
  1. S

    Newbie knocks and bumps

    Hey all, I'm 6 weeks in to my P.E conquest and have been pumping for the last 2 weeks. However I've noticed a few little signs of potential injury which are; some small black spots on foreskin, a stinging feeling around my glans and some bruising after pumping. Has anyone else seen or had...
  2. smitty2590

    Serious bm question

    Ok guys I'm new to bm and pumping alltogether. So i dont know if maybe I overdid it I was trying to be careful on pressure and only did 3x5 one time a day. I did this 3 days in a row and never had any negative pi till after the third night then I noticed I was having a hard time getting...
  3. J

    Question about my PF routine

    Hi all, So i just bought my PF and what I am doing right now is 10 hours a day, 1 day off 60 hours a week. Is this a good routine to see gains in the coming future? I have seen some people say to include manual work but I really don't have time for that hence why I bought a PF. Also...
  4. M

    Hey to the forum

    Hey guys new to the forum. I've thought about joining for a few months but been putting it off. I'm finally ready to make some gains! I've been doing some reading as to what program I will follow. Currently I only have manual work and a Hercules bathmate.
  5. robodick304

    I have returned! with more questions

    Salutations fellow PE brothers, I have returned from a self imposed exile: for the last 3 years I was heavily addicted to opioids... alas as of today I am 90 days clean! And I am never going back. I apologize for the grim message, but it is the truth; there is a epidemic affecting the USA...
  6. Perestroyka

    How I break plateaus, worked great for me!

    I'm in this kind of self improvement almost three years, and I have started VERY SMALL, don't know exact length size but it was around 4.75 (honestly!!!!), and girth was even more ridiculous, I could swirl my fully erect dick through fucking toilet paper roll. All of that changed when I've...
  7. F

    Beginner help + bath mate

    hey guys! hows everything. been on here for a while, but just started to commit to the begginer routine shown below :Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds...
  8. G

    New surge of optimism/confidence

    Recently got into PE and I always would measure NBPEL (5.7") and referring to it as my true length which I never even considered measuring myself Bone pressed. Today I measured BPEL at 6.75"!!! My big goal was atleast 6.5" but I now realize I'm already longer than that..a huge ego...
  9. B

    Is edging a helpful tool for enlargement?

    I am currently following the beginner's routine and was wondering, will adding edging into the end of my workouts be beneficial to gaining. I dont plan on ejaculating afterwards either. Also, how long is a good time to edge? I added a little 10min session after my workouts. I used to do 30min...
  10. orgasmic19

    How does penis enlargement work and are PI's necessary?

    Okay, from my understanding the penis needs only 24 hours to recover before it's next training session. The tissue in the penis needs to be stretched and expanded consistently for growth. If I am not wrong fatigue plays a big part for maximum growth. And, intensity and proper form play a big...
  11. eugine8plz

    Phallosan while sleeping?

    Hey bros, Just wondering if any of you guys use the phallosan forte while you sleep. How is it? what does your set up for over night look like? how did you guys ease into using it all night. I am not going to have a whole lot of time to use it during the day so i want to start using it at...
  12. B

    Confused on beginner routine.

    Im in a tricky situation right now. Ive been doing a stretching a jelqing routine for about a few weeks and gained .25" by working everyday without rest. I upped stretches by doing two sets of them. I noticed i had shrunk some, but after i would ejaculate i would go back to normal size...
  13. B

    Slow Squash Jelqs on beginner routine?

    I have been currently running the beginner routine for a month now and have gained .25 in length by working everyday. I lost the gains by taking a couple days off. I am slowly adding sets and reps to stretches and jelqs overtime. I am wondering if i can replace the regular jelqs with SSJs for...
  14. B

    Performing SSJ's

    I am currently running the beginner routine and within the first few weeks i have gained.25 in length. After not being able to workout for two days i lost the gains. I am still jelqing slowly adding the set of stretches+ jelqs over time. I read about the SSJ's and noticed that people had great...
  15. orgasmic19

    What is dld's penis size?

    I am still a newbie to the matter of size forum. Hey, DLD I was wondering what size did you start off with as a beginner and what is your current size now? Do you have any pics/bio?
  16. A

    What's Worse For Stretch Marks? Jelq or BM?

    Bathmate or Jelqing? Which will be better for girth and which is worse for stretch marks?
  17. N


    I assume it's main question from newbies, but still it is bothering me. For now I still can't tell clearly whether I gained or not. It's 2 month already with small amounts of rest days and only manual routine and.... No changes which I can notice. It's not hard to train - it's hard to pursue...
  18. the boss!

    "The SRT Size Blaster" I've been using C rings..

    Hey for anyone out there with "SRT Size Blaster" as part of their Expressive stretching. I've found a way to replace the L wedge for a more effective grip and stretch, I use a lot strenght with the L wedge, so a few stretches later arms are burning, and if a let it go I HAVE start over to...
  19. megamike

    Changing up the routine

    guys,how long would you go without seeing any gains before changing something about your routine?

    heated stretching

    Like alot of people I use a rice sock to warm up. This morning I decided to stretch while it was wrapped around my shaft , i had my usual 5 minute warm up then re heated the rice sock wrapped it around and continued with bundles in all directions as well as the regular stretches in all...
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