Jun 3, 2003
1: Because our society embraces a wide range of sexual attitudes and values, it is characterized as:
sexually repressive
sexually permissive

2: Efforts to understand sexuality throughout the world have occurred primarily because of:
an increased interest in anthropology
efforts to create a global economy
the AIDS epidemic
concerns about declining morality

3: In Islamic Pakistan, the Hudood Ordinance:
forbids kissing between males and females
allows a man to offer his wife to visitors
permits sexual experimentation between young children
grants more credibility to the testimony of men in a court of law

4: The Hebrew bible permitted:
homosexual relations

5: Hebrew wives who committed adultery were punished by:
a penance
a stiff fine

6: The ancient Hebrews and Greek were alike in that both:
a valued family life
permitted sexual relations only within a marriage.
condemned homosexual relations.
had a great admiration for the human body.

7: The ancient Greeks viewed men and women as:

8: Early Christian views on sexuality were largely shaped by:
Julius Caesar and Homer.
Aristotle and Socrates
Moses and Jesus
Saint Paul and Saint Augustine

9: Which of the following ideas most influenced early Christian views of sexuality?
Jesus' idea that love and tolerance are paramount in human relations.
Augustine's idea that sexual lust began with the original sin of Adam and Eve.
Paul's idea that is was "better to marry than to burn"
Moses' idea that sex is reserved for procreation alone.

10: The Kama Sutra reflected:
the Hindu belief that sex was a religious duty.
the Taoist belief in yin and yang.
the Medieval belied in courtly love.
the Islamic belief in polygamy.

11: Queen Victoria's name is associated with:
sexual repression
sexual expressiveness
courtly love

12: In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, physicians in the United States:
believed that sexual activity promoted better health
thought sexual activity drained men of fluids essential to health.
recognized that women derived great pleasure from sexual activity.
recommended frequent intercourse.

13: The first scientific study of sexual behavior in the United States was conducted by:
Masters and Johnson
Alfred Kinsey
D.H. Lawrence
Richard von Kraft-Ebing

14: Alfred Kinsey is credited with:
making sex research a scientifically respectable field of study.
the first statistically valid studies of human sexuality.
the idea that homosexuality is a deviant sexual behavior.
recognizing that humans throughout the world engage in very similar sexual behavior.

15: Which of the following is true regarding the sexual behaviors of all societies?
All societies accept masturbation as part of the normal expression of sexuality.
All societies have some form of incest taboo.
All societies now accept premarital or casual sex as part of sexual expression.
All societies accept homosexual behavior as a normal variant of sexuality.

16: It can be said that all societies:
believe that biology is destiny.
have similar moral codes regulating sexual behavior.
are more common than different in their sexual practices.
regulate sexual behavior in some fashion

17: Ethnocentrism is the tendency to:
accept diversity across cultures.
judge other cultures by one's own cultural standards.
disregard the relativity of normalcy.
adopt a European standard and judge all cultures by that standard.

18: According to Freud, the id:
represents reason and good sense.
houses the biologically based drives or instincts.
seeks socially appropriate outlets for satisfying drives.
contains the moral conscience

19: According to behavioral theory, sexual dysfunction in adulthood result from:
repression of sexual feelings
fixation in one of the psychosexual stages of development
learned associations between sexual stimulation and feelings of anxiety
observational learning

20: According to sociocultural studies in the United States, which is a liberalizing influence on sexual behavior?
a college education
being a member of the Hispanic race
belonging to a Catholic church or Orthodox Jewish synagogue
being an Asian American

21: In order to label a sexual behavior as deviant, it must deviate from:
a universal norm
descriptions of moral behavior
a cultural norm
religiously sanctioned behavior

22: A representative sample is defined as a group of subjects who:
accurately reflect the population.
volunteer to be in a research study.
represent at least 75% of the population.
represent some but not all demographics.

23: In sex research, case studies have been especially helpful in:
developing new varieties of sexual techniques.
identifying the social barriers encountered by homosexuals.
treating sexual dysfunctions.
recording ethnic differences in sexual responsiveness.

24: The National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) was intended to gain specific information that might be used to:
predict and prevent the spread of HIV
study the treatment of sexual dysfunctions.
understand ethnic differences in sexual practices.
stop the spread of �naked people movies� materials.

25: Of studies cited in your text, the most statistically sound are the :
Janus Report and the Kinsey studies.
NHSLS and the Hite Reports.
Kinsey studies and the NHSLS.
the Hite Reports and the Janus Report.

