good things about it.
I have read the threads you spoke of a thousand times it seems and i still refer to them. But, even with the equipment I am still moving slow and building a routine slowly and I continue to add to it. I have been doing the newbie routine and wow! That has done more in the few days that i have been doing it than anything i have tried. You can really feel it once you learn it. I just plan on building up every couple days in intensity as to not burn out to quick.

That is what it is all about and you are right on course. Starting with the Newbie Routine and the BathMate will bring great gains, especially when used in the 5x5x3 routine in SRT. Other advance exercises and tools you can add as time progresses and you progress. For now you are looking good.
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