
Mar 17, 2009
In may 2012 I did not achieve the results which I expeceted and I got extremely depressed. I told my parents about Penis Enlargement (for the first time since I started 4 years ago) and went for the 3 psychoteraphy sessions.

Nothing helped so I went back to Penis Enlargement in july 2012 - the difference this time is that my parents know about it and might suspect me doing it.

Now, each night for the next 7-8 months I have to do Penis Enlargement at night and hope that my mother will not notice my shireking bed and will not start moaning like: you should think about your future life not this !! etc. I'm going to piuck :(

NEVER, NEVER NEVER !!!! tell your parents about Penis Enlargement
I tought that telling my parents might overcome my burning desire to reach my 6 inches (15,24 cm) - now my penis is 14 cm but I fear suicide.
I have 3 options:

a) 1 year psychoteraphy
b) do Penis Enlargement and reach my goal
c) suicide
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Change your avatar name to something more positive.Visitor means you have one foot here in Penis Enlargement and the other one out the door already!
If you are thinking about suicide because your dick is not big enough you may be depressed mentally and need medication to rebalance your brain chemistry ...go see your family doctor on your own ,not with your parents.

We can all feel negative about our dick size but thinking about killing ourselves over it is an extreme thought pattern which IMO suggests depression.Please take care of yourself in this way and check it out with a doctor not a shrink.

You can also start changing your negative thought patterns around your penis right now dude.
Find some things you like about your dick and focus on those rather than the negatives!
Like for one...your dick is already average or a bit above.Some dudes start with less than that and they overcome everything and grow a big cock!

Good luck to you...most of the guys on this site are here for you so ask for help from someone you feel a connection with ...send them a PM.

The_Visitor;493443 said:
In may 2012 I did not achieve the results which I expeceted and I got extremely depressed. I told my parents about Penis Enlargement (for the first time since I started 4 years ago) and went for the 3 psychoteraphy sessions.

Nothing helped so I went back to Penis Enlargement in july 2012 - the difference this time is that my parents know about it and might suspect me doing it.

Now, each night for the next 7-8 months I have to do Penis Enlargement at night and hope that my mother will not notice my shireking bed and will not start moaning like: you should think about your future life not this !! etc. I'm going to piuck :(

NEVER, NEVER NEVER !!!! tell your parents about Penis Enlargement
I tought that telling my parents might overcome my burning desire to reach my 6 inches (15,24 cm) - now my penis is 14 cm but I fear suicide.
I have 3 options:

a) 1 year psychoteraphy
b) do Penis Enlargement and reach my goal
c) suicide
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Yo if you have a small dick there are still 500 other things you can do in life in which penis size play no factor!!
I'm serious, pick up some major passions or interests, and dick size won't encompass your life. The things I care about most in my life have nothing to do with dick size. Be a man, you must act as such regardless of the size of your dick. Lift weights, get a (serious) hobby, explore the world man, I hate to be harsh but don't be a fuckin pussy, you have to go hard!
Passion overcomes defeatism, and you are certainly letting yourself down. Fuck that!

What is 14 cm in inches? What is your routine?
With hard work and dedication even someone with bastard genetics can achieve a bigger better penis.
Feeling sorry for yourself gets you nowhere.

The_Visitor;493443 said:
In may 2012 I did not achieve the results which I expeceted and I got extremely depressed. I told my parents about Penis Enlargement (for the first time since I started 4 years ago) and went for the 3 psychoteraphy sessions.

Nothing helped so I went back to Penis Enlargement in july 2012 - the difference this time is that my parents know about it and might suspect me doing it.

