Looking forward to seeing just how advantageous this is whenever you do actually share it.
Barnstool123;617603 said:

What? Waiting to show us guys all this content for PE is exactly what you're doing by starting a thread about supposed PE content you have but are WAITING to share. If you couldn't wait your OP would have been better. And instead of sharing this amazing PE content you are asking people for money because you have none. You did just mention being lazy and that won't get you any investors. This laziness is probably why you have to ask for money instead of having it yourself.

Work harder

While some things are worth the wait, withholding knowledge that could help others just to build up suspense is a bad thing.

That knowledge could be lost for a number of reasons. Life is fragile. Might as well contribute to humanity and share these ideas as one is discovering them so that people may try it out and see if it works for them, right? Someone telling guys that they've figured out methods to increase size and that they're gonna make a profit off of it seems like it's just a way to torment those who are desperate for gains.

With PE I feel as though if you have something to contribute, get it out ASAP. Financial matters are different, I work a 40 hour week job but that has nothing to do with helping others out in their problems. I tell dudes to try doing kegels. I tell women to try doing kegels with their husbands at the same time for better sex. There's no incentive in all of this, helping out your fellow human beings when you have that knowledge is just the natural thing to do. You may not have a second chance later.
samuriajack;617646 said:
funny thing is your bagging on lightning not me he changed my name for me but spelt it wrong lol i didnt even bother to check till you said this but thankyou for pointing it out now even i get a laugh, also i talk perfectly ... and even when i read foreigners writing and they dont write correctly i understand because writing is just a form of communication to get the point im trying to say across not how peefect i follow the writing rules which i dont give a fuck about :) no1 has told me i dont get what your trying to say

Actually, my bad I did misspell your name but the spelling you pmed me was "samuarijack" so do you want it to be samuraijack or samuarijack?
samuriajack;617597 said:
id be down to try dmt, but i have all the knoweldge/power i need within my own self the subconicous mind is something all of us have but being one with you subconcious and taking controll of all the power/knoweldge it has through meditation is absoultely amazing .... humans we have a super computer within all of us learn how to use it there are no limits litterally ... i also plan on wriritng a book or speaking out to the world on my views ,the way people view life will change soon well the whole world will change !!!!! and tko yes i do , i speak no lies ... also who is a film director i have a movie idea to make millions i have it all planned out jus havent written the script which is cake but im lazy , and like i said before i plan on revulitonizing the skateboard thats like a billion$ i have many things ready i have my whole life planned out and the future of humanity im like a next gen dalai lama seriously i just need to make the money first to start this jounrey of mine in this material world money means alot but i plan on chnaging this perection i provide the solution !!!! long story short if you have connections hmu id give you like half prorfit im not greedy at all 500 million is still alot of money and i can just keep mutiplying anyway

Wow, sounds like you have allot of innovating ideas.
I took his post as a negative one based on his past post history. A few of tkto posts for the last few weeks have been raising red flags and members have been reporting them. If it was his first offense I would of let it slide but he has been asking for it for a while. MoS is a brotherhood that is all about free speech but if you come here and start bashing other members for no good cause then we don't need you here.
I know a fair amount of people that have big dreams, they lay around in the projects all day collecting a government check and smoke weed around their newborn babies but can't afford anything. They come up with all these big dreams while they are high and never do anything to move forward in life. Sometimes we need to forget about the big dreams and focus on the big picture to get our life in order. Once we accomplish that then we can start trying to make our dreams a reality.

I have learned in life that if you don't do other peoples jobs for them to get what you want, you will most likely never get it. I spent a great deal of my relationship showing this to my lady. She is the type of person that would sit around waiting for someone else to do something for her to learn they had no intentions to do anything.

Example, we recently hired a relator to find a new home, this relator did absolutely nothing for weeks. I had to stay on his ass everyday and he never accomplished anything. The guy never returned calls or gave us updates. I went directly to his manger and his manager said he would take care of it and nothing changed. I ended up doing everything myself and got it done in a couple days and then when the relator found out, he expected to get a commission. I told him and his manager to fuck off and told them how fucking lazy, sloppy and unprofessional they were. I called some other random relator and let them get the commission. People are fucking lazy and that is why they do not succeed in life.

Two rules I live by:
1) If you want it done right, do it yourself
2) If you hang with nine broke friends, you're bound to be the tenth one
ok the reason why id say id rather lucid dream then go out and look for an invester is because lucid dreaming to me is another form of meditation if you know what your doing , you coulkd seriously make good use of your time and getting smarter , but if you want me to not sound so lazy id rather write a book, write music then go out and look for an invester id rather be produtive in other ways .and yes id rather work at target and have fun talking abou life with people then go out and look for an invester . the time will come when i do its njust that will be such a giant leap in my life all to happen so suddenly you feel me . And as for this information its gonna take time , no longer then a month or two but i promise no matter what ill display it in full debt but as for the 6 workouts i made ill do it within two weeks or so . and thankyou lighting im definately gonna start pushing my friends cuz i told them all once we get a pad together we must stay constant in acheiving our dreams but im on the road of getting a job to get a place for myself without distratcions besides peopl who want to aceheive the same thing . step by step but itll come true
LIGHTNING;617694 said:
I know a fair amount of people that have big dreams, they lay around in the projects all day collecting a government check and smoke weed around their newborn babies but can't afford anything. They come up with all these big dreams while they are high and never do anything to move forward in life. Sometimes we need to forget about the big dreams and focus on the big picture to get our life in order. Once we accomplish that then we can start trying to make our dreams a reality.

