
Feb 19, 2006
Hi all,

Has anyone tried entirely dropping the stretching exercises and instead tugged on their penis?

For example, instead of doing the A-Stretch and applying 30 seconds of continous tension, has anyone tried a series of 1-second strong tugs to the penis? (The A-stretch is not a normal stretch, it's stretching the lig of your penis over the curved surface of your wrist to fatigue the entire shaft at once, not just to pull on the base like most common-garden stretching exercises!)

I just tried it for the first time. 30 tugs in an A-Stretch to the left, and the same to the right. My penis feels like its been fatigued quite well, and had a good (albeit brief) workout. I may test this for the next two weeks or month and see what happens.

Has anyone else already tried this or something similar, and with what results?
oh yes of course..

What I really like is stretching as HARD and as far as u can and holding for 10 seconds, and repeat
velimirovich said:
oh yes of course..

What I really like is stretching as HARD and as far as u can and holding for 10 seconds, and repeat

Yes, I've tried this too--still practice it. It's very effective.
This is really cool. I just did my session with every single stretch replaced with a series of intense 1 or 2 second stretches (basically strong tugs). So a 30-second stretch was replaced with 30 tugs.

I've had to stop about a third of the way through what I planned to do because my penis feels so fatigued.

A great workout!
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