Top Poster Contest win MOS Products Monthly & $1000 Cash Annually!


Staff member
Jun 3, 2003
OK Brothers here is your chance to win that piece of equipment you want and win $1000 cash a year! (fire)(fire)(fire)

Here is what we are looking for:
  • Creation of new informative threads
  • Members that get the most "Likes" and/or "Thanks" on posts
  • Replying to posts helping newbies or veterans
  • Contributions towards forgotten informative threads to help revive them for new members
  • Self made videos of new exercises using hands or tools
  • Testimonials/Reviews on MOSRED Therapy System, SiliStretcher, SiliSleevs,, TractionStretcher, MityVac, Headbanger Head Pump, SizeDoctor/GameChanger, LengthMaster, Bathmate X series of choice
Monthly Prize Choices include one of the following
  • MOSRED Therapy System
  • SiliStretcher Kit
  • TractionStretcher
  • MityVac Pump Set
  • Headbanger Head Pump
  • SizeDoctor or GameChanger Set
  • LengthMaster
  • Bathmate X series of choice
One prize per month per member per year and the option of a $1,000 Grand Prize at the end of the year as well.

How the judging system works

We installed the "Likes" buttons to keep track of who is posting quality posts here. We do not score based on how many "Likes" a member gives. We look closely at who is starting quality threads, shooting videos or doing in depth reviews.

The scoring system is a combination of both post count with "Likes" received. If you post simple things like "That sounds good" or "cool" or "I like blue shoes" 500 times, those posts do not count towards the scoring system and do not get credited.

If someone posts 10 - 20 posts all month that receive multiple likes by various "credible" members, that holds more value than the person that posts 500 meaningless posts all day that get no Likes. By "credible members" we mean a member that has contributed here already, not a random person that just signed up and starts liking one random members posts here all the time.

The system tracks IPs and receptive likes to members by members and can single out members hiding behind proxies. You can not cheat the system. Don't look at this as a contest to win a prize by trying to beat the system. Look at it as an award for contributing towards an incredible library of information here that will help another members life.

Here are a few tips for winning the poster of the month contest.

1. Try to post in as many topics as possible.

This does not mean spam, but if you have any insight or questions on a topic make at least one post and let your voice be heard.

2. Give out Likes and Thanks often.
Even if the post was written by somebody else going for poster of the month if you think it is good information then click "Like". If people see you giving out likes they will probably return the favor.

3. Video tutorials of exercises or techniques are the BEST way to get Likes/Thanks.
If you make a video that helps other users you are guaranteed to get some love. So if you got balls or just really want to show the proper way to enlarge your penis make a video !

4. Post every single day.
Even if you can only log onto the forum for 5-10 minutes just pop in and contribute a little bit. To win poster of the month you have to maintain a presence on the forums.

5. Be nice!
It's that simple. Your mom said you will catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, so don't forget to be nice.

If you will be participating in this contest, reply to this thread or PM me so we can note your stating post count.

\o/\o/\o/Lets get this party jumping!\o/\o/\o/
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I am so happy to have this back! What a great opportunity for everyone to have equipment! In today’s best PE routines tools play a big part. SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory has married tools with exercises and bringing the fastest game as possible. The biggest thing holding many people back from doing an SRT based Routine is the equipment. Now, again, this contest is available and everybody has the chance to win equipment. ???

Some great posting is keeping a good journal, supporting progress threads, creating exercise, reviewing equipment, exercise and routines, creating polls and challenges to create enthusiasm, and so much more. You will see that the more involved he become the faster you make your gains. This contest gives everyone the incentive!

Very generous prizes! And having that grand prize is incredible. 3 people have won it it previous years. $1000.00 right before Christmas is a massive bonus. I wish everyone the best of luck. The rules are clear and fair! THANKS Lightning! ⛈
If you will be participating in this contest, reply to this thread or PM me so we can note your starting post count.
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I will be a part of this as much as I can ! Been very busy lately but hopefully I can do my part ????

Hopefully you can win some great gear!
I'm in, but if the odd case happens and I win, I'll let the price go to another Brother! :) (Except for money. :p Just kidding, I have a good set of tools and I am very willing to be a "donor.")
Keep on participating, report your stories (good and bad!), help a Brother out when you can. Game on!
This is awesome, it's win win for everyone!
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the MoS Shop, very proud of what this brotherhood has done now members get a chance to win a piece of history In the making ????

I have not seen you for a while, welcome back my friend! I hope all is going well and I’m glad to see you’re going to get involved with this at the contest.
I like to participate, it's a great incentive to stay active on the MOS forum; even if I don't win anything
I like to participate, it's a great incentive to stay active on the MOS forum; even if I don't win anything

You have already won my ❤️ heart ????
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