Now, each night for the next 7-8 months I have to do Penis Enlargement at night and hope that my mother will not notice my shireking bed and will not start moaning like: you should think about your future life not this !! etc. I'm going to piuck :(

NEVER, NEVER NEVER !!!! tell your parents about Penis Enlargement
I tought that telling my parents might overcome my burning desire to reach my 6 inches (15,24 cm) - now my penis is 14 cm but I fear suicide.
I have 3 options:

a) 1 year psychoteraphy
b) do Penis Enlargement and reach my goal
c) suicide

Choose b) and add d) stop being such a pussy
Those are basically the two options I had to choose and they seem to be working nicely for me.
What does suicide have to do with any of this? I am more concerned with your mental state than I am about your Penis Enlargement. What is going on inside of you that makes you feel suicidal? There has to be more than your parents knowing about Penis Enlargement. You sound very frustrated and I think you want to tell us what is really going on, so please, let us know. You can't fix the mind with a bigger penis, I promise you this.
What does suicide have to do with any of this? I am more concerned with your mental state than I am about your Penis Enlargement. What is going on inside of you that makes you feel suicidal? There has to be more than your parents knowing about Penis Enlargement. You sound very frustrated and I think you want to tell us what is really going on, so please, let us know. You can't fix the mind with a bigger penis, I promise you this.
If the suicide option you mentioned is genuine, then I will be blunt. The some of the replies are hardly supportive and to be fair quite ruthless and should be ignored. There is nothing un-manly about coming to terms that you need help and props coming here and being honest about how you feel, ignore what the others have said, you have made a big step. Sadly however much some people may be able to give you views here, you need to go see a proper doctor.

Dickleacker hit the nail on the head. If it really is that serious that you are contemplating about suicide then go see a doctor that can help you. I know its easier said than done but sorting your head out should be your main priority, once you have some support with that then think about starting back at Penis Enlargement.

Half of the Penis Enlargement road is based on mental mood, I can appreciate how important this is for you but sometimes you have to take one step back to take one step forward.

On a side note your penis size is completely average (5.5/6"), there is nothing wrong with it at all.
Death is never an option!
You must have some dreams, goals and things you like. How is your daily life?
Do NOT solely depend on Penis Enlargement and live only for this. You should have more things to work on, which will broaden you view and get your morale up.
Start with creating a positive mindset and realise that you can achieve everything.

14 cm is not small at all, plus you are 1,24cm from you goal. I'm still working to get 1.2" for my final length goal.
I don't know when I will get it, but I don't give up... because I want it really bad and know that it is possible!
Start a progress thread and we will all help you!!! Do it NOW! If you work hard for it and be consistent, you will be succesful!
I'm no Penis Enlargement-vet... but I will post frequently in your thread and try to help you to 6"! LETS DO IT!!!!!!!
pUNKY;493473 said:
If the suicide option you mentioned is genuine, then I will be blunt. The some of the replies are hardly supportive and to be fair quite ruthless and should be ignored. There is nothing un-manly about coming to terms that you need help and props coming here and being honest about how you feel, ignore what the others have said, you have made a big step. Sadly however much some people may be able to give you views here, you need to go see a proper doctor.

Dickleacker hit the nail on the head. If it really is that serious that you are contemplating about suicide then go see a doctor that can help you. I know its easier said than done but sorting your head out should be your main priority, once you have some support with that then think about starting back at Penis Enlargement.

Half of the Penis Enlargement road is based on mental mood, I can appreciate how important this is for you but sometimes you have to take one step back to take one step forward.

On a side note your penis size is completely average (5.5/6"), there is nothing wrong with it at all.

This time last year I was trying to die, but I manned up and stopped being a pussy, started working on my body, started Penis Enlargement, stopped using and now I feel great.
My advice is the best I could give him.
It's harsh but true.
You can either lie down and waste away or grab your nut sack and fight each day. It's that simple.
Suicide is the ultimate sin!
hepcat;493525 said:
What if you have a failed attempt that wasn't a cry for help but the real deal?

If you fail you have not committed suicide. Most people that want to kill themselves never really ask for help, they simply do it.
I don't think that question's really relevant. In my view (not religious) suicide is a sin because it is the ultimate form of letting yourself down.
Fuck that shit. G up.Do everything you can, its a tough world, be tougher
MikeShlort;493509 said:
This time last year I was trying to die, but I manned up and stopped being a pussy, started working on my body, started Penis Enlargement, stopped using and now I feel great.
My advice is the best I could give him.
It's harsh but true.
You can either lie down and waste away or grab your nut sack and fight each day. It's that simple.

