
  1. Doc Holiday

    How the flu effects PE and excersizes

    Well I caught that winter time flu the bad sorness flu in bed burning fever kinda flu How does this effect our gains like shrinkage or other things I know what it does do makes every routine stop while sick
  2. J


    Some of you have read my rants about most of the guys in �naked people movies� having enlargement surgery and the ridiculously obvious, tell tale signs of it. Some end up insanely larger, some fairly larger and some see almost no gain at all but were already very large to huge to begin with. I must also point...
  3. G

    guys what manual exercises do i need to do to gain this length size?

    title says it all
  4. T

    Premature ejaculation acquired

    Hi guys, I have been using the Bathmate for 3 months now (along with manual excercises) and I've become extremely sensitive to sexual stimulations e consequently very fast in reaching the orgasm ( minute). The feeling that I have (having sex) is that there is too much pressure...
  5. Z

    Help with training split.

    Hi everyone this is my first post. I've been on this site and trying to do my homework, but no gains yet. Due to my busy schedule I've been doing newb stretch and jelqs one day and 20 minutes and jelq the next day. With my Bathmate I do 5min in then 5min jelqs. Don't do SSJ's. Cause I still...
  6. T

    Results...? 10 weeks, haven't seen a thing yet.

    How long did it take most of you guys to see length gains with the extender? My dick is about 6.2 erect non-bone pressed, and I haven't even gained .1 of an inch yet. I know it's suppose to be a 6 month program (at least), but i'm starting to get worried/discouraged that my dick isn't responding...
  7. K

    Fluctuation in size

    Something I get sometimes is fluctuation in penis size. Sometimes it can be really floppy and at its biggest when flaccid or sometimes it's smaller then usual and not as floppy as usual. I'm assuming there's a number of things that can make this happen, weather (hot/cold), tight underwear...
  8. DLD

    A Gain in Penis Size requires a Gain in Erection Quality!

    Erection Quality>> HARDER STRONGER LONGER THICKER ERECTIONS So we are all working very hard to make our penis bigger but a lot of men may not understand just how important it is to make it stronger in the same process. Much focus goes into enlarging the penis while some may neglect the...
  9. R

    A couple of questions for DLD

    Hello again DLD as I'm surveying the forum and MOS i have encountered some stuff that bother me a bit and i hope to be cleared on those. 1. I'm doing the newbe method of MOS, and in the DVD you are "semi-erect" and i sew this one thread when you suggest to be 100% erect so what is the best...
  10. DJ7

    penis shrinking chemicals in plastic....

    some informative info...
  11. J

    Not making any length or girth gains!

    okay so i've been doing p.e on and off for about a year now. when i started, i would do maybe some weeks 3 or 4 days, some weeks 1 day, and then forget about it for a few weeks. understandably, due to my lack of dedication i didn't gain any size (and think i actually lost a tiny bit of length)...
  12. O

    Hitting the gym and PE

    I am sorry if there is a thread on the same topic but I wanted to know the answer to this so I just posted one. Basically the name gives it away : I am sure that every guy that has hit the gym once in a while has noticed that when he is doing physical excersises his penis shrinks to a...
  13. G

    Gainer92 and SRT

    Hey guys wanted to let everyone know about my experience with DLDs SRT Theory: I have been using the SRT program for close to 2 months now and have been seeing steady erections, very hard, and hanging lower when flaccid, but I haven't really measured yet in the 2 months. The other night I was...
  14. MikeShlort

    Why Some Men Don't Gain: A MikeShlort Theory

    Hi, I'm MikeShlort, and I have a small penis. But I won't always. Here's why I think some guys just aren't gaining. It's simple: Masturbating! And edging. My penis is lazy, and weak. When I masturbate and ejaculate, it shrinks, becomes tight, harder to stretch, doesn't stretch as far...
  15. F

    Mos 2012 championship

    my idea was to make a newbie thread where whoever gains the most is the Champion. But it was brought to me by pUNKY that it should be somthing everyone can join. BASICS The main rason of this is to keep us all motivated with competitiveness but also its meant to help each other share the...
  16. C

    Penis shrivels up after stretching ?

    Is it normal ? After stretching it , it gets really small but fat . After my jelq session it get's longer i guess because of the blood , but yeah does anyone elses shrivels up when stretching ?
  17. kitfisto

    What is the average size for balls?

    Hey guys. Anyone know what the average size for your balls are? I'm trying to figure out whether or not mine are normal size. I'm not really worried about it but the thought did cross my mind about ending up with a horse dick and a small ball sack hiding behind it. I am aware that...
  18. Kaleem08

    Will masterbating after doing a girth session matteR?

    I just finished my girth session and started to edge little did i know that i would have a little case of Pre ejaculation and boom i only lasted 10 out of the 15 minutes i was suppose edge for so my question today is will ejaculating have any effect on my gains?
  19. N

    My extender Journey

    March 14th First of all I have been on and off with Penis Enlargement for a long time now, I love to pump, clamp, and manual stretch. It feels great, I have just been horribly strapped for time, and me and my gf moving in together has made it more difficult. I don't think she is real...
  20. irspow

    Have I seriously injured myself or simply "overtrained"? Please Help Vets of PE!

    Hello All, I am not in full-blown panic yet, but I am very worried. (Obviously, I might be over reacting, but this is my penis :D) I posted a few day back about a scary moment I had while doing some stretches. Just so that it is clear what happened, I will briefly detail what I...
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