
Apr 6, 2005
Or at least half muscle . . .

Every man, I would presume, wonders if he can enlarge his penis at some point in his life. Many men think about their penis size much more than others. I myself am curious by nature, so I always wondered how this magnificent organ between my leg works. I also was on the "smaller" side. It wasn't long before I too wondered if the penis could enlarge. Several years ago, I learned that the answer was no. "Penis enlargement is impossible," I was informed by a famous internet doctor. He also claimed that the penis in no way resembles a muscle, and therefore penis enlargement through exercising is out of the question.

The Truth

Eventually, I learned the truth: the doctor was following a highly accepted myth. The fact is: penis enlargement is very real.

Yes, Penis Enlargement works. However, no one knows exactly how penis enlargement works. Does it work by stretching the tissue? Does it create more cells in the penis or enlarge the cells already there? Does it work by creating scar tissue (which is clearly improbable, but still a question that many men ask)? Moreover, how do the exercises really work? Why do some men report multiple inches gains and why do others not gain at all?

Theoretically, you apply stress to a tissue and it gradually gets bigger overtime. Many men and women have done this to their earlobes, for example. But the penis is much more complex than earlobes.

The Penis Is Complex
The penis has a deep, important function. It has to go from flaccid to erect; it has to urine; it has to give you pleasure; and most importantly, it has to discharge semen so you can pass on your genes (although, many men will argue that the former is the more important). Regardless, your penis is much more complex than your earlobes. The earlobes have no biological function and are largely just made of fat tissue. The penis, on the other hand, is made of several different tissues that are essential to the proper functioning of the penis. If you damage these tissues then the penis won't work--period.

Penis Enlargement is Healthy
With that in mind, how do penile exercises enlarge the penis without doing any damage to it? Stretching your earlobe clearly damages it, so why is the penis different? We know that Penis Enlargement doesn't damage the penis because thousands of men report that it makes their erections stronger and harder--a clear indication that exercising the penis is healthy. In fact, I did a penis enlargement survey of nearly 1000 penile exercisers in the summer of 2005 (many of whom were MOS members), and the majority of men reported stronger and harder erections due to penis enlargement exercises. Less than 1 percent of men reported weaker erections (and these few men were overtraining, I would presume).

All of this evidence brings about more questions. How is this possible? How does stretching and squeezing the penis not only cause it to enlarge, but also makes the penis healthier? For over a year, these questions racked my brain like the fact that Britney Spears married K-Fed (really, what was she thinking? . . . . or on second thought, what the hell was he thinking?). In any event, there was only one type of tissue that I knew of that could enlarge, harden, and become healthier with exercise--and that's muscle.

Science truly is mysterious. Even scientific facts aren't always fact. But like many scientists, I follow the evidence, at least to the best of my abilities, to wherever it takes me. . . And I was awestruck when I found my answer. . . .

The Penis: Half Muscle
I was rather dumbfounded when I learned that the penis truly is a muscle -- not completely muscle, and not a normal muscle -- but approximately 50 percent smooth muscle. Now don't get me wrong, smooth muscle is distinctly different than skeletal muscle, but it's still muscle. And the penis is made of half of it. In February in 2004, the Journal of Urology reported the amount of penile smooth muscle in the article, Sildenafil preserves intracorporeal smooth muscle after radical retropubic prostatectomy. Here is a segment of the authors' findings:

Published reports suggest that the average penis smooth muscle percent is between 40% and 50%. . . . In contrast, patients with veno-occlusive erectile dysfunction show a much lower percent on microscopic examination. A prior study suggested that these patients have a smooth muscle percent of only 10% to 36%.
The article above confirms that the penis is in fact part muscle. For more confirmation, see the references located at the end of this article.

But what exactly is smooth muscle? And more importantly, what's its role in the penis?

Healthy Smooth Muscle is Essential for Healthy Erections

Smooth muscle is extremely important for vital erections. As the Journal of Urology article above noted:
Normal smooth muscle content and function are necessary for the initiation and maintenance of erection.
To that end, the health of your penis muscle literally defines the health of your erections! This is well documented in another article by Dr. George J. Christ, which was published in The Urologic Clinics of North America: The penis as a vascular organ: The importance of corporal smooth muscle tone in the control of erection. Here is what Dr. Christ had to say about the penis's smooth muscle:

Complete smooth muscle relaxation is both necessary and sufficient to elicit an erection.
In his article, Christ went over (in detail, down to the chemistry) the smooth muscle's role in the penis. The bottom line: smooth muscle is very, very important for proper erections. The smooth muscle causes an erection (which is set off through chemical reactions) by completely relaxing. An erection cannot take place if the smooth muscle cannot completely relax. . . . Accordingly, the smooth muscle is not only important for an erection; it is the erection!

