
Jul 12, 2011
Hi All,

I've received the vitallus plus german made all night penis pump and decided to make a log on this alternative method forum.

The pump itself can be found at:


You basically order the set with custom tailored cylinder and protective sleeve via their website and they send it rather quickly, about a week and a half.

I saw this device a while back and thought it might be interesting to give it a go so here i am lying in bed with the setup working fine so far.

It's a pump which is regulated by an electrical pump system, creating a mild vacuum of about 100ma with a digital timer to set how many hours you train while in bed, sitting on your desk or anywhere else.

The transparent tube that comes with the setup is long enough for you to leave the electrical parts in the room next door while running the tube back to your bed,. It can also be strapped to your leg to avoid any disconnection.

The cylinder itself attaches to a pressure valve which you can use to regulate the vacuum force. I've set it to milder than fully closed as it does generate a bit of discomfort and the thought of staying with a boner for that long is a bit unnerving. Don't want to have some sort of forced priapism and realize the next morning that my shaft won't work anymore.

Anyhow, the setup is very comfortable, you can't do any hardcore sets with this as it's maximum pressure is also buffered by the compression sleeve which acts as a corset of sorts to avoid any vascular damage or over extension of the spongious tissue.

I will keep a log on this thread as time goes by, however i can't garantee a regular assesment as i have to juggle classes, my mom coming over soon, and my girl although she is going for a field mission next month which will allow me an entire 30 days of trial on this at which point i can reach 2 hours of continuous pumping. This last gauge is not accurate yet since i regularly use the Bathmate as well as do a minimum of 4 hours of SG daily.

Notwithstanding the gains i have accumulated since July 2011, about 0.8 inch in length and 0.3 in girth, this might help cement these gains as well as any that i i might have temporarily from Bathmate sessions.

This is pretty exciting and maybe i will take a pic to show you the setup.
Ok, so i've done 5 hours on my first night with this. I was supposed to keep it at a maximum of 2, being a "beginner", but since i've already sensitized myself with lots of Bathmate sessions, i thought this mild vacuum wouldn't cause too much trouble.

The feeling after 5 straight hours of this is amazing. After about 2 hours or so, the lig stretch for some odd but understandably rational reason, feels very stretched out, as if you were going for a 2 hour yoga. The vacuum itself seems to change every now and then, and you can also change it manually, so fresh blood intake is always there. I can definetely imagine this thing giving me more length as after this session, the SG needed an extra two throngs for me to feel any stretch.

I am anxiously waiting for the 10 of feb, when i can actually test this over a long period of time.

This is exciting stuff.
to chime in: I already made a thread about this 6 months ago.
People on the German board I frequent are using this for quite some time now. Not a single one has reported mind-blowing gains afaik, although there have been some ok'ish gains. No injuries that I'm aware of either.

Can you pass me the link for that german forum? I want to read on the comments for this device.

@ Sevenup how it is going? :cool:
chrisone;471857 said:
@ Sevenup how it is going? :cool:

Sorry about that, been told by chrome that the site has malware so was waiting to see if anything happened.

Anyway, i've been adding the vitallus to my routine.

On 5 hours of SG daily, 45 minutes of Bathmate, and now i'm adding at least 3 hours of vitallus plus in the evenings.

First off, the vitallus is comfortable enough and configurable to your needs. The cylinders are custom made so normally they are supposed to fit you perfectly, however i think i've made length gains lately which i confirmed just a while back, measuring myself at 8 inches now. So i should call myself 8up now lol.

In any case, the protection sleeve of the vitallus is actually now too short for my cock so i'm not able to get the head part fully through which sort of squeezes it when the traction of the cylinder goes deep in the fat pad.

I've tried a few creams and oils with each session, and i've decided that leech fat mixed with shay butter is the best combo. Lasts longer and keeps the dick lubricated throughout the session.

I'm wondering how long i could last in the pump at night, but so far since the valve allows you to regulate the pressure, it seems that it can go on forever.

I have no idea what this test is going to result in, but my girl is off on a work trip so i got all the time i want for this.

