
Jul 22, 2006
(I posted this in the Sexuality Forum, but it seems dead.)

I want to model the guys here that can fuck like �naked person�. The guys that can stay hard and just go non-stop for like 2 hours straight. Seriously. I want to figure out what's the difference between a one-minute-man, and someone that's a marathon-man. Post what you think the reasons are you last so long. Filll out these questions.

1. What are your beliefs about sex?

2. Do you think that cumming is difficult? Does pre-mature ejaculation ever even cross your mind?

3. What's a consistent thought loop that runs through your head?

4. Why do you think you last so long?

5. Do you have a strategy? What is it?

6. Do you relate some sort of negativity towards pre-mature ejaculation?

7. What do you picture in your head? What do you hear YOURSELF saying? (Something confident?) What do you feel externally? How do you use your body?

8. How do you feel emotionally about sex? Is it no big deal? Is it the best experience you have?

9. What do you FOCUS on?

10. Can't forget these two. How long do you last? Is it consistent?

Please answer each of the questions. I think this post can benefit everyone on this board so that we can figure this thing out together. Thanks to those guys that will participate. :)
I've only had premature ejaculation problems 3 times in my life. All three time I was under a lot of stress because I was fucking my ex-girlfriend who was in a relationship with someone else. I lasted about 4-5 minutes each of these three times. Aside from that I've always been a marathon man.

1. I think that sex is the single most enjoyable thing a male and a female can have together. I tend to be a very attentive lover and don't think of sex in a negative way.

2. Sometimes cumming is very difficult, sometimes I have to stop because I can't blow my load and I'm too exhausted to keep thrusting.

3. I don't really have one. I concentrate on the female anatomy and getting off on it. I really try to indulge myself in the moment.

4. Anxiety will almost prevent me from ejaculating. So if I'm with a new girl chances are I'm not going to blow my load at all. Once I get comfortable with her or start dating my stamina diminishes to a modest 20-30 minutes. I honestly don't know why I last as long as I do.

5. No strategy, but if I ever felt like I was going to bust a nut too early I would just pull out and start eating the girl's pussy. I think a key factor to conquering premature ejaculation is to be in touch with your ejaculatory response.

6. Yes. The handful of times I blew my load too quick may have been why I'm not with my ex-girlfriend right now.

7. I don't picture anything in my head unless I'm struggling to get off. And in that case I think of the great sex I've had in my past, the moments that really stuck with me. I don't say anything to myself. I try to stay very relaxed.

8. It depends. If I care about the girl then it is the greatest thing ever. I'm not a player by any means, having sex with some random girl just because she is hot means little to me. I've been there before, and while it is temporarily rewarding having sex with someone you love it that much better.

9. Her body.

10. In general I last around 20 minutes. Some nights I've went hours and others I blow my load in about 7-8 minutes. It's not very consistent on my part. I think my stamina has a lot to do with my current state of mind and how comfortable I am.
All I think about is, "remember your not wearing a condom, don't cum in what's her name!"
Very insightful AcesHigh. Thanks for answering all the questions bro, really appreciate it.

Hey guys, lets keep this thing going.
BTW AcesHigh, do you think that 7-8 min. is pre-mature ejac. or a short time to you?
CrazyEight;278052 said:
(I posted this in the Sexuality Forum, but it seems dead.)

I want to model the guys here that can fuck like �naked person�. The guys that can stay hard and just go non-stop for like 2 hours straight. Seriously. I want to figure out what's the difference between a one-minute-man, and someone that's a marathon-man. Post what you think the reasons are you last so long. Filll out these questions.

1. What are your beliefs about sex?

2. Do you think that cumming is difficult? Does pre-mature ejaculation ever even cross your mind?

3. What's a consistent thought loop that runs through your head?

4. Why do you think you last so long?

5. Do you have a strategy? What is it?

6. Do you relate some sort of negativity towards pre-mature ejaculation?

7. What do you picture in your head? What do you hear YOURSELF saying? (Something confident?) What do you feel externally? How do you use your body?

