
Feb 5, 2017
I'm actually skipping my measurement at the 6 month mark and putting it off a month. I was kind of down during the 4th month so I'm fine waiting another month.

Sex has always been a "when we are able and aren't too tired" thing. After 3 months of PE and almost an inch gain in length and over 1/2" girth I noticed my wife making some new sounds during sex. I said something to her one night after sex about how I had gained size. She claims to not notice. Seeing as how I hadn't broken 6.5" BPEL I really wasn't huge but I was hitting deeper in her.

Over the past few months, however, we've had a lot more sex. Some of her orgasms are insanely strong, the most powerful I've ever given a woman, and she's always had really strong orgasms. These, however, are insane. It's not always the depth I'm hitting either, I think the added girth is helping a lot. I am NOT complaining about any of it. At all.

She's a very pessimistic person naturally and I know she thinks PE is a waste of time and effort. I doubt she'll ever admit that it's working and making sex better. I don't know if it's just her or she doesn't want to upset me. I mean, come on, how do you say "well you were great in bed before but now I realize that I really love a bigger dick." She's not good at giving compliments either. I doubt I'll ever hear "I love what you've done with your penis. Thank you! You've made our amazing sex 10x better!"

But I can live with that. I'll keep going until she says, "I think you're getting too big. Stop. Please stop! It's too much! Don't let it get smaller though, just no bigger." Of course then I'll gloat and gloat and gloat in a loving way.

I bought one of those jelly type vibrating cock rings. I had one before but it wouldn't ever stay in place because I was a little thin at the base. Expressive stretching has given me enough girth that it stayed in place no problem! It was also just snug enough that it was keeping me fully erect even during an interruption to sex. I was humping for joy and
orgasms with it! It was truly great and we went until the batteries died.

Measurements next month. I'm hoping to have broken 6" EL and 6.5 BPEL. Started at 5" EL and 5.5" BPEL in Feb and was 5 7/8" EL and 6 3/8" BPEL in May. I've been confident in my performance for years but I'm finally getting confident in my penis.

Thank you all at MOS for the knowledge and help and keep growing until she says she can't fit any more!
cladre60;736888 said:
I'm actually skipping my measurement at the 6 month mark and putting it off a month. I was kind of down during the 4th month so I'm fine waiting another month.

Sex has always been a "when we are able and aren't too tired" thing. After 3 months of PE and almost an inch gain in length and over 1/2" girth I noticed my wife making some new sounds during sex. I said something to her one night after sex about how I had gained size. She claims to not notice. Seeing as how I hadn't broken 6.5" BPEL I really wasn't huge but I was hitting deeper in her.

Over the past few months, however, we've had a lot more sex. Some of her orgasms are insanely strong, the most powerful I've ever given a woman, and she's always had really strong orgasms. These, however, are insane. It's not always the depth I'm hitting either, I think the added girth is helping a lot. I am NOT complaining about any of it. At all.

She's a very pessimistic person naturally and I know she thinks PE is a waste of time and effort. I doubt she'll ever admit that it's working and making sex better. I don't know if it's just her or she doesn't want to upset me. I mean, come on, how do you say "well you were great in bed before but now I realize that I really love a bigger dick." She's not good at giving compliments either. I doubt I'll ever hear "I love what you've done with your penis. Thank you! You've made our amazing sex 10x better!"

But I can live with that. I'll keep going until she says, "I think you're getting too big. Stop. Please stop! It's too much! Don't let it get smaller though, just no bigger." Of course then I'll gloat and gloat and gloat in a loving way.

I bought one of those jelly type vibrating cock rings. I had one before but it wouldn't ever stay in place because I was a little thin at the base. Expressive stretching has given me enough girth that it stayed in place no problem! It was also just snug enough that it was keeping me fully erect even during an interruption to sex. I was humping for joy and
orgasms with it! It was truly great and we went until the batteries died.

Measurements next month. I'm hoping to have broken 6" EL and 6.5 BPEL. Started at 5" EL and 5.5" BPEL in Feb and was 5 7/8" EL and 6 3/8" BPEL in May. I've been confident in my performance for years but I'm finally getting confident in my penis.

Thank you all at MOS for the knowledge and help and keep growing until she says she can't fit any more!

Great job!

Can you give us, and me in particular, a better idea of your routine that has caused you to gain so much?

Have you done the same thing the whole time, and what was it that you did?
boohoohoo;736891 said:
Great job!

Can you give us, and me in particular, a better idea of your routine that has caused you to gain so much?

Have you done the same thing the whole time, and what was it that you did?

First month - Newbie Routine, all of it
Second month - same but 45s stretches instead of 30s
Third month - same Newbie Routine but with a LengthMaster. Not much jelqing but used Bathmate at night and do 3 sets of 100 kegels while pulling at least 1/4" on it and 3 60s kegels while pulling.

The past 2 months I'll do a round of the Newbie Routine by hand then 2 more rounds at 45s each stretch with the LengthMaster. Bathmate routine is the same.

Only gained 1/4" in length and no girth in the first 2 months. Gained almost 1/2" length and a bit more in girth with LM and BM in 5 weeks.
Wow congrats on the gains! Sometimes you just need to ignore the haters, albeit our significant others. She will notice eventually as results don't lie. And if it's making sex better, why stop?!
RR04;736895 said:
Wow congrats on the gains! Sometimes you just need to ignore the haters, albeit our significant others. She will notice eventually as results don't lie. And if it's making sex better, why stop?!


I do keep my PE away from her but she knows about it because the Bathmate showed up while we were both home. I offered to take a shower together with it so I can show her exactly what I'm doing and clear up the mystery and she said no. Hey, I offered!

