
Dec 17, 2012
I have the Penomet... I love it, and it has always worked perfectly in the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) sets that I do. But there are just some days that I can't get the privacy to use the water pump, which sent me looking for an air pump as well. So I picked up the Vacutech Thick Wall Elliptical system and added that. Right now my girth routines have exploded.

Mon/wed/fri - I use the penomet 5x5x3 format and then jelq a little longer after, and been dipping into the Redz Frendos a little bit (testing the waters)

Tues/Thurs/Saturday - I use the air pump in the same 5x5x3 format with jelqs and slow squash jelqs.

There is definitely a different feeling with the air pump vs the water pump, But I know that I love the feeling, and the temp gains that come after.

I guess my question is... Is this over doing it? Pumping that many times per week? I pump 6 days per week at different intensity levels. Any advice would be well taken!

I like this and it is the second time someone has put this forward. I have not yet tried this due to my lack of time but I plan on it soon. I want to experiement a bit between the two pumps to see the balance and retention issues, where they start and which causes more or less. Having a greater understanding will give some new way to further expansion, I hope. I depend on you and your feedback greatly so please let us know how it is going.
Hey DLD,

That's kind of what I was wondering too... Which combination will give me the best expansion in the shortest amount of time. I will definitely keep updates as to how things are going, and I also want to take more of a detailed log, so I can see which gives better expansion for a longer amount of time. It's only been a week but because of the 5x5x3 sets, I am getting ZERO discoloration and ZERO fluid retention, but temp gains for hours with both types of pumps. The first thing I noticed is that they were completely different feelings of expansion while in session. Within the week too, my EQ has improved quite a bit!

So only time will tell...

On a side note, it's great to see you around the forums more DLD! I read a post awhile ago where you felt like you were not needed around here because the brotherhood is so strong and can help each other out. I would like to say though, that you or your knowledge are not replaceable on these forums no matter how strong the brotherhood is. You are and forever will be the captain of the ship, the Phil Jackson of Penis Enlargement! I'm sure that I can speak for many people and say that it's good to see you back around more!
Ah, this is where is read it. I also got myself an air pump. Nothing fancy yet so might be a bust or ill upgrade :p
JohnnySisco;567944 said:
Hey DLD,

That's kind of what I was wondering too... Which combination will give me the best expansion in the shortest amount of time. I will definitely keep updates as to how things are going, and I also want to take more of a detailed log, so I can see which gives better expansion for a longer amount of time. It's only been a week but because of the 5x5x3 sets, I am getting ZERO discoloration and ZERO fluid retention, but temp gains for hours with both types of pumps. The first thing I noticed is that they were completely different feelings of expansion while in session. Within the week too, my EQ has improved quite a bit!

So only time will tell...

On a side note, it's great to see you around the forums more DLD! I read a post awhile ago where you felt like you were not needed around here because the brotherhood is so strong and can help each other out. I would like to say though, that you or your knowledge are not replaceable on these forums no matter how strong the brotherhood is. You are and forever will be the captain of the ship, the Phil Jackson of Penis Enlargement! I'm sure that I can speak for many people and say that it's good to see you back around more!

It would need to be worked in experimentally using great restraint in application. I would first try to mimic the SRT girth sets in the 5x5x3 using the air system. I would compare the post state to that of your water system. If they are similar then from here I would do a 5x5x3 air to 5x5x3 water workout, this way only one additional set is introduced and from here you can surmise whether you can go more or not. I would also suggest keeping a strict diary to track gains in this "new way".
JohnnySisco;567944 said:
Hey DLD,

That's kind of what I was wondering too... Which combination will give me the best expansion in the shortest amount of time. I will definitely keep updates as to how things are going, and I also want to take more of a detailed log, so I can see which gives better expansion for a longer amount of time. It's only been a week but because of the 5x5x3 sets, I am getting ZERO discoloration and ZERO fluid retention, but temp gains for hours with both types of pumps. The first thing I noticed is that they were completely different feelings of expansion while in session. Within the week too, my EQ has improved quite a bit!

So only time will tell...

On a side note, it's great to see you around the forums more DLD! I read a post awhile ago where you felt like you were not needed around here because the brotherhood is so strong and can help each other out. I would like to say though, that you or your knowledge are not replaceable on these forums no matter how strong the brotherhood is. You are and forever will be the captain of the ship, the Phil Jackson of Penis Enlargement! I'm sure that I can speak for many people and say that it's good to see you back around more!

It would need to be worked in experimentally using great restraint in application. I would first try to mimic the SRT girth sets in the 5x5x3 using the air system. I would compare the post state to that of your water system. If they are similar then from here I would do a 5x5x3 air to 5x5x3 water workout, this way only one additional set is introduced and from here you can surmise whether you can go more or not. I would also suggest keeping a strict diary to track gains in this "new way".
Sounds good to me DLD. I was first trying to figure out how to do it, but was just essentially using the same 5x5x3 routine, just swapping the pumps. I have been doing it for 2 weeks now, and there are some definite differences.