I have learned in life that if you don't do other peoples jobs for them to get what you want, you will most likely never get it. I spent a great deal of my relationship showing this to my lady. She is the type of person that would sit around waiting for someone else to do something for her to learn they had no intentions to do anything.

Example, we recently hired a relator to find a new home, this relator did absolutely nothing for weeks. I had to stay on his ass everyday and he never accomplished anything. The guy never returned calls or gave us updates. I went directly to his manger and his manager said he would take care of it and nothing changed. I ended up doing everything myself and got it done in a couple days and then when the relator found out, he expected to get a commission. I told him and his manager to fuck off and told them how fucking lazy, sloppy and unprofessional they were. I called some other random relator and let them get the commission. People are fucking lazy and that is why they do not succeed in life.

Two rules I live by:
1) If you want it done right, do it yourself
2) If you hang with nine broke friends, you're bound to be the tenth one

I know that's right. I've always been smart as fuck and growing up I always knew in my mind that I'd be the one in my family to be successful. It seemed guaranteed. But then I started selling dope in high school, and eventually my life turned into one big cycle of moving work, smoking loud, and sleeping my ass off (but at least I was lucid dreaming!). Now here I am 23 with nothing to show for it except a gpa that's in the toilet and a nonexistent resume that compliments my long ass arrest records LMAO. If I could just go back and tell myself to take a shitty job when I was 16 instead of staying in the streets.
stillwantmore2;617574 said:
I need to get me some DMT and see what the spirits tell me. It will change PE forever!

A very scary experience but it will show you exactly who you are and why you are here. I did it once and that was enough, it brought me to a place that is indescribable and when I came out of it I was left with a higher understanding of myself and those in the world around me. The high only lasts for 5 minutes but that might as well be 100 years as time doe snot apply in this place. I think everyone should try it once.
doublelongdaddy;617844 said:
A very scary experience but it will show you exactly who you are and why you are here. I did it once and that was enough, it brought me to a place that is indescribable and when I came out of it I was left with a higher understanding of myself and those in the world around me. The high only lasts for 5 minutes but that might as well be 100 years as time doe snot apply in this place. I think everyone should try it once.

DMT trips are just super mega dreams lol. They remind me of acid the way they make you feel like they're so profound, but in reality they're just your ultra creative mind coming up with ridiculousness.
doublelongdaddy;617844 said:
The high only lasts for 5 minutes but that might as well be 100 years as time doe snot apply in this place.
Sounds like you went into the limbo world of Inception.
Agree with both of you, it was like a dream while awake. Things just were completely different than the way I believed them to be. The laws of physics pretty much broke down completely.
i just wanna update you guys as i just measured and im .1 up from last week and havent even used the ads for healing will start up again tommorow .My approach is working like i thought it would and im gaining just as i wanted ctually a little bit more then expected cant wait till i check measurements at the beggining of december . tommorow ill be able to wear the ads after streching to keep from turtling and heal while elongated , healing while in a compressed state will never compare to healing elongated .

i want to be 6.5 erect girth 7 maximum and 10 length , i can see myself achieving this very soon if i end up gaining atleast .3 at the end of the month ill be happy .... and this means in theory from my approach ill gain even more the following month and so on "so lets say i get .2 this month id expect only more then .2 increase the folwing month it can be much greater or just a little greater but withoutout a doubt itll be more then"

also i have yet to buy a bm/LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging which im lookig forward too<33333 im gonna order the lm the 14th and the bm at the end of the month i cant wait tools arent necessary but they can help alot more , and i accidnetly posted this in wrong thread last night
id rather do dmt then ayawaska id like the most potent alternative as i would not wanna be able to walk or move or see id just wanna see through my mind
sweet. yea i agree about tools. not needed but sure am glad i have them
youknowme123321;618162 said:
sweet. yea i agree about tools. not needed but sure am glad i have them

Thats a big point, the tools make the process more fun so a user is more likely to stick around if he has various options to complete his routine.
doublelongdaddy;618316 said:
Thats a big point, the tools make the process more fun so a user is more likely to stick around if he has various options to complete his routine.

i like tools b/c of how much less energy i use using them.
youknowme123321;618340 said:
i like tools b/c of how much less energy i use using them.

Doing my manuals is my least favorite exercise.
youknowme123321;618340 said:
i like tools b/c of how much less energy i use using them.
Same here. Wouldn't it be great to have like, a masseuse for your dick? A woman, of course. Someone who would do all the stretching and jelqing for you, very clinically and professionally, while you just lie there or sit there reading a magazine or whatever. And a happy ending afterwards :)
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