Jun 3, 2003
What do you consider �naked people movies�? I know there are different levels but where does it go from innocent sexy to �naked people movies�. I think clothed dancing video or beach videos with consenting adults is where I draw the line. I was edging tonight and I looked at clothes women 'twerking' whatever that is. This helped i keeping me up without Viagra. For me the second it becomes nudity in a sexual way it is �naked people movies�. Thoughts?
�naked people movies� is visible genitalia male female intercourse etc...twerking soft �naked people movies�,erotic imagery is more into brain stimulation,the brain gets stimulated because the receiver cant see the cock drilling the pussy LOL

But D you are an smart guy you dont �naked people movies� you dont need shit You are a PE mogul you are beyond that garbage..:)
�naked people movies� takes many different forms for me. Any objectification of someone by another, (especially if they're being physically dominated) is �naked people movies� to me. Once the 'consensual' line has been crossed, it becomes less 'erotica' and more about domination...some get off on that (obviously) but it's not for me. My tastes vary depending on my mood, so an innocuous nudist beach video could be stimulating or __________ gapping a vagina might 'do it' (and everything in-between).
For me, it all starts in my mind and then the visuals create the excitement, so the short answer would be anything that ignites sexual arousal encompassing your full attention
So would you consider watching clothed women, knowingly being filmed, dancing or twerking or similar �naked people movies� if I use it to excite me? I know I sound immature but you also know I am struggling with things. Please advise your opinion. Thanks my Brothers.
I guess what I'm driving at is more 'how the images make you respond' vs. some theoretical definition of �naked people movies�. I could be at a playground on a teeter-totter w/my niece and some whack-job might find that arousing. If you're using images to promote sexual feelings, then those would be, by definition, �naked people movies�. In this context, the end result isn't orgasm but assisting in your routine, we're now dealing with semantics...
Big Schwanz Acht;732571 said:
I guess what I'm driving at is more 'how the images make you respond' vs. some theoretical definition of �naked people movies�. I could be at a playground on a teeter-totter w/my niece and some whack-job might find that arousing. If you're using images to promote sexual feelings, then those would be, by definition, �naked people movies�. In this context, the end result isn't orgasm but assisting in your routine, we're now dealing with semantics...

Thank you for that Big! I really wanted more opinions. I am making a post in the 90 day challenge so check that out too.
I watched the netflix documentary series "Hot Girls Wanted", which was an interesting look into �naked people movies� and technology and their impact on modern human sexuality and sexual practices. It was enlightening and disturbing. I realize that I need to be a more discerning consumer in this area of life.
Bolden;732779 said:
I watched the netflix documentary series "Hot Girls Wanted", which was an interesting look into �naked people movies� and technology and their impact on modern human sexuality and sexual practices. It was enlightening and disturbing. I realize that I need to be a more discerning consumer in this area of life.

I will watch, if not too offensive. I am finding, for myself that what Big said has a lot of truth, anything can be �naked people movies� if used in that way. I can't watch regular TV as it is too lustful, it is counter to my own morals in many things. I strictly control what I watch (which is very little). I allow myself 5-10 minutes of news in the AM and after all work is done and I am finished saying Mass I will allow myself to watch a movie or a TV show that I have control over. I always need to have my guard up because even the smallest thing can get me in trouble. I have to be on my guard always.

What I have been trying to do is when I see a woman that I want to lust at, I look at her face and tell myself, 'this is a human being and deserves respect'. Sometimes I will see a girl with a great body and catch myself looking. I will look away immediately but I also give glory to God for creating such a beautiful creature. I think I am learning something I never learned before, How to respect women!
doublelongdaddy;732826 said:
I will watch, if not too offensive. I am finding, for myself that what Big said has a lot of truth, anything can be �naked people movies� if used in that way. I can't watch regular TV as it is too lustful, it is counter to my own morals in many things. I strictly control what I watch (which is very little). I allow myself 5-10 minutes of news in the AM and after all work is done and I am finished saying Mass I will allow myself to watch a movie or a TV show that I have control over. I always need to have my guard up because even the smallest thing can get me in trouble. I have to be on my guard always.

What I have been trying to do is when I see a woman that I want to lust at, I look at her face and tell myself, 'this is a human being and deserves respect'. Sometimes I will see a girl with a great body and catch myself looking. I will look away immediately but I also give glory to God for creating such a beautiful creature. I think I am learning something I never learned before, How to respect women!

These are daily lessons for myself, as well. Fully appreciating all that I encounter/see while giving everything its just respect. We are all blessed to be able to have every emotion, (lust included) but context should be the reigning-rule, (the old adage 'a time and a place for everything')
Big Schwanz Acht;732857 said:
I wonder who hasn't

We all do and we all feel differently about it. I was reading the Bible yesterday and I can to a place where St. Paul was telling the Romans that there was no sin in eating any food as Jesus fulfilled the law so we were no longer under the law. St. Paul goes on to say that even though nothing is 'bad' in itself and what we consider for ourselves as 'good' may be 'bad' for someone else so we should never put a stumbling block in front of our Brothers in judgement. I feel that Cannabis is a very important part of Christianity in many ways but this is me, for other it may be a bad thing. I think this also applies to what we view as being right or wrong. I am very scrupulous and my restraints are far different than others and I do not expect anyone to go the way I go as this is my own personal journey, bit one I will always share with the Brotherhood.

