
Sep 26, 2007
I've been looking at products on the internet have narrowed them down to a few. I want to get an extender and/or a pump combined with patches or pills. Out of these which seem to yield the most results with the best comfort. Should I get a pump or an extender? Should I use pathces or pills? I will combine these with exercises as well.

Extender- Sizegenetics, Vimax, Pro-extender, Enhance RX, Static Stretcher
Pump- Vacu-tech, Dr. Kaplan's
Patches- Pro-enhance
Pills- Vimax, Prosolution, any other recommendations
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If you want more length I'd choose an extender, probably the SS out of that list. Pumping is pretty incredible though. As far as patches and pills, you can get much cheaper pills than those marketed as Penis Enlargement pills. Look at the ingredients of all those products, if you buy in bulk you can get them MUCH cheaper and delivered right to your door (purchasing online).
So which seems to be getting the best reviews pumping or extenders? I want to add 2" length and girth. As far as finding cheaper patches or pills can you direct me to a place?
Let's get some more opinions in here!!
Funnel your money into something that will actually increase the size, such as things that act directly on the penis (pump, hanger, extender). Honestly, if I were just starting out, I'd rather get an extender (SS is my #1 out of your options in my opinion) than a pump. However, at my stage now I'd choose a pump over an extender.

A hanger might be a better option though, you just never know. It's a hard decision for me to have to decide for you, ultimately it'll come down to what you want. Is length or girth taking precedence? How much money do you have to spend? I'd need more info.
I really want a little of both worlds, but I guess right now length takes precendence. As for money I want the best deal I can possibly get, but I was thinking around $150 or so...really don't know. See I don't know where to begin....right now I am at 5 1/2" length don't know girth but I am assuming average. Are there any recommendations as far as other options than a static stretcher? What is a hanger? Basically can you direct me to this best deal?
Slickg;280378 said:
I really want a little of both worlds, but I guess right now length takes precendence. As for money I want the best deal I can possibly get, but I was thinking around $150 or so...really don't know. See I don't know where to begin....right now I am at 5 1/2" length don't know girth but I am assuming average. Are there any recommendations as far as other options than a static stretcher? What is a hanger? Basically can you direct me to this best deal?

If you're just starting out I'd start with the newbie routine and stick with it for a few months and READ READ READ everything on this site that you can. I wouldn't buy anything until you were really well aware of what you were getting into. I know you have this thought, most likely, that buying something will make you gain faster, especially at the newbie stage. These products do not necessarily make you gain faster and can even set you back if you don't know what you are doing. I'd stick with manual exercises for a while.

But if you want to know the cheapest Penis Enlargement device, that'd be the Cable Clamp.
I am not starting out though, I have done exercises, although not consistently, for almost 6 months now. I have seen a slight difference in appearance, but nothing to brag over. I noticed you said the static stretcher would be my best bet as far as an extender, or do you recommend something else? I have been looking at these products as well...

Don't know about the last one, but wondered if you had heard of it. I was thinking of getting the first two along with the static stretcher (or other recommendation). Anyways let me know what you recommend? Others feel free to chime in too....
You can make your own JELQ device for under $10. Mirro jar lifter + pipe insulation, pretty simple. I wouldn't buy any of the non-Penis Enlargement devices, such as pills or patches, which aren't nearly as helpful as actual Penis Enlargement devices.

As far as bonded labs:
2 Bottles (2 Months Supply – 360 DROPS (4 0Z.)
A $299.90 VALUE for ONLY $240.00!

Wow, what fucking idiot would buy that? Seems that they can rip off thousands of guys and get mad $$$ in the process. Don't fall for it. Great idea on their part, but it's an immoral business.

Pills, patches, whatever, won't increase your size. Save your money for real devices.
I'll check into making my own jelqer, you don't have any links to instructions for that do you? Also as far as the extender, should I stick with the staic stretcher or do you recommend another product? By the way man I appreciate the advice...
Thanks man....but can we get some other moderators in here that might be able to make such a comparison? ?:(
Also just to reclarify, you believe that an extender is more beneficial than a pump as far as overall gains?
Slickg;280670 said:
Also just to reclarify, you believe that an extender is more beneficial than a pump as far as overall gains?

No. I have no clue, everyone is different. You will most likely gain more length out of the extender though. Pumping is more for girth. You can gain both length and girth from both though. I'd go with an extender right now and make the pump secondary. The thing with pumping is you MUST be consistent. It's easier to wear something for hours without having to do anything, which is what the SS would entail.
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