Jun 3, 2003
In response to the MOS saga and the Jen situation:

Nothing has changed for MOS members. Many people have made "constructive" criticisms of my claims among others. Many legitimately curious people have asked for clarifications and explanations that were implicit and in the realm of propagandism but I will not tolerate people who think they are slick. These guys think they are getting away with shit, like I do not see. What these guys do not know is I am already 10 steps ahead of them.

MOS is about fun. Why is that? Because the penis is the one thing in our lives we know that anytime, anyplace...no matter where we are in life, money-wise, relationship-wise, whatever...the penis can be used to bring us pleasure. It is one of the funnest (I realize this is not a real word but it is in my mind) parts of our bodies as men and it is certainly one of the ladies funnest parts. It is a portable, pleasure thing when we are down and out. But let me take it a step further. The penis becomes exponentially more fun as you start to make it in life.

Hearing this above paragraph explains allot of my life. I loved my penis so much, it was so much fun that I decided to expand the fun park and make it bigger. My journey over the past 5 years has been many things but fun. Lots of heartache. Lots of work. Lots of bullshit to put up with. Lots of bills to pay. Lots and lots of loss. The past 5 years of my life where 99% shit and 1% fun. That one percent was my penis. My source of fun came from MoS, sex, pe, and the friends and relationships that stemmed from these sources. As one ass-hole so eloquently put it, and he is so right and the reason I will babble on....it does have a point.

Jen did leave me because I was a loser and she should have done it long ago. I was a jealous, possessive, insecure, loser that only cared about MOS and making my penis the biggest in the world. She should have left me long ago and I say that wit great sadness. You see I lived a miserable existence, I only cared about my MoS clients, the forum members, building the site, enlarging my penis, and things that surrounded these things. Jen must have been suffocating in my misery. I took a girl who loved me, unconditionally, without exception and I stripped her of the one thing that made her the angel she is....FUN. My life was filled with presumptuous, innuendoes and that fell on deaf ears. Poor Jen never knew how I really felt and in the case of this thread some of you have not a clue how I feel. The 4.5 years that I spent building my life with Jen and penis enlargement I put all of my FUN on hold. I put a good portion of my emotions on hold. I buried myself in penis enlargement and EVERYTHING ELSE FROOZE. My poor angel Jennifer, the love of my life, never knew a huge part of me. A part so much bigger than my penis, or this forum or MOS and the trolls that dance around these things in my life...this part was me at peace. I am in total peace now, no stress, no annoyances, no problems, the bills are paid like a mother fucker and no one is knocking on my door. I have let go and I am now at peace. My angel Jennifer never knew how much I admired her, loved her, how envious I was of her, how much she was my hero (and still is) I have written 100's pages about my angel and it still only encapsulates a moment of my time with Jennifer. She never knew these things because I never told her. I never told her because a huge part of me had died when I started Penis Enlargement and Jennifer was the unfortunate hostage of this passing.

When Jennifer left me I was an asshole loser and the troll, JesExtender, was correct in his remarks about me. I salute his limited perception.

All of this so sad, so tragic, so terminal but my friends I deliver good news. WHen Jennifer left me I was completely destroyed and the rest of me died. I lost everything that meant something to me and I was left alone in my house with myself. Such a terrible thing, so lonely, so sad, so, so sad. But never once angry, NEVER. Jennifer was right to leave me I was everything that represented HATE in her world. I jumped on a plane to Miami (using the last of my PAYPAL money) and I spent the following 8 weeks in Boca Raton living with my best friend in the world, JAZ. I did not spend this time avoiding my problems, avoiding the issues, avoiding the 5 years that had passed. No I embraced these problems head on. I addressed every issue that made me the person I was and I realized I had no idea who this guy was. I mean I recognized him in the mirror but I had not a clue to who he was.

After spending 8 weeks in Florida, losing about 40lbs, I arrived home a cured man! Yeah, fucking right! I arrived home to a house that was haunted but all the sweet memories of my poor, injured, angel Jennifer. Around every corner lurked guilt and horrors of the man I was during these years you guys have learned to call me DLD. I knew that guy, he was the one with the 10" cock that ran a forum and site about penis enlargement. This guy, DLD, or doublelongdaddy as he was originally called was the one guy you knew you could go to about your penis. This guy knew everything about it...EVERYTHING, but that was about it. That was his entire life. This man I returned home as, Mike Salvini, now that was someone I did not know. I mean knew him as a recovering, heroin addict and everything that happened in his life before the past 5 years but after that there was a 5 year blank. Me, Mike Salvini, had no hobbies, no friends, no social skills, no confidence, no taste, no money, no education, NOTHING. I knew how to be DLD but I could not be DLD all the time. There was no one to listen, no one to impress, no one who really cared. I was a empty bag. I could have sunk or swam at that point and I am pretty sure many of my friends were wondering there for a while.


