
  1. insearchof9inch

    erect bends

    As I type this message I am bending my penis downwards to try and at least straighten out the stupid upwards curve it has. I am pretty sure I am doing them correctly although if somebody could explain the correct way to perform them just so I could make sure I would appreciate it. Aswell, I...
  2. J

    Job discrimination/Iam such a sissy heart

    Ok basically here's the issue quickly to sum it up. Worked framing houses when i was 17 til 20, got new jobs till now iam 23 out of construction for 3 yrs. Went back for 9 dollars hr b/c part time(school) and b/c ""Iam probly rusty"" as said by boss. >:( and when i get unrusty and fulltime...
  3. DLD

    Donations Totals for May, 2005

    Thank You motlissof for your overly generous donation! Donation Total's May 1, 2005 $150.00
  4. dman81

    Anyone here gone through an "Unplanned" Pregnancy?

    Well, I just found out my g/f is pregnant, I've been with her almost 3 years. I love her, but I wasn't ready for this whole mess. I initially tried to convince her to abort but that failed and now she is keeping it. We are both in our mid twenties and both live with our parents. Although...
  5. M

    Opinions on Jesus Christ

    I want to know what the members of this forum think about Jesus of Nazareth??? Who was he??? Just say what you think, It's clear what my views are, but I want to hear what you guys think.
  6. VladtheImpaler

    Vimax users update

    I just wanted to see how the Vimax Extender users at MOS have been getting on like DLD, Stillwantsmore and whoever else.... IF ya dont mind :P
  7. F

    Alchohol, food, stretch and so on... QUESTIONS

    Hi everyone:D First of all sorry for my english.... I’m new on the board, but not new to Penis Enlargement… I have been Penis Enlargement’ing seriously for about 6 months now… Penis Enlargement has become my life, and i will try do to what it takes to reach my goal: 8,86...
  8. daironmonk

    Question to DLD and other mods

    Im not a newbie here but havent givent to the board the way that i should for all the valuable information i have gotten here so i dont no if any one cares what i have to say and I dont wanna stir the waters to much here or cause any trouble but with all this talk about pumpin goin on and since...
  9. GhosT_DoGG

    Eminem - Mosh

    Watch the Mosh video by eminem. It's gives you a glimt of mr Bush.
  10. muscleup

    BIB-after 9 wks got hanger - but it's defective

    BIB - dude!! I finally got the hanger after 9 agonizing weeks of nothing but horrible trouble. I open the box and it is defective. The soft yellow rubber-like lining which is on the inside of the two main hard pieces is all messed up. Part of it on one side looks like it was torn off at the...
  11. Iwant8X6

    My starting size

    Hi Guys, I found this from an old thread at �other PE site�. Its what my starting stats were: 9-28-02 flacid: 4.15 inches f.girth: 3.15 BPenis EnlargementL: 6.62 girth: 4.37 Penis Enlargement works...period. That's all I can say.
  12. I

    Is It Possible To Uncurve My Penis?

    hey all I was wondering if anyone here has successfully uncurved there penis? mine curves to the right slightly, and and think its because the left side of my shat is a little thicker than the right side what kinda exercise could it do to fix this? thanks
  13. P

    everyone who bought Supra's ROP!

    sorry maybe this isn't the best thing to do for a topic, but Supra's been busy lately and i dont want to bother him too much. How long did it take for the package to ship from Supra's place to yours where do u live? anybody just send money through the mail before, looks like that's...
  14. S

    Good news, Bad news.

    Seems like with everything good, comes something equally bad. I swear my life is like an episode out of 'as the world turns', lol. Anyway, the good news first. I've officially got the job I had and interview for! I haven't gotten a start date yet, but I should know by early next week. Finally...
  15. C

    Whats your Hobby?

    Well, (so SWM wasn't it) (LOL) what are you guys hobbies? I've already shared a couple of mine before but here goes again. I love fishing, hunting, walking thru the woods collecting arrowheads. Can't really do the sports stuff with the malignant hypertension but I do stay active outside...
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