
Jun 1, 2013
Hi Matter of Size family... hopefully someone can help me...

Ok so I'm coming up on my 3rd month of penis enlargement but I know that I have to be doing something wrong...

My devices are sizegenetics and the Bathmate X-40...

The only improvement I see so far in my measurements are my flaccid girth. I started on 05/26/13 at 3.7" then on 07/31/13 I was 3.8" and now on 08/22/13 I'm at 3.9". My erect girth is still at about 4.5" from 05/26/13 (about 3 months ago).

For my girth exercises I use the Bathmate about 5 days a week with slow squash jelq for about 20 minutes (maybe I need longer sessions and 7 days a week)


Now as far as length I have made NO IMPROVEMENT in 3 months... however with this I think I may have found my problem. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong but with the sizegenetics, you have to have the length at least 1cm greater than your flaccid penis size FULLY STRETCHED. I missed the FULLY STRETCHED part and thought it was 1cm greater than your regular penis size flaccid. So my first month with the sizegenetics I did not add any extended bars, the 2nd month I added the little extender bar, and starting today, I added the size up from that extender bar. This is where I think I made my mistake for length since I have not made any length gains yet... (btw my length measurements are 5.9" erect length and 4.5" erect girth)

I was wondering if anyone can chime in and give me helpful tips etc... for me? Do I need longer sessions? More patience? What are my mistakes? Etc...

Thanks a lot for reading this guys :)

Hey Jay-M,

I believe I can give you some useful input since I did 15 months Penis Enlargement and did gain no lengh and only minimal to nothing in girth. Since 2 Weeks I´m finally gaining girth (only doing girth right now) constantly. What I did wrong are basically only few things but they were fundamental.

Let´s start with the SG
You are right with the SG, you can see 3 marks/bars at the lowest rod, when using the SG you should see that the rod is at the lowest marked bar. As a rule of thumb you should stretch about 2,5cm (1") over erected lengh. As a personal tip: start slow and work your way up. That worked really well for me. So I basically put the SG on, and stretch to a lengh where it´s still very comfortable. You´ll get used to that pretty fast, after that all 3-5 min I turn the rods a bit to increase pressure until I hit the lowest bar. This really doesn´t take long and has quite the good influence on comfort. Sometimes I have to replace rods within one session cause I´m hitting the max.

Now why the fuck didn´t I grow for 15 months??

I basically followed DLD´s SRT which is 100% accurate/Also used the devices to their maximum potential + executing the excercises correctly... So here are the problems: I followed it to literally considering masturbation and using the tired state of my penis to do lengh. Don´t get me wrong, this is very effective, however in my case I masturbated too much, too much �naked people movies� and too much Penis Enlargement. My dick couldn´t take all that. Basically my girth pumping/excercises went to shit because I never really could get 100% EQ. -> stopped watching �naked people movies�/ masturbating only once a week.

Also it´s a mental thing, due to constantly hurting my dick at the same spot with lengh pumping (the part that connects the foreskin to the lower part of the glans ripped) somewhere along the journey I got used to constantly turtleing and flexing my PC muscle uncounsiously/Not relaxing enough. Or to be more precise: even if I really concentrate to be in a relax state, my dick wasn´t/couldn´t maintain it. Right now I´m doing German Stallions progressive stretches to counter that problem because I think lengh workout will do nothing for me until I solved this.

Well that was the first part of the problem. Second was devices: SG even with mods was very uncomfy and I couldn´t do to the recommended 4 hours per day, also this complemented the stressed non relaxed state I got so used to. After SG sessions that meant imminent turtleing which I now know was the biggest problem. Also old gaiters of Penomet which caused a lot of gaiter bite (doing 60 minute sessions ) + using cockrings I could only bare for 20 minutes. Meaning I had great expansion in girth to 6,5"/almost 7" at the base (I was normally 5,2") per session but couldn´t hold it because I didn´t execute SRT correctly (keeping the penis in the pumped/elongated state as long as possible). The solution for me was an ADS, xleeve. After using this I could finally do Penis Enlargement all day, fight this fucking turtleing and use it to prevent gaiter bite + as a comfortable cockring even at night.

So here´s my 2 mistakes which fucked me up for 15 motherfucking months, If I had done that correctly I´d probably have a monster already.

- excessive masturbation/�naked people movies� -> bad EQ (even with a lot of kegel/pelvic excercises and pretty strong pelvic muscles)
- No Anti-Turtle/Penis Ring device which I could use long enough to actually manifest those gains!!

So don´t do the same mistakes as me, hope this helps.
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Thanks a lot for your very informative/entertaining response :) I'll definitely keep this in mind... any tips are greatly appreciated.
Hello guys, I have few questions for you.

Are you smokers?
How often do you drink alcohol?
Do you have healthy balanced diet?
Do you drink plenty of water?
Are you on antidepressive pills or sedatives?
Do you exercise?

