Apr 16, 2012
Hey guys, I really hope I'm given a chance to speak here. First off I want to issue an apology to Redzulu, DLD, MOS in general. Sorry about offending anyone in the past, pissing off anyone. Harming anyone directly or indirectly. I'm a forgiving person in my offline life and I'm sure most of you guys are as well.

Yes, I am Stillwantmore, though I now go by hanger. Sorry about misleading anyone. I had no other way to post, was not able to reach DLD or anyone else directly. PM's and emails or phone. I guess I could have started with a post like this initially, but I wasn't sure how I would be received.

Redzulu, sorry about clampingworld. Never meant to upset you with that forum, it was not a personal attack. Just wanted to do my own thing. Has since been deleted. I never made a mention on that forum or MOS about inventing clamping. I did however, neglect to mention your contributions and those of Biggirtha and others. If I had realized how upset I would have made yourself or anyone else by not giving you credit for your contributions, I would have been more careful. I did of course invite you over to give your knowledge on clamping to that forum, but you were too busy at the time.

As far as the BIB hanger/hanger issue. Let me give some clarification from my perspective. Several years ago, when BIB was working the bugs out of the production hangers (Original, Starter later on the HC) I gave him a good amount of my own personal feedback on improvements that could be made as well as gave him the encouragement to make the Hardcore available. I therefor feel at least a partial intellectual ownership on the Hardcore which hanger is based on. I have made my own small changes. It's similar but not exact copy. I also did not go into this venture blindly. I did quite a bit of homework. First of all, let me clarify the whole "Patent" thing. BIB has marked his hangers (all three designs) "Patent Pending" for about 9 years now. This always struck me as "odd". I called two different patent attorneys and told them about this situation. According to both of them, a "Provisional Patent" which allows you to use the term "Patent Pending" on an idea only lasts 12 months. Period, end of story. It cannot be renewed, or extended for any reason on the same idea. After that 12 month window, if you have not filed for the actual patent paper work your idea is not protected under patent law. You are also committing the equivalent of fraud under patent laws by continuing to mark your idea as "Patent Pending" after that 12 month period. I actually heard a VERY interested "oh really???" from the one attorney when I mentioned how long my aquaintance had been violating the patent laws. If someone had the money and desire to pursue the issue, a person can face up to $500 in fines per incident. If a "Patent" exists, he should be marking the hangers "Patented". That's also according to the attorneys I spoke with. "IF" they are patented by some off chance again, why continue to mark them fraudulently? I have more than once asked BIB about an actual patent on any of the hanger designs over the last few years. Every time he answers, I get a very vague, beat around the bush type of answer. If I am ever shown an actual patent for the Hardcore hanger design, and it's decided that my hanger with the changes I have made (I'm still adding more small changes which will be incorporated soon) is in violation of any patent law, I will in fact stop making my hanger. Until then, I'm in the clear according to the patent attorneys. Besides, patent law cases literally take (again quoting both attorneys) several years to pursue and cost way too much money for Joe Public to mess with them. Anyone ever shot a Smith and Wesson "Sigma"? Very "similar but not identical to" the Glock pistol. Same difference. So, yes I am imitating, but definitely not duplicating one of BIB's designs which I helped evolve and encouraged him to offer for sale. Imitation is after all the most sincere form of flattery.

My main desire by offering "hanger" is to make it more widely available. I believe it is the best hanger of its type currently available. It also comes with a much simpler to follow program which involves one, 20 minute set daily in a progressive fashion. Similar to "hardcore hanging" (Thanks Dash) but with my own spin that I feel is safer and more appealing to more men. Any man with at least 4 inches in erect length can use hanger. It is a universal device otherwise. I also show men all the important steps to using hanger through instructional videos, to include a fast, easy (and completely reversible) modification to the hanger for men with 5 inches or smaller in girth. I also offer hanger at the lowest possible price I can so all men regardless of their financial situation can afford to buy it at $50.

Oh, I think I recall seeing some rumors about me being involved with "hacking" or what have you here, but I had nothing to do with it. I also do not know anyone who may have been involved.

