
Feb 24, 2013
Hi everyone, I am new to this community and I have very little experience in getting a bigger oui oui...

I am 5.1 inches long and my dream has always been to be 9 inches. I started with penis pills sense I didn't know what I was doing. Tried many different types, which all failed<:(

I am asking this community for help, for tips, as we are all after the same thing and that is to make sure that every woman we have comes back begging for more.

The current tools I have in my position:

My current goal is length for now, but I wouldn't mind getting extra girth as well in the future.

Please educate me on penis growth? HELP?
GetbiggerFrench;544595 said:
Hi everyone, I am new to this community and I have very little experience in getting a bigger oui oui...

I am 5.1 inches long and my dream has always been to be 9 inches. I started with penis pills sense I didn't know what I was doing. Tried many different types, which all failed<:(

I am asking this community for help, for tips, as we are all after the same thing and that is to make sure that every woman we have comes back begging for more.

The current tools I have in my position:

My current goal is length for now, but I wouldn't mind getting extra girth as well in the future.

Please educate me on penis growth? HELP?

whats your girth? girls prefer Girth over lenght
Hi nicamarvin,

I'm 3.5 inches in girth, but I still want some length to go deep.

Thank you for replying
GetbiggerFrench;544606 said:
Hi nicamarvin,

I'm 3.5 inches in girth, but I still want some length to go deep.

Thank you for replying

ah ok. I have a 6(abit over 6 inches but not much) and sometimes, just sometimes I am lucky enough to be with a petite girl, I have been able to hit her servix and it has hurt them, so I dont know how can any girl take a 9 inch long penis, but then again every girl is different. except small girls have smaller vaginas.
Let's settle for 8 inches then. I just like to have a little more just in case. Like you said, every girl is different!

Can you help please?
GetbiggerFrench;544614 said:
Let's settle for 8 inches then. I just like to have a little more just in case. Like you said, every girl is different!

Can you help please?

ah Ok. I understand. but I am not the guy to help you, I've expend years yelking without much growth en lenght, some guys gain alot in one year and some take many years to grow a few, every penis is different. some are very elastic some are not. in my case I have a 6 x 6 inches penis and I would want 8 by 6 but I am just not able to do it. I have hanged, and jelk on and off without much success
Read this and you have to gain length. If you don't you are not following it properley. Keep in mind I am a full time college student and have a part-time job as a lifegaurd. So please no excuses that this cannot be done with any schedule.

First off it is necessary that you have a sizegenetics. Good thing you have one. Alright now let us get down to the fundementals. If you want to gain it is time to make a decision: Do I want to gain or do I not? This may sound stupid but really many don't have the will to put themselves the necessary routines to make the quickest gains. I personally have gained an inch in length in 3 months doing this. However it wasn't like some easy task. It takes fucking work. If you don't want girth thats fine, to each his own, however I do girth work in the P.M. and it has helped me heal and grow more. Ready? Here we go:

Wake up early and warm up in the shower or get a heat pad if you shower at night. Heat is absolutely necessary for optimal stretches. Think of the dick as a rubber band. I urge you to cut a rubber band into a single strain and put it in the freezer and leave another in the sun. Stretch both out and see which one stretches further. Obvious shit.

After you have warmed up for about 10 min. You need to do some manuel stretches for about 20-30 min. Any stretches really as long as they put strain on the penis. Look up stretches and experiment with your favorite. I do the standard up and up angle, out and out angle, down and down angle, behind cheeks and over arm stretches. Now put your sizegenetics. Put it on with enough bars so you can actually stretch it out not just some pussy stretch where the dick is barley being pulled. Wear that for the entire day. Shoot for 12 hours. Take it off every hour or half hour and stretch your dick and kegel to get blood flow going. If you can apply a heat pad whenever possible. I got one at Walgreens that I can microwave and put down my pants.

If you can put another bar probably a small one about 7 hours in or just create more tension. This will train your dick to grow and adjust to a bigger size in the device. I advise a girth routine in the evening before bed but that is just me.

