2sets of streching daily will not do anything for length in that timeframe,not even hanging 2 sets with beginer weights will not give you length.

Now, if you jelqued for 20-30 min/day as you say you should have seen at least 0.1-0.2" in girth in 1 month mostly from improved EQ, so that makes me think that you'e doing something wrong.

I've been pe-ing for over 2 years now, i've done everything from manuals to hanging, long extender use, pumping, LM and read a shit of stories in this period since I roam all big PE forums and I can tell you that there's no such thing as a no-gainer.....with a single exception, there is a guy on thundersplace that says he din not gained anything in 4 YEARS of PE but still follows hir routine rigurosly every day(think about that as motivation) in hope that he will see gains sone day.

I've been trough this myself, I did not gained anything in my first 3 months of PE(except some minor girth gains from jelquing that were actual improved EQ) so I quit... 2 years later started again reading as much as I could on propper exercise form on theese forums and 4 months later I measured +0.5" in length and +0.2 in girth. It was the same dick, same hands and the same routine but the FORM was different and that was the difference that made the difference.

Add more streching, i would not even call it a PE routine if has less then 30mins of intense streching and 20min of jelquing and stay consistent.

Blueballs;627912 said:
2sets of streching daily will not do anything for length in that timeframe,not even hanging 2 sets with beginer weights will not give you length.

Now, if you jelqued for 20-30 min/day as you say you should have seen at least 0.1-0.2" in girth in 1 month mostly from improved EQ, so that makes me think that you'e doing something wrong.

I've been pe-ing for over 2 years now, i've done everything from manuals to hanging, long extender use, pumping, LM and read a shit of stories in this period since I roam all big PE forums and I can tell you that there's no such thing as a no-gainer.....with a single exception, there is a guy on thundersplace that says he din not gained anything in 4 YEARS of PE but still follows hir routine rigurosly every day(think about that as motivation) in hope that he will see gains sone day.

I've been trough this myself, I did not gained anything in my first 3 months of PE(except some minor girth gains from jelquing that were actual improved EQ) so I quit... 2 years later started again reading as much as I could on propper exercise form on theese forums and 4 months later I measured +0.5" in length and +0.2 in girth. It was the same dick, same hands and the same routine but the FORM was different and that was the difference that made the difference.

Add more streching, i would not even call it a PE routine if has less then 30mins of intense streching and 20min of jelquing and stay consistent.


Thanks for the reply. I jelqed for 10 minutes (1 jelq per second, I saw guys doing it with that tempo in most tutorial vids) and my hands would hurt even after 5 minutes so I don't see how I could do it for 20 - 30 minutes. Do you think I should double the number of jelqs or slow down the tempo?
I also mentioned in other posts I'm worried about stretching too intense because my dick head starts hurting and gets purple around the urethra (and that's after just one set). I used to just use baby powder and that wasn't do bad on my head but if I tried to max out intensity my hands would slip and I would soon be gripping my head strongly which I don't like at all. Then I started using toilet paper which gave me a better grip but still I don't feel so good about the friction between the toilet paper and the sensitive head skin when gripping hard. Anyway, I guess I'm just scared of stretching too strong not to hurt my head in any way. Don't want any discolorations, loss of sensation or worsening the wrinkles I already have, so do you have any advice on that?
Thanks again
js279169;627916 said:
Thanks for the reply. I jelqed for 10 minutes (1 jelq per second, I saw guys doing it with that tempo in most tutorial vids) and my hands would hurt even after 5 minutes so I don't see how I could do it for 20 - 30 minutes. Do you think I should double the number of jelqs or slow down the tempo?
I also mentioned in other posts I'm worried about stretching too intense because my dick head starts hurting and gets purple around the urethra (and that's after just one set). I used to just use baby powder and that wasn't do bad on my head but if I tried to max out intensity my hands would slip and I would soon be gripping my head strongly which I don't like at all. Then I started using toilet paper which gave me a better grip but still I don't feel so good about the friction between the toilet paper and the sensitive head skin when gripping hard. Anyway, I guess I'm just scared of stretching too strong not to hurt my head in any way. Don't want any discolorations, loss of sensation or worsening the wrinkles I already have, so do you have any advice on that?
Thanks again

Your hands will get stronger as you progress so if 10 minutes is all you can do today in the future your will be able to add more and more time to the routine. Your hands are just not used to it yet and the muscles you are using are still developing so keep up the workouts and they will become longer as your hands become stronger. With stretching it is normal for the head to become purple due to the blood flow trapped below the stretch, this is completely temporary and will go away within an hour after training. Toilet paper may not be the best thing to grip with because it is rough to a certain degree. I suggest picking up some leather driving gloves or a pack of latex surgical gloves, both will give much better stretch with little irritation. After training you can use a dab of hydrocortisone cream that will deal with any residual irritation, redness or itchiness.
doublelongdaddy;627933 said:
Your hands will get stronger as you progress so if 10 minutes is all you can do today in the future your will be able to add more and more time to the routine. Your hands are just not used to it yet and the muscles you are using are still developing so keep up the workouts and they will become longer as your hands become stronger. With stretching it is normal for the head to become purple due to the blood flow trapped below the stretch, this is completely temporary and will go away within an hour after training. Toilet paper may not be the best thing to grip with because it is rough to a certain degree. I suggest picking up some leather driving gloves or a pack of latex surgical gloves, both will give much better stretch with little irritation. After training you can use a dab of hydrocortisone cream that will deal with any residual irritation, redness or itchiness.