Penis Smooth Muscle and Penis Enlargement

How does smooth muscle tie into Penis Enlargement? Well, considering the fact that exercising the penis makes erections stronger, harder, and longer-lasting, it would make sense that Penis Enlargement either creates more smooth muscle cells (it could theoretically cause the smooth muscles cells to grow, but in talks with several doctors on the subject, they agree that cell multiplication is most likely). Furthermore, for the penis to enlarge, the smooth muscle must enlarge too.

Also, because the penis is compromised of 50 percent smooth muscle, and smooth muscle has a lot of the basic properties of skeletal muscle, we can presume that smooth muscle might react to stress the same way normal muscle does. Which is a no brainer! What are guys who "Penis Enlargement" doing? They're Exercising!

Think about it: Bib, presumably one of the biggest gainers of Penis Enlargement, used a weightlifting concept known as "progressive overload." Peter Dick, another big gainer uses a common weightlifting program known as "muscle confusion" (in which he keeps his penis guessing, so it doesn't adapt). And more recently, we are realizing that cyclic training using deconditioning breaks helps us keep the penis in a responsive state. And cyclic training is a popular weightlifting principle (if not the biggest).

Indeed, the penis is an extraordinary organ that has captured our attention since we were little boys. And Penis Enlargement is an extraordinary process. No one is for certain how penis enlargement works, but it is probably much more simple than we think.

By taking conventional wisdom (we know that muscle grows due to exercise) and comparing it to scientific facts (the penis is 50 percent smooth muscle and smooth muscle also grows due to stress) we can theorize that the smooth muscle of the penis plays some role in penis enlargement - I'm not sure how much, or how little, but at least some role.

References and Further Reading

Another informative post, this is why I joined this site not for preaching Penis Enlargement guru's but informative prospective from the mass collective.
"In his article, Christ went over (in detail, down to the chemistry) the smooth muscle's role in the penis. The bottom line: smooth muscle is very, very important for proper erections. The smooth muscle causes an erection (which is set off through chemical reactions) by completely relaxing. An erection cannot take place if the smooth muscle cannot completely relax. . . . Accordingly, the smooth muscle is not only important for an erection; it is the erection!"

EXACTLY! When you fuck up the smooth muscle by pulling it, slowly making scar tissue form in the microtears, your penis will not erect properly. Simple. Harder erections today, ED tommorrow. In the short-term yes harder erections, what does that prove. It's always the longer-term that presents the devastating effects eg drinking too much.
psychotic;292099 said:
EXACTLY! When you fuck up the smooth muscle by pulling it, slowly making scar tissue form in the microtears, your penis will not erect properly. Simple. Harder erections today, ED tommorrow. In the short-term yes harder erections, what does that prove. It's always the longer-term that presents the devastating effects eg drinking too much.

If that was the case wouldn't all bodybuilding be unproductive? Because you tear down the muscles for them to regenerate and grow.

Also if you HATE Penis Enlargement and think it not something that works why are you on a site completely devoted to Penis Enlargement itself?
I don't hate Penis Enlargement but now the dangers are surfacing all around. Scar tissue is not like smooth muscle, it's inflexible and even small dots here and there in a sheet of smooth muscle will hinder erection as it won't be able to relax like before.
@ Remek : Very good posts , just want to point out a few things to you so you can complete your knowledge ont this matter :

"""""The smooth muscle causes an erection (which is set off through chemical reactions) by completely relaxing. An erection cannot take place if the smooth muscle cannot completely relax. . . . Accordingly, the smooth muscle is not only important for an erection; it is the erection!""""""

This is not correct. Its 50% of the truth. Look at the anatomy of it. The smooth muscle cells surround the big deep arteries in the penis. Their only function is to relax upon stimulus IN ORDER to allow the diameter of the arteries to increase.
If the diameter increases (because of more pressure build up due to higher blood inflow) YOU have the first nessassery 50 %

The other erection relevent 50% is the ability to KEEP the BLOOD TRAPPenis EnlargementD.
This happens when the erectile tissues engorge and fill with blood AND the veins ( nessessary for outlfow) get squashed/pressed between the Tunica and the erectile tissue ---> THUS shifting the ratio of blood inflow / outflow towards ---> inflow for the duuration of the stimulus (sexual act).

Vuola = 100% erection. (Ofcourse there are zillion things that can fuck up this simple process (organic, chemical level and menthal), thats why hundreds of millions of men world wide suffer from ED ---> thank god for viagra.

"""""""""Penis Enlargement is Healthy
With that in mind, how do penile exercises enlarge the penis without doing any damage to it?"""""""

