
  1. K

    Grower vs. Show-er?

    Hi Brotherhood! Is it possible for a "grower" to turn into a "show-er?" If so, which exercises help the most? Thanks!
  2. Perestroyka

    Passive Income by MLM. Read before you judge.

    I recently talked about the threat of work and about the fact that we all have become slaves, me and my mate turned to network marketing and we found a very reliable way to make passive income, it's a company that started its business and is rapidly expanding around the planet, company made an...
  3. L

    Weird erections after circumcision

    Hi Guys I have a (couple of) questions about adult circumcision? I got circumcised 15 days ago.. everything looks great. The scars and swellingness are healing very quick. (The bruises are still there but getting better). I've notest that my erections looks very weird, as if there is only one...
  4. J

    Even girth out

    Hi guys! I've been doing girth work (jelqing and clamping) and have noticed that the mid shaft girth is significantly bigger than the base and upper part. How can I counteract this? Thank you!
  5. daironmonk

    Did expressive hanging ever catch on?

    ive been MIA for awhile so Im not sure but did Expressive hanging ever catch on? if so will it work with my hanger?
  6. R

    Pump clamping

    Has anybody tride doubleing a thick rubber band around the inside of a penis pump sleeve? Its more powerful than just a clamp alone.
  7. Big Schwanz Acht

    Monthly/Annual Contests

    It just dawned on me that I haven't seen anything from Lightening regarding the winners. Does anyone know?
  8. T

    Is 6.5x5.5 a respectable size?

    Or is that still nothing special in the grand scheme of dickness?
  9. S

    Homemade LM....Kinda!

    If you don't have an LM you can make this very effective super cheap alternative. What's needed: 2 pieces of old scrap wood 2 bolts 4 washers old ace bandage or anything to use for cushioning Drill and drill bit Any type of hand saw All I did was drilled holes into the wood and cut...
  10. stillwantmore

    How To Do Measured Pics So People Take You Seriously

    Pretty simple. I know some of us act like a ruler or tape measure is our penis' equivalent of garlic to a vampire. However, it's really not that hard (pun intended) to get a good measured shot. First, you need the right tools. To measure girth, you need a tape measure as shown below. Yes, you...
  11. B

    about doing the reverse kegel

    Hi all, I have got some questions about doing the reverse kegel. For the last few weeks I has been trying it out to do the reverse kegel. I can feel the muscle at the back of my ass is pushing the bc muscle to my penis, but i can feel the poo come out of my ass so I had to go to toilet to...
  12. stillwantmore

    Let's Make 2018 A Big Year!

    Thread title! W00t! #2018megagains
  13. stillwantmore

    Amazing Value! Silicone Sleeves Make Your Own Pennies Each!

    Pasted over from the sticky in the hanging forum. I wish fewer guys had tunnel vision with PE ie, only focused their sites on one area of the forums as an example, but I get it...
  14. M

    Anyone on TRT

    Hey guys I was just wanting to see if anyone else here is on TRT?
  15. orgasmic19


    Hey guys, I was thinking about ordering the bathmate and was wondering how long does take to ship? I currently live at my parents house and would be worried if my family found it on the porch. And, could the bathmate speed gains?
  16. K

    AB Silicone

    Gents, I have ordered from these guys for a few years now.... they always screw up my orders and if..... it arrives its 1- 2 months late, I placed an order beginning of November and still did not receive anything.... not even feedback on my mails. I searched for other companies but cant find any...
  17. A

    Happy holidays

    🎄 I hope everyone is well
  18. B


    hey fellow PE brothers how is it going, I have not had a chance to do any kind of PE since around thanksgiving, because of a injury that is just now fully healing, I am also in the process of moving, and more than likely will not be able to get started again till about the end of January...
  19. IAmSpartacus71

    Does big girth make length gains harder to achieve?

    Is that true? Should I focus only on length until I'll reach my final goal and only then start to focus on girth? What do you guys think about it?
  20. G

    getting back to it

    I’ve drifted in and out of pe for years, I’ve just started back at it again doing some light jelqs and bathmate/ssj sessions only light work while I condition myself to it again. This time I’m enjoying it more than ever. Done about 2-3 weeks training since starting back up and seeing better...
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