Thanks DLD, very helpful.
Don't give up yet man, there are a ton of options out there for you to try and you will definitely see gains at some point in the future. The only thing is some guys see them sooner and others take longer.
Js, do you press into your fat pad at all when you jelq? I used to do that and I think that had something to do with me not getting any results.
try getting a grip like done in expressive stretching and then jelq. This way you can pull out internal penis also and do your jelqs completely from base and its like gripping it from the inner part of the fat pad. Also make sure you have a good grip that you are trapping the blood and taking it all the way to the glans and not stopping before.
What you need to do is search the forums for "no gains" and "hard gainer" and read all you can find. You need to read some positive stories to build some confidence and start belive that it is possible.
Blueballs;628077 said:
What you need to do is search the forums for "no gains" and "hard gainer" and read all you can find. You need to read some positive stories to build some confidence and start belive that it is possible.

Man knowing you're a hard gainer is not motivating, just depressing. From what I gather I wasn't really going all in my first month and I'm going to try again, but if I don't see gains in the next 6 months I'm out. All the best to the dude who's been trying for 4 years, but I'd rather keep my average dick than waste all that effort and time.
Just do p.e and if no gains take rest for 10 day then start again and then rest 10 days the again PE the rest for ten days. This will condition your penis and gains will come for sure. Remember if you loose you're EQ while PE then gains will be very very slow. Your EQ is the check point to your gains. PE = loss in EQ gains will be less or no gains. PE = gain in EQ then gains will be very fast.
Sometimes being too anxious about gains is counterproductive read the Routines,clear your doubts and make sure you are understanding it,from my personal experience i have been reckless sometimes,and i havent exercised correctly,getting discouraged sometimes,leaving the PE excitement away and turning things into a horrible and dull thing.Whitin two months you can get interesting gains:)
First, one month is nothing. Many men don't see gains for a few months.
stillwantmore2;628151 said:
First, one month is nothing. Many men don't see gains for a few months.

This is a fact. I have read numerous post stating the importance of being consistent and in it for the long haul when it comes to making gains in PE.
One month with minimal gains can't tell you anything. Did you gain at least 1/8"? If so, you're right on track with the best gainers. The average rate of gain is 1/8"-1/4" per month. That's an average of 1.5" annually. That's excellent.
And then is the measuring witch if it's faulty will make your dick smaller or at least not show a 1/8" gain.

Are you sure you measured in the exact same manor?
stillwantmore2;628151 said:
First, one month is nothing. Many men don't see gains for a few months.

This is true and is usually because in the beginning some men subconsciously hold back on the exercises not using enough intensity for fear of hurting themselves but over time they become more coincident with the exercises and eventually use the proper amount of intensity to see growth. This also explains why some men gain very quickly, they use good intensity from the beginning. Men need to know that the penis can take quite a bit of intensity without causing injury.
doublelongdaddy;628478 said:
This is true and is usually because in the beginning some men subconsciously hold back on the exercises not using enough intensity for fear of hurting themselves but over time they become more coincident with the exercises and eventually use the proper amount of intensity to see growth. This also explains why some men gain very quickly, they use good intensity from the beginning. Men need to know that the penis can take quite a bit of intensity without causing injury.

I hope I'm not being too annoying with this but I really wanna make sure I get it right. I stretched it very strongly last night using latex gloves and during the stretches I had to tolerate head pain. Is it normal for the head to hurt during stretching and I should just deal with it (cause I can)? Or am still doing something wrong?
Head pain well hurts a little but is bearable i think
js279169;628495 said:
I hope I'm not being too annoying with this but I really wanna make sure I get it right. I stretched it very strongly last night using latex gloves and during the stretches I had to tolerate head pain. Is it normal for the head to hurt during stretching and I should just deal with it (cause I can)? Or am still doing something wrong?

It is normal to feel discomfort in stretches, mostly in the beginning. After a couple months you will no monger notice this. It is important to get through the discomfort and use the right intensity or gains will not happen. Be sure you are gripping just below the head, pressure on the head will cause more discomfort.
whatch as many videos u can on stretching ....google it read as much as u can so you know exactly what to do
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