
Jun 3, 2003
Was thinking today what was missing in my routine, and thought maybe I should have some kind of training music. Not necessarily music for during the routine, but maybe just something to get me fired up to do some Penis Enlargement.

Can't say I've decided on a song, but think I may implement one soon.

I think maybe War or Training Montage by Vince DiCola on the Rocky IV soundtrack might do the trick. Or else some other song that I really like, like Blister by Simon Says.

So, I ask the people of the forum, do you have training music? And if so, what is it?

- DSinator
I have heavy metal on when I hang weights, NO MUSIC what-so-ever when I jelq or constrict....just visualize under a sheet.
Michael Jackson music during the workout for me.

If you count the wet, sloshing sounds of �naked people movies� as music, then yeah, I work out to music.
I listen to the radio, there's usually something worth listening to. This makes the time go by a lot faster.
Well, I usually watch �naked people movies� when doing girth and whatever is on TV at the time when doing length.

As for weight lifting music, pretty much anything aggressive goes:
Right now my fave is probably Mudvayne. The lyrics are just insane, you really have to go over each individual song a dozen times before a clear message starts emerging. Not that I listen to the lyrics while pumping iron, though. It's just such an adrenaline rush to crank up something like Mudvayne pre-workout and whip yourself into a frenzy. That aggressive energy can be tapped into and used as a great natural workout enhancer.
I watch a �naked people movies� while jelqing and staring at the walls while stretching.
I jelg while staring out my window! The screams and whistles and laughter are music to my ears!!LMAO

Sometimes I watch a movie while I'm stretching. But nothing when I'm jelqing or doing girth. I have to focus on keeping the engorgement level high, and can't afford generic viagra (and don't really see a need...its just a convenience). Girth work for me is as much a mind workout as it is a physical workout. Focusing on staying aroused for 30 minutes or so with no visual or other stimulation other than my mind is pretty hard haha.
Music while stretching??? Could be fun, I'll give it a go. I will probably listen to the ULTRAMAGNETIC MC's:)
I started to listen to Underground black and death metal these days from Eastern Europe mainly, like the Polish Decapitated and Gontyna Kry ... fills my ever increasing anger these days ... a bomb waiting to explode as my father says.
I use this anger now in my Penis Enlargement workouts to BEND as hard as I can - safely of course.
The hard music helps me imagine I am in another world, like Hell or summut similer.
Oneday I might tear my cock off.
I turn on the radio and listen to that while I jelq. Time goes by quicker that way
I listen to either the first Korn album because I used that for sports practice in high school or I listen to WuTang, Juicy by Notorious BIG, Raising Hell-Run DMC, Neil Diamond, or Barry Manilow
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