mental health

  1. J

    Madonna-Whore Complex

    I must say that I have this problem. i have a hard time seeing how a woman could be loyal and decent and also ravenously enjoy sex. I mean aren't all women sluts by nature just some haven't had the realization yet? This is a problem for me especially in the area of eventually getting married. I...
  2. DLD

    Is Everything Really What it Seems, Part 2

    I know many of you guys have been asking about my plans for the follow up studies to the original study exposing �naked people movies� "Is Everything Really What it Seems". Threads like this are filled with questions and ideas about the second part of one of the most talked about studies in the Penis...
  3. K


    Ok Kong... I will address our recent debate or disagreement on polls here, as to not to hijack someone else's post on an entirely different subject. First, lets get this straight, I only disagreed with Graves ONE statement that "Also, most polls suggest that women by far prefer un-cut...
  4. W


    For various reasons I'm currently taking zoloft for my mental health. Have any of you guys taken anti-depressants before while Penis Enlargementing? Any effects on gains?
  5. VladtheImpaler

    FEMA Concentration Camps

    There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be...
  6. J

    Going vegan?

    I am thinking about going vegan but it is hard to make the decision. I mean we are carnivores and I think that is why Japanese people are so short, because of lack of meat. Or maybe it is a protein thing. I could take soy protein but how good is that? I am a huge animal lover. I think that back...
  7. J

    Info on roids?

    Can anyone tell me a good amount about roids? I am considering doing them. I want to bulk, not cut. They will also give me strength increases too, right? What about the side effects? I know a couple of old heads around my way who became monsters from them. But they always had real oily faces and...
  8. Egghead1

    Any good Generic Viagra Sites??

    if you have any sites in mind, this would be a great spot to post them. Thank you for your input.
  9. T

    Anyone tried Leech Oil?

    This stuff supposedly contains something that increases blood flow when rubbed in and is ideal for jelqing. I've read up on it and it seems like there is a NPenis Enlargement movement that swears by this stuff for their jelqing and gets very good results from it. Just wondering if anyone...
  10. R

    My new job for now

    A carer, looking after the elderly... I aint started yet, but itll be soon. I have to move the elderly genaration around the home I gunna work in, feed them, take them to the toilet, wipe bums, etc etc. Lookin forward to it, but nervous ... as always its hard when starting a new job, and I...
  11. A

    Meth shrinks dick?

    I do meth every once and a while and i noticied that my dick gets a little smaller and looses width (flaccid) when im on it. Im wondering if this is permanent (so far not, but im wondering) or if anyone has any experience with it. Thanks.
  12. S

    PE instills newfound confidence.

    As many of you now know, I gave my ex girlfriend another chance. Even after she slept with someone after we broke up. Pre-Penis Enlargement I could have never given her another chance because of a fragile ego. Doing Penis Enlargement has given me a newfound confidence and I'm able to look...
  13. B

    Christianity vs. PE - can they co-exist?

    Christianity and its relation to penis enlargement: I have been a Christian since high school, and I have always tried to keep my walk with God clean and pure as is possible for me. I have more recently become self-conscious about the size and length of my penis (much like a fat person is...
  14. cascade

    Mental Health

    I was just wondering if any other guys suffer from mental health problems? I personally suffer from Derpresssion and OCD. (OCD is almost recovered from) :) It is a constant battle though. Depression is a killer and very misunderstood with a huge stigma attatched. Cheers, Cas
  15. ItsElectric

    The 20 Amino Acids

    Here's a list of the 20 amino acids. I realize I've been away for the past few days and have been posting mostly useless crap, so I figured I'd make a thread on the 20 Amino Acids and what each one of them does (If you were to take seperate supplements for each one). The twenty amino acids...
  16. S

    Date someone with a split personallity (Like DLD)?

    Just kidding man. I was watching this movie last night called "The Road From Erebus". I think it was one of those "Made for HBO" type deals. It was about this guy who has a one night stand with this girl who he later develops feelings for (Rule #1 of one night stand violator). Come to find...
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