
  1. W

    Burning sensation

    I notice that sometimes I get this really uncomfortable feeling right around the base, mainly on the top side. If I press down on it (as if to jelq), there's this burning type feel to it. When I pull down my shaft from the head, I notice the skin looks slightly swelled up at the area it hurts...
  2. Lightning

    Welcome Back German Stallion! One of our Veteran Moderators for over 11 years now!

    German Stallion (73 Years Old) has been a moderator at MoS for over 11 years now and specializes in Peyronie's Disease (curvature of the penis). DLD worked one on one with German Stallion back at the beginning of the creation of MoS to help correct his curvature and gain penis length. I'm sure...
  3. Blueballs

    The smallest dick in town VIDEO

    Hi Guys, Did you see this video? There's a lot of discussion about big dicks seen in �naked people movies� but the reality is that there are a lot of men out there that have the micropenis syndrome and this video proves it. Watching theese guys makes me feel huge at 6.5x5.5 :cool...
  4. youknowme123321

    People Finding Out You Do PE

    So does anyone think of people (family, friends, significant other) found out you did PE it would be that big of deal? I've been thinking about this a bit and feel if someone in my life found out I did PE i don't think I'd feel embarrassed about it. I don't think I would be b/c in the end I...
  5. G

    Can DLD bends cure curvature?

    Hi all, I'm struggling with an annoying leftward curve that I've been attempting to fix for the past 4 weeks. I believe there has been minimal improvement which is expected as I hear curvature correction takes time. I read about DLD bends for girth, I was wondering if the same ideology...
  6. G

    Has anyone really cured a curve? If so please help me.

    Hi, When flaccid, my penis is straight. However, when erect, it curves to the left. I wish to correct my curvature. Most PE forums suggest doing erect bends against the curve , erect jelqs against the curve and stretching against the curve. After doing this however, my penis even while...
  7. J

    Curvature Correction

    So I'm trying to correct a natural curve in my penis. I'm wondering if clamping would help with this? I have a SG already and was thinking maybe do like a superset of SG than clamping. Would this stretch the penis and then fill it with blood (thus maintaining the stretch) ? Or am I totally...
  8. ADF

    Hard Erect vs Flaccid Stretch For Measuring?

    I am wondering what is best for measuring penis gains and in general penis length. I had Peyronie's back in 2011 which left my penis with an upward curve. The upward curve is OK to have and I am told is desired by women. But it makes it harder to get a straight measurement. Is flaccid stretched...
  9. J

    Where to begin?

    Hey everyone, Longtime creeper, first time poster. So here's the rundown: Starting with NBEL of 9 inches with a slight downward curve. 8 inches when I press it straight. MSEG is 6 inches. I have a Penomet pump and the sizegentics MOS package. I have plenty of time in the day for...
  10. M

    Growth booster - castor oil

    I have noticed that I gain much faster when using castor oil. I work it into the penis for an hour or so until the penis has absorbed it, then I put on some more and work it in again and after that I might put some more on and leave it on for the night, which feels very disgusting, but the next...
  11. C

    Who do I talk to about fixing my penis? I can't have sex!

    I'm still technically a virgin. I've had oral sex countless amount of times, but I've never had sexual intercourse. My penis is 7-8 inches at it's hardest. Unsure of girth size. My issue: My penis has a curve (I don't have peyronies disease). The curve is not dramatic. But when I try to...
  12. GeoKnight94

    The 10 Minute Routine

    So recently I have been having trouble doing the phase 1 routine due to life problems. Though I can't do anything at the moment. But then I remembered the 10 minute routine, so I looked at it & started it last Sunday 17/112013. So starting doing it, I defiantly feel something from doing them, at...
  13. GeoKnight94

    10 Minute Routine

    So recently I have been having trouble doing the phase 1 routine due to life problems. Though I can't do anything at the moment. But then I remembered the 10 minute routine, so I looked at it & started it last Sunday 17/112013. So starting doing it, I defiantly feel something from doing them, at...
  14. GeoKnight94

    What I am starting of with & is it the right thing to do?

    So, I just started on my Newbie routine, though wanted to add something for my Peyronies Disease, so I tried to mix this & the Peyronie's Superset. So here is how I did it Basic Stretching: them each tree times Did this first three times Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds Behind The...
  15. S

    Bathmate Expressive Twist Stretch

    So, I searched for similar exercises that may have already been similarly professed, and haven't been able to sort through the 11 pages in the Bathmate section of the forums, so I'll go ahead and digress. Recently while I've been pumping with the Bathmate, I've been using the expressive...
  16. J

    penis injury

    Hi everyone, im in need of some advice. I have been doing pe off and on for about a year now. Bought a Bathmate and extender. I would use the Bathmate for about 20 mins (10min sets) then i would do a few jelqs in between. Maybe 80 percent tops. I would use the extender for an hour in sets...
  17. W

    Electric shock to increase penial blood flow

    I am a 74 year old guy with ED. Fifteen years ago my wife and I were quite sexually active. She decided she wanted me to have a larger penis so, like most guys, I thought that it was a great idea. I started messing with Penis Enlargement. I tried a number of different types of mechanical...
  18. N

    1 year PE experience - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

  19. C

    DMSO & PABA experience and questions

    hey guys ive been using dmso and paba for about 2 months now and wanted to share some of my experiences. I mixed only very small amounts at a time to avoid it going bad like i read it can I had problems at first with this stuff getting on my balls, as it would burn and leave blisters. So...
  20. DLD

    Varicocele? Anyone go through it? Help if you can.

    Varicocele? Anyone go through it? Help if you can.
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