What's the right order of stretching WITHIN a length workout?


Dec 26, 2020
We know there's multiple areas of the penis that need to be stretched, but is there a correct order to do this to insure you're getting all the gains you can?

The following is AFTER you have used some heat for warmup and done some light bundles:

It makes sense (to me) to pull out the inner penis first, to literally expose all you can for the following stretches.
Next would be the tunica. Doing some sort of bundles would allow for more elongation during the last phase.
The final area is the ligaments. Stretching everything you have pulled out and fatigued up to this point.

I would like to hear others' input and if this even makes sense, and especially comment if you have been successful with something else!
Check out the SRT routine by DLD. I think you’ll find some answers there.

Sorry, I should have mentioned in the post that I have read the SRT post many times. I understand it kind of walks a newbie through how to ease into a complete length program. I also should've stated that I understand basic LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging stretching comes after expressive stretching.

So, what I was unable to learn from SRT is how does tunica stretching factor into a complete length program? Is it before expressive stretching, after ligament stretching...? I know we're supposed to warmup with some bundles, but if there is so much inner penis to pull out, shouldn't we spend a good part of our workout pulling this out, and at what point is this best? Does it even matter, haha!?
Sorry, I should have mentioned in the post that I have read the SRT post many times. I understand it kind of walks a newbie through how to ease into a complete length program. I also should've stated that I understand basic LM stretching comes after expressive stretching.

So, what I was unable to learn from SRT is how does tunica stretching factor into a complete length program? Is it before expressive stretching, after ligament stretching...? I know we're supposed to warmup with some bundles, but if there is so much inner penis to pull out, shouldn't we spend a good part of our workout pulling this out, and at what point is this best? Does it even matter, haha!?
I'm doing bundled stretches with a broomstick. In every stretch I pull out the inner penis (really hard), stretching ligaments, and stretching out the tunica. My penis have no choice but to become longer, no choice at all.
We know there's multiple areas of the penis that need to be stretched, but is there a correct order to do this to insure you're getting all the gains you can?

The following is AFTER you have used some heat for warmup and done some light bundles:

It makes sense (to me) to pull out the inner penis first, to literally expose all you can for the following stretches.
Next would be the tunica. Doing some sort of bundles would allow for more elongation during the last phase.
The final area is the ligaments. Stretching everything you have pulled out and fatigued up to this point.

I would like to hear others' input and if this even makes sense, and especially comment if you have been successful with something else!
You can't exactly "pull the inner penis out, to literally expose all you can". It takes time to expose the inner penis through lig stretch. It does not happen in one session.
You want to hit it from multiple angles. Lower angles will stretch the ligaments (tunica as well), and upper angles will focus more on tunica.
Most guys like to work on their ligs first, because it is generally easier to do other stretching exercises once they've loosened up a bit.
So start stretching at the lower angles, which will help turn inner penis into outer penis over time, and then do upper angle work, bundles, etc, which will lengthen the shaft itself.
You can't exactly "pull the inner penis out, to literally expose all you can". It takes time to expose the inner penis through lig stretch. It does not happen in one session.
You want to hit it from multiple angles. Lower angles will stretch the ligaments (tunica as well), and upper angles will focus more on tunica.
Most guys like to work on their ligs first, because it is generally easier to do other stretching exercises once they've loosened up a bit.
So start stretching at the lower angles, which will help turn inner penis into outer penis over time, and then do upper angle work, bundles, etc, which will lengthen the shaft itself.

The deeper you go the more you will gain
The deeper you go the more you will gain

I assume you mean deeper, as in always prioritizing expressive stretching to continue to pull out those hidden inches?
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Is there a difference between expressive stretching and regular stretching? If so, what exactly is the difference?
Is there a difference between expressive stretching and regular stretching? If so, what exactly is the difference?

If I've understood the SRT instructions correctly, expressive stretching is specifically designed to pull out the inner penis, of which there is several inches unexposed inside each man. I try to accomplish this by making the point of pulling as close to the base as possible. I think of regular stretching as stretching what you can see. Then there's the tunica as well! I didn't completely agree with your post above, but hey, oh well, we're all here to learn, especially me! Cheers!
expressive stretching is specifically designed to pull out the inner penis, of which there is several inches unexposed inside each man.

There has to be penis inside the body. You cannot have all of your shaft outside your body. Where would it attach to, if that were the case?

There are two ways to make length gains. The first is lengthening the suspensory ligament (or severing it, if you take the surgical route), and the second is lengthening the actual shaft itself, through stretching devices, hanging, etc.

Lengthening the suspensory ligament lowers the shaft exit point, allowing the penis to hang lower on the pubic bone, and also exposes a small segment of inner shaft, which was previously anchored to the pubic bone. So, there are actual gains to be made through lig stretch, but even if you take the most extreme route of severing it through surgery, you would be extremely lucky to gain anywhere near an inch. The rest of the gains are made by using some form of traction, to lengthen the shaft itself.

"On average, the surgery increases flaccid penile length by 1–3 cm, especially with post-operative use of a PTD (45,47)."

A PTD is a Penile Traction Device.

So even in the most extreme case of severing the ligament through surgery, nobody is gaining the "several inches" you are talking about. There will always be inches of inner penis, because there HAS TO BE. If not, it would just be floating around in front of your pubic bone, and wouldn't be anchored onto anything.

