
  1. C

    What I've gained in 6 months

    I'm actually skipping my measurement at the 6 month mark and putting it off a month. I was kind of down during the 4th month so I'm fine waiting another month. Sex has always been a "when we are able and aren't too tired" thing. After 3 months of PE and almost an inch gain in length and over...
  2. S

    Just getting started

    I tried 20 some years ago to do a manual routine and failed miserably. Mainly because I felt like this could never work. After lurking here off and on for a while I have decided to give this a real go. I just ordered the Lenghmaster, Phallosan Forte, and Bathmate. These tools just make sense...
  3. B

    Why Does my Girth Expansion Lessen With Time?

    So I've been back in the PE world for about a month now doing manual work. As far as girth goes I do 20 minutes of jelqing and then about 5-10 minutes daily of different forms of more intense manual girth work like SSJ. For some reason after a few weeks of doing this the crazy expansion I...
  4. P

    Premature Ejaculation Journey

    I'm Lasting 10sec to 2minutes. Frustrated. Any help and guidance is appreciated. 20min edging and reverse kegel. -PONR at the end. Will do a better job focusing On not nutting.
  5. orgasmic19

    Low sex drive after orgasm

    Hey guys, I am only 23 years old and I feel like have a low sex drive compared to others. Right after sex I mean orgasm I feel sort of down and out. I still get night and morning woods, but after I ejaculate I feel sort of low including energy and mood wise. Basically I lose interest in sex...
  6. C

    I tore my urethra deep down inside (non PE related)

    I sneezed really hard twice twice this morning while peeing. At the end of peeing I was bleeding. I thought maybe I didn't clean my piercing off well enough after sex and some hard dried cum cut me a little. Now I don't think that's the issue cause I just peed for the 3rd time and I'm bleeding...
  7. GoodLookingNerd

    Endless Potential, Major mental Block, Need Help

    I was going to originally going to post this as a comment to a thread of one brother who had some serious size anxiety but this has gotten too lengthy, deep and emotional. WARNING, I KNOW I have some major fucking disorder. This has been a problem for fucking ever and posting/discussing this may...
  8. I

    Hi pls everyone help need help Quick

    Well as the title says i really need help Quick ... so i have a girlfriend and we been dating for like 2 months now and we do have sex quite alot but i really started to feel like she doesnt enjoy IT as Much as i do ... she tells me the sex is good but i know alot of girls lies so the guys Will...
  9. B

    The Girlfriend says thanks for helping me get to 6 1/2 x 5 inches

    she said tell you all thanks, now she has a dick she cant get enough of and wants more, she said I have been the best shes been with, we fucked for hours last night, so much I kept her screaming, below are some pics with a measurements.
  10. S

    Best exercises for girth and length?

    I know there are 100's of exercises out there but i wanna know the exercises which are the ABSOLUTE BEST! What do you think are the best exercises for girth? AND What do you think are the best exercises for length? Cheers mates! Also feel free to include any devices!!
  11. A

    PE sessions becoming somthing else

    Although i could ask this question in my other thread, but i guess it requires its own topic. I do PE but i cant control myself at rewarding myself at the end of each session, sometimes i ejaculate during the session and this brings an end to it. I do stretching first and then bring myself to...
  12. M

    the best edger we gotta all get these lol.someone
  13. C

    Does anyone know when shit is gonna go my way?

    It feels like I'm paying for every mistake I've ever made in life, like mistakes I made 30 years ago I'm paying for now. Nothing goes how I need it to anymore. Like every time I think I'm going up I drop down lower than before. 1 step forward 2 steps back every time. Damnit life, cut me a...
  14. C

    My Viagra experience

    A while back I was given 100mg of viagra to try. I don't have ED issues, I was just hoping for a double header as I've heard guys say they're able to do it. After reading about dosing I decided to cut it in half and give 50mg a shot. I hadn't eaten for a few hours and I waited about an hour and...
  15. A

    Pushing to limits?

    Hi, Ive been doing PE for some years, but never consistantly. Now i am back to it and doing great , feeling great :). I always got this feeling that my penis can take a lot of beating. Somehow my penis perfoms better and take more stressful PE. Probably because when i started some years ago i...
  16. megamike

    Girth and age

    I have read somewhere that girth comes as you age,is that true or is it just another myth?
  17. jekyllnhyde360

    This article should prove- Why you're lucky you found MOS

    In case you've ever been with a girl and wondered, ''hhhmmm, has she ever talked about our sex life or my dick to her friends,'' the answer is she has. If you have a big dick, her friends know, if you have a small dick, her friends and every broad you guys know, knows...
  18. S

    I'M A LOSER, it's finally hit me.

    Lately I've been thinking, thinking a lot about me, my life and who I am. I'm nearly 21 years old and I have finally realised that what I am missing in my life and that I am basically a loser...all of my friends have had some sort of meaningful relationship with a girl and have been happy...
  19. C

    That break was a bad idea

    After 3 months of gaining nearly an inch life and struggles got in my way and I stopped stretching. I was still using the Bathmate 5-6 nights a week but that's it. After a month I've found the time to stretch again so I'm happy. Figured I'd jump back in full force and do 1 set of Newbie...
  20. J

    How do some guys kegel so hard?

    Hey guys question I've had for a while, I've seen quite a few videos where guys can move their dick quite a bit. Almost through 180 degrees range of motion while erect, (all the way up and down) I assume this is by kegeling, but I've never managed to get mine to move as much (prolly 15 -30...
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