Weakness?Low self steem?


Active Member
Jul 14, 2009
I was looking for some human body pics naked pics on the web, wanted to draw a human body and i saw this pic of a ¨woman¨ stepping on the testicles of a ¨man¨ and i started to ask my self what goes trough the mind of that guy what is he thinking? what does he feel? why he is letting that person torture him in such an evil way, actually i had seen pics of those things before, but today i got myself thinking about that and i got mad because why the hell you are gonna let a woman do that to you i mean he apparently allowed it they agreed.What are the reasons behind those actions a sick and twisted mind? an unethical loveless person wanting a quick buck? a person whit no moral and values? maybe the combination of all of the elements aforementioned.I have realized that having a shorter penis can take you to depression and is true my experience,i was sad and disoriented and trying to keep that feeling away, having a short and thin penis can be a reason to make that decision haha maybe but is quite sad and humiliating I have learned to love myself a little , some time ago i was drinking a lot and started using drugs, i remember once when i smoked a lot of chrystal meth i tought i was gonna die, crazy situations happened to me.Now i have realized that even when im dead broke i have no job nothing, living in a house is not even mine maybe theres a light waiting for me at the end of the tunnel.I thank DLD and the People here giving me advice you guys are great even whit all of our mistakes habits and troubles, we are the brotherhood and we share good things in common.Once more i apologize i would like to explain things better but my english is sucky anyway i would be thankful if you guys correct me and let me know whats wrong whit my grammar my expressions etc hahaha thank yall:cool:
Life can bring us to many situations that we have a choice in our perspective. I know this because my life does not change in schedule or where and what I do, but half the year I am depressed while the other half I am not, so it has to be the way I look at things. I sometimes look outside myself and see people who must be truly sick with mental disorders and I say to myself, thank God I am not like that but the truth is they may think the same of me. This is why we need to do what is right for ourselves and no one else. Feeling good about yourself changes the perception of the situation we are in. For me it is giving appreciation for everything, grifts and suffering, always giving praise to God for all things. Being in the state of appreciation will always be our greatest way to God's source of pure, infinite energy. Try looking at your life through the eyes of appreciation no matter what is going on and I know your sadness will dissipate and you will find relief. The more you are thankful for the better things will become.
Yeah the right perspective could improve your attitude towards the worlds mean nature. Which in turn has to make your experiences better
tkto;605019 said:
Yeah the right perspective could improve your attitude towards the worlds mean nature. Which in turn has to make your experiences better

That is all it is because I can tell you that I have been in the same place many times, where nothing has changed but at one time it is Hell and another it is Heaven, so tell me, what is the difference? Perspective!
Yeah reminds me of an Italian movie called LA VITE E BELLA the main character got killed in the end, but he stayed positive:cool:
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