
Oct 2, 2006
I was wondering- there are people on the internet that say that Penis Enlargementing is dangerous, as it can cause the buildup of scar tissue, making it impossible to get erections. There is a thread in your forum by a man who claims to have crippled his sex life with Penis Enlargement. Yet on the other end of the spectrum, many claim to have harder, more powerful erections.

What is the cause of the reported 'limp dick'? Overtraining? Does it have more of a link to jelqing or stretching? How can it be prevented? Why is there such a discrepancy between those who lose their erections and those whose erections become more powerful?
The amount of those that you consider "go limp" is FAR less then those who actually see better erections. If anything its from a injury thats not properly taken care of.
Proper jelqing, kegeling, and edging should lead to rock hard woodies.

Focusing on stretching only can reduce them temporarily. That has been my experience.

There are many, many other factors that can lead to limp dick syndrome, some psychological, some physiological. And it's hard to separate the two, of course.
In my case improper training can cause problems so I figure that is why some have problems along. Over training or training to rough(beating up ones crank) etc., etc.,
okay now that makes ALOT of sense.
I HAVE been getting weaker erections after forgoing my jelqing routines.
I remember having MUCH harder erections before I stopped jelqing and weaker ones before I started jelqing.
Me too, S. That's why I'm cutting back on my stretching routine and increasing my jelqing/edging with lots of kegeling thrown in. When I first started P.E. I was getting eleven o'clock woodies within a month. Now I'm working to get them back.
as long as your routine is inherently solid, a limp dick is most commonly from overtraining (using the solid routine).

secondarily, it would be psych
Okay... so jelqing, edging and kegeling HAVE brought back my erections to a rockhard state. Way harder than before.

So that proves that.
Stretching should be followed immediately by jelqing to get the blood in there?
Stretching should be limited, but by how much? How should I modify the noobie routine from DLD to minimize my risk of limp dick while maximizing my chances at gaining?

goinfor11x7- do you think the lowering of the angle of your woodie is due to the fact that DLDs stretching exercises are predominantly downwards?

Thanks all,
If you are having wood problems, kegeling, jelqing, and pumping are the three most important and useful exercises to perform, in that order.

While I do not always consistently kegel and jelq, I am trying to keep pumping as much as seven days a week.

However, if you want super-hard erections, kegel, jelq, and pump.

Anything strong stretch-wise(like hanging) and clamping are the only two exercises that have ever given me erection "problems", although they have only been temporary, except for when I was doing hardcore clamping, that screwed me up until I stopped doing them completely.

Basically, if I get hard after an hour of hanging then, yes, it does take me a bit longer to get erect and my erection isn't as big as it would have if I had not hung, but it's not that much of a loss, and the "losses" are mostly in girth after hanging.
Slevin said:
Stretching should be followed immediately by jelqing to get the blood in there?
Stretching should be limited, but by how much? How should I modify the noobie routine from DLD to minimize my risk of limp dick while maximizing my chances at gaining?

goinfor11x7- do you think the lowering of the angle of your woodie is due to the fact that DLDs stretching exercises are predominantly downwards?

Thanks all,

That's a good question, Slevin. I hadn't thought about it, but it makes all the sense in the world. And almost all of my stretching has been straight out or downwards. It HAS enhanced my flaccid hang. It's a trade-off here.

I'm focusing on more jelqing and kegeling now.
I started Penis Enlargement because of erection problems, namely baby dick and weak erections. I figured if I could also gain some size that would be great. Here are a few things I've noticed.

After following the newbie routine, kegal, stretch, jelq-- for a month my erections became rock hard, except for the glans. My flacid dick would hang heavy too. Whenever I'd take more than 3 weeks off my problems would come right back.

Fast forward six months. I'm pretty sure I damaged my dorsal nerve from improper jequing and lack of warm up/down (got lazy). Loss lots of sensitivity, dick felt like something inbetween plastic and flesh. Freaked out and stopped Penis Enlargement about 2 and a half months ago. Still could get rock hard erections, and the glans started to fill out too, it just wasn't very pleasurable.

Read a post at �other PE site� about using a baby bottle nipple to retain the inner foreskin remnant over the glans to restore sensitivity. I've been covering for about five weeks now. My flacid hang is fairly heavy. My erections are rock hard. My glans gets softer and smoother by the day. I'm experiencing sensations I haven't had in years. The only Penis Enlargement I do right now is light kegaling.

As for the injury, it's healing slow and steady, every day my dick feels more normal, from the top down.

So, if you are cut and having erection problems, I highly recommend covering up your little buddy. :)
Bruticus said:
I started Penis Enlargement because of erection problems, namely baby dick and weak erections. I figured if I could also gain some size that would be great. Here are a few things I've noticed.

After following the newbie routine, kegal, stretch, jelq-- for a month my erections became rock hard, except for the glans. My flacid dick would hang heavy too. Whenever I'd take more than 3 weeks off my problems would come right back.

Fast forward six months. I'm pretty sure I damaged my dorsal nerve from improper jequing and lack of warm up/down (got lazy). Loss lots of sensitivity, dick felt like something inbetween plastic and flesh. Freaked out and stopped Penis Enlargement about 2 and a half months ago. Still could get rock hard erections, and the glans started to fill out too, it just wasn't very pleasurable.

Read a post at �other PE site� about using a baby bottle nipple to retain the inner foreskin remnant over the glans to restore sensitivity. I've been covering for about five weeks now. My flacid hang is fairly heavy. My erections are rock hard. My glans gets softer and smoother by the day. I'm experiencing sensations I haven't had in years. The only Penis Enlargement I do right now is light kegaling.

As for the injury, it's healing slow and steady, every day my dick feels more normal, from the top down.

So, if you are cut and having erection problems, I highly recommend covering up your little buddy. :)

I have thought about doing this at some point in my life. How long does it take?
Foreskin restoration can take anywhere from six months to three years. You don't have to restore, although it's ideal.

You can cover immediately. Either with a large slow flow silicone nipple from Playtex, or a Your-Skin Cone. You'll gain some skin from retaining, but not enough to cover the glans.

I use the baby nipple with medical tape. (Your-Skin Cone dosen't fit right because of a skin bridge I'm having removed in a few weeks) Shea butter to keep the glans moist and a 12% alpha-hydroxy cream to speed up dekeratinization. Although at your age, I doubt you're having any major sensitivity issues or serious callousing of the glans

My erection problems are largely gone thanks to Penis Enlargement and covering up.
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It took about two years for mine to be restored. However, I had a lot of extra skin left by the good doctor when he circumcized me. I didn't even think about foreskin restoration--it just occurred as I was focusing on a heavy duty stretching routine.
I've been jelqing with petroleum jelly and have noticed some extra skin because of it. I'm thinking about restoring but, how do you explain that to your girlfriend especially when its starting to cover but isnt complete?
I too was suffering from weaker erections due to stretching, and not jelqing enough, so increase the jelqing. But another thing I found recently after starting a new physically demanding job, was that I was getting a lot of spontaneous erections. I think this could be due to increased testosterone levels as a result of rigorous physical activity, or better blood flow hormones better balanced. Not sure.
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