I went on to lose another 55 lbs., I got to know this guy Mike again and I found out he was a really cool guy. He has an awesome personality. He is smart, loving, caring and friendly. He is hardcore and slicker than the slickest. I love who I got to know. I remember who JEN fell in love with and I can see why. None of this is ego, but even if I am ignorant to my own self-love, I really like myself as a man:)

This brings us full circle and to the point of the point of the point...FUN. Today my life is 99% fun and 1% all the other bullshit. Today I have money, tomorrow I may not....no matter. I am happy and I have found the mecca of this happiness which is all that make me, me.

I only wish Jennifer was here to see this me. She would not even recognize me. I am outwardly a new man. At 155 lbs., I am 5 foot 10 inches of muscle and my penis is only a part of my body, it is not my body. I remember Jen saying my body looked like a tube around 3 weeks before she left. I am almost sure now she must have been horrified by "Mike Salvini" the man being swallowed by DLD this massive, tubular, penis-human. Today the only tube on my body is my penis.

Inwardly, I have blossomed. I no longer have envy, control issues, stress, anger or hate. I thrive on love, appreciation, and happiness. I have learned to let go and accept everything and anything that is a part of my life.

If only Jen could see me now. She would see the man she once knew but far wiser due to the life I shared with her. Our love was not in vain, I learned so much from Jennifer and she not only helped return me to life but her love for me inspired new growth in me as a man. If I had the opportunity to talk to her today I would tell her everything that made her the beautiful angel she is, the things I never told her. Jennifer had a difficult life filled with sadness and struggles and she endured. Using what she knew, being the wise woman she was, she orchestrated a past, before me, filled with adventures, friends, love and happiness. I always loved this about her, I admired it and was amazed by her prowess and intelligence. This was presented to Jen in the form of envy that made Jen fear me. I always thought she knew, like she could see through my wall into the real me but I took allot for granted.

I thought she knew allot of things but I am now sure she never did. I thought her taste in music was amazing. I loved her childlike ability to make fun in anything she did. I was thought she was the most sexy woman in the world. I was amazed by her sexual expertise, her vast knowledge. I was always mystified by how she was able to love everything and everyone. She never knew this, instead I tried to force her to like what I liked. I tried to control...I thought she knew.

I thought she knew so much, if she called me tonight I could spend hours telling her about a particular color in her eyes and a moment we spent in a simple gaze.

I took it all for granted and when regret finally rolled around my angel flew away forever.

Today I take nothing for granted. I speak the truth, I pull no punches, I say what is on my mind with no apologies but it comes from the heart and it is driven only by total love and peace. I have so much to share, so much to say, if only my angel could hear me now that I found this utopia.

And some may think that I am hung-up or perhaps obsessed with this girl but please do not rush to judgement. Stay with me a moment more and this will make more sense. I love Jennifer with all my soul and I will for eternity. There were other before Jen and I loved them too but the future is the uncharted territory and the reason anyone would question my obsessiveness with the whole "Jen" thing but there is more to the story. If Jen walked through my door and took me back right this moment I would take her into arms and ask nothing and only appreciate the opportunity to love her again. If she ever gave me the opportunity to hear about her past I would die at the chance to be graced by her amazing adventures. I would celebrate her as a woman. I would encourage everything that make her unique. I would listen to her music, hear her side of it, her side of everything. I would embrace everything that made her the unique, colorful, beautiful woman she is and this is what I would celebrate. You see I always feared that if Jen was too free she would leave me but now I know that freedom is what makes us all beautiful. I would replace any envy with a true expression of my complete amazement. I would help her instead of using my help as a tool of bondage. She would never fear fear as my dull existence has been replaced by hope. I would be her equal half and together we would blossom into the unique people that our future surely beholds.

