
  1. 1

    Transgender penis enlargement!

    I wanted to put this thread up as I actually have a female friend interested in penis enlargement who I've taught jelqing and manual stretching to (she already had been doing kegels). I have also wondered as to what women in �naked people movies� have had penis enlargement surgery or have done it manually. I...
  2. Perestroyka

    Implementing new designed routine. Post your opinion.

    Warm up/Warm down - 5 minutes Basic stretching - Up 2x2 minutes. Down 2x2 minutes. Left 2x2 minutes. Right 2x2 minutes. Erect.stretch - Outward pull(3 repsx30sec). SRT SIZE BLASTERS - 10...
  3. C

    General Questions

    Hello! Im thinking about buying a SizeGenetics in order to fix my curve (besides doing the manual routine). In this context I have some questions about the SizeGenetics. I have read, that the SizeGenetics is useful for fixing a curve, is that correct? How is it possible to concentrate on...
  4. M

    Jelqing against the curve

    Does anybody have a video, photos, or good description of how to do this? I thought I was doing it in the past but guess I'm wrong.
  5. W


    So When I joined earlier this year I told myself I would Grow to 8 inches by the end of next year however things soon changed and I lost motivation and track of time Many months later I've found that I've lost some of the gains that I had aquired, got all the way uo to 6.7 inches (17 cm) bpel...
  6. S

    its yeah boy new news

    gains ok yesterday before stereching i was 8.75 then after 8.9 now im 9.2 so close to .25 i feel my erect state being buigger oh and not to mention my flacid changed so much in 1 day like wtf that can happen i have my rotuine down to a forumla muahahahha this is madness i feel exactly like a guy...
  7. S

    lm in hot tub /shower and double hanging DISCUSSION

    id like to discuss this with people of course lm would be possible in hottub/shower im gonna do that and im sure ill love it gains will be crazy and as for te hanging ive never seen anyone try this but ive mentioned it before and no1 took notice well hear me out hang at the glands and also have...
  8. Golden Crotch

    What are SSJs?

    Heard they were great for girth work, so what exactly are they?
  9. D

    PE For a Year and No Gains and Negative Results. Help???

    Hello, I've been following PE exercises for a while. I started PE about a year and a half ago in April 2013. Since then all I've seen is negative results. I've tried everything from jelqing to clamping to hanging to kegels and edging and numerous stretches and girth exercises including the...
  10. Halp

    Taking time off to decondition ligaments

    Hey guys, I've been following Dashdeming's Hardcore Hanging method, hanging 20 mins a day for about 8 months now. I am up to 20 lbs currently. I gained around 0.75 inches total following this method of hanging. I've been thinking a lot lately and have been reading Bib's posts. He talks a lot...
  11. P

    fixing my bend hasnt been working!

    i've been using sizegenetics for five weeks and some jelqs against the bend but it doesnt seem to get my bend out my bend is from the middle to the end bend down and i want it to go up slightly, some kegels more jelqs or other jelqs ?
  12. M

    How can I lower erection angle?

    My erection angle is too high. Makes sex positions difficult and makes my penis look shorter. I am doing newbie workout, will this lower the angle. In fact, I wouldn't care if my angle stayed the exact same, I just want to be able to pull my dick down without pain like I have now.
  13. D

    Hard Gainers Club

    Every time I see someone talk about their quick gains I think "fuck you, you dick" haha, I'm kidding. But on a serious note, who else here is a hard gainer? I've been going at it for 2 months and only have an occasional increase in EQ and temp gains after using my BM. Thinking about it made me...
  14. master_mind

    I need help now my phallosan sucks.

    Started my P.E. again after my frenulum healed. I use medium size of bell of phallosan But now after creating the vaccum as I wear my belt my penis just pulls away from the bell. I have double checked my n procedure. I am doing the same way I used to do earlier. Device is okay as I...
  15. I

    VLC Update

    Just wanted to do an update on using the VLC and throw a few questions in as well. I've be using the VLC religiously for the last 3 weeks after a short hiatus right after I got it. I love this thing. I use it for at least 12hrs a day with hardly any issues. I do my stretch routine in the morning...
  16. S

    How to enlarge a smaller CC

    I know this question has been asked about a billion times but I suppose it's worth a shot to ask again. I've been doing PE for almost 2 years and had a pretty pronounced curve to the right. Through doing erect bends / clamped bends / edging with my right hand against the curve I have just about...
  17. tkto

    uneven soreness and pain

    Dear MOS, I've been practicing PE for like 6 years, but more serious lately. A year and a half ago I tried semi erect bends during a session, I was a little fatigued, and felt a sharp pain in my left corpus cavernous chamber so I took a week off. Recently I've taken up constricted bends, slow...
  18. Perestroyka

    0.6 in girth?

    Can anybody tell me approximately how much time will be necessary to gain 0.6 inch in girth? Look, I know it depends from person to.person, but anyway share your girth gains in ratio GAINS - TIME if you want of course. Thanks in advance brothers. :)
  19. S

    tell me what you know about injuries

    ok so my mom knows i do pe i live with my fam and im 18 but anyways she said she had a dream that i woke her up crying saying i fucked up a blood vessel or vein of somesort and was fucked for life ..... can i get a perment problem or just temeproary injury .... im not doing anything insane just...
  20. C

    New to pe, curve fixture

    Hello. I'm new to PE and I have been reading a lot in this forum for the last days/weeks. My aim is especially to fix my curve which is going to the right (from birth) and for the beginning I dont really care about gaining girth or length (length of course for my shorter side, but in the best...
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