Will Sizegenetics pull the muscles?


Feb 23, 2012
Hi all,

I have got questions about using SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender. When I use sizegenetics to stretch my cock, will SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender pull the muscles on my pelvic floor, abdominal and other muscles?

Will it tight on my pelvic floor, abdominal and other muscles as well?

The reason I am asking this because when I used sizegenetics on and off, then one day I had a really bad pain in my abdominal so I went to see the physiotherapy where she found the group of muscles in my pelvic that is include the hips, psoas, back muscles, pelvic floor, abdominal and hamstrings are all tight.

I'm wondered if it is related to PE??

If SG will pull these muscles that will tight them I would not use SG until I get the problem sort it out.

Thanks in advance
The muscles have very little to do with it accept in one sense, they can get in the way of stretching. The penis does not expect to be stretched so when you stretch it it’s going to react by tightening your pelvic floor muscles. This effectively stunts the stretch and allows for very little elongation.

Try to practice reverse Kegels as you stretch. The soreness you’re feeling is the ligament and this is a great sign. You can also reach the state from fatigue or after you ejaculate. Try to use it after you had sex as your pelvic floor muscles will be extremely weak and you’ll get an incredible stretch.

Do not expect the soreness to go away for at least about 20 to 30 days but you will become used to it and the soreness will no longer be there. This does not mean you’re not gaining any longer it only means you’ve become used to it. You will continue to grow.
Thanks for the info DLD.

If I use sizegenetics will it stretch my pelvic floor??

If I feel my anus is soreness due to tight pelvic floor, do I have to stop PE for one month and do I have to do reverse kegels to stretch it until the soreness goes away?

What happens if I don't do reverse kegels?
Thanks for the info DLD.

If I use sizegenetics will it stretch my pelvic floor??

If I feel my anus is soreness due to tight pelvic floor, do I have to stop PE for one month and do I have to do reverse kegels to stretch it until the soreness goes away?

What happens if I don't do reverse kegels?

no, you cannot stretch your pelvic floor muscles. You can flex them and unflexed them but you can’t stretch them. In order to do that you need to reach inside the body somewhere between the abdomen and the anus, good luck LOL

If the soreness is at the base of your penis it is the ligament that is sore. This is completely expected for the first month or two. Eventually the soreness will no longer be there but don’t think that means that you have stopped growing, it does not mean that, it only means that your body has become accustomed to the routine.

Reverse Kegels are not necessary when you’re wearing an extender as your pelvic floor muscles will relax on its own. you want to do the RK when you are doing stretching by hand or the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging
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