
  1. K

    pe after surgery

    Are there any experiences of hanging or stretching after surgery, did it make easier or harder to make new gains
  2. T

    Most Skeptical, and critic!!

    It is really hard to think that I can enlarge my penis. I read all about it, and still I am skeptical. Few reasons, if it really did work, why are there still people getting surgeries. Second, I have yet to see variable before and after pics. Third, there are many forums like this, yet it seems...
  3. B

    DLD, who the F*** is Mr. Happy?

    Hey guys, I'm not trying to stir up anything. But after hearing so much talk about �other forum� I decided to go over there and have a look and was shocked at what I found whenever I searched 'MoS' or 'DLD' among the threads. One reply I found in a thread by some guy called Mr. Happy - "Having...
  4. az_mike

    Flaccid Stretch Length vs Erect Length

    Ok, I have a question: How does flaccid stretched length play into the erect length? Meaning: I have a BPFSL of ~6.5", but my BPenis EnlargementL is ~6". Where did the other 1/2" go? Is BPFSL more of an indicator of length gains than BPenis EnlargementL? I don't understand the importance...
  5. airshy

    Team October

    ok after a strong September i have decided to push for another big month. anyone wanting to train hard over these next 31 days with any routine is welcome to pipe in here anytime for support. i am looking to hang two hours a day, clamp 5 days a week, and pump 3 times a week. that should...
  6. M

    I said I wouldn't but I measured & GAINED!!!!

    I've been doing the newbie routine for approx 2.5 weeks and I wasn't going to measure until Xmas morning. This was because I thought if I measured any sooner and hadn't gained I might have got discouraged. Well let me tell you, it's been a f*cking bitch not measuring everyday to be honest...
  7. bulc9

    No gains, carry on or change and try Hanging??

    Alright Guys, I know this kind of should be in the hanging area but i think it will get more and better feedback here. I have been doing the newbie routine mainly SD and SO stretching with Jelqing at night 300-600. However i have not really seen anything happen other than my dick being...
  8. M

    Thicker Base -->Stonger Erections??

    Hi guys, I was wondering if there is a correlation between base girth and erection strengh, I mean a thicker base would cause a better inflow of blood, and thus sustain a better erection...? if yes what is the best exercise to increase in priority base girth ? thanks in advance
  9. C

    Power assist routine?

    i have just brouht a power assist wrench and i was wondering if there are any routines to follow or do i just do a couple of sets of all the stretches shown on the mos page?
  10. S

    Footlong "Pretzel" Stretch v2.0

    Avid reader, first time poster, but this one was too good not to share it with you fellas. This manual stretch is something I devised while attempting the DLD Footlongs, but its power, versatility, ease of use, etc. will be a major weapon in your Penis Enlargement arsenal. Flexibility and being...
  11. P

    FR Pump 'n Pack Method For Great Results

    Hey, guys: I have been doing FR for 4 years now and have full coverage flaccid and 95% when erect. Here is my routine for great coverage and overhang with a tight pucker. Pump for 15 minutes @ 8 hg. Withdraw and message; rolling the skin over the glans as far as it will go. This also eliminates...
  12. M

    Newbie too small to do BTC stretches. help?

    Hi all, I'm a newbie (just started DLD's newbie routine a few days ago) and my problem is this: i'm like 2"-2.5" flaccid so I find it really impossible to do BTC stretches. is there any other way to do it, if not, how bad will that affect my workout/gains. i'm willing to do anything to keep...
  13. M

    Pe gave me ED

    Hey, everybody. Let me introduce myself. I'm 24 years old, and somewhat "blessed" when it comes to looks and physique. I know about many girls that really adore the way I look how my body is, even though I don't train with weigths and don't even eat that healthy. Being somewhat afraid to show...
  14. stillwantmore

    Jeebus! Talk about strict forum guidelines! (�other PE site�)

    Surprised? Thunder even ended his first sentence with a PREPOSITION and everybody knows that's a big grammatical NO NO! This guy must not get laid enough or something sheesh. Either that or ...what's he got plans on compiling the entire database of his forum into a giant 'e book'...
  15. 1

    ED drugs for young people

    Well, I'm still going strong on my decon break. I have considered getting some liquid cialis from one of two online sources for a pretty good price. Supposedly it lasts for up to 5 days and keeps your flaccid near your erect size and makes erections very easy. This sounds great from a healing...
  16. S

    Jelqing and Length?

    I'm curious if any guys have seen any sort of length gains from strictly jelqing or girth routines? I only really want to gain a half inch more in length and girth, but I'm more interested in the girth and don't really like doing the stretching and tugging exercises that much. Hanging is...
  17. T

    Biggest I've ever seen it

    Hey all, So today I was fooling around with my girlfriend and I've taken 24 hours off Penis Enlargement and have not had sex/orgasmed in a few days, and I looked at my penis and it was the biggest I've ever seen it, like at least a solid half inch I'm saying I was probably 7 x 5.5 and for...
  18. jqsderrida

    Hangoff, Summer 07

    Ive been discussing the idea (with various people) of organizing a summer hangoff for the members here, at MoS. So, here it is. There has been a GREAT DEAL of expressed interest in hanging by numerous members, and, to a large extent, a revival of activity in the MoS hanging community. Let's...
  19. jqsderrida

    S'more gains....

    Thats right. For all of you who have been, to some degree, following my progress for the past handful of months, I've some new news to report: Ive gained! I just took some BPFSL measurements for the past three days and I am consistently weighing in at 8 inches. Let me reiterate: 8 inches :)...
  20. A

    Tugging instead of stretching?

    Hi all, Has anyone tried entirely dropping the stretching exercises and instead tugged on their penis? For example, instead of doing the A-Stretch and applying 30 seconds of continous tension, has anyone tried a series of 1-second strong tugs to the penis? (The A-stretch is not a normal...
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