USE IT OR LOOSE IT FOR SEX IS HEALTHY. Penis Enlargement is potentually dangerous.

"""""""In fact, I did a penis enlargement survey of nearly 1000 penile exercisers in the summer of 2005 (many of whom were MOS members), and the majority of men reported stronger and harder erections due to penis enlargement exercises.""""""""

Wich means NOTHING unless you ask them ALL to quit all Penis Enlargement now then just live a normal life for a year AND THEN REPenis EnlargementAT THE STUDY AGAIN. You will see a different outcome. This is why people stick to Penis Enlargement forever , they depend on it, and the more they depend on it - the more likely they are to damage themselves in the long run.

@psychotic """"EXACTLY! When you fuck up the smooth muscle by pulling it, slowly making scar tissue form in the microtears, your penis will not erect properly. Simple. Harder erections today, ED tommorrow. In the short-term yes harder erections, what does that prove. It's always the longer-term that presents the devastating effects eg drinking too much.""""

----> HANDS CLAPPIN !!!!

Besides these few points VERY VERY GOOD POST ! Nice to see that people make up their minds and not trust blindly.
@aeroth "If that was the case wouldn't all bodybuilding be unproductive? Because you tear down the muscles for them to regenerate and grow."

Severe Bodybuilding and severe Penis Enlargement is highly unproductive.

All bodybuilder ends up as invalids after their careers ,
they ar eincapable of doing 10 pushups , run 100 meters quickly or lift any weights once they get out of the routine. They have calcium deposits in all releveant joints and suffer from back pains.

Just make a visit to your local physio therapy center and ask ex- body builders
tbirdy;292212 said:
Severe Bodybuilding and severe Penis Enlargement is highly unproductive.

All bodybuilder ends up as invalids after their careers ,
they ar eincapable of doing 10 pushups , run 100 meters quickly or lift any weights once they get out of the routine. They have calcium deposits in all releveant joints and suffer from back pains.

Just make a visit to your local physio therapy center and ask ex- body builders

That's easily the dumbest thing I've seen thus far about bodybuilding. There's a guy not sure if you'll know him or not use to have a show than on ESPN in the black and white era if I knew his name I'd post it. But he's 60+ these days and still in better shape than a large majority of the nation. From time to time I'll catch him on as a guest host on other shows and still plugging away with basic routines and at home workouts.

Also look up a fellow named Tony Horton he's been a fitness guy for awhile too and is in tremendous shape.

All Always Never and other words like that are horrible for any intelligent argument you're basing your opinion simply on what you've googled about bodybuilding or the "horror" stories you've seen.
I've been doing sports for 15 years - 8 years professionally in the highest leage.
I'm not saying wich sport (because its to famous including myself here).

You didn't even read through my message nor did u understand it :
I clearly said they end up as invalids AFTER their carriers in bodybilding - just look at schwarzenegger for th emost famous example - heart defects , deformed body and so on.

You just named 2 examples (exceptions to the rule) of 2 guys who ARE STILL IN SHAPenis Enlargement, and still in routine, good !!! visit your local physiotherapy center and talk to ex bodybuilders THEN come back and repeat that I googled it. Whatever I say is from experience or from experience of other "realworld" people and not internet mambojumbo...
tbirdy;292210 said:
@ Remek : Very good posts , just want to point out a few things to you so you can complete your knowledge ont this matter :

Hi tbirdy :) Interesting posts. You do know your anatomy. A few clarifications.

tbirdy;292210 said:
"""""The smooth muscle causes an erection (which is set off through chemical reactions) by completely relaxing. An erection cannot take place if the smooth muscle cannot completely relax. . . . Accordingly, the smooth muscle is not only important for an erection; it is the erection!""""""

This is not correct. Its 50% of the truth. Look at the anatomy of it. The smooth muscle cells surround the big deep arteries in the penis. Their only function is to relax upon stimulus IN ORDER to allow the diameter of the arteries to increase.
If the diameter increases (because of more pressure build up due to higher blood inflow) YOU have the first nessassery 50 %

The other erection relevent 50% is the ability to KEEP the BLOOD TRAPPenis EnlargementD.
This happens when the erectile tissues engorge and fill with blood AND the veins ( nessessary for outlfow) get squashed/pressed between the Tunica and the erectile tissue ---> THUS shifting the ratio of blood inflow / outflow towards ---> inflow for the duuration of the stimulus (sexual act).

Vuola = 100% erection. (Ofcourse there are zillion things that can fuck up this simple process (organic, chemical level and menthal), thats why hundreds of millions of men world wide suffer from ED ---> thank god for viagra.