I hope this post is allowed to be read and allowed for DLD's eyes to see it. I know MOS does not sensor content as strictly as most other Penis Enlargement forums and I appreciate that. I am being completely sincere with this post. I hope I am allowed to come back as an active member and contribute to the forum. I'm also willing to make a monthly donation as a "commercial" member if that's determined to be appropriate.
Why be cagey about this and not post under your real identity hanger? Not the greatest way to reach out to us through all the deception.

You hurt Red

You done some very bad things here, and tried to hurt DLD and by changing his posts to yours and trying to take credit for his work while he was in a weakend state and was not around, also you bashed and trashed me in my leave of absence while I was serving my country in Iraq and Afghanistan and I never hurt or harmed you in anyway.

Your not welcome here. You have been banned multiple times and I don't see that changing with this plea.
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Supra;508606 said:
You done some very bad things here, and tried to hurt DLD and by changing his posts to yours and trying to take credit for his work while he was in a weakend state and was not around, also you bashed and trashed me in my leave of absence while I was serving my country in Iraq and Afghanistan and I never hurt or harmed you in anyway.

When did I do any of that? I'd love to read it. You sure you have the right guy?
samswater;508611 said:
When did I do any of that? I'd love to read it. You sure you have the right guy?

So if you never did anything why were you banned multiple times?
Well as far as I "know" over clampingworld and not giving Redzulu his credit due at the time. When I tried to come back and apologize then under a new username I was not given a chance to do so and rebanned. I did not say I "never did anything". In fact, if you re read my first post, I acknowledged upsetting people and such. I don't recall "bashing and trashing" you. I never changed any of DLD's posts or words or took credit for them either.
Your fate is in DLD's hands now. You also trashed me in some videos I put up helping users with the size genetics vlc mod. I'm sure you don't remember doing that either...and your going to call amnesia to all your past transgressions.

I'm done talking to you.

DLD he's all yours
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I am wondering why you are making this post on our forums. Please explain why you are here? Are you here to help guys? I am kind of lost, I thought you were going out on your own to make a site and all kinds of other stuff...What happened? It's not working out on your sites so you are coming back to us to help? I am very lost here Ben, please explain yourself and your motives.
doublelongdaddy;508615 said:
I am wondering why you are making this post on our forums. Please explain why you are here? Are you here to help guys? I am kind of lost, I thought you were going out on your own to make a site and all kinds of other stuff...What happened? It's not working out on your sites so you are coming back to us to help? I am very lost here Ben, please explain yourself and your motives.

I would like to help guys, yes. The only other stuff I've been working on is this hanger. If there's ever a site or other stuff I'd let you know. So I'd like to be an active member again if I can be. I like being a part of the Penis Enlargement community. MOS is my original home and I want to come back.
Supra;508614 said:
Your fate is in DLD's hands now. You also trashed me in some videos I put up helping users with the size genetics vlc mod. I'm sure you don't remember doing that either...and your going to call amnesia to all your past transgressions.

I'm done talking to you.

DLD he's all yours

I remember trying to contact you when I saw those videos on xtube through xtube. I was trying to reach someone from MOS. Trashed you though? You're right, I must have amnesia bro. I served too, I'm sure you know that. What did I do to hurt you though, really? If I'm wrong, I do apologize. I know I've disagreed with you in the past on stuff. I'm sorry if that hurt you.
From what I take it, his site and all the shit he tried to steal from us and Red didn't work out so he a abandoned it, he's unhappy with bib, trying to copy his hanger/design and now come here and sell to our members. Now He realizes he has no where to go and market his so called "hanger" and I think is trying to take advantage of your caring nature Mike.

His motives are purely self directed and I don't see anything he can offer but harm for this site and our members.
Once a snake always a snake. Bib has a good product and your trying to knock it off. I can see right through your post and straight to the lies and motives your want to perpetuate.