If you keep on pulling on that thing you won't go blind but it will get longer!
Man! I was missing my buddy, glad to see you back with a clear mind and a focus! Women don't like to (or rarely) give credit but deep-down they love/cherish a man who can commit to something for the betterment of her, the family and your relationship. Kudos, my friend...a well deserving 'WIN'
Big Schwanz Acht;736902 said:
Man! I was missing my buddy, glad to see you back with a clear mind and a focus! Women don't like to (or rarely) give credit but deep-down they love/cherish a man who can commit to something for the betterment of her, the family and your relationship. Kudos, my friend...a well deserving 'WIN'

I just had a brief moment of clarity in an otherwise shitty day :O Plus work has been hell lately and screwing up a lot of my life. It really sucks the life and energy from me for the things I want to do.

I'm trying though, I really am.
good work sir.

I think you understanding that she may not come out and say it is a mental win. Set that expectation really low, that way if she does mention something it's a pleasant surprise.

PE is for you and your confidence, her moans and new noises should be sign enough she likes it!!!

press forward brother
quazimodo_007;736909 said:
was your wife always like this?

Yes. We don't look at things the same way at all and that's fine. I don't need someone that agrees with me constantly or knows everything I know, I need someone the opposite of me or else I'd get bored. Part of it was how she was raised and it drives me insane. When I can break through it I get some pretty amazing results.

I'll keep chipping away at her like always. Gives me something to do.
bty84;736918 said:
good work sir.

I think you understanding that she may not come out and say it is a mental win. Set that expectation really low, that way if she does mention something it's a pleasant surprise.

PE is for you and your confidence, her moans and new noises should be sign enough she likes it!!!

press forward brother

I told her how full of it she was and that I could see the difference with her. It was actually comical. She hid her smile while telling me to shut up.

I think a big part of it is lack of understanding, penis envy, and jealousy that I can change part of me so easily when she has to work much harder with slower results. Ever try to grow breasts? Its apparently not easy (thankfully or I'd grow a pair to play with lol).

I'll keep trying to give her more. Don't stop till she says it's too much!
The thing is penis envy never starts out as envy, it starts out in admiration. When you start to gain more and more confidence the woman will feel less important and will start to resent you for the very thing they admired about you. I can say it a million times but you should not let your wife know you PE.
doublelongdaddy;736939 said:
The thing is penis envy never starts out as envy, it starts out in admiration. When you start to gain more and more confidence the woman will feel less important and will start to resent you for the very thing they admired about you. I can say it a million times but you should not let your wife know you PE.

I tried to hide it but she found out I'm am or was doing something and there was no way to deny it. She is unaware of the amount of PE I'm doing though.

I do not like hiding things from my wife no matter what it is. I don't even like trying to hide money to surprise her with things because I have to be deceptive and sneaky. As far as PE goes I'm not being open and telling her what I do but if she asks I'm only going to let her know what she needs to know.

From a woman's point of view I can see how they feel left out and like they aren't good enough. It's their lack of logic. I will just keep on doing what I do until she has to admit that I'm substancially bigger and that any more is going to be painful. At that point I know that my wife in particular will fully accept and understand what and why I did what I did. Until then I will continue to keep things quiet as long as I'm able.
cladre60;736969 said:
I tried to hide it but she found out I'm am or was doing something and there was no way to deny it. She is unaware of the amount of PE I'm doing though.

I do not like hiding things from my wife no matter what it is. I don't even like trying to hide money to surprise her with things because I have to be deceptive and sneaky. As far as PE goes I'm not being open and telling her what I do but if she asks I'm only going to let her know what she needs to know.

From a woman's point of view I can see how they feel left out and like they aren't good enough. It's their lack of logic. I will just keep on doing what I do until she has to admit that I'm substancially bigger and that any more is going to be painful. At that point I know that my wife in particular will fully accept and understand what and why I did what I did. Until then I will continue to keep things quiet as long as I'm able.

Hiding is more for her protection but I understand if you choose to show. I just wanted to let you know what may happen if you do disclose.
doublelongdaddy;737030 said:
Hiding is more for her protection but I understand if you choose to show. I just wanted to let you know what may happen if you do disclose.

Oh I know, believe me, and I especially know her. Sometimes I feel like Ronald Reagan telling Gorbachev to tear down the wall. I remember the fear some people had when Reagan gave that speech, people thinking he was going to start WWIII.

I had been talking about getting some toys for a week or two and was getting a lot of opposition. Finally somehow convinced her to drive to the local "toy store." Then I had to get her inside. After a few minutes she was actually having fun with it and laughing at the "male toys."

Baby steps. That's what it takes with some people.
cladre60;736935 said:
Yes. We don't look at things the same way at all and that's fine. I don't need someone that agrees with me constantly or knows everything I know, I need someone the opposite of me or else I'd get bored. Part of it was how she was raised and it drives me insane. When I can break through it I get some pretty amazing results.

I'll keep chipping away at her like always. Gives me something to do.

I think everybody and you should look into Rollo Tomassi The Rational Male series, will explain a lot about woman if you are open minded. In this series it talks about self improvement and this lead me to PE and this forum.It tell you to work on your strengths my big dick i decided to make it bigger.
quazimodo_007;737072 said:
I think everybody and you should look into Rollo Tomassi The Rational Male series, will explain a lot about woman if you are open minded. In this series it talks about self improvement and this lead me to PE and this forum.It tell you to work on your strengths my big dick i decided to make it bigger.


The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida (Gets a little woowoo in places but still a must read)
No More Mr. Nice Guy - Robert A. Glover (stop being a pushover)
The Book of Pook (Free download)

Just as a start.
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