This invitation, as obsessed as it sounds, is only open until my soul belongs to another. I will never stop loving her but the keeper of my soul is the woman in my life and if someone fills that space and Jennifer returns, then I will sadly have bad news for Jen. I pray she makes it home before this happens.

I am currently looking:)

FULL CIRCLE and Multi purpose, this post is therapeutic. Fun, something I love today. I have a mind that shares the world of a child and a man. I only want to do things that make me happy. I only want to do things that make other people happy. I understand stress but I do not entertain it. If things get too hot in the kitchen I quietly pack my things and go. I now have a total lust and appreciation for life. If it ain't fun, I don't fuck with it. Once things cause me the first signs of stress, being the things I can control, I end them. Clean and simple, perhaps a bit non-caring but I do care and this is the reason I end it. Stress usually has two or more victims, the quicker you end it the shorter all involved suffer. Today I have a spartan mentality, a minimalist eye and simple tastes and needs. I have little time for anything but fun.

I come off as being very selfish and filled with 'I's but I' feel this way of thought is best for all involved. I want everyone to have fun when they can and if I can help it I will. I also realized there is a time and a place for control and the use of power. A bad time for control is with your girlfriend, a good time for control is in your business. This explains much of why I decided to start banning guys when they started to jeopardize the FUN here. It has very little to do with the ridicule about my pictures or claims, I love when people question me, it gives me another opportunity to prove how beautiful and powerful Penis Enlargement really is. What bothers me is when they start making things miserable for my good members, that is what fucks up my fun-factor.

I am glad I got the opportunity to explain the new rules and the whole Jen issue. I am also happy to explain where I am in life. Perhaps a re-phase of the banning rule is in order too. Jeopardize the fun at Mos and ya get canned.

Have a nice day.


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WOW man, really good post. Probably one of the best I've seen from you so far. You have come along way in a short time...I can tell. Again, you have helped me as well in ways I cant express here in simple words. It's been a blessing knowing you Mike.
Dld i hope you type fast bcuz you be having some long post's lol . Good though.
man that was so insightful and inspirational. i am glad you have come back from "the depths" and are so open to share it with all of us. very good advice that anyone can learn from. it makes me happy to have found this forum and to know that the people behind it are concerned, caring, and supportive. very good man. oh and might i say.... i believe things in life happen for a reason. sometimes it is something that we can't or aren't able to understand ( for example i moved to maine from the south when i was 19 ). jen was part of your understanding of how to "live" i believe. true love never dies..my ex was an angel as well... who knows what the future holds. sorry to ramble on but i really felt the sincerity and "lessons" of dld's post. peace mike and everyone else on here. :highclap:

What were the terms of the breakup? Are you still on good terms and keeping in touch? Hopefully there is hope for you two still.
DLD, man, is there still a chance for you to get her back?
I wish u luck man, cause u really love Jen.

This is the best post I have ever read here, and I believe you are 100 % honest man, keep up .
Thats good stuff DLD. Unfortunatly after reading that post I am more concerned with the fact that you with your limited schooling can write 10 times better than I can...
Well, Mike, I'd like to say on my behalf, and on behalf of the members of Matters of Size: We're glad to finally meet you! We've certainly heard a lot about you! :)

On a semi-serious note: While no one can understand how much it hurts to have lost Jen, I think I can safley say that there isn't anyone on this forum who wouldn't try to help you, or at least listen, at the drop of the hat. Except maybe Kong, but then he's crazy. Who want's a foreskin anyway!? (Kidding, don't ban me! :p ) No loss is ever easy, nor something that can ever be fully explained to someone who didn't go through it, it's a completly unique expirence; but while we may not be able to understand, we do all care.

On another serious note, I think this forum is doing a lot of people a lot of good. It's showing men that they have controll over one of the parts of their lives that so many of us thought we could never change. What's more, it's offering a lot of us a sense of community that is entirely unique. There's no more water cooler, no more bowling night, but there's always MoS. Setting our gains aside, think about how much good this forum has done hundreds of girlfriends and boyfriends around the world, how many relationships it's helped, how many friendships it's started. You've done good by us, hopefully we can do the same for you.

Thanks, Mike.
FisHydromaxunkey said:

What were the terms of the breakup? Are you still on good terms and keeping in touch? Hopefully there is hope for you two still.