8. How do you feel emotionally about sex? Is it no big deal? Is it the best experience you have?

9. What do you FOCUS on?

10. Can't forget these two. How long do you last? Is it consistent?

Please answer each of the questions. I think this post can benefit everyone on this board so that we can figure this thing out together. Thanks to those guys that will participate. :)

1. I've always been fascinated with sex since a little boy. Hell I knew what sex was in Kindergarten and I've always worked to making my body more sexually attractive to please my woman. Sex is like what AcesHigh said the best thing between a man and a woman.

2. Cumming can be difficult sometimes and others not. When I'm jacking off it can take hours, sometimes it never cums, but when I'm with my girlfriend it can take a couple of minutes, but usually I try to prolong it. Pre-ejaculation never really happens to me, but since me and my girlfriend are always being sneaky about sex and having to have quickies I'm learning to release a lot sooner. Shame after all those years learning to last hours.

3. Fuck yeah this feels good. If it starts feeling too good I start concentrating more on the girl. I think I focus on her more than me.

4. I'm just a horny guy and have always been that way. I think I'm hornier than most people but at the same time I'm caring about the woman and respectful, in other words I'm not just some guy who hits it, cums and quits it. I started masterbating before I could even cum with messagers as a little kid. I also have always had a wild imagination back then and I couldn't get �naked people movies� all the time and most of the time not at all, which means you have to concentrate more on what your feeling than on what your looking at as with �naked people movies�.

5. Just be in tune with your body. I read a book and even posted a link in a thread to read the book online. The book was called "How to last all night; and drive the women wild" or something. I used to do this religiously right before I discovered and during the early stages of Penis Enlargement. It basically teaches you how to get in tune with your body and mind during sex to prolong ejaculation. But even before this I could last a long time and I thinks its because I was already in tune from frequent masturbation. So really my strategy is just to relax and enjoy it while focusing on your sensations and concentrating on delivering immense pleasure to your woman.

6. I think I used to but really my girl likes it when I cum fast because its less work. She usually cums before me anyway so sometimes it is a race. But on a side note I think of pre-ejac as not being in tune, just as I would a fat guy as out of shape if he showed up for a wrestling match. You have to be prepared and some guys just aren't. I usually do tell my girls that I can last a long time and that i have cum up to 7 times in a row without losing wood...I stopped because after 4 hours of it you get physically exhausted, but I still had to wait 5 minutes for my boner to go down.

7. Like AcesHigh I don't picture anything either. I don't say to myself come on you can last longer or anything. But if I feel myself approaching an unwanted orgasm I slow down or stop or start eating her out. Usually I just squeeze my PC muscles a couple of times and I'm good to go. Externally I feel every minute sensation that comes my way. I guess its kinda like enjoying the sex and observing everything thats happening at the same time. If it feels like something I don't want I change the course of action.

8. Emotionally I get in the zone and I stay there. Like I said I have always been obsessed with sex and view it as the best possible thing ever. I mean the main reason most of us Penis Enlargement is for sex.

9. Pretty much already answered that. I focus on every sensation that I feel. If its a little too good of a sensation then I slightly shift my focus to pleasing my girl.

10. Masturbating the average time is 1-2 hours. I can cum a lot sooner (10-30 mins) but I usually get so wrapped up in the act that while I want to cum I don't want to stop at the same time; even though I can cum multiple times I'm usually busy these days and don't want to spend all day doing this. With my girlfriend it can take 5-30 min. If it is a quickie I can sometimes blow in less than a minute, if it isn't I can last as long as I masturbate....but she can't. The longest I've lasted with her is an hour. Really its like I control when I want to cum now.
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Oh and if I want to cum faster it usually involves me breathing harder (breathing if very important), going faster, and focusing more on the pleasure that I'm recieving.
Okay, I guess I will be the one to portray the more "Frat Boy" approach.

If there's one thing I've learnt it's that cumming too early is all mental - it's in the way you approach the moment.
If you go into sex thinking "I can't wait to bust", well, life follows expectation.

If all your doing is concentrating on how good this feels for YOU, then (amongst being emotionally selfish) you're gonna cum.

So enter with foreplay, give your excitement time to pass, when the feeling leaves the pit of your stomach, wrap up foreplay, wrap up your dick & let's get poppin!

