Urologist mentioned PE causes scar tissue build up and can eventually lead to erectile dysfunction as you get older


Apr 10, 2019
Went to the urologist last week, happened to mention to him my PE routine (jelqs, SSJ, bathmate). He cautioned that doing this sort of thing can lead to scar tissue build up that can eventually lead to erectile dysfunction. Did some quick googling and found that other urologists have said the same.

At the same time I've also heard that using the Bathmate can help with penis curvature which is usually the result of scar tissue so....?‍♂️

It makes sense to me that constantly breaking down penile tissue would lead to generating scar tissue, I wasn't aware of the ED portion though. Been PEing on and off for almost two decades and while I'm a little discolored at this point, I've never really noticed any change in EQ unless I overtrain. Wanted to get some of the veterans like @DLD and @REDZULU2003 to weigh in and get their thoughts on this.
You have been doing it for 20 years and havent lost EQ but you are listening to a doctor that doesn't know shit about PE :D In this forum we have people who have been doing it for over 10 years and their penile health is better than ever but we should forget that and listen to someone else :D
Im doing it for a few months and my cock is so hard if i hit a girl in the face i'd probably break her neck :D
Your urologist means well, but he is very uneducated when it comes to the topic of PE. They treat PE as a dangerous penis enlargment trick even though it is based on years of hands on experience and science. We do not do PE without a warm-up and cool-down which helps negate the possibility of scar tissue due to increased circulation to the area. As science shows, where there is increased circulation, there is increased healing. If that was the case, bodybuilders and weightlifters would be nothing but masses of scar tissue ? and as we all know that is not the case. PE actually helps breakdown scar tissue within the penis and correct it such as physical therapy. Its funny that a urologist goes to college all those years and even has a penis of his own, but does not know this. I bet he would give you a pill if you said you could not get erect anymore or recommend a plastic surgeon if you inquired about penis enlargement thru him ? Most of these "white coats" are very short sighted and programmed that nothing works outside of their paradigm. I have been PEing for over a decade and have yet to here of anypne getting scar tissue unless they PE "cold"(no warm-ups or cool-downs) and overtrain with way too much intensity, but that is rare and tends never happen because it would hurt alot. If you ask me, PE keeps your penis healthier than an average penis. Its like going to the gym for your dick ?
MD's are only useful for trauma and acute conditions. They are only trained in Allopathic reduction for the treatment of symptoms. NEVER listen to a doctor in any other areas not related to their specific field.

What he told you is called FAKE NEWS like CNN and is based in unproven, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.

It would be as simple as starting an investigation in all the PE internet boards over the course of these past 2 decades how many people have ended with scar tissue and ED caused by PE. Since I know the result, that doctor should be sued and jailed for spreading false claims under his license.
At one time, "experts" thought the world was flat. Also, at one time "doctors" thought that lifting weights would only cause damage to the human body...
Can any PE Vets (anywhere near 10 years and above) tell us if they are experiencing (anything near) ED.?
Can any PE Vets (anywhere near 10 years and above) tell us if they are experiencing (anything near) ED.?
Penis Exercises (PE) is beneficial to your sexual health, the same as Physical Exercises is beneficial to your physical health...
Can any PE Vets (anywhere near 10 years and above) tell us if they are experiencing (anything near) ED.?

Since 1998 here and NONE. ZERO. In my opinion is the opposite. I think NOT doing PE leads to penile size atrophy, which in fact it is expected. Doctors and studies will tell you that penis size starts decreasing after maybe 50. But this is not natural. I think that decrease in size is atrophy due to lack of usage.

Under normal biological circumstances we are made to fuck all the time any time we feel like. But we cant, because we live in an organized civilized society so we basically FORCE ourselves to hold the desire. That added to age, men really slow down sexually and not using your cock will lead to loss of size accordingly with less hormones production.

PE at the very least will keep the tissues healthy
Forgot to mention that as always, doctors spread FAKE NEWS and misinformation to the public making us "believe" that a decrease in size is expected and "normal" just like Alzheimer "oh dont worry dude, it is expected, you're just a statistic" with cancer "well, you know man, statistics, its random" same with heart disease, kidney issues, diabetes, prostate issues, liver issues, you name it. NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS JUST RANDOM. This is not a lottery in which you get sick of one or more of the hundreds of diseases. It is all caused by the exposure to the wrong specialists who have us all sick and depleted of essential nutrients. Thats the real cause of the problem. If you provide your body every single essential nutrient that needs every single day of your life, you WILL with all certainty live a very long and healthy life.

With PE or exercise, you MUST put in your body every single day of you life ALL the 90 essential nutrients that your body needs. Scar tissue is simply a severe chronic deficiency in essential nutrients. ED is the result of a long life severely depleted of essential nutrients, plus all the toxic shit around in our world and even worst in the USA. The food supply and water supply is all contaminated toxic biohazard. Thats the cause of every single chronic symptom and disease, not PE or other things that you would naturally do in your life.
I guess he never met me or else I’d be the most impotent man on the planet!
DLEDD (double long erectile dysfunction daddy) \o/LMAO
(cwl) (xd)(100)(rock)
Gosh why the hell there are so many people out there that knows bout PE lollol
Gosh why the hell there are so many people out there that knows bout PE LOLLOL

Knowing about PE is one thing, having the willingness to do it and stay consistent is another thing.
Im doing it for a few months and my cock is so hard if i hit a girl in the face i'd probably break her neck LOL
I can slap a girl harder with my dick than I can with my hand
If it were true that Penis Enlargement (PE) causes Erectile Disfunction (ED), DLD would be better known as Daddy Limp Dick
The doctor does mean well, and in all likelihood has seen men with injuries from poor technique, and advice in penis enlargement. It happens. Sadly they dont get to see the positive stories.
think about it...would you go see a Dr. if your PE exercises were actually keeping you healthy? As Red mentioned, they only see patients when there's an issue, hence PE causes ED
You have been doing it for 20 years and havent lost EQ but you are listening to a doctor that doesn't know shit about PE LOL In this forum we have people who have been doing it for over 10 years and their penile health is better than ever but we should forget that and listen to someone else LOL

When it comes to PE, majority of doctors don't know anything. They will poison your mind and before you know it, you will abandon PE completely.
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