Unfortunately, no. Jen left here May 7th and I have not heard nor seen from her since. I have only her Mothers address and phone number and my attempts to call her went unsuccessful. I gave up as I want her to heal, I want her to explore life, explore everything I limited. I can only hope she reads this one day.
DLD you truly are the man. I am so happy that you found your happiness in such a cruddy situation...you are an inspiration for thousands of people. I wish I could tell you more but Im sure you understand how special you are :)
Man, I had wished you come to this point for a long time. I have read so many of your posts from the old Penis Enlargementforum days and �other PE site�... I don't know, maybe I'm good at reading between lines, but I could always tell you were not fully aware of your potencial as a complete human being.

It's DLD who helped me get a bigger penis, but it's you Mike who inspired me to stop letting life go by and actually start using it, getting with a girl and as you put it, having FUN.

Now don't you let the old DLD die, he sure has gone through a lot, but he helped me and many others with my gains. You have. And you are damn good at it too. It's fucking great to see you are in control now. You deserve nothing but the best.

You made my day too :)

Damn I'm getting all emotional now lol

I'll drink to ya tonight man
thefranchise said:
Thats good stuff DLD. Unfortunatly after reading that post I am more concerned with the fact that you with your limited schooling can write 10 times better than I can...

Damn Mike that's some awesome shit if I do say so myself. Bra-fucking-vo :p
that's really somethin Mike, first you were an inspiration for my Penis Enlargement gains, now ur an inspiration for my own emotional path. i'm currently way fucked up right now, i got more than enough to sort out. reading this helped me to further realize that i must truely work on myself..anyone in that matter should work on themselves to be happy. maybe the reason why i pe is because it's the only thing that i can firmly control in my life, the more sucess i have with growth, the happier i get. mean while i'm sunk in depression when i'm not Penis Enlargementing, as well as other moments of which i can perform and control the consequences myself. anyway i don't wanna steal the thread here, though i wont anyway, this thread is bout you. but i guess i was trying to say that reading this helped me get a new outlook on why i do Penis Enlargement. opened my eyes to other aspects too. you're right, this new alter ego of DLD is much better.
I'm glad to see you've come through this, Mike. I've been praying for you. I know I've been kinda scarce on MOS lately, but I'm in FL at my parents' house. If you decide to hop over to Boston, let me know and we'll go out and have some FUN.

Wonderful post.
harmonic169 said:
I think I can safley say that there isn't anyone on this forum who wouldn't try to help you, or at least listen, at the drop of the hat. Except maybe Kong, but then he's crazy. Who want's a foreskin anyway!? (Kidding, don't ban me! :p )

Haha- honestly!

But on a serious note, I too lost my girlfriend of two years about two weeks ago. She was the girl I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. Luckily, I guess, I saw it coming so by the time it happened I had already done my morning and crying (I hate to admit it, but I did). I really have to say though, that this forum helped me immensely with that whole situation and still gives me a haven to get through what I need to. I never thought the pain would end, as Im sure DLD or anyone who has gone through such an experience knows, but it did. And the truth is, sure it has its shitty momments still, like when Ive been packing for school and I smell her on my clothes, god that sucks, but I really feel like a new man, a better man. This site has given me something I never thought that Id have... Confidence!

I guess what Im trying to say is that I mos def. feel you DLD. Many of us have lost our angels, but to tell you the truth it makes you a stronger, better person by turning you into yourself. You realize why that person wouldnt want you and it helps you to grow and change what you need to change. I can honestly say that I owe a lot to DLD and to this whole forum. I just.. I.. I love you guys man!!!! ::weep weep:: Haha alright thanks for letting me get that off my chest- you can have your thread back now.
Well DLD, I've been a member here for a month or two and haven't posted yet. So, after reading this I felt compelled to make my first post at MOS. I too had a break up much like this (4 years ago) and was much like you were with Jen. It took me a year and a half to get to where you are today... and I am still there. I could really relate to your post and wanted to thank you for it. I'm a pretty quiet guy, so you may not see many posts by me but you can be sure that I'm always lurking on the forum. Make sure you keep this new DLD/Mike here. He will live life to its limit and is an inspiration to us all.

great to hear these good news from you man. anyway, I'm sorry to crash the party, but mike do you really hope she'll read this?

"... if someone fills that space and Jennifer returns, then I will sadly have bad news for Jen... I am currently looking"

If I was her and I'd read that I wouldn't return.
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