At any rate, freaking happy about how i'm gaining length right now. It's been quite hard to get that elasticity increase due to the 6 inch girth erect i have. It might play into the resistance against the SG sessions but the latter has taken over.

altogether pretty nice. If i can gain an extra half inch by July, i would have totalled 1.5 inch over a year which is not shabby. I will then concentrate more on the girth part and aim for a 6.5 which will clearly put me in the monster cock side albeit on the lower fringe :)

will report later if anything .
SO here i am again, three more days of night pumping alongside the usual routine.

I've made a small adjustment to my routine, mainly after the Bathmate session.

I now put on a flick and do 30 minutes of sqj while totally aroused, also placing a cockring while i squash jelq. Cock never felt harder, and for some reason as it gets thicker, i somehow loose a bit of my length. Don't know if anyone else experienced this, but it might be the 3 dimensional stretch that's still limited and length pays for extra girth and firmness. In any case, the extra sqj in my routine is a winner. My dick feels real fit and firm, and every aftermath of a Bathmate session is a plump, hard flaccid and heavy dick that hangs down nicely, and no more fluid retention due to the jelqs.

I've also noticed that i'm maxxing out on my current SG cylinder set so i will add another centimeter.

ON a side note, the comfort pads made of silicone alongside the SG's default setup without the torture loop is very comfotable for me. The silicone gives enough friction and pressure to hold the glans stretched out and i can go on for at least 2 hours without starting to feel discomfort.

Tonight i will be using the vitallus as usual, but the protection sleeve issue has to be solved quick otherwise my length gains will be restrained, however the girth gains might be.

In a way, the vitallus is a bit like a healing apparatus. Applying various creams to it allows the dick to stay in a fluid constant state of oxygenization and nutrition, promoted by the blend of creams i now use; bee toxin for anti-coagulant features and smoothing the skin with collagen, leech fat oil to provide extra circulation of blood and holding several hours of the vacuum without drying the skin, and lastly the shay butter but i think i will omit this one as the former combination has all needed nutrients.

In any case, the vitallus could probably do with the pulse generator and other stuff that the DP4000 has, but i'll wait until i either break this device or find a plateau to maybe make the switch.

All good in any case, dedication isn't a problem anymore and my patience at keeping pace proves itself fruitful. Bonking 8 inches now when fully erect. And heavy like a club. I can just imagine when it's going to reach my goal of 10 inch by 7.

how do you order it if you're from the US? When I go to the order page US is not in the "country" tab.
You need someone who lives in europe as they won't ship outside. I've tried mind you, but they're thick headed and kind of robotic sounding in all their replies.
Here i am again, vitallus experience doing alright.

I've broken my first protection sleeve. It's lasted me about 1.5 month of use everyday. This might be due to the creams and such i apply when i go for a session, and their manual counter indicates using oily substances, but usually they work better for longer sessions than simple creams which dry out over shorter time. In any case, a breakage was overdue as per the manual.

So yes, i've broken the sleeve, but i've also broken the 8 inch mark, and slightly thicker in girth. I won't attribute this to the vitallus as i also do extending, ssq, Bathmate, and now have added clamping though i'm not sure whether i'm doing it correctly enough to make a difference. Having started July 2011 at 7.2, i'm pretty happy of the progress as i have been constant throughout, sometimes more hardcore but generally levelled in keeping the routine.