You did trash me, you trashed my videos, you took advantage of MOS and DLD and Red and none of them did anything to you but help. You had greatness once but like lucifer were not happy with all God gave him and wanted more. In the same sense Mike gave you everything and a home and you did nothing but try to hurt Mike and MoS.

I personally don't hold grudges and mean you no ill will, even all you have don't I don't hate you, but your not welcome here. You burned that bridge many times. Now it's time to move on. Find something else to do and stop wasting our time with your drama. Go to �other PE site� and start over there, but your not starting over here.
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samswater;508617 said:
I remember trying to contact you when I saw those videos on xtube through xtube. I was trying to reach someone from MOS. Trashed you though? You're right, I must have amnesia bro. I served too, I'm sure you know that. What did I do to hurt you though, really? If I'm wrong, I do apologize. I know I've disagreed with you in the past on stuff. I'm sorry if that hurt you.

I'm tired of your lies already!!!! You think I'm just making this up? You trashed my videos where I was trying to help people use the size genetics and vlc. I don't care if you served, you didn't serve with me or in my war w/ my friends in iraq and Afghanistan.

Semper Fi means always faithful and that's how I live. That's not how you live so don't patronize me with "hey I served too" we have no kingsmanship. Not after what you did and have done.

Oh and do not bro me, we are not bro's or brothers.
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samswater;508623 said:
I don't need to be here to sell the hangers. I'm on eBay for that. Oh well. I tried.

So again, why did you come here? I ask because you said you would never come back here. So, why do you seek membership here again?
I was under the impression I was banned because I upset redzulu. I wanted to come back to help with hanging advice. I was doing that on pegym. BigAl found out I was SWM despite helping a ton of men with multi page topics like "Progressive Hanging Gain More in Less Time" and since hes king over there, I got banned there. He hates me too guess.
samswater;508634 said:
I was under the impression I was banned because I upset redzulu. I wanted to come back to help with hanging advice. I was doing that on pegym. BigAl found out I was SWM despite helping a ton of men with multi page topics like "Progressive Hanging Gain More in Less Time" and since hes king over there, I got banned there. He hates me too guess.

Dude this is the Internet and words like hate don't belong here, we don't hate you, at least I dont, I hate no one. But I don't like you, you can't be trusted and you have tried multiple times to screw Mike and MoS over. You were banned by DLD and DLD alone. I know mike, he does not hate you either but we don't want you here, we have made that clear and you made it clear you were never coming back.

Any advice about hanging now is directed by DLD, Dash myself and other active members here. We don't need another chief.

Don't use words like hate to draw sympathy man. What happened happened and is on you not us. It's time to move on, there is nothing left here for you to do. You made your contributions be happy with that and move on with your life I think the words "I want to help others" is really just a ploy that your the one who needs us and our help, not the other way around. Everything is great here since you left and we have grown in more ways than you know and in member size. Our members are loyal, helpful and we love them for that.

Why can't you just move on, sometimes it's better to move on then just keep digging up the past. I wish you the best, but not here, move on, do something else besides Penis Enlargement, it sounds like its taken over your life and it's all you have, that's not healthy Ben and having you here is not going to help any of us.