If you wanna be a jackhammer off the bat - good luck. Technique plays as much a part in this as mentality. Plus if you concentrate on technique rather than cumming, it will take your mind off it.

For me personally, won't work for everyone - I do Math.

I despise math & am no good at it, there's something about (trying) to do algebra or just overall long multiplication which just totally un-arouses me, and because my dick is stimulated at the time it stays hard & I can thrust my ass off. My only worry is what my facial expressions are like during this. One day I fear i'm gonna hop off, grab a pen & pad & be like "hold on a minute baby..."

But yeah, works for me. I'm sure all above posts make perfect sense, this is just what I do. Lastly kegels & reverse kegals (reverse kegals especially if done at the right time) help a bunch, when the melting point cums also.
Hmmm... this is getting very intersting. It's great to compare and see the links. Thanks again to those that participate. Peace.
CrazyEight;278093 said:
BTW AcesHigh, do you think that 7-8 min. is pre-mature ejac. or a short time to you?
For me it's borderline, I feel it's a bit on the short side but not necessarily premature ejaculation. A lot can be accomplished in 7-8 minutes, and to be honest the last girl I was with didn't like to have sex much longer than that.
I didn't really feel like replying to ALL of the questions, but I will sum it up. I've always been a sexual person. I first had sex at the age of 7 and by the time I was 9 I had had sex with 3 girls, which to me, is a lot for a kid that age. I was masturbating by the age of 9 on up (no cum at that time of course). The longest I've lasted was 4.5-5 hrs. with my wife. of continual non-erictile problems. The shortest I've lasted was probably around 1-5 minutes. I definitely notice that if I'm in a hurry or I'm worried about being caught, for instance when we had sex at the end of a public pier on a beach, that I am able to cum a lot quicker than if I'm relaxed. I concentrate on my wife's body and her facial expressions as she is being pleasured. I'd say that if you masturbate more and work on lasting longer with that, you will sort of "desensitize" yourself when it comes to sex. It also helps to have a LOT of sex. My wife and I (when we first got together) were averaging 5-10 times a day.

I know what you're asking and there are certainly a lot more variables to consider than the questions that you asked. As far as pre-cum goes, I do notice that if I go from hard to soft more than twice, I will have cum coming out of my penis, but have not orgasmed. If you have any more questions for me, feel free to ask.
Damn, I don't remember what goes through my has been more than 2 years:(
doublelongdaddy;279175 said:
Damn, I don't remember what goes through my has been more than 2 years:(

DLD, why bro? You know the girls want it.

"She wants it. She wants it."
doublelongdaddy;279175 said:
Damn, I don't remember what goes through my has been more than 2 years:(

she must be still recovering from that session :)
CrazyEight;279179 said:
DLD, why bro? You know the girls want it.

I am always on the damn computer. The busier MOS gets the less I am able to go out. I also spent a great deal of time with my son so that also prevents me from going out. I am also very shy and not very good at talking with women. I am also extremely picky. A girl has to have a bubble butt and I mean BUBBLE for me to be attracted to her. I would fuck George Bush if he had a nice ass:)

hopefull;279481 said:
she must be still recovering from that session :)

She? I suppose you mean Jen. SHe left me 2 years ago. Still ain't completely over it which probably does not help with the whole "sex" thing.
doublelongdaddy;279497 said:
She? I suppose you mean Jen. SHe left me 2 years ago. Still ain't completely over it which probably does not help with the whole "sex" thing.

sorry, dld, i wasnt trying to bring up anything about you and jen, ive read some of your posts relating to this and know you feel very serious on that issue.

was just thinkin that with a unit the size of yours, a girl would need a bit of time to adjust lol
doublelongdaddy;279497 said:
I am always on the damn computer. The busier MOS gets the less I am able to go out. I also spent a great deal of time with my son so that also prevents me from going out. I am also very shy and not very good at talking with women. I am also extremely picky. A girl has to have a bubble butt and I mean BUBBLE for me to be attracted to her. I would fuck George Bush if he had a nice ass:)

Damn straight son! You pushin it with the bush thing tho.
ithiel;279666 said:
Damn straight son! You pushin it with the bush thing tho.

Hell yeah I was thinking the same thing too but I didn't want to say anything!!!
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