However, call it a blessing or a curse, i haven't found someone whos cool with my girth for butt plugging. 3 girls have turned me down on that front, and 1 has asked me to wait for her to play more with her toy before she's ready. Well, that's fine, happy to know i'm big, but i never thought it'd be a point where some just won't want it, and believe me i don't just barge in like it's a capture the flag or something. And well, 6.2~6.3 depending on my level of arousal and general physical being at that time, is not those big ass numbers i see on the forum. I'd say a beer bottle's girth is what i do want, yet again a girl who didn't want it up the arse told me that the mouth end of the bottle will be cool for backdoor play, nothing more than that. I'm missing about half an inch for that beer/cider/soda/liquid container girth and i'm dedicated to get that size. Fuck yea, it's awesome to hear the girl totally feel you as you kegel. I like taking a rytHydromax now, thrust and kegel at the same time, then let the pussy envelope you while you soak in the feel, then back to thrust+kegel. Somehow you just keep growing to the point where you're self hyping your dick to a post Bathmate girth lol. And the girls respond with that sound, the one as if they are sighing but can't downturn their pitch, and something inside goes reallly slippery and it's creaming like an oil injection and it smelss really sweet and she's burying her face in the pillow cuz she's too shy to admit that she's cumming even though she's moaning and breathing real hard and becomes this force against your cock like some chain reaction where the more it gets tight, the more she's going mental. I fucking love that moment man.

In the meantime, a few notes about the vitalus after approx. 3 hours straight sessions:
-Length as semi-flaccid is more apparent, lasting a few hours before subsiding, but the general feel is very nice. Tough flaccid state, and it looks really healthy.

-The outer cylinder tends to push into the pelvis after a while, and i suspect it acts also on the sideway ligaments holding the shaft, extending it as time goes, thus helping the relaxation of the ligaments to a higher stretch over longer periods, but that's just a theory i can't yet proove since i haven't passed the 6 month mark suggested by the manufacturer.

-So long as a certain routine is kept to give rest time, such as 4 days on 1 day off, or 2 days on 1 off depending on how other exercizes affect the strain, everything is within safety boundaries. The pressure is definetely not high enough to cause any damage, and the protection sleeve is also there to palliate to that effect.

Generally speaking, after a session in the vitallus, the penis is heavy, thick without the eudemas or donut effect, longer than usual, and an erection takes longer to achieve maximum potential, however once reached it's pretty impressive. I usually tend to have veins and such, and ssqs which i have focused on the middle of the shaft have formed a bigger circumference midshaft, which is all the better for the ladies. But after a vitallus session, the veins are actually thicker, but giving a smoother feel to the penis, but definetely thicker. Similar to a post Bathmate session, without the tiredness.

Anyway, one last thing, i've tried touching the frontal ligs which start maybe a few inches as you push your finger along the base of the shaft inwards, and mine feels real tough, and holding the shaft rather closely. and now i can imagine these poor dudes who get their ligs snipped. It's like releasing your tail, not forward, but as if you're uncurling it. Fuck that, it probably morphs your entire pelvic area and might badly affect a lot of stuff down there.

Keep it natural, hardcore but natural. surgery is bullshit
Just curious, do you enter the vitallus erect, as with any other pump?

The setting up part seems hassling if you to try to enter it flaccid before going to bed,
That sucks i was going to order the thing today. Why in gods name wouldn't they ship to the states. There missing out on a huge market i.e. the whole US pe market.
kingfishermen;483865 said:
Just curious, do you enter the vitallus erect, as with any other pump?

The setting up part seems hassling if you to try to enter it flaccid before going to bed,

I do go in semi-erect as to have the proper suction going. Since the outer cylinder is an accordeon style pipe, with a semi erect you get the saturation level in the protection sleeve allowing the outer cylinder to have the right length and bend for your nightly comfort.
There must be a way we can establish an agent in the EU.

Maybe some type of mail forwarding service?

Anyone have relatives in the EU?
diesel225;493840 said:
That sucks i was going to order the thing today. Why in gods name wouldn't they ship to the states. There missing out on a huge market i.e. the whole US pe market.

Most likely medical clearance, getting a product in the US from Europe needs to pass creation regulations and safety clearance.
Hi There,

It's been a while since i posted on this, but it hasn't been unproductive.

I've just checked my girth midshaft, and where before i was struggling at 5.8 inches, i'm comfortably at 6 now, and 6.3 base. The vitallus pump has been on daily for at least 4 hours, with a break between, massaging and applying more cream.

I've also gotten rid of the foamy disc on the Bathmate, and my stretches are intense once i get the right vacuum created. 20 minutes daily with one day off though i use it for stretching and low vacuum on the vitallus plus.