Just make peace with what happened as we did and move on. Best of luck
samswater;508604 said:
As far as the BIB hanger/hanger issue. Let me give some clarification from my perspective. Several years ago, when BIB was working the bugs out of the production hangers (Original, Starter later on the HC) I gave him a good amount of my own personal feedback on improvements that could be made as well as gave him the encouragement to make the Hardcore available. I therefor feel at least a partial intellectual ownership on the Hardcore which hanger is based on. I have made my own small changes. It's similar but not exact copy. I also did not go into this venture blindly. I did quite a bit of homework. First of all, let me clarify the whole "Patent" thing. BIB has marked his hangers (all three designs) "Patent Pending" for about 9 years now. This always struck me as "odd". I called two different patent attorneys and told them about this situation. According to both of them, a "Provisional Patent" which allows you to use the term "Patent Pending" on an idea only lasts 12 months. Period, end of story. It cannot be renewed, or extended for any reason on the same idea. After that 12 month window, if you have not filed for the actual patent paper work your idea is not protected under patent law. You are also committing the equivalent of fraud under patent laws by continuing to mark your idea as "Patent Pending" after that 12 month period. I actually heard a VERY interested "oh really???" from the one attorney when I mentioned how long my aquaintance had been violating the patent laws. If someone had the money and desire to pursue the issue, a person can face up to $500 in fines per incident. If a "Patent" exists, he should be marking the hangers "Patented". That's also according to the attorneys I spoke with. "IF" they are patented by some off chance again, why continue to mark them fraudulently? I have more than once asked BIB about an actual patent on any of the hanger designs over the last few years. Every time he answers, I get a very vague, beat around the bush type of answer. If I am ever shown an actual patent for the Hardcore hanger design, and it's decided that my hanger with the changes I have made (I'm still adding more small changes which will be incorporated soon) is in violation of any patent law, I will in fact stop making my hanger. Until then, I'm in the clear according to the patent attorneys. Besides, patent law cases literally take (again quoting both attorneys) several years to pursue and cost way too much money for Joe Public to mess with them. Anyone ever shot a Smith and Wesson "Sigma"? Very "similar but not identical to" the Glock pistol. Same difference. So, yes I am imitating, but definitely not duplicating one of BIB's designs which I helped evolve and encouraged him to offer for sale. Imitation is after all the most sincere form of flattery.

My main desire by offering "hanger" is to make it more widely available. I believe it is the best hanger of its type currently available. It also comes with a much simpler to follow program which involves one, 20 minute set daily in a progressive fashion. Similar to "hardcore hanging" (Thanks Dash) but with my own spin that I feel is safer and more appealing to more men. Any man with at least 4 inches in erect length can use hanger. It is a universal device otherwise. I also show men all the important steps to using hanger through instructional videos, to include a fast, easy (and completely reversible) modification to the hanger for men with 5 inches or smaller in girth. I also offer hanger at the lowest possible price I can so all men regardless of their financial situation can afford to buy it at $50.

Oh, I think I recall seeing some rumors about me being involved with "hacking" or what have you here, but I had nothing to do with it. I also do not know anyone who may have been involved.

I hope this post is allowed to be read and allowed for DLD's eyes to see it. I know MOS does not sensor content as strictly as most other Penis Enlargement forums and I appreciate that. I am being completely sincere with this post. I hope I am allowed to come back as an active member and contribute to the forum. I'm also willing to make a monthly donation as a "commercial" member if that's determined to be appropriate.


You don't know me because I've been lurking around all the Penis Enlargement forums for years, but I've seen you around on a lot of them this whole time. I just want to give you an outside perspective from someone who hasn't been close to you like the others around here have been in the past.

I think you should reread what you wrote. You probably feel like you're being sincere, and maybe you're denying it to yourself, but your true intentions are clear. And it's not "I want to be a productive member of the community again."

You made up excuses for your past without any hint of remorse. You then endorsed the product that you've been selling as if it's no big deal. "Hey guys, I've changed, I'm not here to endorse my product, which is more efficient and easier to use than ever all for the low low cost of $$$!"

Normally people don't claim ownership over something that isn't theirs just because they gave feedback to the creator. They also don't go seek legal advice over the situation. This created a lot of unnecessary drama. If you felt that your feedback was valid, instead of trying to profit off of this you should've been doing this for free.

You can clearly see the frustration in the responses that you're getting, but you might not understand why. The posters are worried about you.
Supra is right, your life has turned into Penis Enlargement itself. Don't you remember a time where your life wasn't about hanging, or trying to profit off of the idea of hanging? You've convinced yourself that you're helping others by doing this, but it's damaging you.

I think, perhaps, that if you really want to change, and that you're really sincere, you need to work on getting over what happened with Bib, and drop the situation with the hanger.

But if those are the things you want to stay with, you should say goodbye to the Penis Enlargement community. You can't have both, it's a toxic relationship for all to be involved.