26: The Kinsey studies were criticized, in part because the interviewers:
miscalculated the statistical information
were inadequately trained
displayed observer bias
were all male

27: In survey research, which of the following can happen when subjects attempt to give a socially desirable response?
misinterpretation of meaning
volunteer bias

28: In naturalistic observation, scientists:
manipulate a variable and observe its effects on a second variable
interview subjects about their attitudes and lifestyle
learn about people's behavior by directly interacting with them.
watch the behavior of animals and humans where it happens

29: Anthropologist Margaret Mead reported on the customs of various peoples of New Guinea. The type of research she conducted is:
ethnographic research.
experimental research
laboratory observation
survey research

30: The first researchers to report direct laboratory observations of couples engaged in sexual activity were:
Kinsey and his colleagues.
Masters and Johnson
Ford and Beach
Kinsey and Hunt

31: The strength and direction of the relationship between two variables is expressed with a statistic called the:
central tendency
correlation coefficient
standard deviation
selection factor

32: Informed consent implies that:
individuals are informed about procedures, purpose, risks, and benefits involved in the research.
once individuals agree to participate, they must follow through and complete the study.
individuals are informed about the purpose, risks and benefits, but not procedures.
participants are told about the benefits of the research.

33: When a researcher intentionally does not inform the subject of the true nature of the study because it would alter the outcomes of the study, the researcher is using:

34: The American Psychological Association has established a set of ethical principles for research with human subjects. As a result, experimenters are required to give subjects a complete description of the experiment prior to participation. This ethical principle is called:
freedom from coercion
informed consent

35: The labia majora:
are the large fleshy folds on each side of the vaginal opening.
come together to form the hood covering the clitoris
are the thinner, inner folds of flesh just outside the vaginal opening
have few nerve endings and are relatively insensitive to stimulation

36: The labia minora:
are insensitive to sexual stimulation.
join to form the prepuce.
are relatively uniform in size in all women.
surround the anal opening.

37: The clitoris and penis:
develop from different embryonic tissues.
are homologous in structure.
are both involved in reproduction.
are analogous in function.

38: In many Islamic cultures, clitoridectomy:
ensures chastity.
is a form of punisHydromaxent.
is authorized by the Koran.
is a rite of initiation into womanhood.

39: The inner two-thirds of the vagina:
is highly innervate and sensitive.
narrows in width.
is smoother than the outer one-third.
in insensitive to touch.

40: The spongy body that runs along the bottom or ventral surface of the penis is the:
corpus spongiosum.
urethral meatus
corpora cavernosa

41: The copora cavernosa
separate the glans from the shaft of the penis.
are cylinders of spongy tissue that lie side by side in the penis.
is a thin strip of tissue on the underside of the penis.
are the muscles that regulate the position of the penis.

42: Male circumcision began as a :
means to increase sexual pleasure.
way to increase health.
religious rite.
means to decrease the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

43: The average erect penis is about:
3-4 inches in length.
4-6 inches in length.
5-7 inches in length.
6-8 inches in length.

44: Why is the length of a man's penis largely unrelated to sexual satisfaction?
Women can only achieve orgasm through direct clitoral stimulation.
The majority of women do not like deep penetration.
Only the other one-third of the vagina is highly innervated.
The inner vagina is so highly innervated that excessive stimulation can be painful.

45: Typically, how much cooler than body temperature is scrotal temperature?
2-4 degrees
5-6 degrees
7-9 degrees
9-11 degrees

46: In the male aging process, testosterone levels
stay the same
begin to fall around age 30
decline to about half by age 80
decline to about one-third by age 50.

47: The main function of the epididymus is
to manufacture sperm
to release testosterone
to house mature sperm
to provide passage out of the body.

48: In terms of erection, as men age
the autonomic nervous system is no longer working as efficiently.
they require more direct stimulation of the penis to achieve erection.
very little changes in their ability to achieve and maintain an erection.
they rely less on tactile stimulation and more on psychogenic means to achieve an erection.

49: In males, orgasm and ejaculation
always occur at the same time
always occur together unless a male is experiencing retrograde ejaculation
generally occur together but are a separate physiological events.
occur together once a male reaches puberty.

50: Which statement is true regarding visual cues in human sexual arousal?
Both men and women can become sexually aroused by visual stimuli
Mean are much more sexually aroused by visual stimuli than women.
Women are more visually oriented than men.
Visual stimuli do not play an important role for either men or women.

51: Marietta has begun dating a young man from a foreign country. He had asked her not to wear perfume or hairsprays because they mask her feminine scent. Marietta finds this strange. What should you tell her?
Her boyfriend is probably a very controlling person.
Natural body odors are sexually stimulating in some cultures.
There is no evidence that smell is important in human sexual arousal.
Natural body odors are a sexual turn-off in the majority of the world's cultures.

