
May 8, 2009
hey guys iam back at pe since 3 weeks but i still see no change, only negative one. its harder to get hard, no morning wood. i dont get it what iam doin wrong

my routine:
15min dry jelg (where i kegel clamp at the base with hand and jelq 2 sec/ 80% erect)
5 min stretches
putzaras;363743 said:
hey guys iam back at pe since 3 weeks but i still see no change, only negative one. its harder to get hard, no morning wood. i dont get it what iam doin wrong

my routine:
15min dry jelg (where i kegel clamp at the base with hand and jelq 2 sec/ 80% erect)
5 min stretches

3 weeks is not enough time to tell. In the beginning phases of Penis Enlargement (first month) it is not uncommon for you to have weaker erection due to fatigue. Morning erections are not a sign of anything, they happen for some and not others.

I would suggest using the newbie routine too as your workout does not look intense enough.
About ur routine dld there's something i didn't get, Behind the cheeks? what shud that be? like pushing backwards the most u can before touching urself?
And when pulling down, i actually feel im stretching more my skin than the rest, is that fine? was that for the ligaments? though i'm not feeling it ?
Behind the cheeks stretch is done by grabbing your penis with an overhand grip and pull it behind your ass cheeks. Works also good when squatting.
If you're feeling the stretch more in you skin, that means you're stretching your skin more. Are you uncut? Pull the skin back before you stretch.
yeah that's the prob being uncut, i've tried pulling it back but as soon as i want to start stretching my mean dick (xD) won't let me and it covers itself back xP its rly annoying and i rly need pullin my skin because im already having those little red spots which are ovbius sign of too much skin stretch rite , not mentioning that it also hurts when i try to rub my skin so that makes it more ovbius xp ...

so Kingcobra u've gained 1 inch and half on bpel and 1 inch on eg in 3 months?? that sounds like a dam good gain :O !! i thought it wud be possible to just win around 0.5 cm per month. !

What routines have u been doing ?!
Push it back with one hand and get a grip with the other hand.
I know its a little sensitive in the beginning, but it will get less as you advance.

Oh hell no, I didn't gained in it 3 months :)...that would be too good to be true.
I'm in the game for 15 months now.

My routine is located in the my progress thread. Can be found via my signature.
woops, didnt read fine :p
So it took u about one year then? mmm u didn't hav a consistent routine in all that time right ?
oh so, how much time did u spend in total for each exercise (each day), or how many times did u make the newbie routine per day? andd jelqing?

Im currently making about 450 jelqs , but it's still hard for me to keep it down , can't avoid getting it erect! so i make 1 jelq / second ..

And stretching i've started the newbie routine too,i've been doing around 20 or 10 minutes a day the last 2 weeks but not been rly strict, (i'd say 9 days as much i Actually did : P) ,but i barely had managed to just grip it "fine" and now (idk How) i'll need to grip it with the foreskin back as u say cus im so stretching my skin...

Till now i used my other hand to enhance the strain for a better stretch! , but if i need it to hold the skin then = | i guess ther's no other way . .
I did something quite similar as DLD's newbie routine. I did the strechtes for about 25 minutes, hold 5 different stretches for 5x1 minute. Atfer that I jelqed after the stretches for 10 minutes. This is what I did. But in my opinion, DLD's newbie routine is much more complete.

I had that problem too. You will just have to wait, till its over :). The longer you are in your jelq session, the less that problem will occur.

Sounds good. Accustom yourself with the exercises, like weight training. Learn to get the proper technique that works good for you.

You don't need have the non-stretching hand pulling back the foreskin constantly.
1. Pull the skin down with non-stretching hand.
2. Get a good grip about 1 cm below the head with the stretching hand.
3. Release non-stretching hand and stretch the penis.
i see , Wasn't a bad routine ur's ,25 min is fine but , mm u did stop sometimes rite (?) or was it rather constant like everyday .. ? how many days off for each week hav u taken : P ?

and the grip part is unfortunatly the hardest part...

