Today's Forecast: 99% Gains!


Jun 3, 2003
Today is the first day of the rest of your life! You are part of a Brotherhood that loves you and wants more than anything for you to gain. Yes, I am speaking to you, the one who wakes to a cloudy day, a dreary outlook day after day. Why is it that the sun shines but you do not feel it? Do you not know that you are worthy? Being a Brother here makes you worthy! Do you find it hard to believe? Is that what is happening? Why the lack of belief when it is all around you? Do you not believe you deserve it? Why is this? Do you lack motivation? Is it not enough to know that your fellow Brothers have succeeded? Is it not enough to know that even an inch gain can change your entire life? What is it that holds you back from gaining? Is it that PE does not work or is t because you do not believe it works?

All of these questions we all go through and the one who succeed are those who have the answers. The answers come with experience, tenacity, dedication, belief and motivation. It may seem strange that the mind could have such an effect on the body in such a way but truly it does. The mindset that we start our day will determine the accomplishments of that day. I start my day with prayer that I can do my best today with all appreciation to Jesus. This is my way of seeing every day as sunny. You too need to see every day as sunny and the forecast should always be 99% gains!

Now, do you feel as though you have a limitation that others do not have? Is there something about your body that makes it different from mine as far as gaining goes? Are you so different than the millions who visit us every year? Let me say this loud and clear, THERE ARE NO LIMITATIONS BUT THE ONES WE CREATE! The things you call limitations are simply dreams unfulfilled.

So is today going to be sunny and bright? Is today going to be the day you dedicate yourself to this awesome Brotherhood? Is today the beginning of the new you? A new mindset? A new outlook and destination? Let us know so we can help you with our trajectory, we want to be sure you hit your target!
well put Mike...too often we ignore the power held within our own mind and get distracted by all the crap that's happening around us. As men, we're taught to provide and protect our loved ones, but somewhere along the way we lose focus and get mired in:

�naked people movies�
Abusive/Unhealthy Relationships
And on and on...

We are The Movement of men taking back their place as nature intended and it starts with a single of my favorite sayings is:

"will the people saying 'it can't be done' please get out of the way of the ones that are doing it"
Big Schwanz Acht;731282 said:
well put Mike...too often we ignore the power held within our own mind and get distracted by all the crap that's happening around us. As men, we're taught to provide and protect our loved ones, but somewhere along the way we lose focus and get mired in:

�naked people movies�
Abusive/Unhealthy Relationships
And on and on...

We are The Movement of men taking back their place as nature intended and it starts with a single of my favorite sayings is:

"will the people saying 'it can't be done' please get out of the way of the ones that are doing it"

Indeed! We need to realize our true condition! We are but a needy being that feeds the flesh to avoid the spirit and this is where men become lost. Good feeling, truly righteous feelings come from a place of the Spirit, this is a place that will always leave you feeling happy, content and peaceful. When we try to avoid ourselves (Spirit within) we reach for every comfort a creature could want to escape the suffering. These are all short lived, instant gratification that will eventually lead to death of the Spirt. And then what? We are left with a carnal mind that will always be attached to things that keep us away from success. Having the right mindset and a constant appreciation for the gifts given will always lead to success.

We are truly out own worst enemy!

We need to make peace within ourselves and become vigilant in following the Spirit of success and staying far away from vices that put us in bondage.

All of these lead to death and all of these need to be fed by their own flesh! All is vanity and lust and the world has accepted it as normal, as OK, as if they did not know it was wrong. Why do I make such an extreme statement as death? Because it is true. Every one of these states above will lead to death of the body or spirit. But, we can also look at these in a positive light that leads to life, let me explain.

Gluttony, or overeating will lead to obesity which can lead to death (physically) and to death (spiritually) through depression and self hate. But is eating a bad thing? God forbid, no! Food is a beautiful thing and one we should appreciate and enjoy. On certain occasions, especially Holy Days many overeat but this is not a bad thing either. It becomes a bad thing when it is used to avoid facing yourself and what you truly are.

Lust leads to death of the body and spirit also. Lust will need to be fed by a stronger and more potent dose as time goes on. Eventually it will lead to promiscuity and risky sex, in this way one could get AIDS (death of the body). As one loses the good feeling that Lust once brought now can not get those feelings any longer (death of the spirit). But how would we find our mates if we did not lust? Lust is a beautiful thing when used in the way it was intended.

Greed could lead to death of the body because many would take risks, be dishonest, put them in the way of enemies and things could get pretty ugly pretty fast. It leads to death of the spirit as money will become your idol, not the creator who gave it to you to begin with. But is greed all bad? By no means! I would prefer to use a different word to make my point (Determination), but you understand my point. We need to make money to live and to be charitable so by all means work hard and make an honest living and if you are graced with riches be appreciative and remember what Job said "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away" Appreciation will secure your financial stability.

Sorrow. This is a very sneaky one and one that is used by the evil one to push us in the direction of failure. Sorrow leads to physical death as if it continues and manifests itself will bring you to a need to escape and that need could include suicide or very risky behavior, drug use, etc. It is death of the spirit because we no longer see the light, we are so deep in darkness it is impossible! How is sorrow a good thing? I will let St. Paul tell it "For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death."

Wrath is one that sneaks up on you too. It causes spiritual death if it is harbored as it will cause you great stress and frustration. It can cause physical death if you get into a situation with the one you are wroth with. Wrath does not seem to have a good side but it surely does. There are times when anger is necessary and life saving. Perhaps the wrath arises out of compassion for someone being abused or someone being neglected, this is when wrath is very important and it is life saving when we allow the proper channels to deal with it. I become angry at times and it is fully justified. But always remember, never go to sleep in anger, settle your self or situation first.

Vainglory (Pride), well we already know all is vanity but how does vanity kill, how does it cause spiritual and physical death? Too much pride will put you in a mental state that you are above others, if it continues you will become very egotistical and many will start to hate you. If this does not kill the spirit what would? Physical death would come out of possibly jealousy of others, malice and other spiteful emotions that could put you in the way of death. How is Pride a good thing then? Easy, when it is kept in check! Being proud of your accomplishments is a beautiful thing and a good way to keep it in check is to find pride in others accomplishments too! This is altruism at its best.

Sloth brings death of the spirit rather quickly. Becoming slothful (or lazy) builds on itself and eventually you will find yourself accomplishing nothing. being idol will also put you at risk to do even greater evil. Remember, 'idle hands are the devils workshop. But death of the body? How would sloth cause this? Just as it builds on itself it also brings other issues of Lust, Sorrow and Wrath and we already know how that ends. How can sloth be possibly good? I will let God speak to that "Keep the Lord's Day Holy" "Honor the Sabbath" In addition, after working so hard we all deserve a break, vacation, holiday, etc.

Very long write up but I wanted to put light to what you stated Big in your post.
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