
  1. B

    who had hernia?

    Hi guys I'm looking for someone who has experience with hernia that have gone through with his own problems like I has got. I has my testicles swelling on both side that is not making me more comfortable when i'm doing normal things and i have also suffering with erectile dysfunction. I'm...
  2. GeoKnight94

    Needing to take this more seriously

    So I've been interested in doing Penis exercises since I was 18 & wanted to do it to increase my size & been looking up information, so I joined this site & PEGym to do some research. I'm 20 & I haven't done much outside from Kegels & Matter of Size's testicle exercises, which is; Massaging...
  3. N

    In his almighty image!

    I came across this and this is the ideal model of how I would like to build my cock to. thick and massive shaft and have the thickness taper into my head. Right now I am focusing on the length aspect of PE, my girth is to be worked on once I hit the marker for my short term goal. I...
  4. J

    Is it possible to over stretch?

    So lately I have been stretching a lot (I use the SizeGenetics with the VLC) but actually started having pain in my scrotum so I was looking into other ways. What I came up with was putting on the VLC and taking a suspender (like for clothing, Ron supplies one with the VLC but they can be...
  5. M

    Cock ring and extender

    Salute mos team I need a help IS it ok to wear a cock ring(around penis and testicles) 24 hours, can do this any harm? and is it ok to wear an extender at night when u go to sleep?
  6. L

    hair around the base of the penis

    Every damn time i jelq the hair on the base of my penis is giving a hard time specially at the end of my session i get really sore leaving that part very sensitive hairy guys we have a really bad time whit our hairy bodies hahaha:s
  7. D

    Injury after bathmate session, need help

    Hi brothers, i feel quite stupid making this post, but i just dont see any other option unfortunatly. Here are some cliffs of what happened: - used bathmate after 1 month of no PE - used way too much pressure for first time - next morning the right side of my dick is swollen, looks like...
  8. L

    Weakness?Low self steem?

    I was looking for some human body pics naked pics on the web, wanted to draw a human body and i saw this pic of a ¨woman¨ stepping on the testicles of a ¨man¨ and i started to ask my self what goes trough the mind of that guy what is he thinking? what does he feel? why he is letting that person...
  9. S

    Anyone here go from SMALL loads to huge loads?

    If you've gone from big loads to huge loads or from small to normal or a little more, please refrain from comment on it. I've read it all 1,000 times before. Guy with small load asks how to cum more. Guy with big load says "Just drink more water/lecithin, makes mine huge, though mine were...
  10. S

    Kegel Questions

    Can you over-do it, and if so, in what ways is this deterimental to gains? I ask because I'm getting a great squeeze on kegels and will happily sit and do a few hundred kegs each day at work. I swear it's what's given me supercharged boners after just a week.
  11. pradox

    Sharp pain in testicles

    Hello guys! First post here...and first injure as well. I started PE three days ago, and in my second day of exercises I used too much strength on the opposite side of my curve ( I have a left-curved penis), and I got a sharp pain -like when you hit your balls- in my left nut. The thing is...
  12. R

    What to do?

    Hey guys, just got my X40 and it is working great and I can feel and see a difference in my size after the first use, but when I went to try out the pump in the shower I couldn't get any suction to for a seal with the pump and my pelvis to do my workout.....any suggestions or do I need to...
  13. B

    Question for the PE vets

    I am a new brother in the brotherhood! What's up guys? I'm a long time lurker here and finally decided that I was going to stop being so upset about my junk and do something about it. I've tried PE before and gave it up due to the time constraints but mainly because it was not a microwave...
  14. Jdcsd

    Edging with a cock ring

    Would it be beneficial to edge with a cock ring? I'm thinking it would kinda be like clamping but not as intense? I've tried this and my dick swells up big and veiny so seems like expansion is better than just edging without the ring. I'm guessing it would be best to keep this to about 20 min...
  15. V

    New in the forum

    Hi, I just signed up in the Forum, I have been pumping in an out for 12 years or so. Since I was young, size was a concern for me. In my times I had not any knowledge of what the average penis size was, and was unaware of the fact that flaccid penis is a poor estimator of erect size. I am 57 yo...
  16. B

    this diet can help us gain

    I wonder if this diet can aid recovery. eat 6 meals during the day, 3 on 3 hours. brown rice, chicken breast, broccoli, cauliflower and multivitamin in the morning
  17. B

    increase gains with sizegentics

    Hi guys I need your help, I've been staying off PE for over 1 year as I have injury my penis. I had operation in 4 weeks ago as i had my foreskin removed, so i think i'm suffered with hernia. i will go back to see the urology to get it sort it. When I recover, I'm thinking about to increase...
  18. B

    wanted to know if I can do this division of the exercises throughout the day?

    hello dld your routine srt really seems to be very good, not follow it right because I'm still not all equipamentos.queria whether a person like me who have little time can make a routine dividing into small pieces during the day. I'll give an example: Do three sets of 6:30 Behind The Cheeks...
  19. Jdcsd

    Pumping over 20 minutes

    Doe anyone pump for over 20 min? I know the recommendation on here is sets with jelqs to reduce water retention. However i love how fat my dick is after pumping for 25 min straight and the water retention is just temporary and it's usable in the short term being that you can use the extra girth...
  20. B

    In Need of Advice!

    Posted by BigFatJoe Hi, i got 32 years. I am having difficulties in staying erect for some time, and without stimulation like �naked people movies� or real life i cant get even hard so for jelqing i usually use �naked people movies�. (doing pc muscle will help this)? When doing pc muscle i only see my left testicle coming...
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