Without any official logs or measurements, just from the eye and feel...

When using the Penomet I find myself struggling to hold an erection after the second and third sets. It's almost like my penis is fatigued, but it has a massive temp girth. The blue pin points (which I dont worry about at all because they go away) are very noticeable when using the Penomet. The EQ comes back a few hours after I have finished my girth work.

The Vacutech, I'm actually starting to love... When I get out of the air pump, I have the hardest erections that I could possibly have. My EQ is out of control which makes the rest of my girth work a breeze.
There is no discoloring, fluid retention, donuts, or anything else that is going on with me, but I get some crazy temp expansion.

More detailed to come later
I started hydro and air pumping this week. Bathmate in the morning when I get up and 20 mins of air at night. Looking forward to seeing how it goes for you too.
pjp2002;569685 said:
I started hydro and air pumping this week. Bathmate in the morning when I get up and 20 mins of air at night. Looking forward to seeing how it goes for you too.

Nice pjp2002! I would love to hear how it goes for you too, do you have a thread or anywhere where you are posting your results?
You guys gave me a great idea. I have an air pump and ordered the Penomet. i think I will do both routines. One week I will do one day penomet and one day air and keep switching for 6 days of pumping straight. THen the next week I will do air in the morning and penomet in the pm. Thanks so much guys!!!
I've been using both air and penomet, but in a different sense. I put my penomet on, then boost it with my old air pump by placing it over the pt valve with a rubber sleeve attached to seal it well. Then I pump the air pump til i get an extra 1/2 in. length in the penomet. then i let the pressure off the air pump and it comes right off, leaving the penomet fully vacuumed. a lot less painful than pumping the gaiter, and you get that much more stretch. No discoloration or retention. May try to pump a little more than the extra 1/2 inch after a few weeks, but I can already tell I'm getting better results this way :)
any updates Johnny? been thinking about getting a vacutech thickwall elliptical system. just wondering what size you are vs what pump cylinder size you got since it's not returnable. I'm a little over 5.25 MSEG, and 5.5 BEG...wondering if the 1.5 X 2 is the correct size?
hey tbone, yes I have been using both air and water pumps, but actually started to enjoy the air pumping a lot more. The one thing I can recommend is don't be a hero and get a size bigger if you are right on the border line. I'm just under 6 in girth but definitely over 5 3/4 so I was in between sizes. I think that with the elliptical thick wall I went a size too big with the 1 3/4 x 2 1/4. I actually had to get the smaller size.

From their table it sounds like you are definitely going with the right size. I was a little bit shocked when I first put on the cylinder because of the shape and I didn't come close to filling it when pumped. It was a new experience but I definitely love it
i am pretty experienced at pumping with water pumps, having a penomet, and a X-40, but this is my first venture into the air pump there a big learning curve, or is it pretty seamless....just got word that my pump has shipped, so I hope to have it next week sometime.
Man, I'm excited for you tbone!! For me it was totally seamless. I went through a couple of pumping guides here and also with what Vacutech sent and then just did what felt right for me. Since you have all that experience with the water pumps, I am guessing that it will be second nature for you. Definitely let me know how you like it. For me it definitely kicked my PE game up a level.
thanks, Johnny, I appreciate it. My join date was back in Nov. of 2010, and that's when I got my X-40. I'm not by any means a full time PE'er, I do what I have time for, so that could be 3-4 pumping sessions a week, 3 sessions in the extender. One thing I do though, is a version of uncle jims wrap, or cock ring. so far, I have cemented gains of about an inch in length and girth. I was hoping the penomet would take me to the next level, but it just hasn't. My biggest thing is that anything with a gator....just hurts like hell at the base of my matter what I did. I'm hoping the vacutech is as advertised.
Great job on cementing those gains! That's pretty impressive! When I first started here I was an every day PE'er but then my schedule changed and I kind of do it like you... when I have time for it. Personally for me, I have actually noticed that less is more for me and I make better gains when I get occasional days off.

I know what you mean about the Penomet. I got some small temporary gains, but it just was not doing what I wanted it to do, which is also why I looked into air pumping too. If you had gaiter pain (I had a pretty good amount too) The vacutech was a complete relief for me. I didn't have any pain, just great pressure that was actually kind of a pleasure type feeling. I've actually forgot to set a timer and did 20 minutes in the pump with no pain at all.

The one problem that I did have was that I believe I might have used too much pressure in the beginning. For awhile I got kind of a "hard flaccid" state, but when I backed off pumping as much and at such a high pressure, it went away and things went back to normal.

I think you will find the vacutech a great addition to your arsenal.
I have been keeping the pressure between 3 and 5. I just got it yesterday. I can see how someone can over pump with something like's a very comfortable, easy pressure....tempting to overdue it! my only issue so far is beads of pre-cum, which really isn't an issue, not sure why, though.
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