52: Research suggests that women's menstrual cycles can become synchronized when they are exposed to each other's:
menstrual blood.
vaginal secretions.
nasal secretions.

53: Which sense has the most direct effect on sexual arousal and responsiveness?

54: Decreases in elephant and rhinoceros populations can be partially attributed to myths about the aphrodisiac properties of their

55: Viagra was originally developed as a treatment for
enlarged prostate

56: The most potent chemical aphrodisiac is
amly nitrate

57: Which is true regarding testosterone?
In males a small amount of testosterone is secreted by the testes and a large amount is secreted by the adrenal glands.
In both males and females, testosterone is produced in the pituitary gland and released by the adrenal glands.
In females estrogen and progesterone mask or cancel out the little testosterone that is produced.
Testosterone is secreted in small amounts by the adrenal glands in both genders, but in larger amounts by the testes.

58: In the sexual response cycle, mytonia refers to
increased respiration
blood pressure spikes
dilation of the blood vessels.
muscle tension.

59: The second phase of Masters and Johnson's sexual response cycle is the
resolution phase
refractory phase
plateau phase
orgasmic phase

60: In females, vasocongestion swells the clitoris, flattens the labia majora, and increases the sizes of the labia in the
excitement phase
plateau phase
orgasmic phase
resolution phase

61: The term "sex skin" refers to
a darkening of the labia to a deep wine color
the darkening of vaginal secretions during orgasm
dilation of the capillaries in the skin
the flow of blood to the vaginal area during sexual stimulation

62: Orgasm in the female results in contractions of the
vaginal barrel, uterus, and anal sphincter
uterus only
vaginal barrel and urethral bulb
uterus and urethra

63: The term "refractory period" refers to the
relaxation and drowsiness that follows orgasm and leads to sleep
return of the labia and orgasmic platform to an unexcited state.
post-orgasmic period when men cannot be restimulated to erection.
period where both men's and women's bodies return to an unstimulated state.

64: The G-spot is believed to be
deep within the vagina on the posterior wall
about 1 to 2 inches from the vaginal entrance on the anterior wall of the vagina.
near the cervix on the posterior wall of the vagina.
about 5-6 inches from the vaginal entrance on the anterior wall of the vagina.

65: Sexual differentiation of gonads, genital ducts, and external genitals begins about
seven weeks after conception
nine weeks after conception
twelve weeks after conception
fifteen weeks after conception

66: Most children acquire a firm sense of gender identity by the age of

67: According to the text, transsexuals usually
show cross-gender preferences in play and dress early in childhood
have very rigid notions of gender and the behaviors associated with gender
are aware of their transsexual feelings very early in childhood
do not show cross-gender preferences in play or dress until adolescence

68: Gender identity is defined as
the roles or behaviors we personally identify with our sex
an individual's self-concept of masculinity or femininity
a culture's broad expectations of men and women
the stereotypical behaviors associated with male or femaleness in a culture

69: Which of the following is a stereotype frequently used to describe women?

70: Which of the following is a stereotype frequently used to describe to men?

71: In terms of gender and verbal ability
females are superior at verbal skills across the life span
early studies found no differences in abilities, but recent studies find females superior at verbal skills
recent studies found no overall gender differences but boys are slower to develop language skills
males excel in verbal abilities until adolescence when females begin to excel.

72: Gender differences in intellectual abilities are best explained by
differences in innate ability
differences in temperament
differences in development
differences in cultural expectations

73: To Anika, a five-year old, it is clear that girls do not play football, climb trees, hit others or play "Army". Instead, girls play "Barbie", school, draw, or play hopscotch. According to Sandra Bem, Anika can be described as
sexually differentiated
having a self-concept that is inconsistent with cultural views of femaleness.
being highly gender-schematic
having low self-esteem

74: Psychological androgeny is a term used to describe
males who display more feminine than masculine traits
males and females who display high assertion and instrumental skills
females who display more masculine than feminine traits
males and females who display both masculine and feminine traits

75: Psychologically androgenous persons tend to have
higher self esteem than people who are masculine or undifferentiated
lower self esteem than persons who are undifferentiated
higher self esteem than people who are feminine or undifferentiated
lower self esteem than persons who are feminine.
44: Why is the length of a man's penis largely unrelated to sexual satisfaction?
Women can only achieve orgasm through direct clitoral stimulation.
The majority of women do not like deep penetration.
Only the other one-third of the vagina is highly innervated.
The inner vagina is so highly innervated that excessive stimulation can be painful.

That one scores a 10 on the BS meter.
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