
  1. W

    Tunica albuginea: how to enlarge?

    Hello, I'm a newbie to actually doing any Penis Enlargement, but I have been doing some reading and I must say I am very impressed with your website, DLD! I am more interested in improving my girth over length, and it seems to me from the posts I have read (particularly on posts by DLD) that...
  2. P

    Penis Numbness!

    no feeling or sensation. can get hard @ times but not throbbing also seems very bent to one side it just happened all of a sudden one night about a month ago i awoke and it was non existent :O. I am 23 sexually active and have loved to masturbate id say nearly every day since about 12 years old...
  3. B

    Not Peyronies but still, a curve

    Hi! Since it's not a 'problem' or 'disease' (I guess) I'm posting it here. My dick, looking from the side, looks like this -> ) I want it to look like this -> l Is there any way to change this (jelqing down?:()? Any of you guys have similar dicks? Thank you all :)
  4. A

    Does PE increase chance of Peyronies?

    Does Penis Enlargement increase chances of getting Peyronies? As u know a well respected ex-Penis Enlargementr has been diagnosed so I have been reading up on it and all I can find is theories that scar tissue/injuries are believed to be the possible cause of it. Each tissue deformation we do...
  5. S

    I have Peyronies Disease.

    I have been gone for a while, I have been diagnosed with Peyronies Diesease. I need help. I really dont know what to do about this.
  6. N

    Taking a break/scar tissue

    The other week a little bit of blood came out of my dick while doing an exercise so I decided to take about 2 weeks off for it to heal. what I'm wondering about is scar tissue, I've heard posters talking before about scar tissue building up from certain exercises and preventing further...
  7. M

    About stretching

    When you stretch, at a high tension and you get this burning feeling, that is good right?? Or is it a big no-no? I have sometimes stretched and it would hurt for a few seconds, and off course I dropped the stretches afterwards, but is it possible to have permanent damage if you feel any pain...
  8. M

    Pe gave me ED

    Hey, everybody. Let me introduce myself. I'm 24 years old, and somewhat "blessed" when it comes to looks and physique. I know about many girls that really adore the way I look how my body is, even though I don't train with weigths and don't even eat that healthy. Being somewhat afraid to show...
  9. DLD

    MOS on Tour

    What is your opinion? We are thinking of doing a convention in Miami on Penis Enlargement. The actual event will be billed as something that would cause men little embarrassment or insecurity to show up. I would love to talk to an audience of men and let them know exactly what is real and...
  10. S

    PGE-1 Injection Progress Thread

    Started my injections today. First injection I estimated 7.5mcg as a good titration starting point. Estimation was excellent. It's been exactly 1 hour since injection and my erection is about 50% now, down from about 75%. It will be gone fairly soon. Tomorrow I'm going to shoot up with 10mcg and...
  11. T

    Curve, gift or curse for you? How to fix it?

    Well..i have curve, don't like it all, without it my penis would look at least 0,8-1 cm bigger. Wanna know what you guys think about that, if you have curve, did you maybe find some ways to fix it..If you consider it's a gift why? Opinions, suggestions, solutions..
  12. bulc9

    Intensity of manual stretching

    Hi, Im on deconditioning break, when i start back in a months time, is it best to take it slow with the stretches not pulling like to try and rip my dick off? Because i have read that if you stretch intensly it causes the cells in the penis to harden and the penis tissues become harder to...
  13. N

    Upward curve - how?

    Is it possible to create an upward curve? If so, how is it done best? :)
  14. D

    DLD Isolated Compression Squeezes?

    Hey DLD, just wondering, Would i be able to use the 10minute workout if i have peyroines, maybe just add some peyroine excercises as well? I also wanted to ask, Wouldnt the DLD isolated compression squeeze work for peyroines? i can compress my curve and do da circles? Or Can i subsitute it with...
  15. D

    DLD Appreciation Thread

    Hey its DK here, I just want to say thanks DLD for helping me fix my peyroines curve. Thanks for everything you have done for the Penis Enlargement community. I have gained more self confidence because of Penis Enlargement. Where would i be widout ur work. Thanks AGAIN! rofl
  16. C

    Site not working??

    I tried doing secure order, took me to a blank-page, couldn't find a place to order in Canada, also the testimonial of the dude who fixed his penis crook(bend) took me to a blank page, anyone have a link? :p
  17. G

    Stretching the SEPTUM...MOST important!!

    DLD, and all the Penis Enlargement members here: I have done some very important thinking and testing and unless we stretch the septum we will never get length of penis gain. I discussed this on another thread/post some time ago but nothing comes from it but here are my thoughts. When doing...
  18. G

    A curve to the left...

    I was wondering if there were any exercises to take the cure out of my penis. It would be a little bigger without the curve. I'm new, so tell me how to post pics and I will.
  19. Lightning

    A New Form of Hanging...

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  20. Y

    Think twice about it.....

    Its been a LONG time since I have posted anything here, and felt it was time to. Here is a snippet of my journal entry for today. The shrinkage of my penis from its larger "built" state, is very real, and will happen to you all as well. Its been over two years since ive done any pe'ing...
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