Just my two cents. I want to help others too, by showing them that Penis Enlargement works.
TreasureHunter;508653 said:

You don't know me because I've been lurking around all the Penis Enlargement forums for years, but I've seen you around on a lot of them this whole time. I just want to give you an outside perspective from someone who hasn't been close to you like the others around here have been in the past.

I think you should reread what you wrote. You probably feel like you're being sincere, and maybe you're denying it to yourself, but your true intentions are clear. And it's not "I want to be a productive member of the community again."

You made up excuses for your past without any hint of remorse. You then endorsed the product that you've been selling as if it's no big deal. "Hey guys, I've changed, I'm not here to endorse my product, which is more efficient and easier to use than ever all for the low low cost of $$$!"

Normally people don't claim ownership over something that isn't theirs just because they gave feedback to the creator. They also don't go seek legal advice over the situation. This created a lot of unnecessary drama. If you felt that your feedback was valid, instead of trying to profit off of this you should've been doing this for free.

You can clearly see the frustration in the responses that you're getting, but you might not understand why. The posters are worried about you.
Supra is right, your life has turned into Penis Enlargement itself. Don't you remember a time where your life wasn't about hanging, or trying to profit off of the idea of hanging? You've convinced yourself that you're helping others by doing this, but it's damaging you.

I think, perhaps, that if you really want to change, and that you're really sincere, you need to work on getting over what happened with Bib, and drop the situation with the hanger.

But if those are the things you want to stay with, you should say goodbye to the Penis Enlargement community. You can't have both, it's a toxic relationship for all to be involved.

Just my two cents. I want to help others too, by showing them that Penis Enlargement works.

No such truer words could be spoken from an outside non bipartisan party.
Thank you for you clarity, observatios and then a decisive decision based on the facts before you.

Glad to have met you and glad your party of this wonderful community
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TreasureHunter;508653 said:
Just my two cents. I want to help others too, by showing them that Penis Enlargement works.

They are worth four now:)

Let us look at a overall picture from different perspectives and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in a culture I am largely a part of creating. I will use myself as an example as no one els will state my position but me. We can critique this to death but nuts for nuts, it is pretty much accurate.

I emerged into the internet scene at the same time Stillwantmore was. This was in the early 2000's. I became semi successful with a picture taking site with my girlfriend Jen ( no longer open. This is when I met Stillwantmore, as he was posting pictures of a girl he was dating. Anyway, we both ended up on perform, no longer around nut at the time it was the premiere Penis Enlargement forum with only one competitor, Thundersplace. Peforum was a very busy forum, much like MOS, that was frequennted by some of the originators in this culture. People like Bib, BigAl (the owner of peforum) Tom Hubbard (I think he owned T's Place at the time, Uli, Horse, Luvdadus, whatever, there was a really good core group of men who went to the forums. I eventually became a moderator for Peforum's, it was an honor and I earned this status through the innovations I had brought to the Penis Enlargement World. MOS was noty a site yet.

About this time I was sent an email by Thunder asking me to join and post on his site, Thundersplace, he promised me a mod position. I am not sure on the timing but I went from member to moderator inside of a month, maybe less. I was posting in both forums but an awful incident destroyed much of the Peforum data base, a purging accident, that cost the forum it's members. Ironically, the same thing happened to Thiundersplace last month and they lost a lot of data, members and other issues. This is pretty much a death sentence for a forum. Backing up is KING. Backup EVERYDAY! Back up TWICE A DAY!

BigAl, although going through the massive loss of data went on to form pegym which is very successful on many levels. Al is a dear friend and he has always been a moderator here at Matters of Size since day one. In many ways AL helped me stay in this business, if it were not for him I may have given up during the DLD/Thunder Conflict (which still ranks as the highest position thread on Thundersplace when you search that string in Google. search for: Thundersplace results:
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Amazing, how much damage can a man do with his penis? :) Anyway, my history was very clear and extremely organized from that day, the thread was posted on �other PE site� 06-02-2003, 01:12 PM Since that date my past is easily traced from the date: June 3, 2003 12:00...about 12 hours later MOS was open and things changed forever!

