WELLNESS CHECK - How is the outbreak treating everybody?


Jan 30, 2008
Dr. Shion just checking on my brothers. Haven't been on for a few months. Ran into some problems, back to stability now.

Couldn't find a single thread mentioning the outbreak so how is everyone faring?

Us, we're doing good so far. I'm thinking we haven't seen the full effects of it yet though. I understand Washington was the first state to be hit by it. However my wife and I being in a rural area we didn't start seeing confirmed cases until a week ago. And even now Seattle is apparently being commended for its collective efforts to stay indoors. On top of that, both of us work for "Essential" businesses, so we haven't had to close as a result of the outbreak. Wife works for a telecom company, so not only are they staying open, but she's able to work from home. I work at a UPS Store, which because it's a shipping company, is also exempt, but it's also much higher risk.
For all we know, we caught it and haven't felt the symptoms yet. We're young enough to survive it; the thing we're most worried about is that if even ONE of my coworkers catches it, we all have to get tested and the store closes for 50 days.

I've been spending the past couple of years building a voiceover business. The progress is slow to start but I actually did start making some money off it recently. Not enough to recoup my full costs so far but definitely getting there. So that at least helps with SOME alternate sources of income, and the best thing is that it's already work from home and pays well. IF we have to stay at home, I'm just going to put full effort into marketing and who knows, might get some clients out of it.

One of my besties lives in Taiwan and he says that, while the outbreak is definitely scary, the former SARS outbreak left them ideally prepared for this exact scenario. So they're just patiently waiting it out. Another one of my besties has been commuting to and from work lately; the outbreak has left him no longer commuting, but luckily still employed.

But what about everyone else?
Hi in the UK here but we currently on lockdown too, so only out journeys are food, medicine, exercise or if key worker. I'm a key worker but able to work from home thankfully so spent last 2 weeks sobbed on the sofa with my laptop. Great for PE but no so great that I've lost my gym time and teb fridge has been opened more times than a �naked people movies� stars legs. Lockdown Is under review in 2 weeks but can see it being extended some what. In terms of cases I've had people on my street with the virus already so semi scarey, I like to think I'm out of the vulnerable age bracket but who knows, keep safe y'all
I don’t really buy into all of this, I think things are being exaggerated to cause panic so the mass media can get better ratings. If you want the truth search for it for yourself don’t depend on the mass media.
God damn virus hope that shit goes away soon!! Covid19 is Keeping the whole world on the lockdown
Shits is for real I'm afraid, someone living across from me died of it Saturday ?
Covid 19 is a real threat then?

Yes it's a real threat. So many confused stories concerning how it all started. Some people are saying it was because of 5G. Some other religious fanatics are saying the anti christ is coming. So many messed up stories
Yes it's a real threat. So many confused stories concerning how it all started. Some people are saying it was because of 5G. Some other religious fanatics are saying the anti christ is coming. So many messed up stories

the Antichrist

5g, population control etc etc who knows what's really going on lol
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