That's fine, that's how you dealt with it, that does not mean it will be the best way for everyone. I just feel that when someone comes here for help and he gets told to stop being a pussy its hardly very supportive.
pUNKY;493539 said:
That's fine, that's how you dealt with it, that does not mean it will be the best way for everyone. I just feel that when someone comes here for help and he gets told to stop being a pussy its hardly very supportive.

Absolutely agree with punky. I think people on here do need to be a bit more... understanding when emotions are involved in aspects other than P.E. I remember posting on here when I was cheated on and it just made me feel worse. It's very easy to say 'man up', but for the person who has the problem, it's a lot harder than that. I completely agree that The_Visitor has some issues that need to be addressed by a professional, but I don't really think it is a case of simply 'stop being a pussy'.

I think Dickleaker is one of the most understanding members on this forum. Often I have seen him deal with someones issues with empathy and understanding.

Just my 2 cents.
hepcat;493531 said:
So you don't think it's a sin if you survive?

Not at all, God will forgive you.
pUNKY;493539 said:
That's fine, that's how you dealt with it, that does not mean it will be the best way for everyone. I just feel that when someone comes here for help and he gets told to stop being a pussy its hardly very supportive.

It's the best advice I could possibly give to a man who feels sorry for himself.
I tell myself the same thing every day and it is producing results.
The_Visitor, how are you? Is any of this helping you?
Here is a good quote from Kabbalah:

Life is considered to be a state in which we perceive desires for attaining pleasure, either from receiving or from giving. If the desire to attain pleasure disappears, then the new state is that of unconsciousness, fainting, or death. If we are in such a state that we clearly see and feel that we cannot receive any more pleasure, for example because of the shame that we feel for past actions.
If we suffer so much that even the smallest pleasure we get out of life is neutralized, then we will no longer feel like living. Thus, by means of the surrounding environment, enemies, bankruptcy, or failure in one’s work, those who are ascending spiritually may experience sensations of hopelessness, despair, and a complete lack of meaning of existence.

Therefore, we must put all our efforts into receiving pleasure from performing deeds that are considered good in the eyes of the Creator, and in this manner bring happiness to Him. Such thoughts and actions contain such tremendous pleasure, they can neutralize the greatest suffering in this world.

We may already be at the stage of being able to perform altruistic acts. Whatever action we may be engaged in, we will not be calculating personal gain, and will think only of the well-being of the One for whom the act is done (i.e., for the Creator).
However, if at the same time we do not receive pleasure from our altruistic actions, then such actions will be considered as pure giving. For instance, observing the commandments only for the sake of the Creator will not accord us the Light of the Creator (the pleasure) that corresponds to each commandment. This is because the process of self-improvement is not yet complete.
In may 2012 I did not achieve the results which I expeceted and I got extremely depressed. I told my parents about Penis Enlargement (for the first time since I started 4 years ago) and went for the 3 psychoteraphy sessions.

Nothing helped so I went back to Penis Enlargement in july 2012 - the difference this time is that my parents know about it and might suspect me doing it.

Now, each night for the next 7-8 months I have to do Penis Enlargement at night and hope that my mother will not notice my shireking bed and will not start moaning like: you should think about your future life not this !! etc. I'm going to piuck :(

NEVER, NEVER NEVER !!!! tell your parents about Penis Enlargement
I tought that telling my parents might overcome my burning desire to reach my 6 inches (15,24 cm) - now my penis is 14 cm but I fear suicide.
I have 3 options:

a) 1 year psychoteraphy
b) do Penis Enlargement and reach my goal
c) suicide

Penis Enlargement works for everyone brother. If you can see this message, log back into the forum and use my coaching service. I assure you of the needed gains you seek

Don't let anything come in between you and your PE goals. PE is life.
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