I have never made any illusion of myself or held any information back from my members, or even the public for that matter. My signature alone contains not only my agenda and my affiliates, it also gives a clear media history, rich with honesty and accurate critique. I put myself out there, it did what Thunder, Al or any other site owner was willing to do, I allowed GQ Magazine into my home for a public measuring. In addition, my signature gives clear instruction to making the fastest gains you can make...Penis EnlargementRIOD. How much do I profit if someone takes my advice? After the bills are paid I would walk way with $80! That is on a full purchase of everything! It is pulic, I don't hide it, I never have. And when I need money and sales are down I can ask the forum. It has happened a few times over the years when MOS struggled. No illusions, public for all to see. In many cases I paid the money back as I became increasingly successful with MOS.

Now, lets take my $80 (back in the channel4 documentary it was $50:) of course, public record). Do I deserve the $80? You guys need to tell me because if my value to you is not in the order of this much money I will shoot myself in the head with my uziView attachment 26049. I pretty much gave every day, since that date to the free Matters of Size Forums. I have invented more exercises, routines and equipment than any other contributor, all traceable history.

Traceable history, it follows you and no matter where you go. You are held accountable to what you say. You become accountable to measurements that you have claimed. In the scenario we all share HISTORY REIGNS SUPREME! I would rather be honest with you guys then misrepresent anything! MOS is quite literally, in this form exactly, An Earned Seat in a Brotherhood of a very select few. The job here? One thing and one thing only, creating bigger, better, fatter, longer cocks for anyone who wants to learn. How much do I make? Well, if we consider AlphaBlade and it's cost and burden upon me and my current projects, I have enough to eat and live a decent life with my family. I have a few nice things that are mine, earned, paid for. I still live in the same ghetto apartment I did when Ben came to visit me. A time he would try to use against me in the forums here!

There is no illusion to my mental disfunction and I certainly wear my heart on my sleeve but during a very venerable time in my life, when my bi-polar was in manic mode, Ben came to visit me along with another forum member. Anyway I needed some space and Ben and the other guy did not want to leave me a lone so I had to punch Ben in the face, to stop him from following me. That was the last time I saw him. I was hospitalized, got back to the forums to find Ben trying to drag our personal experience into the general public. Very low, low indeed.

Since that time he has come back and left and made appearances here and there under alias names. I actually allowed Stillwantmore2 after Ben apologized for some shit. I even re-modded him. I mean I was very forgiving. ANd even in this, well the rest is history too. Redzulu, Clampers World, the whole leaving MOS and trying, and I me trying, to fuck with my webstats? Do you realize how fucking powerful MOS is? The members? The post? The Threads? The History? All I need to do is change an opinion on a and it changes the game for the entire business. Did you really think I was going to allow you to use MOS as a advertisement for something Red worked so hard for? Look Ben, BigAl is still my friend, Jaz is still my friend, I have been in this business a long time and I will say it again....MOS is not to be fucked with. All I neded to do is change a few keywords and your attempts to affect MOS and Redzulu were Stiffled. Your traffic must have been around 3 people a day. At least you did not lie about that like �other PE site� does...Members Online Who's Online: 1079 (143 members and 936 guests)! Nigga Please...give up on those lies, let people see who is really online Thunder!

Anyway, I wish you, Bib, Thunder and every other business man out there GOOD LUCK! If you care enough about your members you will become successful. If you are something different than this, well it is apparent.

Now runoff, like the rest of the haters and call me a fake, a fraud or whatever other name, you or my adversaries have for me.

I will let my public deal with you and your fate here at MOS.


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You know after a lot of thought you guys are right. I need to get away from the forums and just focus on my own thing. Thanks I needed this.
samswater;508663 said:
You know after a lot of thought you guys are right. I need to get away from the forums and just focus on my own thing. Thanks I needed this.

We only want the best for you as I have stated and Mike has stated. I'm glad you realize you need to refocus and move on with your life, we wish you the best.
Take care and best of luck.
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