desiel_dick said:
arrhhh Vk...i dont even know what to say...its over just stop. ok already goffin around with others who were mad.....dont be such a tight ass.....i mean you guys are givin me shit cause of my spelling? is that all you gotLMAO seriosly....relax write like novels about me in these threads....chill out man....ur like buggin out have a drink or take a toke...or take a poke....but most of all...take a joke! dont be such a fucknut;)

Can someone shut this clown up?
I hate to jump in on these things, but I just had to point out a few things to one of our newer members, Diesel Dick.

You aren't the only guy on here with the stats you claim and you're definitely not the largest member here starting size or otherwise, yet here you are with quite a few people that have taken exception to your attitude and percieved smugness, which you do have. Quite honestly all this fuss has nothing to do with your size when you get down to it. You haven't contributed anything positive to these forums other than pics. What is your perception of this forum and really about P.E.? It seems that you don't get it at all. You ought to start recognizing these topics of size in particular as having certain deeper meanings to an extent. What you are experiencing at the moment really only shows up when someone comes along who just doesn't understand the applicable analogy of a rich kid taking for granted his family's wealth before a group of underpriveleged children. Alot of guys are huge and you might aspire to be one of them, but don't ever take this for granted and you better especially not in any way act like you have and cry foul. I mean this whole "I'll be 9 x 7 stuff in a year," is GREAT except you've come off sounding like an asshole who's full of himself not to mention ignorant of why many of us DO IN FACT have to go to such great lengths to achieve results. You might not be full of yourself at all, but if this many people have singled you out then you might want to take a look as to any possible reasons for the kind of responses you've received.

Oh and just as a side note to maybe better relay to you as to why people are on your case...It's nice that you're good looking, but when you throw in "it doesn't hurt that people often say I look like Jude Law," and then annoint yourself to the top of the mountain as essentially being the sole representative and defender of all those "naturally well-endowed" or "blessed" men it's hard to suppress one's laughter.

AND...It's not that we all have this mentality that all hung guys must P.E. I kind of understand why you might think that is so, but you haven't been here long enough to just assume that's the case. We might entertain the idea and in fact we look for evidence of such a thing and anyone else who might think this way probably does it to put their mind at ease. If that's the truth then that's probably sad, but we aren't going to knock them.

As for the thread's topic, it had to do with the average penis size. From your horrible estimations on guy's sizes to your numerous posts with the ringing sentiment of "oh, just do a little bit of this and a little bit of that and you'll be gaining just fine," "I will never do all that clamping and hanging for hours on end...that's too extreme for me," makes me want to "kindly" ask you to keep your two cents to yourself lest you want your ignorance and naivety exposed. The fact that you fail to see how all that is very disrespectful to this community suggests that you so obviously don't get it. Listen, you haven't been here that long so I suggest you stick to your P.E. routines and leave it at that. No one cares how big your dick is. To think otherwise would lead me to think you're delusional as I don't know you personally and I'll wager no one else on MOS does either. Stick around and maybe you'll learn a thing or two about what P.E. is all about and what it means to quite a few of us. In any event, welcome to Matters of Size. Good luck.
iwant8inches said:
I hate to jump in on these things, but I just had to point out a few things to one of our newer members, Diesel Dick.

You aren't the only guy on here with the stats you claim and you're definitely not the largest member here starting size or otherwise, yet here you are with quite a few people that have taken exception to your attitude and percieved smugness, which you do have. Quite honestly all this fuss has nothing to do with your size when you get down to it. You haven't contributed anything positive to these forums other than pics. What is your perception of this forum and really about P.E.? It seems that you don't get it at all. You ought to start recognizing these topics of size in particular as having certain deeper meanings to an extent. What you are experiencing at the moment really only shows up when someone comes along who just doesn't understand the applicable analogy of a rich kid taking for granted his family's wealth before a group of underpriveleged children. Alot of guys are huge and you might aspire to be one of them, but don't ever take this for granted and you better especially not in any way act like you have and cry foul. I mean this whole "I'll be 9 x 7 stuff in a year," is GREAT except you've come off sounding like an asshole who's full of himself not to mention ignorant of why many of us DO IN FACT have to go to such great lengths to achieve results. You might not be full of yourself at all, but if this many people have singled you out then you might want to take a look as to any possible reasons for the kind of responses you've received.

Oh and just as a side note to maybe better relay to you as to why people are on your case...It's nice that you're good looking, but when you throw in "it doesn't hurt that people often say I look like Jude Law," and then annoint yourself to the top of the mountain as essentially being the sole representative and defender of all those "naturally well-endowed" or "blessed" men it's hard to suppress one's laughter.

