Jun 3, 2003
Varicocele? Anyone go through it? Help if you can.
hey DLD, I just looked this up and I remember the doc saying something about varicose veins around my testicles during a physical. I've always had palpable enlargement around my left cord, but I never had any pain from it, and my test levels always came up normal. I've always thought my testicles were a little on the small side, but that just might be my masculine urge to be large. Never had any pain from it either, so my only symptom ever has just been that I can see and feel the enlargement (been that way for around 7 years from what I recall now). hope you're not suffering, man! If it gets really bad, obviously, go to the doc and you can get surgery done on it if i has to come to that! good luck
I have actually had Varicocele for as long as I can remember. My balls have always been huge and I never knew why I would sometimes get enlarging of veins and pain on the left side of my scrotum. I did heavy research on how to cure this WITHOUT surgery and found this amazing eBook. Check out this link:


I can personally guarantee you (since I purchased this eBook over a year ago), that all the advice, tips and exercises Bob Maloney lists are excellent. I don't even notice I have this anymore. He teaches you to cure your Varicocele through diet, massaging, exercises, and more. This has everything you need to know to rid you of this inconvenience. If you have any questions or need advice please message me on here. You help me out with all your advice on this great site, so Im here for you bro.
i have a small case of varicocele. i have pain here and there. if i have ball weights on... then it hurts for days. but if its just Bathmate and manual stretches its not that bad. besides that i pumped my balls in the Bathmate before and it relieved pressure or aching .
I went through a varicocele surgery about year and a half ago, it was a severe level 3 varicocele, even though it didn't hurted i decided to have it fixed because of several reasons , like fertility and aesthetics (my scrotum was hanging soo low, like and old man's) , the surgery is classified as 'simple' 'not risky' , however I recommend trusting your balls to a good Dr.

I was able to walk properly in 2 days ,and got back to the gym in 2 weeks (as the Dr said), your scrotum is going to get swollen as a coconut, and i didn't felt comfortable jackin off in those 2 weeks ,didn't felt like jelqing for a whole month cause I feared it would fuck up the surgery

However, if you have a level 1 varicocele its not necessary to fix it, level 2 maybe, level 3 preferably
Excellent information guys! I thank you for the lo-down. This was not for me but for someone else. He has been given much comfort and solace in your replies. Thank you Brothers!
ya I have it on my left testicle from what it looks like. Also sometimes the left side of my pubic pad seems kinda wider then my right side. when I get a boner my dick tends to want to shift to the right like at the base but not crooked like peyronies. I used to have a hernia a few years ago that I got surgery on, I wonder if that had any effect on it. Some days it will look normal and even, I wonder if I lose weight in my pubic fat pad if it will correct the issue. It may also be because my left nut is bigger then my right and does hang lower but I heard that's normal.
AcidWitch420;566359 said:
ya I have it on my left testicle from what it looks like.

Hey AcidWitch420, I have the opposite of you. My right nut is bigger, due to the varicocele on my left side. You should really check out the ebook I mentioned to naturally cure it. Now, most days I don't have it at all. It acts up every now and then; but I have learned exercises and foods to get rid of the blood build up within the veins down there.
Do you still got the fat swollen looking veins in your nut though. I have been thinking about buying that ebook you mentioned as I do not want to get surgery again. I already have a scar from an inguinal hernia but it is small and barely noticeable, I don't want another scar.
AcidWitch420;566481 said:
Do you still got the fat swollen looking veins in your nut though. I have been thinking about buying that ebook you mentioned as I do not want to get surgery again. I already have a scar from an inguinal hernia but it is small and barely noticeable, I don't want another scar.

Honestly, very rarely do I ever get swollen veins now. I don't even notice that I have Varicocele anymore. As I mentioned, whenever I do get a swollen down there, I just do the exercises he suggested and it goes away. I noticed that I get swollen veins when I eat a lot of food and then do an excessive activity (like moving heavy objects, running, walking a lot, etc.). Now, I always give my food time to digest a little beforehand, and I incorporate the foods he mentions that help. He also tells you what foods are bad for you, so that helped me a lot as well. Until I read his ebook, I used to eat foods that were actually making this condition worse.

Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any more questions bro.
Really that's good to hear, gives me hope. I will order the ebook and give it a try. I wonder if my pubic pad looking uneven maybe due to the varicocele as well. Sometimes it look wider on the left side and sometimes it doesn't, it also causes my dick to shift to the right at the base when I have a boner which I don't want, hopefully I can fix everything.
AcidWitch420;567432 said:
Really that's good to hear, gives me hope. I will order the ebook and give it a try. I wonder if my pubic pad looking uneven maybe due to the varicocele as well. Sometimes it look wider on the left side and sometimes it doesn't, it also causes my dick to shift to the right at the base when I have a boner which I don't want, hopefully I can fix everything.

Mine is on my left side too man. Thanks to the ebook, I rarely ever get swollen veins now. Good luck!
Does anyone know a natural treatment?
The link mentioned is not working
gurdji;732875 said:
Does anyone know a natural treatment?
The link mentioned is not working

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rLqKtHHpYLE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I didn't read all the replies but I'll give u my story.

I had one 5 years ago. It was pretty annoying and would swell up if I stayed on my feet for long. So I got the surgery and it was ok for a few weeks. Then hell broke loose lol. I would have the most crazy intense pain of my life. I remember nights screaming in pain and probably 5 different trips to the ER along with seeing 3 different urologists on separate occasions. No one could ever figure out my post-surgery pain. It was soo bad that when my doctor wouldn't give me any more pain meds I'd have to buy them from other people like a drug addict just to ease those pain episodes. The pain would come in waves and last for a couple hours. That went on a couple times per week for almost a year. Worst time of my life. I never found an answer to the problem and no doctor ever had a solution. I strongly believe it was nerve damage caused by the varicocele surgery. Now I'm good tho. No more pain. Thank GOD!!! Moral of the story.... the varicocele pain is nothing compared to the pain you *might* experience after if the surgery had complications.
Most of the issues that I have found out that the main issue are caused the varicocele is the tightness of the pelvic floor muscles.

You will need to stretches it to allow the muscles to relax. The exercises you can do is reverse kegel and hindi squats. Both of them are good and will help the muscles to relax.

I've spoken to someone on a different forum who have had a varicocele, he told me that he had a varicocele and he had done the exercises so the varicocele went away and it went back to normal.
badboy2011;733008 said:
Most of the issues that I have found out that the main issue are caused the varicocele is the tightness of the pelvic floor muscles.

You will need to stretches it to allow the muscles to relax. The exercises you can do is reverse kegel and hindi squats. Both of them are good and will help the muscles to relax.

I've spoken to someone on a different forum who have had a varicocele, he told me that he had a varicocele and he had done the exercises so the varicocele went away and it went back to normal.

Reverse Kegels!
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