I can't just use the "ok sign" , as using 2 fingers and griping fine because i reach the point i start hurting myself like Squeezing so hard, because otherwise my fingers wud just Slide away so what i do is use around 3 or 4 fingers to hav a medium grip on most part of my dick and so i can start =|

although this prob is quite normal i've heard other ppl having it, but is ther a real solution for it without using anything but my hands ? xD

Besides i was doubting a bit about BPenis EnlargementL, i know that it means "bone pressed erect length" But exactly how much u press? like , u press the ruler down and the mosst backward u can ?? well the way i was measuring it was,when u hold it a bit back u can see how a line divides ur dick between ur belly and it so, i measured frm there...
Yes, I stoped sometimes. But for >90% of the time I was serious. I took only sunday off.
Start slowly and improve yourself day by day.

Just grab your penis with thumb and index finger. You can always thighten the grip by using more fingers. (you already do that)
Stretches should be performed dry. Clean the penis with a paper tissue (toilet paper) and apply some baby power if you have to. Getting your grip right is more a matter of experience. Don't worry too much, it will come :).
LengthMaster or penis extender.

How to Measure...A Quick Guide by DLD
Difference between BPenis EnlargementL and NBPenis EnlargementL is you fat pad. Which can increase or decrease over time. That's why bone pressed is measured, this eliminates the inaccuracy of the fat pad.
another week of pe passed and i actually got SHORTER. I was never that self consius in my life like that. iam only 5 inches now and i started with a decent 5,5-6 inch bonepressed. iam getting suicidal. i dont even overtrain, 15 min jelq and 15 min stretches. iam starting to think the whole Penis Enlargement is a scam or iam just one of the unlucky few who show negative effects with pe, like this one thread from �other PE site� said with the whole venous leackage...
putzaras;364602 said:
another week of pe passed and i actually got SHORTER. I was never that self consius in my life like that. iam only 5 inches now and i started with a decent 5,5-6 inch bonepressed. iam getting suicidal. i dont even overtrain, 15 min jelq and 15 min stretches. iam starting to think the whole Penis Enlargement is a scam or iam just one of the unlucky few who show negative effects with pe, like this one thread from �other PE site� said with the whole venous leackage...

Penis Enlargement is not going to make you smaller, you may see some temporary shrinkage due to training. If you pull it and jelq it it will get bigger. If you are taking a negative attitude you may not see gains and when measuring, the negativity, could effect erection quality making it appear to be smaller.

Becoming suicidal is telling me that you are allowing Penis Enlargement to become a negative thing in your life. My suggestion is to take a break from Penis Enlargement all together and spend a couple weeks studying some of the threads in the mental Penis Enlargement forum, this will help your perspective big time. After that I suggest starting with the newbie routine and perform it, as written, everyday. Keep your mental state in a positive place.

i have literally read thousand of Penis Enlargement threads, here , on pegym, on �other PE site� and so on. ikinda tend to stick to threads like "pe caused me ED", "Pe made me impotent" and so on. then i take a break, after 2 months i started thinking about Penis Enlargement agains cause i have no sex life and the whole circle restarts. if there were just a definitive proof that it really works.
Please guys if this is really just a scam just send me a pm or so , i wont be angry or so i just want to know the truth.
putzaras;364605 said:
ikinda tend to stick to threads like "pe caused me ED", "Pe made me impotent" and so on.

No wonder you are having issues, perhaps you should stick to positive threads.

There is plenty of definitive proof on this forum. Just look at picture proof.
I have a problem with griping for stretches. When I preform stretches I feel the skin that is connected to the fatpad stretching rather than ligaments.(I am cut) Is there anyway to improve my grip so I can obtain a proper ligament stretch?
Saba;364624 said:
I have a problem with griping for stretches. When I preform stretches I feel the skin that is connected to the fatpad stretching rather than ligaments.(I am cut) Is there anyway to improve my grip so I can obtain a proper ligament stretch?

stretch in a downward angle til you can feel it in your ligs.
Will that help my grip? Also is griping very tight around your head for better grip a bad thing?
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