I am hoping that eventually I can start seeing woman as a person instead of an ass or boobs, being conditioned my whole life to subjugate women has made the undoing quite a challenge. But a challenge I am determined to accomplish.
Excellent post Mike!! We all have our Achilles Heels and should be ever vigilant from falling into their trappings. One exercise you can try is to strike-up normal conversations with women of all ages/types, but primarily ones that you're not physically attracted to. This removes the 'lust' aspect and allows for an unclouded exchange. The more interaction with the opposite sex, the more they become more than T&A
All my life I have been primarily focussed on bodies not on faces. Once I had this high watching �naked people movies� where I had this deep realization that �naked people movies� was nothing else than an expression of love. In this moment there was no sin associated with it. This has changed my perspective forever. If we resist something we enforcen the relationship with it. Rather than to fight we might consider to surrender to it. This is a religious concept of course too.

Psychologist Carl Gustav Jung says that if we want to improve our relationship to women we should look for the women in our self (the anima). This is a collection of traits which are normally associated to women. By cultivating those traits instead of suppressing them, we learn to empathize with women too.

I really like big boobs but at least I am exercising myself so this balances it out more or less. Why should I feel guilty for favoring big boobs when I myself favorise a big cock for myself.

I love watching sexy girls on YouTube because they are dressed and they appear natural. The light is different and it feels more like you would meet this girl in real life. So actually hardcore is not really what I love to see but what I will find the most.
Big Schwanz Acht;732920 said:
Excellent post Mike!! We all have our Achilles Heels and should be ever vigilant from falling into their trappings. One exercise you can try is to strike-up normal conversations with women of all ages/types, but primarily ones that you're not physically attracted to. This removes the 'lust' aspect and allows for an unclouded exchange. The more interaction with the opposite sex, the more they become more than T&A

This is exactly what I have been discussing with my Son. He first said that if any man says that they do not subjugate women they are lying. That made me feel better, or a bit more normal (I think that is what He was trying to accomplish, a base line of normality). Next we discussed women and how I, even after a year of abstinence, I still fall for the same things I always have, just less. I tried to set up rules around myself to curb these things only to find out rules will always be broken in a carnal mind. I think the best thing I heard that day was I will never be able to stop sinning and I need to realize this and stop setting up unrealistic goals and start to accept Christ's love and grace and try my best but never again set up rules or stipulations, if God wants to temp me so be it, and if God see's fit to release me from this, so be it. Either way I am done with the guilt and I am going to continue to pat myself on the back for the progress I have made.
doublelongdaddy;733057 said:
This is exactly what I have been discussing with my Son. He first said that if any man says that they do not subjugate women they are lying. That made me feel better, or a bit more normal (I think that is what He was trying to accomplish, a base line of normality). Next we discussed women and how I, even after a year of abstinence, I still fall for the same things I always have, just less. I tried to set up rules around myself to curb these things only to find out rules will always be broken in a carnal mind. I think the best thing I heard that day was I will never be able to stop sinning and I need to realize this and stop setting up unrealistic goals and start to accept Christ's love and grace and try my best but never again set up rules or stipulations, if God wants to temp me so be it, and if God see's fit to release me from this, so be it. Either way I am done with the guilt and I am going to continue to pat myself on the back for the progress I have made.

Amen Brother! Acceptance is the primary ingredient to peace. Peace of body, peace of mind, peace of soul. Your son was very perceptive and courageous for challenging that all men objectify women and women can feel it in the stares and words we use. Not a day goes by that I don't at least ask myself 'would I?' to almost every women within my demographic range...it's who we are and what Mother Nature has designed us for. Some men are just better liars than others...at least you're honest about those feelings
Big Schwanz Acht;733240 said:
Amen Brother! Acceptance is the primary ingredient to peace. Peace of body, peace of mind, peace of soul. Your son was very perceptive and courageous for challenging that all men objectify women and women can feel it in the stares and words we use. Not a day goes by that I don't at least ask myself 'would I?' to almost every women within my demographic range...it's who we are and what Mother Nature has designed us for. Some men are just better liars than others...at least you're honest about those feelings

:) This is the reason He is my confessor and spiritual advisor!
LONGERDICK7+;733293 said:
But Women objectify men too am i wrong?

Not as much as men but for good reason. Many women dress like sluts and most parents do nothing to correct this. When a woman is walking around in yoga shorts with her ass hanging out (and everything in between), objectifying becomes almost natural. With most men we are not presenting our sexuality in that way, we don't walk around with our cocks out! I am sure there are men who are objectified but I would say it is rare.
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