You have the basics of the erection down here. I'm not sure where the difference of opinion is, but what from my research what happens is:

  1. Blood flows into the penis
  2. The smooth muscle within the sinusoidal spaces relaxes, expanding outward
  3. If the smooth muscle cells are healthy and working properly, they are relaxed enough to press against the tunica, cutting of the veins, and trapping the blood within the penis
  4. A sustainable erection occurs

    I think this is what you're saying.

tbirdy;292210 said:
"""""""""Penis Enlargement is Healthy
With that in mind, how do penile exercises enlarge the penis without doing any damage to it?"""""""

USE IT OR LOOSE IT FOR SEX IS HEALTHY. Penis Enlargement is potentually dangerous.

I agree - Penis Enlargement is potentially dangerous. But so is bodybuilding, weightlifting, running, and all other exercise. But just like all other exercise, when done properly, I firmly believe Penis Enlargement is healthy.

tbirdy;292210 said:
Besides these few points VERY VERY GOOD POST ! Nice to see that people make up their minds and not trust blindly.

Thank you! I trusted blindly for many years. My hope is that many other men won't have to.
tbirdy;292382 said:
...I clearly said they end up as invalids AFTER their carriers in bodybilding - just look at schwarzenegger for th emost famous example - heart defects , deformed body and so on.
Arnold's heart defect was always present - it was congenital.
I really don't understand the point of this thread... yes the penis is made up of smooth muscle, but so what. Does it really matter what the penis is made of?? No it doesn't. Whether it was made up of smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, or cardiac muscle is irrelevent. The penis works the way it's supposed to and we know Penis Enlargement works regardless of what tissues it is made up of. This post did little to shine any real science on the penis or Penis Enlargement in general. JMO...
I have to agree with sikdogg to an extent.

So the penis is complex, made of many tissues, Penis Enlargement can be dangerous, what's new? This post amounts to an interesting anatomy lesson, but I personally don't care if there is no application. Questions that come to mind:

In light of this new information, how should Penis Enlargement change?
What kind of activity best suits smooth muscle (as opposed to skeletal muscle)?
What supplements/foods will encourage healthy smooth muscle growth?
What Penis Enlargement exercises are best for smooth muscle?
Are there particular exercises that create too much scar tissue in smooth muscle?
How does smooth muscle respond to rest/training cycles? Is there a case for more rest here?
Are there folks who develop ED after going off routine?
great thread, thnx a lot!

What is funny hear is the fact that you are talking about scar tissue being caused by Penis Enlargement well scar tissue may and may not be formed when doing pe as we are talking about micro tears it takes a lot of damage to cause scar tissue. The other thing is that there scar tissue yes can be bad but there are ways to prevent scar tissue from forming and one of them is massaging and what is funny is all of our penises get massaged through Penis Enlargement and through our own masturbation and even sex. It seems like while stretching and causing scar tissue we are also repairing it through jelquing and if you think that this is not enough to prevent scar tissue massage it on a regular basis or even take a vitamin e supplement or get a cortisol cream and massage it into the penis every night. There are so many ways that we could put down Penis Enlargement and say that it is not safe but I think that it is only for the guys that are not practicing safety and seem to think that more is better.
Some guy on �other PE site� had tests done a while back to check whether jelqing causes scar tissue, and there was no scar tissue found. The formation of scar tissue is an issue if you overdo it, but it's not an inevitability as you suggest.
I think the real dangers of Penis Enlargement are nerve damage and venous leakage.
spinner2;304129 said:
Some guy on �other PE site� had tests done a while back to check whether jelqing causes scar tissue, and there was no scar tissue found. The formation of scar tissue is an issue if you overdo it, but it's not an inevitability as you suggest.
I think the real dangers of Penis Enlargement are nerve damage and venous leakage.

My thoughts exactly. Thats why I don't do anything that puts pressure on the dorsal nerve, (no blasters or inverted V-stretches), I don't jelq at high erection angles. When you jelq at high erection angles your forcing blood against the venous leakage gates which can weaken or even break them. Leading to vericose veins and ED IMHO. Also I don't do any bending of the penis, especially while erect. The penis has fibers that run through it like guy wires and if you bend them while erect its likely to damage these fiber and lead to peyroinnes or ED. Sorry I've never found a wall attractive enough to fuck it!

I think as a community we have to keep some sense to us. You can't just do any exercise that you come up with. There has to be a reason and that reason has to be productive for the anatomy and health of the penis.

And as far as bodybuilers go. Its like anything. Years of abuse (Roids, improper form, overtraining) will eventually take its toll. Look up Paul Chek. He's the man. 44 years old and could compete with Olympians I guarantee it. There comes a point when you have to start training smart, not because its how grandpa used to do it but because its effective yet safe.
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