Trust me you can wear it for 12 hours it is possible. I fucking take bathroom breaks during lecture to adjust my sizegenetics if there is some soreness. I had to jump in and rescue a patron with it on So please don't tell me you can't do this. If you don't want to then that is a different story. If I seem a little offensive it is because I WANT YOU TO GROW!!!!! PLEASE GROW DAMN!!! It is so easy if you dedicate yourself. I will always be on this site everyday for any questions. This is a rough routine and can be motified but basically wearing the SG for 12 hours a day while challenging adding more bars and tension will FORCE growth. I BELIEVE YOU CAN DO THIS. The first week will seem daughnting but seriously it becomes so routine. If I can't take a break I have learned how to detach the device while sitting in lecture and kegel until I can go reatach. GOOD LUCK
If your going to use the size genetics you should get the VLC tugger with skin cones because its more comfortable than the SG strap. They also have the TLC-X if you want a later model. If you want to go all out with comfort in the size genetics take a peek at the penis master pro. Also I recommend you get some divo-suits so you don't shrink ever. Please feel free to check out my sticky thread in the newbie section for lots of info if you read through it.
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Redwood that's a good idea to increase tension or one small bar after a few hours in the SG. I noticed I'm a little tighter when I begin than after a couple hours so that works I will add that to my routine notes.
RedWood7;544651 said:
Read this and you have to gain length. If you don't you are not following it properley. Keep in mind I am a full time college student and have a part-time job as a lifegaurd. So please no excuses that this cannot be done with any schedule.

First off it is necessary that you have a sizegenetics. Good thing you have one. Alright now let us get down to the fundementals. If you want to gain it is time to make a decision: Do I want to gain or do I not? This may sound stupid but really many don't have the will to put themselves the necessary routines to make the quickest gains. I personally have gained an inch in length in 3 months doing this. However it wasn't like some easy task. It takes fucking work. If you don't want girth thats fine, to each his own, however I do girth work in the P.M. and it has helped me heal and grow more. Ready? Here we go:

Wake up early and warm up in the shower or get a heat pad if you shower at night. Heat is absolutely necessary for optimal stretches. Think of the dick as a rubber band. I urge you to cut a rubber band into a single strain and put it in the freezer and leave another in the sun. Stretch both out and see which one stretches further. Obvious shit.

After you have warmed up for about 10 min. You need to do some manuel stretches for about 20-30 min. Any stretches really as long as they put strain on the penis. Look up stretches and experiment with your favorite. I do the standard up and up angle, out and out angle, down and down angle, behind cheeks and over arm stretches. Now put your sizegenetics. Put it on with enough bars so you can actually stretch it out not just some pussy stretch where the dick is barley being pulled. Wear that for the entire day. Shoot for 12 hours. Take it off every hour or half hour and stretch your dick and kegel to get blood flow going. If you can apply a heat pad whenever possible. I got one at Walgreens that I can microwave and put down my pants.

If you can put another bar probably a small one about 7 hours in or just create more tension. This will train your dick to grow and adjust to a bigger size in the device. I advise a girth routine in the evening before bed but that is just me.

Trust me you can wear it for 12 hours it is possible. I fucking take bathroom breaks during lecture to adjust my sizegenetics if there is some soreness. I had to jump in and rescue a patron with it on So please don't tell me you can't do this. If you don't want to then that is a different story. If I seem a little offensive it is because I WANT YOU TO GROW!!!!! PLEASE GROW DAMN!!! It is so easy if you dedicate yourself. I will always be on this site everyday for any questions. This is a rough routine and can be motified but basically wearing the SG for 12 hours a day while challenging adding more bars and tension will FORCE growth. I BELIEVE YOU CAN DO THIS. The first week will seem daughnting but seriously it becomes so routine. If I can't take a break I have learned how to detach the device while sitting in lecture and kegel until I can go reatach. GOOD LUCK

Hi RedWood7,
I will take your challenge to reach my goal.
How do you wear you're SG, so it is not visible to people?
Let's also do girth, since that is a big factor?
Would you like to be my personal mentor?
truant;544658 said:
Redwood that's a good idea to increase tension or one small bar after a few hours in the SG. I noticed I'm a little tighter when I begin than after a couple hours so that works I will add that to my routine notes.

Great to hear truant. I find that the "elasticity" of the penis becomes greater when time under tension is presented in conjunction with heat. Great post about the VLC tugger as well. I personally use the velcro strap but will give the VLC a deeper look. Take care
GetbiggerFrench;544690 said:
Hi RedWood7,
I will take your challenge to reach my goal.
How do you wear you're SG, so it is not visible to people?
Let's also do girth, since that is a big factor?
Would you like to be my personal mentor?