Answer me this questions first,pls.
Hi_I_AM_neW19;560880 said:
Hello guys, I have few questions for you.

Are you smokers?
How often do you drink alcohol?
Do you have healthy balanced diet?
Do you drink plenty of water?
Are you on antidepressive pills or sedatives?
Do you exercise?

Answer me this questions first,pls.


Are you smokers? - No
How often do you drink alcohol?- Rarely
Do you have healthy balanced diet? - No
Do you drink plenty of water? - Occasionally
Are you on antidepressive pills or sedatives? - No
Do you exercise? - No

Are you smokers? - No
How often do you drink alcohol?- once a year or even less
Do you have healthy balanced diet? - Yes
Do you drink plenty of water? - Yes
Are you on antidepressive pills or sedatives? - No
Do you exercise? - Yes
Hey guys.

I'd suggest doing your pumping wearing a cockring. It made a difference for me. My pumped girth exploded and fills my Penomet now touching g both sides and bottom on the last set. Leave the cockring on for at least a couple hours after and do restimulate yourself a bit to keep it up.

Also, dont think of these devices as microwave ovens, where you throw your food in forget it and the device magically does everything... poof gormet meal. That doesn't even work with microwaves.

You will need to use these tools as *one part* of your comprehensive Penis Enlargement program.

Read Dlds SRT routine. Read my routines in my signature below.

Use the pump Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine. Do further girth work like ballooning and edging. Do Isos, isolated compression squeezes. Do not ejaculate due to edging or going over on purpose.

For length use your pump 5x5x3 again as part of your length warmup.
learn Dlds blasters concept of kegelling to exhaust the PC muscles, then RKs, reversed kegels to take the PC's out of pulling back against your stretches.
Use the newbie or SRT basic stretches.
Add some exotic stretches as you gain experience.
Use a progressive increase to tension in the SG afterwards to get out there to full tension. Its not about anything but the rings at the bottom bar. Add longer ones as needed yes but the goal is to get to high tension where that bottom ring is all you see because the springs inside are compressed with tension.

Then put on UJS, uncle Jim's stretch / ace wrap to heal extended for hours.

Read the routine linked in my sig below for details how yo use all that in an integrated routine.

Keep it up!
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The only thing you can do wrong in pe is not do it:) Any man that does pe will eventually grow because of it. Men who are slow to gain or make no gains need to look into where they are lacking, it will be in form, intensity or duration. A good routine to follow to the letter to see yourself gain NO MATTER WHAT is SRT, SRT makes it impossible not to gain.
doublelongdaddy;561499 said:
The only thing you can do wrong in pe is not do it:) Any man that does pe will eventually grow because of it. Men who are slow to gain or make no gains need to look into where they are lacking, it will be in form, intensity or duration. A good routine to follow to the letter to see yourself gain NO MATTER WHAT is SRT, SRT makes it impossible not to gain.

Hey! You think you could look into coming up with the working mans SRT program. I use a bunch of the material and theory from SRT, but I can't employ every single aspect every day. I often have only time for a length day OR girth day.
jack.the.stripa;560874 said:
Also old gaiters of Penomet which caused a lot of gaiter bite (doing 60 minute sessions ) + using cockrings I could only bare for 20 minutes. Meaning I had great expansion in girth to 6,5"/almost 7" at the base (I was normally 5,2") per session but couldn´t hold it because I didn´t execute SRT correctly (keeping the penis in the pumped/elongated state as long as possible). The solution for me was an ADS, xleeve. After using this I could finally do Penis Enlargement all day, fight this fucking turtleing and use it to prevent gaiter bite + as a comfortable cockring even at night.

Please do share how does your girth session look like, cause I think that you 1,3 inch expansion is the biggest one I've heard of (and maybe Loveherdeeply's). By the way Love- this question goes for you as well. Can you give me a link to your progression thread where you have posted your current workout since I am so damn lazy to search for it (lazy ass, what can I say) LMAO. Thanks in advance for your answers, brothers :)
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Links in my sig, Zamb.

Latest issue is working 2 jobs I'm exhausted so finding consistent time for Penis Enlargement and exercise is a challenge. So I'm doing my best and maintaining with random Penis Enlargement times.
Thanks for the answer, Love!

Wow! You are one of the most consistent people I've seen. You work 2 jobs, Penis Enlargement and have time to be online with your brothers to give them the needed support. I admire that! :)
The only thing you can do wrong in pe is not do it:) Any man that does pe will eventually grow because of it. Men who are slow to gain or make no gains need to look into where they are lacking, it will be in form, intensity or duration. A good routine to follow to the letter to see yourself gain NO MATTER WHAT is SRT, SRT makes it impossible not to gain.

It is mostly a lack of intensity most of the time. This is what makes the difference between those who call themselves fast gainers and slow gainers in PE.
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