
  1. I

    Average Size - Grow VS Show - New Thinking...

  2. Sinthious

    HydroMax and Curves

    I have been looking into getting a Hydromax X30 to increase my girth and length although i have a curve that preferably i would like to keep. The question is does the bathmate pumps really cause permanent gains for example if i used it for a year and stopped would the gains decrease over time...
  3. J

    Hello mos world

    Dear DLD, First of all thank you. I will begin with this, at first, I was skeptical. I came across MOS like most guys probably did. I want a bigger penis. I google searched penis enlargement, a number of times mind you. A LOT of times actually. For two years I have fathomed a bigger...
  4. N

    Will straightening a curved penis make it longer/bigger?

    Hi I have an upward curved penis( it's not a significant curved but it's more than slightly curved) & I'm trying to straighten it cause I want a bigger/longer penis. My penis is 5.5 inches ( I measure along the curve with a flexible measuring tape). So one day I tried measuring it with a...
  5. P

    A few doubts

    The very first exercise as the most basic exercise for gaining penis size was JELQS body stated if it was for length or girth but it was for overall penis size Now I do stretching and JELQS in the morning 5 mins stretch every direction 5 min rotary. 5 mins JELQ 5 min pull...
  6. X

    New To Forum 2 year PE veteran

    I've been researching PE since 2010. But finally got the money, courage and knowledge to do it. Have been doing genital enlargement routine for two years. My routine consisted of kegels/edging, scrotum stretching, Penis enlargement (vacuum hanging, Bathmate, and an ADS) and Hormone Replacement...
  7. P

    Too erect?

    Hi guys, First off this forum has been very helpful and i want to thank everyone for what you share. I'll get right to it, my erect penis is extremely erect when i am at %100. So much though that is nearly impossible to flex it, it stands almost vertically. Is there a way to "loosen" it up...
  8. B

    Upward"Erect" Jelqing Tips?

    Hey, guys me again I tried some erect jelqing the other day and noticed skin drag as fingers move up. Is there a way to avoid this or is this common with upward Jelqs? I used to Jelq downwards with a semi erect penis but I always wanted that nice upward Curve in the penis. Plus I also...
  9. Marcelo7

    Slow Squash Jelq and the format of the penis

    Before I started PE I had a penis of a little less than 17cm(6,7 inches) BPEL, now I have 18cm(7,08 inches) BPEL. Girth: Before: I don't remember well, but it was about 4,7 inches at the base. My goal is: 8.5 or 9 x 6 inches. I'm not so disciplined and since september 2015 I have stopped...
  10. T

    Newbie Here: Will girth routines stop my length gains?

    Hey, I've just started doing DLD's newbie routine and it's been going well for about a week now. I can feel my dick getting a good burn after my routine especially in my shorter/tighter left side(slight curve of my penis to the left). Whilst I'm working my length i still want to do a good girth...
  11. habban

    How to gain length without affecting erection angle?

    Hello! I have been doing PE over 1 year and as i have gained a decent amount of length, 1,2 inches kinda. It starts to get obvious my erection angle has suffered a bit. In the beginning of my journey i had that shaft pointing straight up to my belly almost, and also hard to force down. Now my...
  12. A

    Could it be the BEST stretch for correcting downward curve ?

    What do you guys think of this exercise ? Down & Out Stretch - XVIDEOS.COM Can I expect a straight penis with that ?
  13. habban

    Penis curve and girth

    Hello! I have the standard regular curve on my shaft that you can see in some guys, and the thing is that i can't get my base of the penis inside a toilet roll on 5.5 inches when i'm hard. Between the area where the curve of my penis starts at the base i can measure at the very base 5.2...
  14. habban

    Hard ruler or measuring tape?

    Hello! I just wonder.. What would be the correct method to be fair to myself and to compare when i measure NBPEL and BPEL? Using a regular hard straight ruler, or a measuring tape along the shaft? I ask this because my penis has and has always been having an upward curve, kinda like a banana...
  15. Mlathem

    Need help Dld

    Hey man, I still have Peyronies Disease and it is so far progressing. I now have multiple plaques and it gets really irritated even if i try to stretch it or use a VED like german stallion once did. Im not willing to give up. Is there any way you could contact German Stallion and see if he...
  16. J


    Will I make gains on the newbie routine without cementing with ace bandage, etc, at night before bed? I think I am overthinking it but I read that to really cement gains you need to keep your penis in an extended state but when I go to bed it scrunches up. Lol........ Anyway, what else...
  17. G

    Clamping exercises

    Hello brothers I have recently started clamping as a supplement to my routine. (Length in the morning, clamping in the evening) I read that Redzulu had made a guide with a lot of clamped exercises explained? (Both for girth and length) Is there anyone who has this guide, or can link it...
  18. MoreThanLuck

    Product Review

    So I've had the PF for about 2 weeks now. I only started wearing it every day in the last week, and a bit at night (but I get uncomfortable with the belt wrapped around my waste so I end up taking it off in 3-4 hours). Some things I've noticed: Quality: most of the device seems plastic...
  19. Mlathem

    My journey to cure Peyronies

    Hey guys I'm going to keep it short and sweet, It all started here at MOS and was able to see a half inch in length gains. I think I became to obsessive and too overzealous. I am not quite sure how the injury happened, but it started effecting my size and I definately knew something was wrong. I...
  20. habban

    Bundled stretches and curvature

    Hello! I think bundled stretches was the reason my right CC got bigger and that my penis suddenly points to the left. That is what i experiencing at least, right CC bigger and penis points to left and looks kinda twisted like a bundled twist without me doing anything. Its permanent twisted now...
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