First off I am happy you are willing to push yourself for gains, this shows me you are mentally prepared for the journey ahead. To answer your first question, I always wear shorts or sweatpants with shorts underneath them. Although my SG can be visible because it is usually at around 9 inches long, I tend not to worry so much. I asked some of my good friends what it looks like and they say it looks like a big dick under my shorts. I get the few rare looks from girls on campus with their eyes fairly wide and this makes me feel good at times. I use two pairs of underwear to keep it buried underneath all the clothing. I understand you may have an occupation in which this sort of attire is not suitable. If this is the case (I assume you wear dress pants), look into getting a somewhat looser pair (not too loose) as to aid in concealment and provide comfortability. Sometimes if this isn't an option, the SG can be folded upwards toward the bellybutton with a tucked shirt over it along with a dress jacket over that shirt to hide any outlines. These are just a few ideas to conceal your SG for all day wear. Tell my your specific needs in regards to clothing and I may be able to shed more light.

Second question: In regards to girth I believe it is a pretty big factor (no pun intended). If your goal is 9 inches you will gain girth naturally from your stretching and lengthening of the penis. This is because your penis will be able to hold more blood now that you have stretched the penis to new levels. Although this seems promising I doubt these gains will be significant in girth to match your 9 inch dream cock. I mean, a long cock is great but without girth to compliment it, it seems unbalanced. Right now I am 9x6 and feel like I would look ridiculous with a smaller girth. Thats just me though. Anyways here is a sample of what I try to accomplish everynight before bed in regards to girth: Before bed I take a hot 10 min shower and wash my penis to keep it clean and sparkling and let the hot water fall into my cupped hands holding my penis. I have my Bathmate x40 tucked between my legs during this process. I then decide to massage my dick while the hot water falls and kegel while stimulating myself (no �naked people movies� in the shower sucks, I want a waterproof case for my iphone). Once I am at 80-100% erection I fill the Bathmate up with not too hot of water (little hotter than warm) and insert. I pump it only to the point wear I can feel suction. Don't pump to much at the start, let your penis become warm and snug inside. I shut the shower off and dry myself while resting the Bathmate on the bathroom counter so it doesn't have a chance to fall off. I actually brush, floss and gargle some mouthwash as it is resting on the counter. I wash my hands, grab a junk towel and head to my room. I turn on some �naked people movies�, pump some before I start watching it to up the pressure and use the towel on the floor to catch the pumped water. I only watch �naked people movies� in which the guys girth is huge. Like Short Mac or Shane D. This is sort of a way to push myself to look like them while staying stimulated with the hot girls on screen. P.S. I lock my doors and wear headphones because I live at home. After 20-30 min of pumping I reach maximum pressure and I am above the sticker on my x40. Now I take the Bathmate off and dump the water into a pitcher I have in my room. Next is stimulation and a small massage to keep blood flowing. Kegeling with the Bathmate helps too. I use Lily of the Desert 99% aloe vera as masturbation gel, you can use anything you want. Now I clamp at an erect state for 10 min while stimulating, doing Uli's (bends) and kegeling. I take the cable clamp off and leave the bandage on my base and do SSJ (slow squash jelqs). Repeat the clamping and ssj once or twice more. Finally I take the bandages off and do some warm down SSJ for 10 min. I also massage my dick. Now I go to sleep with nothing on feeling great. Doing this everyday may feel a little tiring on your penis so you can clamp everyother day if you wish and just SSJ on the days you don't clamp. A lot of people like super setting the Bathmate with their girth work also. Experiment with this routine and find what suits your needs and wants.

Third question: As far as being a personal mentor I don't mind helping you at all. I will be on everyday and I can answer your thread questions or PM me for anything. I'll add you as a friend so we can keep in touch. Don't think of me as the ultimate guide to Penis Enlargement though. I am far from it. I spend everyday researching the SRT theory and reading through every post to keep myself informed so I can better my Penis Enlargement experience. There are many people here who are brilliant Penis Enlargement'ers. I have no problem helping you though since I have made gains and am at your dream goal.

Great to have you on board GetbiggerFrench. Use this information to the best of your ability. Find what works and what I need to adjust to fit your lifestyle. Also don't use me as your voice of reason. So many here are capable of doing a better job that me but I use their works to form my Penis Enlargement experience. Create your Penis Enlargement lifestyle and together we can go far.
Hi everyone, I am new to this community and I have very little experience in getting a bigger oui oui...

I am 5.1 inches long and my dream has always been to be 9 inches. I started with penis pills sense I didn't know what I was doing. Tried many different types, which all failed<:(

I am asking this community for help, for tips, as we are all after the same thing and that is to make sure that every woman we have comes back begging for more.

The current tools I have in my position:

My current goal is length for now, but I wouldn't mind getting extra girth as well in the future.

Please educate me on penis growth? HELP?

If you are still at 5.1 inches in length, take my advice. Buy both the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and the Silistrecher. Focus on working on your penis length for solid 2 years. You can see at least 3 inches in length in 2 years if you don't give up.
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