At best, lengthening or severing the suspensory ligament will transfer more stress to the inner portion of penis BELOW the pubic bone anchored by the fundiform ligaments, and the greater overall stress along the entire shaft can help in creating more deformations through stretching, but it is not actually going to shift the portion of your shaft which is BELOW your pubic bone, in FRONT of your pubic bone. The portion of shaft below the pubic bone cannot shift forward, only downward. The only portion of shaft that can shift forward and downward is the part that is held up by the suspensory ligament, which is nowhere near "several inches" according to the science article I cited from NIH. The rest of the gains are made by stretching the actual shaft itself through some form of traction, to lengthen the tunica.

I try to accomplish this by making the point of pulling as close to the base as possible.


I think of regular stretching as stretching what you can see. Then there's the tunica as well!

I do not understand what you mean. Do you mean stretching the outer shaft? Any outward force will not only stretch the outer shaft, but the inner shaft as well, so I really don't get your point. The tunica takes stress with any form of stretching, at every angle.

I didn't completely agree with your post above, but hey, oh well, we're all here to learn, especially me! Cheers!

You do not have to agree with me. I am just putting my knowledge out there, like everyone else. But at the very least, if you do not agree, you can tell me why you think I am wrong, and debunk my claims by providing evidence.
You will never pull it all out but you can look forward to about 2 inches with the srt workout
You will never pull it all out but you can look forward to about 2 inches with the srt workout
Gains from lig stretch are limited. I know that is not a popular opinion here, but it is true.
As you can see from the article, on average, they gain 1-3 cm in flaccid length. There are outliers, but that is the vast majority. In surgery, they literally CUT the suspensory ligament, to expose a little more length, and lower the exit point of the shaft. Cutting it exposes the maximum possible length one can achieve as far as ligs are concerned. You cannot possibly stretch something that is not in the way anymore.
Once the shaft has been lowered, and a little more length exposed, the outer shaft and inner shaft are level to each other, whereas pre-op, the suspensory ligament was holding a segment of the outer shaft against the front face of the pubic bone. The geometry is different. So when you stretch outward, for example, the suspensory ligament is no longer there to take any stress, and all of the stress is on the outer and inner shaft, or the entire shaft. From there, it is ALL tunica work.
Most guys will not gain more than 1 inch through lig stretch, but they will also make tunica gains through manual exercises and/or other methods.
When you gained 2 inches in six months... I would put my money on it, that at least half of those gains were a result of lengthening the actual tunica, and not just the ligs. That is my point.
So when people say that one can pull out multiple inches of inner penis... I am sorry, but that is just incorrect. That is not what is actually occurring. At a certain point, it is mainly deformations of the tunica that brings gains, which is the main reason why it is so difficult to continue gaining after initial newbie gains. The ligs have lengthened, and you've got that tough, son-of-a-bitch tunica to deal with.
And that is where most guys quit, because they feel the amount of dedication and effort required to keep deforming the tunica is not worth it. But it was for you, and less than a handful of others who have made similar gains.
Expressive stretching gave me close to 3 inches when everyone said my ligs were maxed out. Maybe too many quit before the miracle happens. Best of luck to you
Expressive stretching gave me close to 3 inches when everyone said my ligs were maxed out. Maybe too many quit before the miracle happens. Best of luck to you

I'm one of those people on here who is doing consistent expressive stretching with the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and I've made flaccid gains. Let's see what the ruler will reveal when I measure by 9th of July.
I'm one of those people on here who is doing consistent expressive stretching with the LengthMaster and I've made flaccid gains. Let's see what the ruler will reveal when I measure by 9th of July.

I am also working on expressive stretching...it's probably half of my routine. I'm doing base fulcrum stretches with the power assist. What exercises are you doing specifically for expressive stretching?
I am also working on expressive stretching...it's probably half of my routine. I'm doing base fulcrum stretches with the power assist. What exercises are you doing specifically for expressive stretching?

Bundled expressive stretching with the LengthMaster.
Bundled expressive stretching with the LengthMaster.

Combination is killer
Expressive stretching gave me close to 3 inches when everyone said my ligs were maxed out. Maybe too many quit before the miracle happens. Best of luck to you
I don't think you understood what I wrote. I never said one couldn't keep gaining once the ligs have been maxed out. I am saying that most of those gains were due to lengthening of the tunica. If it were possible to gain 3 inches of erect length from pure lig stretch and nothing else, then that would be the norm post-op, which it is clearly not.
When they sever the ligament through surgery, that is as much length as you can get from it, as it is no longer attached. The doctors are reporting an average of 1-3 cm, if you even cared to read the article. That means, in general, if you have made gains significantly greater than that, it would have to be attributed to actual SHAFT gains. Are you saying that you only gained 1.5" in tunica and 3" from ligs for a total of 4.5"? How do you know exactly where those gains came from?
You can say whatever you want. But either the science is wrong, or you are wrong. Let the people decide.
And thanks for the luck.
No I am saying I gained 3 inches from pulling out inner penis. I did this after I was not gaining lig growth any longer. This is when I invented bundle and expressive stretching. Surgery was never an option for me so I needed to find new growth from internal penis.
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