Added to the fact that i should be 8up instead of sevenup now, i'm pretty damn happy with what's going on :). The length must be attributed to the time spent with the Penimaster pro, using it for long stretches with less tension.

This shit works man, it works!!!!

8 by 6, just a bit more solidifying temporary gains to permanent gains, a fraction of an inch more so that i can say 8 inches nbp, and it's all good
happy for you but with no way to get it. it might as well not exist for people in the states sound like a great product.
Yea, its been a mission to get them to send it over. I had to go through my aunt who lives in the south, and tell her to tell the post office that it's audio equipment... In any case, these guys aren't very helful or informative, usually what happens with our cousins ze germans. But they cool.

If you got anyone there you know, it may help.
Ok, my updates aren't all that frequent, but i don't want to spend every day writing down my routine. It should be pretty clear to anyone who has followed this thread.

I've returned from a trip to Europe. 10 days off any pe, and i've noticed that my flaccid stayed pretty sweet all throughout, even through the cold weather. I've also noticed that the first Bathmate sessions, it was hard to get anything going.

However, after a few days back in the soup, my dick's getting pretty relaxed with the trio pmp, Bathmate and vitallus.

First, my lengths gains are cementing nicely. Both length and girth, as well as a definite better shape of the head, which i will attribute with no scientific proof to handling the pmp for at least 4 hours a day. The pmp is a great contraption as i can push my head in, then give a combination of vacuum and squeezing blood into the glans in order to have a tight hermetic grip, then stretching becomes pretty constant as the container is entirely filled, giving me a clear idea of applied tension and progress. Progress is there, i apply a bit more tension as i go, without stressing the ligs too much, but just enough to have some cell repro promotion.

As for the vitallus, my shaft is getting more and more used to lengthier sessions, and i can probably start sleeping in it. One thing i've noticed is that after say 3 hours in the vitallus, and going for a break, i have a massive thing coming out of the protective sleeve. Really makes me starrey eyed to see this appendage coming out of the cylinder hehe. I just wish it could get to that size when i'm mildly erect :)

The Bathmate is still helping to end the day with an extreme stretch of the corpus cavernosae. However, i had a bit of a fright one day:
I was using DLD's girth blasters and pulling pretty damn hard out, no extreme pain, just the right ammount, and for about 15 minutes continuous reps. Once i took the Bathmate off, i noticed that the skin around one side felt really loose, as if some layer underneath had no more connecting tissue or something. No doughnut effect, but it felt like i had instantly managed to generate more skin or flesh or whatever but just on one side. It subsided and it's back to normal now. A bit scary though. No redness, nothing. Would it be like when you strip the skin off a salmon but stuffed something in between, i'll never know as it's gone now, but while in the Bathmate that part throughout the circumference was very thick.

In any case, i'm about to go for a break now from the vitallus and jelq a few hundred pops. I don't really count exact numbers here, i stay logaritHydromaxic :), but a few hundred is about what i do each time to give some circulatory balance and avoid any edema.

Altogether very happy to be by myself right now. My girl's coming back on the 18th though, and we found a nice place to purchase with a balcony. There were heated conversations on what type of sex we can go for on it :) :)
This is freakshow night. I just finished a second vitallus session after a 2 hour one with a few jelqzs in between. By curiosity, i prepared a measure and put on some �naked people movies� to try to measure myself right after exiting the pump sleeve. nbpl i got a freakin' 8.5 inches!!!!! And damn thick too.

These are moments when you know all the effort and dedication leads to something beyond that gives you more motivation to continue, understand your dick, what it's limits are, and what it's potentials also are. I mean, i know that eight inches consolidated is my goal, meaning about 0.1% of the male population, which is already quite an elite hehe, but 8.5 and perhaps 9! It's been a year and a half of dedicated pumping, stretching and jelqing. Maybe another year and a half, with slow but constant increase of tension and i might just have to go for it :)

This is super exciting and super motivating. I couldn't hold myself and had to write this down.
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