AND...It's not that we all have this mentality that all hung guys must P.E. I kind of understand why you might think that is so, but you haven't been here long enough to just assume that's the case. We might entertain the idea and in fact we look for evidence of such a thing and anyone else who might think this way probably does it to put their mind at ease. If that's the truth then that's probably sad, but we aren't going to knock them.

As for the thread's topic, it had to do with the average penis size. From your horrible estimations on guy's sizes to your numerous posts with the ringing sentiment of "oh, just do a little bit of this and a little bit of that and you'll be gaining just fine," "I will never do all that clamping and hanging for hours on end...that's too extreme for me," makes me want to "kindly" ask you to keep your two cents to yourself lest you want your ignorance and naivety exposed. The fact that you fail to see how all that is very disrespectful to this community suggests that you so obviously don't get it. Listen, you haven't been here that long so I suggest you stick to your P.E. routines and leave it at that. No one cares how big your dick is. To think otherwise would lead me to think you're delusional as I don't know you personally and I'll wager no one else on MOS does either. Stick around and maybe you'll learn a thing or two about what P.E. is all about and what it means to quite a few of us. In any event, welcome to Matters of Size. Good luck.
look im allowed to express my opinions. i dont care who you guys think you are, but what you need to start doing is Stop worring about me..ok like i keep guys keep on instigating. i dont listen to a word you guys say.
desiel_dick said:
arrhhh Vk...i dont even know what to say...its over just stop. ok already goffin around with others who were mad.....dont be such a tight ass.....i mean you guys are givin me shit cause of my spelling? is that all you gotLMAO seriosly....relax write like novels about me in these threads....chill out man....ur like buggin out have a drink or take a toke...or take a poke....but most of all...take a joke! dont be such a fucknut;)

I could care less about your spelling. I have no problems with relaxing, and I hope this whole issue gets resolved soon. We'd all love to have you as a new member who's willing to contribute POSTIVELY to these forums. Be helpful, be kind, and be supportive and noone is expecting you to necessarily comment on something you might not have full knowledge of. Be here, and learn from the Penis Enlargement vets, and hopefully in time we will all learn from you as well. You've never given me the chance to welcome you to MoS. From the first posts you made you came off wrong, but that's understandable, and mistakes are a human trait. You need not appologize to me but you do need to appologize to the rest of the forum members. I hope you make a thread and formally appologize and start your MoS experience from scratch. I'm fairly certain I speak for all when I say we could care less about a couple of days of mistakes, if your attitude changes to one of support and respect from now on.

IW8 and VK: real good, you guys. Real nice. You're giving him more attention. And yet another chance. (His MO is to insult and hurt, then issue a fake apology, then insult again, then apologize... rinse and repeat till Hell freezes over.) You continue to give him exactly what he wants, which is more attention and more chances. Fucking terrific. Great job, guys! I certainly won't be a party to it.
Baraka said:
IW8 and VK: real good, you guys. Real nice. You're giving him more attention. And yet another chance. (His MO is to insult and hurt, then issue a fake apology, then insult again, then apologize... rinse and repeat till Hell freezes over.) You continue to give him exactly what he wants, which is more attention and more chances. Fucking terrific. Great job, guys! I certainly won't be a party to it.

You may very well be right. I just feel bad for him, I truely do. He feels he's up against the world and everyone is out there to get him, and I think that issue is far more important to resolve than Penis Enlargement in his case. And if in anyway we could give him that support to make sure he knows how to behave in MOS (which applies to everyday life) then he's gotten a gift from MoS far greater than a larger dick: a life lesson!

but as I said you might be right, and he may not change, but that's his loss.
EVO;207453 said:
over the years of drunk conversations with my mates the aspect of 'size' comes up sometimes. its strange that most of my mates are actually 'big' ranging between 7 and 8 inches (im assuming bp measurements). im sure this is truth also. my question is that if so many guys are big then how is the average 5.5 - 6.5? do you think average is getting bigger? and its not just random its actually 8 guys i know of all fall into this category...

I doubt all your mates are up to that size. A lot of people lie when it comes to revealing their penis size. They don't measure, they just choose a size above 7 inches length
this is what i gathered about people who do penis enlargment, you think anyone who has a naturally big dick is either two things....A Penis Enlargement'er......or a liar. Its fuckin ridiculous. Your friends probly all just have 7 or 8 inch dicks......... just a coincedence. that really isnt so big its hard to belive. & inches is average...6 to 7 is avergae...anything lower is smal, and anything above 8 is big.......9 and up is huge. Bottom line is this, 99.9 percent of guys who have big dicks.....were born that way.

I agree.
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